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Anyone care to share what they will be getting their kids for Christmas this year-- I need some inspiration??


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I was all ready to get mine Xbox as their one big present and few other little things and now I decided that would not be the best option to get that Xbox as they tend to get slightly obsessive if they like the game a bit too much.  So now I am back to square one what to get. And Christmas is coming up very fast.


Would love to hear what other parents putting on their lists, especially if your kids are between 7 and 12yo.


Thanks so much.



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Lego, Lego, Lego, and some Lego.


Well, pretty much anyway. There will be another swoop bag for it all. All three of my kids had some very specific lego kits they have been wanting for awhile including the Mindstorms kit, and that one alone took up a pretty big chunk of the budget. Each kid will get a t-shirt themed according to what they are into, pajamas the evening before hand, and a couple of books. My youngest has been drooling over a Leonardo da Vinci set of books for awhile so they have been bought and are sitting in my closet. I also get a couple new games for us to play as a family for the holidays and a couple new movies to watch as a family. Those are all tucked into my closet too.


The t-shirt usually goes in the stocking with candy and sometimes new earphones (they goes through those quick around here it would seem).


The lego sets, swoop bag, books, and pajamas will be wrapped. Only the p.j's and books will have names on them though because we are doing mostly joint gifts this year.

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Oooh, can I ask which ones? 


They are a two book boxed set by Frank Zollner. Leonardo da Vinci the Complete Paintings and Drawings.


I'm not sure why those particular ones, but he found them once when we were at a Chapters store and he has been asking for them since.

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DH really wants to get the big girls (will be almost 7 and 10) a dirt bike. He is buying used and redoing the paint/decals. Grandparents have agreed to buy the full helmets and boots. A friend is gifting us his set of 'training wheels' for them to get started. There is a track around here they can ride on. They aren't much into playing with 'toys' so we've stopped getting them for the most part. And while they would love electronics, we don't feel they need their 'own' at this point. If we weren't renting our house right now, we'd get them an in ground trampoline. I'm thinking that if we have purchased our home by their birthdays (birthdays are six weeks apart) we will do that then. Little dd is getting some sort of building toy, Magformers or Magna Tiles, still undecided. They will all get pajamas with matching doll pajamas, and a book or book set.

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I read about the Victorian Christmas on mothering.com years back and have never looked back:


Something you want, something you need, something to wear and something to read.


Because my kids just have so much freaking stuff! I can't believe it. Between birthdays and living grandparents who are working and have income and buy real presents not just trinkets, getting my kids a bunch of presents is just nuts. We did adjust the saying because the kids rarely need anything other than clothes:


Something to read, something to wear, something you want and something to share.


The "share" is our family gift. Then they get one request, one thing from Santa, a winter coat or boots, a book, and a family game. We don't have video games in our family.

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3 year old is getting a Frozen bike. I guess she will get all Frozen stuff this year because she wants nothing else...and more underwear. I am at a loss on the rest of the kids. 5 year old is asking for the same exact thing he has asked for the last few years and has already gotten. I am at a total loss for him too. He refuses to ask for anything else. He did mention an interest in a tool set today, but, not sure if he was serious. He saw one and pointed it out. That is it.

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We are making our boys billy carts: http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-a-Billy-Cart/

Toooooo awesome. I'm going to get my DS11 the stuff to make this for himself. :D


DS11's prospects...new bike/helmet, Pokemon, LEGO Architecture set, balsa books/wood, "Maker" supplies, woodworking supplies, science kits, Velleman soldering kits, Raspberry Pi set/books, new Camelbak


DD10's prospects...new bike/helmet, Pokemon, sewing machine, sewing/quilting fabric and notions, scrapbook/Project Life supplies, Kindle Paperwhite, felting set/books


DS8's prospects...new helmet, LEGO Star Wars and City sets, Pokemon, iPod Nano, Little Bits set and LEGO brick adapter, Stop Motion camera set/books, Claytoon Project Studio, Estes rocket set/books, Howtoons


I bought the DIY.org patch poster and three honeycomb patch holders and will add to their supply of "Maker" books and supplies.


Kindle and iTunes gift cards for each.

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absolutely nothing. We are going to take our first family vacation of sorts in april instead.  I say of sorts because if things line up right the teens won't be really with us, they will be on a sailboat for 5 days while me and the littles will be doing the tourist thing.  In order for that to happen I have to save every penny between now and then and call that trip their xmas presents.  SInce they already have more than enough stuff it works out much better in the long run.

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I'm wavering a bit but DS is getting a quadcopter 



and maybe a set of whittling tools and a whittling book and this Horrible Histories Compilation (used)



DD will probably get her first American Girl (sigh) - and a cheap RC car like this



Baby is getting this



I think I *might* get a big group present of a Jumpsport indoor Trampoline (which I saw on one of the threads here) but then we will have to pare down the other stuff a bit ;).... I mean a lot.

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So.. Have you priced out materials for these? I'm thinking you could give this, then paint and brushes and letters them decorate...

I bought the wheels from harbor freight for $4 each. So, $16 per cart. The wood was around $9 per cart. I haven't priced out the bolts and rope yet. I think we are going to use a threaded rod for the axle, which will be cheaper than the mount in the instructions. So, maybe around $35 each?


Great idea about giving them a decorating kit!

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This has been an extremely bad year for us and money is so tight, so very tight.

I know my parents will send my husband and I a check for one hundred.

We will be using that to purchase our daughter some presents. It will be plenty

and I am thankful they send it. She is my youngest though and I do like to splurge on

her when I can. Hubby and I will pick and choose from this list


She wants a Barbie and some outfits.

She wants an Ever After High Legacy doll

She wants a couple of board/card games

She would like some new arts and crafts.

She has a few books she would like such as Land of Stories 3 and one for Christian preteen girls.

play make up, bath stuff

Breyer horse


I can't think of anything else. Other than the Bryer horses her list is inexpensive. whew!


My parents will get something for her too. :)


So still a good Christmas even if I don't get to splurge on her a little bit.

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Well, for Chanukah this year, my kids are getting "experience gifts," that is, tickets to local plays, or ballets/operas in the city. Each child will get one set for the whole family, so we will go to four shows. 


Beyond that, each child will receive between $100-$200 to buy winter clothes to donate to the homeless shelter sponsored by our synagogue.


I refuse to buy or bring more "stuff" into our house!  :)

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It isn't all decided yet.  But Miss E (almost 8) always enjoys books and small doll / lego type toys for pretend play.  This year she is into Chima so I got her a couple of those.  She will ask for some expensive stuff too, because she is greedy.  ;)  But she really uses the simple things.  She also likes crafts, so I should look into some good crafty options too.


Miss A (8) hasn't asked for anything really.  She would like some make-up, but I'm not keen on that idea.  I think I will buy a full-length mirror since she is so into fashion, and an electronic drum set.  These will be for sharing, but Miss A is the one who will probably use them well.

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Oldest is getting a smartphone along with a few months of service. He knows it as he had to agree to the ability to pay for service after the gift period is over. He will also get some good quality kitchen supplies for when he moves out. I remember how much cheap stuff we had that didn't last so I'm trying to stock him up. Not sure what he's going to get in the more "fun" department. Probably books and movies on his list of suggested items.


Youngest is getting an electric razor. He needs a better quality one than he has now. Not a clue what else to get him but I'm sure movies, books and video games will be purchased.

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DD has birthday and Christmas coming up. Sigh...


Here's what we have so far between the two:


Sponsoring animals that she likes (with photos, stuffed animals, letters etc) and memberships to conservation organizations

Clothes (Alligator shaped slippers, new pajamas, several t-shirts/sweatshirts, mostly with reptiles on them)

Schooly stuff-more slides for her microscope, more chem lab materials, etc

More stuff for field work-new gloves, new boots (which may end up being a gift certificate-good field boots are expensive, so I want to make sure they fit), a headlamp, waterproof journal, etc.


Some Playmobil and Lego. (I'm still hoping to be able to get the research institute for her, but that looks like it may be a pipe dream at this point)

Craft supplies, especially glass beads (she likes making bracelets/necklaces, and has donated several to charity auctions that have actually sold pretty well-something I approve of because she can't wear all her creations anyway, so donating gets them out of the house, and if they actually sell for a few dollars for the organization, great!).


Possibly a new computer, maybe even a laptop so school can be more portable (her computer is older than she is, quite literally, which is starting to cause problems for her online classes). I'm torn on the desktop/laptop thing. It would make it much easier to school away from home if her primary computer was portable, and we're away from home quite a bit because of her lab/field work-but it also makes it easier for her to do online stuff outside of our direct supervision, which is something I want to avoid.







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It isn't all decided yet.  But Miss E (almost 8) always enjoys books and small doll / lego type toys for pretend play.  This year she is into Chima so I got her a couple of those.  She will ask for some expensive stuff too, because she is greedy.  ;)  But she really uses the simple things.  She also likes crafts, so I should look into some good crafty options too.


Miss A (8) hasn't asked for anything really.  She would like some make-up, but I'm not keen on that idea.  I think I will buy a full-length mirror since she is so into fashion, and an electronic drum set.  These will be for sharing, but Miss A is the one who will probably use them well.



For Miss E, playmobil usually has some nice discounts on their online store. My DD uses the Playmobil pieces with her legos quite a bit. Tuesday morning often also has playmobil reasonably priced.


For Miss A.

Has she started sewing yet? I know a couple of fashion/makeup crazy girls who got basic sewing machines and sewing lessons about age 8-9. Loom knitting might be another option-it's fairly easy to make dresses and sweaters for dolls/stuffed toys, scarves, purses, belts, etc.



Duct tape crafts might appeal to both girls, and are a fairly inexpensive, portable, quiet craft item.

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Everyone will get a calendar, themed t-shirt, and slippers.

Oldest wants sims 4 and a new ballet bag and a wallet.

Middle wants tennis stuff and ??

Youngest wants all sorts of things, but will probably get Legos, a tool belt with small, real tools, and a suction cup bow and arrow set.

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Well, my kids are adults, and they are getting:


Oldest dd and her dh - framed prints of their professional wedding photos from 2 years ago, and framed prints of their professional family photos they had done with dgd a couple months ago. We had digital prints so I had enlargements done and bought some nice frames. I'm doing a special collage frame (really cool where it just looks like multiple frames versus one frame with openings) for dsil with pics of him and dgd with his antique car, and then several others.


I also do a family basket versus stockings for the married ones, and their family basket will have a Sleeping Beauty dgd/blue-Ray, some nice books for dgd, a couple of small items for dsil, socks, perfume and a Starbucks card for dd, and a couple of small toys for dgd.



Next dd and her dh - I gave them money to help them purchase a boxer puppy, and am also giving them a couple of framed professional pics of dgd and dgs.


Their family basket will have a Sleeping Beauty dvd/blue-Ray, some nice books for the kids, a couple of small items for dsil, socks and small goodies for dd, and small toys for dgs and dgd.



Next dd is getting some clothes, a trio of framed photos of her and each of the nieces/nephews from our family beach trip, and a gift card to the mall for after-Christmas sales. Her stocking will be socks, undies, perfume, toiletries she likes but doesn't have extra money for, and a Starbucks or iTunes gift card.


Ds wants an original Wii and some old GameCube games. He will also get a couple pieces of clothes, and probably a cologne. His stocking will have a gift card of some sort, socks, boxers, a multi-purpose tool that fits in your wallet, and maybe some golf balls or something.


For dgs (3), I got all of the Paw Patrol vehicles with the removable pups, a Thomas Take & Play train set that's a pirate ship, a few trains to go with that plus a train for his big wooden set, and some color books, puzzles, etc.


Dgd (2) is getting a Minnie Mouse "dollhouse," a WOW horse-drawn carriage, a larger, poseable Minnie with her horse, and a Daisy with her horse (this kid is Minnie OBSESSED). I'll also be getting her something from WDW.


Dgd (1) is getting the Fisher Price princess sounds castle, and several sets with the little chunky princesses and princes, as well as the Cinderella in horse-drawn carriage. She is also getting a couple of chunky puzzles and some more books.


Step-ds and his gf will get gift cards for various things. We don't see them often and don't really know what personal items to buy for them, but don't want to do cash.


Step-dgs (5) is getting a Skylander starter set, some TMNT figures, a couple of TMNT puzzles, color books, colors, etc.


My other 3 step-grandchildren that we don't really know well are getting outfits, pair of pjs, and each a nice toy (just haven't gotten feedback on sizes or toy ideas yet).

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They got air hockey from grandparents two years ago. Can I just say it wastes valuable space in my house as kids don't care for it and don't play with it. I wish they let me know what they were thinking before buying that huge thing.

Hey now! Those things make great laundry tables!!!

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All my kids are getting Tervis Tumblers with lids. That will hopefully cut down on the number of dirty cups each day.


We love tervis here.  Everyone has one, well actually 2 small ones and 1 big one each.  They were Christmas or special occasion gifts and yes they have helped cut down on dirty cups.  And very easy to say "grab your cup and lets go" as we head out the door.  I don't buy drinks when we are running errands.  They like taking them to extended family dinners too.  They don't have to worry about "is this my glass/". They know.  Very good investment.

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DS (21) gift cards to a few favorite places, DS (19) Auburn pajama  bottoms, long sleeve tech shirt for working out, gillete gift set $25 Sports Authority gift card $25 starbucks,  DS (14) led lighted key board, mouse, head phones, godzilla movie, pistachios, cologne, DS game he asked for.  DD (9) zoomer zuppie, crayola paint maker, scooter, lego friends set, My little pony pops, rebel nerf something, justice stuff, pajamas for build a bears, watch


  GF -  Kohls has some nice simple bracalets for young adults so I was thinking one of those and a starbucks gift card.


great Niece(7) - Frozen t-shirt and vest that was in Target's ad this morning.  She'll is Frozen crazy and I know she will love it.


great niece(3) Target gift card ( I don't see her but I know she has a huge extended family so it's really hard to shop)

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Well, this won't help.  I'm getting mine a Playstation 4..:)



But my youngest son is also getting a skateboard, middle son is getting a new football, 2 boys are getting neck pillows for the van. I will also get them Doctor Who stuff, most likely shirts, but I'm unsure.  Plus some iTunes gift cards.  My dd16 is getting luggage, a lined flannel shirt, makeup, my oldest dd is getting her contacts, a clarisonic mia 2, and makeup.

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I'm still toying with the idea of Pottery Barn bean bag chairs, but don't know if we really have the room or if they would get used or if I would have to get the large ones. I've been working on stocking stuffers but nothing else yet. If I don't get the bean bag chairs, I have no other ideas for a big gift.


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14yo daughter:


We do presents within our immediate family on Winter Solstice. She'll be getting a Nikon D60 dslr camera and 18-55mm lens (which a friend handed down to us for free!), a 500 GB external hard-drive for storing photos (we already had), at least one HCSD card (we already had), a couple of UV filters for the lenses, a camera bag, and 3 t-shirts (found a Deadpool and 2 Marvel Avengers ones at Walmart).


We also do a Santa stocking at Christmas. For that, she'll get a set of Supernatural socks (5 pair) and a set of Marvel socks (5 pair) from Hot Topic (she loves to mix up various fandom socks), a small itunes gift card ($10), and some candy.


The only things I still need to get are the filters (should pick those up this week), the itunes card, candy, and the camera bag. Since she wants a steampunk bag to use with the camera she is currently borrowing from her dad (she's taking a photography class), I am keeping an eye out at thrift stores for either a regular bag to use as a place holder or a bag/purse to retrofit with a padded liner. If I don't find anything suitable in time, there are some reasonable options online that can be altered. 

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DD11 is likely to get Minecraft stuff (a book on mods recommended by the modding class she's taking, a plush or two, access to servers) and jeans.


Christmas presents at our house are only Santa gifts (nothing from parents), which seemed like a good idea for a preschooler, but is really a pain when you have a middle-schooler who still believes in Santa and needs things either before Christmas or that require her to pick them out. For instance, she needs sweatpants (now, because it's cold) and a full-size violin (at Christmas time, but it has to be picked by her). We also plan to send her to a specialty summer camp with registration due around Christmas, but again, not something that Santa can bring easily. I've stopped buying clothes (other than jeans, because for those I just duplicate the brand/style she already has) because things I pick never get worn. She's started getting into jewelry and makeup, but again, my taste is not the same as hers.

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DD11 is likely to get Minecraft stuff (a book on mods recommended by the modding class she's taking, a plush or two, access to servers) and jeans. Christmas presents at our house are only Santa gifts (nothing from parents), which seemed like a good idea for a preschooler, but is really a pain when you have a middle-schooler who still believes in Santa and needs things either before Christmas or that require her to pick them out. For instance, she needs sweatpants (now, because it's cold) and a full-size violin (at Christmas time, but it has to be picked by her). We also plan to send her to a specialty summer camp with registration due around Christmas, but again, not something that Santa can bring easily. I've stopped buying clothes (other than jeans, because for those I just duplicate the brand/style she already has) because things I pick never get worn. She's started getting into jewelry and makeup, but again, my taste is not the same as hers.


Can you share the mods book title?

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I have three soon to be 10yos that just made out their bday and Christmas lists for all the relatives. They tend to be pretty reasonable and only ask for what they really want or need, and are fairly price conscious. No electronics.


This is from all three lists below:


for bday: pogo sticks, jigsaw puzzles, snorkel and fin set, woodcarving tools, Ninjago Lego, Lloyd ZX, baseball card album, calico critters rabbit family


For Christmas we do


Something to wear: eeyore tshirt, sports glasses, and surprise

Something to share: perplexus, Dominion, Scotland Yard

Something you need: sports glasses, goggles, goggles

Something to read: Uglydoll Guidebook, Animal Ark Kitten book, Life of Fred Book

And something you want: all three picked Uglydolls

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DS 4 - He'll be getting a Green Bay Packers hat, a spirograph (which he asked for), kinetic sand, and probably a bigger gift if I can come up with something. He'd freak over a nerf gun, but I'm not sure I want to go there yet. My parents are getting him cowboy boots.


DS1 - I think we're splurging on a nice, Waldorf style wooden kitchen. He's been pretending to cook a lot lately, and it's adorable. I'm sure my four year old will play with it, too.

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Big Gift to Share: Playmobil from the camping theme


DD (8)




Equestria Girl Dolls

Lottie Dolls and accessories

Rapunzel barbie

Rapunzel Lego






Hotwheels Playset

Police Lego set

Pillow Pet

and something else to even up with DD - probably Skylander figures







Hotwheels Playset

Matchbox Firetruck

Angry Birds Game

Batman Junior Legos


probably also Skylander figures


He also desperately wants Grimlock from the Transformers movie but that is so not happening as it's $100 and I  don't see the play value in it...will probably get him some sort of Transformer figure to compensate



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Well, my kids are adults . . .



DS (21) gift cards to a few favorite places, DS (19)  . . .


I had been reading but not answering, thinking my kids are too old to be in scope for this question. But, hey, if others are chiming in about their big kids, why not me, too?


We need to watch our pennies carefully this holiday, since there's a probability my husband will be laid off as of sometime in February. So, I'm trying to think creatively about how to make the season merry without spending much. We haven't decided on "big" gifts for either of them, but I do have a few ideas about some things to put under the tree for each of them.


My 19-year-old daughter, who has been out on her own living in NYC since this past summer, is probably getting:

  • a silhouette of our dog, whom she adores and misses desperately now that she's living 1,100 miles from us. She already has a good photo, but we saw the silhouette artist at a craft fair last week and just thought our daughter would like one. I'm considering getting an unfinished frame and painting/embellishing it somehow.
  • her very own copy of my cookbook binder, with copies of all the recipes for things she likes to eat.
  • a crocheted throw inspired by one I found pinned on one of her Pinterest boards.
  • the traditional Christmas eve PJs, although I have not yet decided on a theme or idea for the customization.
  • the equally traditional clothespin angel ornament. (I think I've decided this will be the last one, which is causing me a fair amount of maudlin-ness. When I made the first one for her third Christmas, I did not foresee that I would eventually have to find a time to stop making them. I'd be willing to keep going, but I do realize that, as she begins her life as an independent adult, she may not want her Christmas tree entirely covered with clothespin angels. So, I guess the first year out on their own will be the official last Mommy ornament for each of my kids. And, hey, I managed to type that without crying. So, yay me.)
  • (possibly) a circle skirt made of some work- and winter-appropriate fabric. I made her a skirt for her Halloween costume that she loves and looks adorable in, and she needs warm stuff she can wear to work. So, this seems like a good idea, but I don't want to over-book myself, craft-wise.

My 16-year-old son, who is in his first year of full-time college and living on campus about 90 minutes away, may be getting:

  • paracord jewelry. He's always commenting on these items when he sees them, and I found instructions for making bracelets, key fobs and such.
  • steampunk-inspired cufflinks. My husband and I saw some at the craft fair and didn't love what was available at that particular booth, but we liked the idea. So, we're now on the hunt for something to buy or ideas/instructions for how to make something.
  • a nice double-breasted vest made of fabric a little less ornate than what we used for his Halloween costume. He was really happy with the way the costume vest turned out and commented that he hoped he could find other opportunities to wear it. 
  • his own traditional set of Christmas eve PJs.
  • his own traditional made-by-Mommy ornament.
  • a wallet ninja multi-tool, which may be incorporated into a tool set idea my husband is noodling around with. My son has been spending a lot of time in the theatre prop shop on campus, and my husband is thinking we might be able to play off of that for the "big gift."

I need to find a book or two for each of them, but I'm fresh out of ideas. I can't keep up with what my daughter has and hasn't read now that she's away from home and buying her own reading material. And, although I normally watch the various series and authors my son reads and note when a new one is coming out near the holidays, I am not aware of any good options so far this year.

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