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ARe you are Spring/Summer person or fall/winter?


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I am fall/winter. Love the smells, the chill in the air, pumpkins, apples, sweaters, coco, curling up inside while it's to chili outside, all the holidays within this time. Love everything about it. Oh and no humidity. It's Sept finally.... Living in the south I do so enjoy Spring and all everything blooming. Summer well I muddle through but I do love bbq's and we have one just about every weekend. But all that said give this New England Yankee Fall and Winter.

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I tend to be a "whatever the next season is" person.


I'm working hard on being a "whatever the season is now" person.


I love Spring, until I want it warm consistently. I love Summer, until it gets too hot. I love Fall until I'm ready for snow. I love Winter until I'm ready for blooms on the trees and going outside.

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I am fall/winter. Love the smells, the chill in the air, pumpkins, apples, sweaters, coco, curling up inside while it's to chili outside, all the holidays within this time. Love everything about it. .


:iagree: Fall and Winter. For the same reasons. I Love cold fronts, and I love the "quiet" of winter, when everything is sleeping. I just wish we had more of it.

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In NC I love the weather during these times. Beautiful Spring Flowers, Leaves turning all shades of colors, nice cool weather without being cold. Unfortunately my Bipolar Disorder likes those time of the years too so I usually struggle through them but even during all that I can take the time to enjoy.

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I'm one great big odd ball here! I love summer. I love the heat. I want bare feet. I don't like wearing pants, don't like winter fashion, don't like boots and jackets and hate getting cold... yuck!


I don't mind spring and summer - they are lovely and I do enjoy the crisp air... just a little.


But, I love the smell of watering the hot earth - the evening cool that is not cold, watching the great white owl take flight at sunset (okay, he does this other times of the year, too!), love the sundresses.


That said, I live in dry heat. I might change my mind if there were humidity!



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Fall / Winter all the way. I am so much happier then. No heat, no mosquitoes, no sweaty armpits! I love the holidays. I love that no one is inviting me to a picnic in 90 degree weather then. No humidity.


I feel like I breathe better in the fall and winter too.


Hurry up autumn!

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I'm a spring & fall person too! I adore spring, that my fave--saying good-bye to winter, seeing new flowers blooming, I adore flowers! And fall is my next fave, seeing leaves change color, the trees... Don't like the extremes of summer and winter--and we are planning to move to FL--lol! Mostly because I truly hate the cold!

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I tend to be a "whatever the next season is" person.


I'm working hard on being a "whatever the season is now" person.


I love Spring, until I want it warm consistently. I love Summer, until it gets too hot. I love Fall until I'm ready for snow. I love Winter until I'm ready for blooms on the trees and going outside.

:iagree: One of my favorite quotes is by Jim Elliot: "Wherever you are, be all there." I'm working on it. Summers in Mississippi are hard, though. I'm ready for the cooler fall weather. I do appreciate something in all the seasons though. I think Spring is my favorite, but I do love the fall. Can I be a Fall/Spring person and just skip Winter and Summer?:001_smile:

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I'm spring/fall. I love the changes during these two seasons. Summer is too hot and winter is too cold. I'm a fair weather gal. Fall is my favorite though. Each year as the leaves begin to change color and the air gets crisp, I find I can't stay inside. I want to jump in a pile of leaves and pick apples and visit the pumpkin patch. I even convinced my big kids to go to the pumpkin patch with me last year and they laughed to see me behave like such a little kid.


Since krazzymommy mentioned fashion, these are also the colors that look best on me. I'm officially a spring, but I love fall colors for my wardrobe and for my house.

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I absolutely cannot stand fall and winter! I love spring and summer and the long, hot days. I really think I have a (mild) case of SAD. I find fall and winter to be very depressing times of year. It's so cold and so dark and so dreary -- I think the only value in them at all is the holidays.


There's nothing sadder to me than the sight of a tree without any leaves on it.


So -- I think I'm the lone ranger here -- I'm definitely a spring and summer person!:001_smile:

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I absolutely cannot stand fall and winter! I love spring and summer and the long, hot days. I really think I have a (mild) case of SAD. I find fall and winter to be very depressing times of year. It's so cold and so dark and so dreary -- I think the only value in them at all is the holidays.


There's nothing sadder to me than the sight of a tree without any leaves on it.


So -- I think I'm the lone ranger here -- I'm definitely a spring and summer person!:001_smile:


Nope! Not the only one - I agree with you. I hate when the hours of sunlight start getting shorter and I don't like the bitter cold of winter. I do enjoy an occassional snowstorm and the fall leaves are pretty when they are changing but I love spring and summer the best!

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I tend to be a "whatever the next season is" person.


I'm working hard on being a "whatever the season is now" person.


I love Spring, until I want it warm consistently. I love Summer, until it gets too hot. I love Fall until I'm ready for snow. I love Winter until I'm ready for blooms on the trees and going outside.


That totally describes me!! I always feel like the season that is just coming up is my favorite!! I like them all though for their own reasons.

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Fall/Winter, and it's a good thing too, since there's not much spring or summer in our area. I love to curl up with a good book in front of the fire. The chill is already in the air and I love it! In the low 40s each morning. So fall is here already and considering our last snow was June 12, I'd say we skipped spring altogether and had a very short summer.

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I tend to be a "whatever the next season is" person.


I'm working hard on being a "whatever the season is now" person.


I love Spring, until I want it warm consistently. I love Summer, until it gets too hot. I love Fall until I'm ready for snow. I love Winter until I'm ready for blooms on the trees and going outside.


This describes me perfectly!

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