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I need twenty movies the WHOLE family can watch together...


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If indeed that is still possible. Years ago, we used to have Family Movie Night on Fridays. But as the big kids got older, we have splintered off, because so many movies that are acceptable/interesting to the teens are not for my 10 yo. We're not super conservative, but ideally, I'm thinking not too much foul language, nothing gruesome, no sex scenes. I want to fill our Netflix queue. (We still get physical DVDs; we cannot stream movies here.) What movies or series would you include for 18yo DD, 15yo DS, 10 yo DS?


P.S. I am considering Forest Gump, though I remember there are a couple of mild sexual scenes and some of the war sections might be a bit gorey, but I don't really remember. So, feel free to add tour opinion of FG.

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I don't think I'd do FG with a 10yo. There's just kind of a lot in it, and it may or may not go over a 10yo's head.


Have you seen Mr. Peabody and Sherman? It's animated, but we all really liked it. Like The LEGO Movie, it had enough in it to interest the teens and adults.


All The Hobbit and LOTR movies if you haven't seen them. Gory, yes, but at least not too gratuitous (at least not in the LOTR movies).


I though Saving Mr. Banks was great! Not inappropriate, but maybe not interesting to your 10yo. My 13yo might enjoy it, but I don't know that her 10yo brother would. (But Tom Hanks is always a treat to watch.)


I really liked The Monuments Men a lot. There were maybe one or two things that I thought weren't appropriate for my older two, but off the top of my head, I can't recall what they were. Good story, though.


Did you see Hugo? So good!


And TinTin? Another huge favorite of my kids, and DH too.

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National Treasure 1 & 2

Night at the Museum 1, 2, & 3

Back to the Future 1, 2, & 3 (it's been awhile so I can't remember if these have any "iffy" content)

Rear Window or other classic Hitchcock movies (ETA: Maybe not for your 10yo)

The Princess Bride

The Karate Kid (I think there's mild cursing in this one if I recall correctly)

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Fly Away Home, if for no other reason than to hear Karen Carpenter sing 10,000 Miles. :)


I understand about the whole family movie issue. What we tend to do now is to watch a film with everyone / the youngers early (lately it has been the old TV series Little House on the Prairie) then after they go to bed we watch something with just our two oldest.


(Back to the Future is good, though after watching, one of my kids commented on how much they really liked the phrase "holy sh--") :D

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20 is a lot...I hope you can find stuff.



The Last Mimzy

Mystery Men (there is some potty-body function humor - ie very juvenile)

Tower Heist (can't remember anything objectionable, but you may want to ask around)

Batman Begins

Get Low - may be a little boring for a 10yr old

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?


Secondhand Lions

Forbidden Kingdom

Babe: Pig in the City

Muppet Treasure Island

Some of the Star Trek movies - they older ones esp.

Adventure of Baron Munchausen

Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away (they go together)





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What foreign children's movies?  They tend to be less "childish" than american ones but still mostly appropriate for a ten year old..

Children of Heaven

The City of Lost Children

The Red Balloon

The Triplets of Belleville


And I think Stardust would be fun...


ETA: DragonHunters :)

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We like Apollo 13 a lot. It does have a couple of minor curse words (a couple of "damns" and I think one "sh_t") but considering they're trapped in outer space, I'm surprised there's not more cursing. It's directed by Ron Howard, who used the mission transcript for the script. There's a scene in which on astronaut is told he's on the mission and when he gets the call he's in the shower with a woman but it's very brief and doesn't show much. We skip that scene. The rest of the movie is very exciting and a good history lesson. It's also patriotic and shows how people worked and persevered to bring these astronauts home.


Ocean's 11 is quite good and not violent. Nobody seems to have time for sex because they're too busy planning a clever heist.


The Great Escape and Escape from Alcatraz are two good movies from the past.


All of the Miyazaki movies, like Spirited Away, are amazing.


We use commonsensemedia.org a lot. Here are their lists of best movies; you can sort by age near the top of the list, or by category as well. Movies are rated by kids and parents as to appropriate age. Usually the kids state a lower age than the parents but sometimes, amusingly, the kids assign an older age than the parents. The also rate movies based on consumerism, violence, sex, etc.

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I have to admit that my parents were pretty relaxed about what I was allowed to watch and, according to an acquaintance, I am too.   Mainly because my 6 year old has seen The Avengers and Jurassic Park.  So, hopefully someone will correct me if a suggestion I make is inappropriate.  And I'm kind of guessing on the teens, as I don't have any.  All the ones I listed are things I would have watched as a teen.


Secondhand Lions

Star Wars (I've only seen the first one, but my husband claims the original 3 are fine for all ages)

The Goonies?  (I think this one has some cussing, but everyone my age (33) remembers watching it as a kid.  I have never seen it)


Jurassic Park

The Princess Bride


Big Hero 6

The Lego Movie

The Disney Nature documentaries

Emperor's New Groove

Home Alone




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We're spanning ages 10-17 here and it's difficult to find something we all like, especially because one of my youngers is super-sensitive.  We do have  ClearPlay which helps a lot since we can set it to filter out things we find inappropriate, usually foul language and sexual content and some violence.  Here are some we've liked:


Johnny English and Johnny English Reborn


Captain America

The Blind Side

Anna and the King


Facing the Giants


We Are Marshall (football movie)

Remember the Titans

Night at the Museum (s)

Percy Jackson

Soul Surfer

We Bought a Zoo


First Knight


Iron Will


Field of Dreams


Driving Miss Daisy

China Cry

Chariots of Fire

Man from Snowy River

Black Stallion

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Are you a football family? If so, consider:



We Are Marshall

Remember the Titans (I've heard good things about this one but can't comment personally)

ETA: Seconding the opinion to hold off on FG. There's a lot of content that a 10-yo wouldn't likely have context for (drugs, sex, war, AIDS). 

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LOTR movies (3)

Hobbit movies (3)

The Avengers

Thor movies (2)

Captain America movies (2)

Night at the Museum movies? (3)

Big Hero 6

Star Wars movies? (6)

Spirited Away

Howl's Moving Castle

anything else Miyazaki lol


Right now we're watching a bunch of nature documentaries streaming on Netflix lol... Wildest Islands, atm.  

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I had a post and lost it. 


Back to the Future has lots of language. Lots.


I wouldn't do Forrest Gump with a 10 year old.  There is implied sex, nudity and innuendo.




A Christmas Story

Princess Bride

Secondhand Lions

National Treasure

Classic Disney: Mary Poppins, Big Hero 6, Parent Trap (1961), Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Despicable Me, Monsters Inc.

Night at the Museum

The Sound of Music



Pirates of the Caribbean

Napoleon Dynamite

Nacho Libre

Peter Pan (non-animated version)


One Night with the King

Jurassic Park


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Thanks, everyone. Keep em coming.


Some of my favorites are on these lists, though many are due for a re1watching; DS 10 would not have remembered or understood them when we watched them before.

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some of these will also vary according to gender of children.


second hand lions

the great race (very long - still holds the Guinness book of records for biggest pie fight)

free willy

the princess bride

1776 (my boys liked this even as 13yos. they still quote it.)

 the incredibles

Apollo 13

the original star wars trilogy (I can't stand the 'pre-quels'.)

star trek IV




the sword in the stone

muppet Christmas carol




miracle (might bore 10yo, unless a boy. true story)

fly away home


if the 18yo is a girl

anne of green gables

a little princess (wonderworks version. most true to the book.)







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If indeed that is still possible. Years ago, we used to have Family Movie Night on Fridays. But as the big kids got older, we have splintered off, because so many movies that are acceptable/interesting to the teens are not for my 10 yo. We're not super conservative, but ideally, I'm thinking not too much foul language, nothing gruesome, no sex scenes. I want to fill our Netflix queue. (We still get physical DVDs; we cannot stream movies here.) What movies or series would you include for 18yo DD, 15yo DS, 10 yo DS?


P.S. I am considering Forest Gump, though I remember there are a couple of mild sexual scenes and some of the war sections might be a bit gorey, but I don't really remember. So, feel free to add tour opinion of FG.


I wouldn't do FG with a 10yo. Maybe 15.


Here's a list (and there may be repeats, because I haven't read the other comments):


We Bought a Zoo

Back to the Future (yes, there's some language, but not The Big One, and in only a couple of scenes) (the second one is just a vehicle to get to the third one, BTW)

Temple Grandin (there's a scene involving bull t*sticles, and it's kind of gross, but it's still part of the true story)

The Miracle Worker--first the 1962 one with Patty Duke as Helen, then the 1979 one with Patty Duke as Annie and Melissa Gilbert as Helen

All of the Broadway musicals, of course: Brigadoon, Music Man, Oklahoma!, The King and I, South Pacific, Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Oliver! (unless y'all don't like musicals, then...never mind :D  )

The Bletchley Circle (British series, only 2 seasons, 3 episodes per season)

My Three Sons--yes, the 60s series. It is surprisingly good--humorous without being racy or sarcastic, clean, an honorable man trying to bring up his sons to be honorable men, but it isn't preachy. :-)

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My phone ate my long list!


Mrs. Doubtfire


Night at the Museum movies


Flight of the Navigator

The Last Starfighter

Men in Black




The Blindside

Rookie of the Year

Field of Dreams (I can't remember anything sexy in it but maybe language?)

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Bringing Up Baby


Old movie with Katherine Hepburn - it's hilarious.  Do not miss it.  We watched it recently and I could not stop laughing.



Anchors Aweigh

The Wizard of Oz

An American in Paris

Happy Feet 

Curious George

Wallace and Gromit

Mr. Bean

Dolphin Tale

Meet Me in St. Louis

Captain January

Swiss Family Robinson

The Neverending Story


Wall E


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Adding some not noticed above:  The Iron Giant and other animated movies like Shrek and Ratatouille (though maybe you've seen all those), new Homeward Bound series, my ds saw and loved Gandhi and The God's Must Be Crazy at 10, but maybe your ds is not ready.


Once we have some Netflix that are good choices for us, I find that marking them with stars (or just looking at the choices of similar movies that come up for a particular one chosen, does help more choices to be pulled up by Netflix own suggestions. 

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Agreeing with Muppet Treasure Island and TinTin. Others we all liked:


It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Galaxy Quest

The Lady Killers

Princess Bride

the original lady kills - with alec guiness.  it's fabulous.

I second galaxy quest - especially if they like star trek.  (it's a homage.)

   gwen yelling : whoever wrote that episode should die!


operation petticoat

and down periscope (most of the questionable/suggestive lines went over younger ones heads.)

2nd bringing up baby.  (baby is a jaguar.)

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I suggest buying a Clear Play DVD player if you do a lot of discs anyway. It has filters with different levels for language etc. I love ours. I only wish I had the one with the updated filter stick. :)


We love most movies mentioned.

Back To The Future



Alfred Hitchcock

Almost any movie made from a book. We do a lot of audiobooks followed by the movie.

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Alfred Hitchcock movies

The Maltese Falcon

The Big Sleep

Arsenic and Old Lace



It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (an all time favorite)

Not dad's favorite but musicals like Meet Me In St. Louis, The Harvey Girls, In the Good Old Summertime, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - that sort of thing

The Straight Story

Funny Farm

Signs (scary???)

The Sixth Sense (gory???)


Never Cry Wolf

The Grapes of Wrath

African Queen



Those are just a few off the top of my head that we've watched this year.

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Lots of great suggestions here! Even 1776, lol. I feel like I am the only person who knows this play, sometimes. But we love it.


Secret of Roan Inish

Secret of Kells

(the people who made Secret of Kells just made a new movie, I don't know it but it should be great and find for everyone)

The Avatar: last airbender animated series. I know it's a series and not a movie, but my kids and dh could watch it again and again. Even I get sucked in when they have it on. It has something for everyone and we all feel good after watching it. The Secret of Kora is the sequal and is also wonderful

Jason and the Argonauts

Clash of the Titans

ok, a little stretch here.... Doctor Horrible's Singalong Blog.  It's a cult classic and it is just, just above the 10 year old. There is ONE line in the whole thing that is out of bounds. I held off on it as long as I could and my youngest was 9. It was literally the most grownup thing he had ever seen and it ended up not being a big deal at all. But now it is a family favorite and we sing along to the soundtrack whenever we leave town on a road trip.  "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do......" But I know the older kids would like it. PM me and I can tell you what the line is, it has the actual name of a male body part, not slang, and not a curse word. My son's reaction was to say "Why is that funny?" It's a word he knows and he didn't see how it was a funny line. :lol:



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P.S. I am considering Forest Gump, though I remember there are a couple of mild sexual scenes and some of the war sections might be a bit gorey, but I don't really remember. So, feel free to add tour opinion of FG.


Forest Gump is not a kids' movie. 10 would be very young.  She dies of AIDS. There is a lot of swearing. It's not something I think a child would enjoy like an adult would.


On the other hand, I really enjoyed The Three Amigos. I think it's hilarious. I don't remember a lot of death or sex in it.

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My kids adored The Court Jester - Danny Kaye is hilarious.

This was my little sister's favorite movie for a while. . .!!


I don't think anyone's suggested October Sky- we loved this! It has some swearing, but the setting is a rough mining town in West Virginia in the 50's, so it's pretty setting-appropriate, just FYI. 

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