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Who has a mom that you really enjoy being with?


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My mom had definitely gotten better with age.  We get along great now, but I don't get to see her often enough now.  I really am frightened of losing her, she seems to have so many health issues... she has cataract surgery this week, I will see her next week, I cant wait.  We talk on the phone for hours, too.

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I do!   :)


My mom is a wonderful person.  She moved to our town a week after DS was born (she wanted to be here for his birth, but he came early).  She took early retirement so that she could take care of her grandson while I continued to work.  Even though I'm home now, she still comes over 4-5 days a week to help out or just to visit.  On days that we don't visit, we call each other at least once.


She's a great sounding board and a huge source of support to me.  She's also a wonderful Oma to my kids. 

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I adore spending time with my mom...she is an amazing lady. She's turning 80 next month, and I'm planning a birthday party for her, although we live over 600 miles away. She has a crazy sense of humor, and can still bend at the waist and put her hands flat on the floor. She looks and acts as if she's 30 years younger. Love my mom! My father passed, and she is now remarried. I'm not a fan of the new husband, but my mom is fantastic when she isn't with him.

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Just want to make sure I'm not the only one.  :)



I don't anymore because she's dead, but I really enjoyed being with her.  We got along great my whole life (if you give me some leeway for a few petulant teen years). She was a great mom and when I was an adult, she let me be an adult and make my mistakes, but she was there to give me the advice I needed to fix them on my own.  She was a great listener and a great hugger.  She told it like it was, no hold barred. She loved a good laugh and could come up with great jokes on the fly anytime.


She will have been gone 20 years this coming January and I still miss her every day. She was the best.  I wish everyone could have a mom as wonderful as her.  I'm grateful I did.

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I had one. She is died in 2009 and I wish she were still alive pretty much every single day. She'd only be 59 now, she died way too soon but I feel very grateful she lived 14+ mostly good quality years after her first cancer diagnosis.


Cancer. It really sucks.



Yes, it does. 

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I LOVE spending time with my mom. She's awesome. She's the perfect combination of helpful and easygoing. She's a genuinely nice person. She's up for an adventure, or just hanging out and chatting or reading. She could live with us and we'd all be happier . . . even DH, but sadly she's 5 hours away.

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I love spending time with my mom.  We are quite close and talk on the phone a bunch.  I will say that right now we talk more and she spends her free time with my kids(her only grandkids), but she seems happy with that arrangement.  I like to go over and hang out at my parent's house myself though. :)   My mom is a happy and selfless person who is funny and it's just nice to be around her.  She's so accepting of everyone regardless. 


She shows up with chocolate or wine when things get particularly hard with my dd too.   I will say that when I was a teen, our relationship was awful.  I moved out and grew up and things got better.


I also wanted to send :grouphug:  to everyone who is missing their mom.

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I'm in the club.  I love my mom and spending time with her.  Ideally I want her to come live with us.  She often goes on vacations with us.  Through babies and young parenting, several moves, good times and bad, and even the economic downturn, she's always been there for us.  She includes hubby like he's her own son and always has.  I know they would continue a great relationship even if something ever happened to me.


The sad part is my parents got divorced when I was 11 and I ended up living with my dad.  He poisoned me concerning my mom and for years I thought she was the most vile person out there, so we had next to no relationship from them until a bit after college.  I spread some of the stories dad fed me - probably all of them.


In college I was literally in an Abnormal Psychology course reading about some conditions and realized they were talking about my dad to a T.  It slowly sunk in that much of what he told me growing up was likely not true.  Now I know probably none of it was true.


I've always felt bad about losing those years with my mom and the extent of my hatred toward her.  I asked her once how she dealt with it.  She told me she knew there was nothing she could do or say to change my mind... she just hoped that as I got older I'd see "the light."  I'm REALLY thankful I did, but even writing this brings back waves of "feelings" of how I wished I'd been smarter or had a better insight when I was younger.  We missed a good decade of life that neither of us can get back.

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Love my mother! We vacation together, drive each other nuts sometimes, talk all the time, etc. She lives in our neighborhood, so I see her all the time, too. My kid's talking to her right now. :)


I'm close with my MIL and step-mother, too. I've got great mothers all around.

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My mom rocks!  She has always supported me and wanted what was best for me and her grandchildren. She is also incredibly cool and fun.  We have the best times shopping or just hanging out in my kitchen and cooking. Things were a little awkward in the period after our daughter died because I think she really understood my pain more than I realized (my older brother was killed in the line of duty when I was in college) and she really believed that DH and I needed to work through things together.  Having said that, I have to give her a lot of credit because she really didn't push her perspectives.  She certainly offered them at times because I was her beloved daughter but she also respected that I had to live my own life.  When DH and I finally had really gotten back on track and were planning to renew our vows she was very happy but also wanted to be sure that this was really what we wanted not our reaction to external pressure.  She currently lives about six hours away but she would completely rearrange her life and come if I or one of our kids needed her.  


My MIL lives locally so I see her a lot more and I've reached a point where I really enjoy hanging out with her.  I admit it took me a while to get to this point and at times in the past I did find her overwhelming.  I do firmly believe that she has always wanted the best for her son and his family but I think when we've had difficult times she has at times struggled to figure out what we really needed.  In fairness to her, she has never been disrespectful and I even remember her asking how she could be most helpful but sometimes I just didn't have a good answer.  She has been an amazing grandmother through it all and very accepting of all of our children without any regard to how they have come into our family. 

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Me. My childhood was iffy, but my mom has grown leaps and bounds. I was NOT physically abused, but my mother was as a child. She did a lot of good things for me she never had, but she literally had zero experience treating a child well. She was very young and naiive, too. I am an only child. She has recovered from her awful childhood, and treats my children and me as treasures now. I forgive, and we are great friends, now.

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I think we need a group for those of us that miss our moms every single day.  I was 18, she was just 47.  Fought breast cancer long and hard for about 9 years.  


It has been almost 28 years but it still feels like yesterday.  I get most upset that she doesn't know my kids.  She would absolutely love them.  

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I would love to hang out with both my mom and my MIL every day. They are two incredible, loving and supportive women. My mom has always been my greatest role model, and when MIL came into my life I picked up another amazing role model and friend. Yes, I do recognize how fortunate I am.

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I think we need a group for those of us that miss our moms every single day.  I was 18, she was just 47.  Fought breast cancer long and hard for about 9 years.  


It has been almost 28 years but it still feels like yesterday.  I get most upset that she doesn't know my kids.  She would absolutely love them.  

(((hugs)))  I will be in this group with you.

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I think we need a group for those of us that miss our moms every single day.  I was 18, she was just 47.  Fought breast cancer long and hard for about 9 years.  


It has been almost 28 years but it still feels like yesterday.  I get most upset that she doesn't know my kids.  She would absolutely love them.  



:grouphug: I'll join you.  I think it bothers me more that my ds doesn't get to know her. He's really missed out.


 The happiest and saddest moments of my life collided in one when I first held my son.  I loved him more than I've ever loved anything ever.  At the same time, I knew my mother loved me, but I had NO idea it was like THAT.  And, I couldn't tell her thank you. I couldn't tell her "now I know."

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My mom is truly my best friend. I can tell her anything. Talk to her about anything and she listens to me.  She knows how to make me feel better when ever I have a problem.  We laugh and joke all the time.  She knows how to set me straight when I am wrong about something without being controlling or overbearing. She let me make mistakes and learn from them.  We talk for hours at a time.  I truly love my mom and have a wonderful relationship with her.

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Me too! My mom and dad only live about three miles away, and I love when she pops by for a visit on her way home from work. The kids literally jump up and down and squeal. I had two younger sisters; one just moved several states away and the youngest was killed a few years ago she was 19. So in a lot of ways, I'm my mom's only, and my kids are really her only grandchildren. We spend most weekends with her and my dad, and all holidays and vacations too.


The last fight I ever had with my mom was a month or so after I'd gotten married and moved out. We were right in the middle of a screaming match (how we spent most of my teens) when I realized that I didn't have to keep fighting, I could just go home! I walked out, and we never spoke of it again.

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Me, too! Sure, we have our moments, but she was my best friend until DH comes along and when she is gone someday there will be a big void in my life. She is the reason I'm into all the cool, crazy stuff I'm into---health food, homeschooling, homebirthing, independent spirited. Though I don't think she intended all of her input to have those effects. :lol:  She's also the reason I am as culturally literate as I am.

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