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if you DON'T facebook....


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I don't want to be someone's product.


I'm not impressed with facebook's privacy.


I don't feel the need to reconnect with people from the past that I chose to disconnect from at some point.


I don't need to post my life online.


I prefer to keep in contact via one on one interactions.


I want to protect my children's privacy until they are old enough to make their own choices.


I have no problem with people who like Facebook, it's just not for me.

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I can see the appeal of facebook. I know myself and know it would be too tempting to spend too much time on it. I already spend too much time here. :) I guess it's sort of a variation of not enough time. I try to limit my time online and for now that means reading these boards and having a blog. I don't think Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc are any less worthy of my time than other online things but it's easier for me to just not open those doors. 

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the ONLY reason I am even considering this is because my 2 brothers and their children facebook and thus knowing what is going on in eachother's lives...and I am "out of the loop".   What I was wondering is can I see what they post without putting myself in "danger"? 


What are your concerns with the privacy settings??

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the ONLY reason I am even considering this is because my 2 brothers and their children facebook and thus knowing what is going on in eachother's lives...and I am "out of the loop".   What I was wondering is can I see what they post without putting myself in "danger"? 


What are your concerns with the privacy settings??


Sure, my husband has a Facebook account. He got it when his 25th high school reunion was coming up and everyone from his high school got on Facebook. He doesn't really use it much. He very rarely posts. 


You can join and just not post photos or information that you don't want on there. Make your settings private. You can still see what your family members post without posing anything yourself. 

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I'm generally a private person, and like to keep things to myself. 


I don't feel the need to keep in touch with dozens of people. I have my sister, and a homeschooling friend as my main social/support system. That's all I need. Why does the whole world have to know my business? (except for you ladies  :laugh: )

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I didn't do Facebook until about 3 weeks ago.  My main reason:  I thought that people would post all the fun, happy moments.  Times that they wanted to brag about themselves or their family.  I tend to struggle with contentment and "grass is greener" syndrome.  I didn't want to feed that attitude of mine.


I signed up for FB because I thought I was missing out on what everyone was up to.


I found out I am not missing a thing.  No one that I have friended posts anything but recipes and articles. 


I checked it yesterday for the first time in a week.  Besides all the recipes, articles, and quotes, I found out that someone spent the day knitting and someone else went to Branson. Nothing that I needed to know or has enriched my relationship with them.

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I am not on Facebook, and I miss out on things that are going on with family and friends. My cousin just had a baby, for example, and my sister had to tell me, because the announcement was just posted on Facebook. I'm getting fewer Christmas cards as well -- I think that many of my friends are just doing online greetings now. So I think I may join soon.


My reservations have been mainly about privacy. Anything I post about my family would include my children, and I do not wish to put information about them or their pictures online. I want them to make choices about their online identities themselves when they are old enough to do so and are mature enough to make wise decisions.


So if I join, I may not post any pictures of them.


I'm also not thrilled about the marketing component of it all.

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I use it professionally because I need to.


Personally?  I'm just not into it for so many reasons.  I don't trust Facebook, and I really don't have anything personal that I want to share there.  Having all of my personal details together in one place gives me the creeps.


Most of my church is on it, and it has caused some very real friction and drama.  I'd rather be blissfully ignorant!

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My reluctance to join isn't so much over concerns about Facebook's privacy policies, but about my own.


IRL I'm a very private person.  The idea of sharing the minutiae of my day-to-day life gives me the heebie jeebies.  Neither am I all that interested in learning about the minutiae of the lives of others.  Or their political or religious viewpoints.  I just don't feel the need to know.  I think most people get along better when they don't know every single thing about every person they know.


Absolutely the only thing that would tempt me to join would be to keep up with my kids or nieces and nephews.  But the young folks are leaving FB in droves, so it's not likely that I'll be joining for that reason.

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Okay, I don't do facebook because I don't feel the need to post about everything in my life into the cyber world. I have issues with the "privacy" setting of facebook. 


Pretty much my stance as well. Also, I am heading into a an area at work where less exposure online is safer.

I have to say though that dh has a FB account and we sort of see family pics together. He tells me when someone posted something worthy of reading or seeing. I have the password but I rarely post and if I do, it shows up as dh's name.

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My reluctance to join isn't so much over concerns about Facebook's privacy policies, but about my own.


IRL I'm a very private person.  The idea of sharing the minutiae of my day-to-day life gives me the heebie jeebies.  Neither am I all that interested in learning about the minutiae of the lives of others.  Or their political or religious viewpoints.  I just don't feel the need to know.  I think most people get along better when they don't know every single thing about every person they know.


Absolutely the only thing that would tempt me to join would be to keep up with my kids or nieces and nephews.  But the young folks are leaving FB in droves, so it's not likely that I'll be joining for that reason.


Really? I am evidently not in the loop. What do you think the reason is? Have the younger ones realized that it's not so cool to have every word and action show up online on someone's page as a pic or a comment? This is interesting. Can anyone ask their kids why they quit?

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Really? I am evidently not in the loop. What do you think the reason is? Have the younger ones realized that it's not so cool to have every word and action show up online on someone's page as a pic or a comment? This is interesting. Can anyone ask their kids why they quit?


I don't know much about what the FB layout looks like, so take this FWIW --  DS (18) says it's because of all the ads and other junk that show up in the feed.  But that's the most recent reason.  The original reason is that when so many older people (read:  over 30) started joining and actively using FB it became uncool (or whatever the current word is for uncool ;)).


The younger people use Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram.  And probably there's a new one or two I don't know about yet.


ETA:  Here's a Time article from January that addresses the issue.  According to what DS has been telling me, I suspect FB's loss of teen users has gotten worse since the article was written.

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I have facebook and use it often, my son does not. In fact, he's pretty anti-facebook, not sure entirely why. I don't think he cares about the details of others lives and he has privacy concerns - not individual, more in aggregate. He prefers online activities that allow him to use a pseudonym. I find it kind of ironic for a kid that wants to go into computer engineering and adores technology in general. 


I'm sure we have friends and family that believe I won't let him have an account, he just has no interest. 

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I am a relative extrovert, but just cannot be comfortable signing up for FB.


I hate treating each of my friends the same--to post a status update, I would over-think what each of my friends would think.


(This is mainly a reaction to an April Fool's Day FB post that our dd did--with my help, posting a photo-shopped ultrasound photo that she claimed was mine . . . as if I was expecting Baby #6 at age 45.  Two friends called in tears, and another one yanked my chain back HARD. :) )


I would have a hard time ignoring friend requests, or unfriending.  Blocking someone's feed is just not sufficient.

I know I'm over-thinking this, but I just don't have the spare emotional energy to deal with those decisions.

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My husband does cyber-security related work.  No one in this household has a Facebook account.


If you Google something like "illusion privacy Facebook", you'll find numerous articles like this one.


But I will admit that I have other issues with Facebook.  I find the format leads to trivialities-- things like the forward of the day although I should be grateful that some of the silly stuff that formerly came into my email box is now over on Facebook so I don't have to deal with it.


Some of the young people I know seem to use Facebook for communication but object to having parents or grandma follow their lives on Facebook.  This seemed to be a source of contention between some of my son's friends and their parents while at college. 

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I don't have one, and probably will never have one.  My oldest has one that started out as a "family" idea.  None of my other children have one and they can't give me a good reason to have one in the first place.  My oldest started out via reconnecting with my BIL and SIL who live in another state and we only see once every 5-6 years.  I will log on and skim especially if I know a friend is having a baby, etc.  I see absolutely no point in sharing anything about my daily living.  My daughter will post about special things, but that is usually about it.  


I personally don't like the Facebook security/privacy issues, etc either.

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I don't have Facebook.  I definitely have privacy concerns about it.  I don't really trust the format.  However, even if I did, I wouldn't join.  I just don't see the point.  I would never have anything to post.  I can't imagine sharing the minutiae of my life on a large scale.  Why would anyone care to read all of that?  I certainly don't want to read everyone else's stuff.  It just seems like it would be such a time suck.  I also wouldn't want to deal with all of the drama.  I'd much rather be uninformed about everything than be involved in the drama.  Oh, and I really don't want to be "found" by old classmates from high school and college.  If I'm not in touch with them already, I don't feel the need to hear from them now.  So, managing the friend requests, friending and unfriending, etc....  no, thank you!  I am happier not being involved at all.  I used to get asked by friends and family all of the time to join Facebook, but they finally gave up to me.  They know it just isn't going to happen.  :) 

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the ONLY reason I am even considering this is because my 2 brothers and their children facebook and thus knowing what is going on in eachother's lives...and I am "out of the loop". What I was wondering is can I see what they post without putting myself in "danger"?


What are your concerns with the privacy settings??

I know someone on Facebook who is a court reporter and has heard many stories, as you can imagine. She posts under an alias name, a nickname that her family knows but it has nothing to do with her real name. That might be an option to help further protect your privacy. Her profile picture is never a photo of her. She uses nicknames for her kids, too.


I would see her comments on her family's posts and it took me a while to figure out who it was. I had to ask one of her family members to be sure.

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My husband says it's a government tracking tool, lol!


I was on for several years and just signed off back in June. I was spending too much time on it and finding myself somewhat addicted. I hated that feeling. I was looking at a screen more than I was looking at the precious faces of my little ones. I realized I knew everything about those I care little about, and was growing further from those I care most about. Am I out of the loop? Sure. But the people I truly care about still find me...and those who don't apparently don't care all that much. It's actually been very enlightening. I love my FB free life.

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I rarely say anything because I don't want to deal with an argument, but my IT husband says one day everybody will realized how dangerous it is to post all the details about our lives including pictures, ages etc.


He won't let our boys have any kind of "footprint."


And I don't think the people behind Facebook are being ethical about privacy. I can't name incidences because I'm not keeping track, but every so often it makes the news that "Facebook has leaked this or that."


A lot of people in the IT world don't think Facebook is a good idea.



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My husband says it's a government tracking tool, lol!


I was on for several years and just signed off back in June. I was spending too much time on it and finding myself somewhat addicted. I hated that feeling. I was looking at a screen more than I was looking at the precious faces of my little ones. I realized I knew everything about those I care little about, and was growing further from those I care most about. Am I out of the loop? Sure. But the people I truly care about still find me...and those who don't apparently don't care all that much. It's actually been very enlightening. I love my FB free life.


Yeah, I have heard that too. And employers seem to like to view potential employees FB pages to make an assessment etc...


I also worry about the time away from RL factor. I know how addictive following a thread can be. :laugh:

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I used it for a while, but then it started to feel like being back in high school again. Plus it's a big waste of time and I don't really care what people are eating for dinner, what movie or tv show they are watching, how annoyed they are at whatever... ugh. It's amazing what people post on FB. Dh doesn't have an account and refuses to ever have one but he does use LinkedIn for business purposes. He says that is becoming just as bad as FB. Ds has no desire to use any social media at all and honestly I don't think I'd let him. I left FB when we had a stalker issue, so the only site that I waste time on now is this one. :laugh:  


On a side note: one thing that I have noticed recently with at least 3 different families who embrace various social media sites is mothers actively involved in their kids social media use. I don't mean checking for inappropriate behavior, but actually posting for/as them to make their kids have a better online presence.  :confused1: One of them is so much more involved in it than her own daughter, and when she is at my house she spends most of the time checking her daughter's Instagram account, lol. 

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No one in our family has one for serious privacy concerns. Absolutely no desire to have one. A close friend's battle with cancer was broadcast to the world in horrifying detail. Her husband changed his status seconds after her death. Cannot even imagine updating facebook as a priority. If we miss things we just do. If someone wants us to know they can call or email.

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I don't have a Facebook account because I am more private and prefer to let a relatively small circle of family/friends in on my daily life. I am also very concerned about the privacy/tracking aspect of Facebook, and for that reason have not allowed the DC to have accounts.

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I prefer my friendships up close and personal, and not online.


I don't trust that Facebook's privacy settings will function as intended; or that Facebook will change those settings automatically and I won't become aware of it until some of my information has gotten out.


I don't want to participate in the tracking and advertising that is inherent in Facebook.


I actually don't want to share information with my entire group of friends, or even some of that group, online. 



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I am the only one in my family who doesn't Facebook and get left out of this and that.  I figure if me knowing is of importance to them, they'll let me know through another means.  If they don't, I know where I stand with them.  :)

the ONLY reason I am even considering this is because my 2 brothers and their children facebook and thus knowing what is going on in eachother's lives...and I am "out of the loop".   What I was wondering is can I see what they post without putting myself in "danger"? 


What are your concerns with the privacy settings??


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DH is in a high security profession and says the same about Facebook "privacy".

My husband does cyber-security related work.  No one in this household has a Facebook account.


If you Google something like "illusion privacy Facebook", you'll find numerous articles like this one.


But I will admit that I have other issues with Facebook.  I find the format leads to trivialities-- things like the forward of the day although I should be grateful that some of the silly stuff that formerly came into my email box is now over on Facebook so I don't have to deal with it.


Some of the young people I know seem to use Facebook for communication but object to having parents or grandma follow their lives on Facebook.  This seemed to be a source of contention between some of my son's friends and their parents while at college. 


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Facebook is an invasion on one's privacy.  They snoop through your computer files, track what you say, feed you advertisements based on what you say and what you read, etc.


That said I do have a Facebook account.  I broke down fairly recently.  The reasoning was in large part because many of the local homeschool activities are announced via Facebook.  I was subscribed to a message board for that, but I would often get the information for an upcoming activity after it took place.  And I have had a lot of luck finding more stuff for my kids.  So I'm happy about that part.



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Here's how I use facebook:

I don't post anything of a personal nature. Facebook doesn't know my hometown or where I went to school or where I work or my birthday. It keeps asking me, but that doesn't mean I need to answer. Most of my "status updates" are links to articles I think people may find interesting. Unless you tell it, fb isn't going to know what restaurant your'e at, or what intersection you're sitting at a red light at.


I installed Adblock. That way I don't get their silly ads -- targeted or otherwise.


If you want to get on just to follow relatives, it's perfectly ok to not be posting minutiae of your own life. There are plenty of people I'm "friends" with who never post a thing. But they are following what other people --grandchildren and such -- are doing. That works fine for them. I'm sometimes surprised when I remember that they're actually on fb -- usually when they mention irl something they've seen that one of my kids posted.


You may get tagged in other people's photos of you -- but my impression is that you can now be tagged in photos even if you're not on fb.


The bottom line is that you can be on fb and pretty much control what goes out, just so long as you aren't posting willy nilly. If it's not something you feel should be shared on fb, you just don't. Same as when you decide what about your personal life to tell to what friend. It's just that in the case of fb, the answer may be "nothing". Which is ok.

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I used to facebook.


I didn't like what it drew out of me.


Needing to see what other people were doing. (nosiness)


Trying to get some sort of weird cyber attention.


Blathering on about stupid minutiae of my life to people who were practically strangers to me.


Spending more time on my online life than I did living my real life.


I used FB as an escape from my problems.


So, I dumped it. It was a good decision.


I do miss out on some of it. I miss being "in the loop." I have family members who use it as a primary means of keeping up, and I am not involved in that. My dad uses it instead of phone calls, etc. and it seems that he takes my not being on there as a personal affront. I don't really talk to him much since dropping FB. Sadly.

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I had an account for about a year, but my best friend and I both closed our accounts at the same time.  Her reason:  she felt she was being a busybody :P  My reason is probably more vague.  As somebody said above, I found it hard to be so open to so many people at the same time, it felt like I was reducing my life to the lowest common denominator. 


I'm more of a one on one person anyway, so Facebook isn't a good fit for my personality :)

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If you do decide to get on to facebook, Sophos Security has some articles of advice. Here's one: http://www.sophos.com/en-us/security-news-trends/security-trends/facebook.aspx


They mention people posting their email account -- I have an email account that I set up just for facebook. I use it for nothing else. That way fb, and thieves going through fb, don't have access to any of my real accounts. It's easy and free to get throw away email accounts on yahoo and gmail.

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Facebook is an invasion on one's privacy.  They snoop through your computer files, track what you say, feed you advertisements based on what you say and what you read, etc.

Not that I'm saying "facebook would never do that", but do you have a reference for the snooping through computer files?


To be honest, not even that really worries me, as the only thing I could imagine anyone wanting to get from snooping through our files would be things like social security numbers. And my husband is so obsessive about keeping these safe that I doubt they're anywhere on any of our computers. Least, not under the sign ons we are typically using. (Although I wonder if that's enough protection)


However, even if fb was able to do this, I don't think that would keep me from being on fb -- if facebook has the means to do it without my knowledge that would mean just about anything on the web could do it. So facebook is the least of my worries. They at least have a bit of reputation to protect, as a company.

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I have a facebook account because one of my kids needed to get one for an online class and I wanted to monitor their account  a bit. The class never used facebook :(   I don't like that I feel pressured to post about my children's lives. I feel if I don't post, then that implies I am not proud of my kids accomplishments or that they don't have any. I won't post about the more interesting things that happen in my life which are usually related to travel. I'm not going to tell the world that I've left my home unoccupied. 

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And if you're looking for reasons why you wouldn't want to be on facebook, I think you're better off hearing why people left than why they never joined.


Those who never joined, I suspect, have only heard an over inflated version of the bad side.


But even though I'm on fb, I don't have a cell phone. Seriously, I don't want people to be able to contact me anywhere anytime. I need time for my own thoughts. I find a cell phone to be a lot more of an intrusion into my life than facebook (yes, I had a cell phone but I eventually gave it to my husband so I could find *him*. Course, no one can find him either because he's always forgetting to charge it)

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Not that I'm saying "facebook would never do that", but do you have a reference for the snooping through computer files?


To be honest, not even that really worries me, as the only thing I could imagine anyone wanting to get from snooping through our files would be things like social security numbers. And my husband is so obsessive about keeping these safe that I doubt they're anywhere on any of our computers. Least, not under the sign ons we are typically using. (Although I wonder if that's enough protection)


However, even if fb was able to do this, I don't think that would keep me from being on fb -- if facebook has the means to do it without my knowledge that would mean just about anything on the web could do it. So facebook is the least of my worries. They at least have a bit of reputation to protect, as a company.


I could post a zillion articles that state this, but I have no idea what is true or what is not.

But for sure I know that if you allow them to they generate friend suggestions based on all the people in your e-mail address book then yes they are looking at your computer files.  This time around I didn't allow them to and they didn't do that.  At least they do ask about that part, but the first time around (years ago) I didn't really know what they meant with helping to "find me friends".  I was surprised at how easy it was for them to access my personal files on my computer.  So then what do they do that they aren't telling me about?  KWIM? 


I'm not worried about it exactly.  It's just not all that great to know that they have this ability and it's so easy. 


They of course also have privacy settings.  I find the way they have that set up to be confusing and not all that straight forward.  I don't always know what exactly other people are seeing.  It's not a big deal because I don't post anything that I'd care about other people reading, but I wonder why they make that so complicated. 


And consider that if you leave Facebook, they have all your info still there if you go back.  Like you never left.  So they are holding onto your info as well.  Which, again, I don't care because I don't post anything I'd consider too personal, but still it's annoying that you can't get rid of stuff if you want to. 

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I never understood the FB privacy concerns. Aren't the days of true anonymity online about a decade behind us? Who is still posting anything anywhere online that they wouldn't want the world to see? I'm a little inconvenienced that I had to get Instagram and snapchat to keep up with the teens in my life, but they are always moving on just before we get really comfortable with the technology. Darn whippersnappers.


I'm the person who likes to post food photos on FB. The NSA is just minutes from my door and they've yet to bust in and take my casserole. Maybe it doesn't look as good as I thought?

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I don't want my life to become a product/commodity to be sold for someone else's profit. I know I can't really control this completely nor necessarily opt-out of that altogether, but opting out of FB is one way I can limit it. I don't trust the company nor their privacy settings. I don't want to connect with long lost friends/relatives. Mostly, though, because it's safer not to have an account due to dh's job.

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