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Your college major

Night Elf

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BS in History, Technology, & Society, plus teaching certification

MS in Mathematics Education


I actually started off as a math major in undergrad but switched over to the history instead. I taught middle & high school students in a private school, social studies for 7 years and mathematics for 2.

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Sooo...I googled...


What are the words on your diploma?


BA or BS in Liberal Arts?


You know, I don't actually remember the exact words! And I'm out of town right now and so can't check. It's a Bachelor of Arts, and I think it says Plan II Honors Liberal Arts.


In my day, for a Plan II degree you had to have a Concentration, which meant completing coursework equivalent to a major in some liberal arts area, in addition to the panoply of Plan II subject area courses. (My concentration was English.) Thus the jokes that the degree name meant "I Plan 2 Graduate ... Eventually."

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I started out as a liberal studies major with early childhood development concentration. Then changed my concentration to geography. I then considered transferring to another school with a good geography program, but instead decided to transfer to my boyfriend's (who's now my DH) school. There I majored in environmental science. I never graduated though. I was so tired of the school system by then, and I really wanted to have a family and stay home.

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BA in Secondary Ed., French and Spanish


I never considered changing my major. I love languages and love to teach (although, after teaching in PS for a year, I discovered I prefer 1-1 or small groups to the classroom). I am now tutoring ESL while hsing.


I got my degree when I was 21, 3 years after I married dh. I've never regretted either decision, and I've stayed on pretty much the same path, with the same basic values and goals for the past 20 years.


Not exciting, but stable and satisfying, and that's how I like it!

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I started as Biology/Pre-Vet, switched to Biology/Environmental Science, switched to Business Administration/Marketing (work was paying for this one), switched to Elementary Education (tuition waiver program for unemployed people), eventually finished one degree in Biology, one degree in Business Administration/Marketing, and everything but my student teaching for Elementary Education.

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These are sooo fascinating to read!


I am in college now. I plan to get my AA in General Studies, but I want to transfer to a nearby college that has a French and Communications dual major. :drool:


P.S. Yes, I am old.

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AA- American Sign Language and Interpreting (I'm not listing all the Associate's degrees, but this one I still use.)


BA - English

BS - Business Management and Administration

BA- Liberal Studies with an Emphasis in Elementary Education

BS - Linguistics


MAEd - Elementary Education

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I started out in Marine Biology, switched to Environmental Science, then Social Work and finally Secondary Education. The degree was referred to as Secondary Ed - Core 4, but I don't think that was the official title - maybe Comprehensive Secondary Education (or something similar.) I wish I would have stuck with any of the first three. I did not enjoy teaching and have no desire to go back to it after the kids are grown.

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I'm not *quite* done. I will end up with a B.S. in Anthropology. I started off as a CNA, EMT, Special Ed. teacher aide, and Phlebotomist. Then I became an Andrologist during University. I was originally Pre-med with a Philosophy concentration. Then I switched to Physics. Then Political Science. Then Special Ed/Nursing double major. Then I decided I was burnt out on the medical field and was admitted to Duke to major in Biological Anthropology, but financial aide and dh's job fell through, so I haven't been back since. Now I was just admitted back to University last week and will finish my Anthropology degree. I would like to become a Midwife or maybe someday to finish a PhD in Anthropology/Linguistics, but I can't see it happening where I live.

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AA Child psychology and development, BM-Musicology/Woodwind performance, MEd Elementary Education with an emphasis in Math, certifications in Math Ed K-8, Early childhood education Birth-7, and Music Education K-12, trained in Suzuki Recorder, Orff-Schelwerk, Dalcroze, and Kindermusik.

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It's a shame that people that homeschool are so unqualified. :smilielol5: There are more advanced degrees here than the ps I teach at! :lol:


I've only gotten that one once, and it wasn't directed at me but an entire group of homeschool parents attending a info session classical conversations at the library. An elderly lady wondered in and thought we were running a scam. Very amusing.


I've had some comments but all my friends, family and neighbors don't pull that card. I think they are well aware that I am probably not only more educated than most teachers at our local ps but how can you beat the teacher / student ratio. Throw in the fact my son's vocabulary and comprehension are obviously advanced and that would just be a stawman.

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