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What do you think about definition-by-social-group?

Laura Corin

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I'm not sure how I feel about all our social groups being visible on each post. I'm not ashamed of my allegiances, but somehow I'd rather people met me as me, rather than as a list of beliefs. Similarly, I'd rather 'talk' to an individual on the board without being distracted by some displayed allegiances that I find worrying.


What do you think?



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I don't care for it, but I understand the reasoning behind it, they will be more explored, it's a nice feature of the board that's been hidden for a while. I hope it helps some folks out.


I'll probably go back and use them again though, just fell out of them for a while.

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I don't care for it, but I understand the reasoning behind it, they will be more explored, it's a nice feature of the board that's been hidden for a while. I hope it helps some folks out.


I'll probably go back and use them again though, just fell out of them for a while.



I understand that but I feel like I'm wearing a tee shirt that has personal information on it. It's not that it's secret but I feel like my personal beliefs it might overshadow my words.

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Don't like it either. Fine with it being in my profile, just not under my avatar in every single post. Not that I'd even remembered they existed for oh, a couple of years, or that the ones I'm in are all that "controversial", but still... it's the principle... ;)


I've also noticed that the posts from people in a whole lot of social groups take up a ton of space now! :D

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I don't like it at all, and some of them aren't even relevant anymore, like "Imp's new smile prayer thread". That wasn't even a social group. Quite frankly, I'm not finding anything about this new board that I like. I didn't like the switch from the old, old board, but eventually there were things to like. This one, nope. This is just one more ick factor to me. :(

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I like anonymity in some ways. This feels rather exposing to me. I also find it makes the page the cluttered. I don't mind them being on my profile page, but not with every post I make. I also find it rather disconcerting that I could go into a group and ban anyone in the group.

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I can't figure out how to leave the groups I'm supposed to belong to. They show up in my profile, but when I go to them my only option is to join, and I'm not listed as a member in any of them (except the one I want to be in and joined this morning). Do I have to join them all to leave them?


ETA: Never mind... I still have a "Join group" option, but there are two tiers of alphabetical lists for each, and I'm in the second. All I had to do was to continue advancing through the member list.

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I hate it all. My "new content" feed has become worthless (add that to the gaping hole where my subscriptions used to be), because I now have to wade past 10 billion social group posts. I'm going to leave my social groups (that I never really participated in anyways) and get that junk off my sidebar.

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I don't like it. I am going to join one or more. It's not that I want them to be secret, but...I don't know, just more private? For example, if someone clicked on my profile they could see them. But not have them listed on every post.


I agree. If people want to see and want to take the time to go to my profile, they can, but every post is a little weird.

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Don't like it either. Fine with it being in my profile, just not under my avatar in every single post. Not that I'd even remembered they existed for oh, a couple of years, or that the ones I'm in are all that "controversial", but still... it's the principle... ;)


I've also noticed that the posts from people in a whole lot of social groups take up a ton of space now! :D


Yes, this.


It seems a bit unnecessary too.

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I suspect the groups showing up in each post feature can be switched off globally. I'm content to wait until Other John weighs in before fretting too much. :)


Hopefully, something similar can be done about keeping the posts out of "View New Content."

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I'm hoping it will be turned off soon. One of the reasons I started the CTT group was so people could have a bit more privacy than the old GB or new CB when asking about joining the church or any general questions they may have.


It might be awkward for some people.

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Not a fan. I am not ashamed of them by any means, but I don't need to be strictly defined by them either. I think it will end with some stereotyping and disregarding of people solely based on their affiliations. And some people will be reluctant to join social groups like the religious searching ones because they don't want the whole board automatically knowing they have questions. I know the groups were open to being read by non-members, but it was not being advertised publicly that you joined one. My 2 cents anyhow.

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I joined some groups this morning not knowing they would show. It is very odd the only one I belonged to before doesn't show. I never managed to participate but......anyway I don't think I like it. Maybe I will quit what I joined. If people want things like religious affiliation listed it is in their siggy. Profile is fine.

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I understand that but I feel like I'm wearing a tee shirt that has personal information on it. It's not that it's secret but I feel like my personal beliefs it might overshadow my words.



I haven't joined a social group because, I'm not so easily pegged. There are ones that I enjoy being a part of, but on the otherhand if the assumption is that I fit the description of that social group pretty verbatim, that could be a problem when my posts are inconsistent with that. I'm kind of a square peg in a round hole type person. So, I prefer to not have social group listings attached to me.



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I was surprised to see I was in one....


And those of you that said you removed yourself - I still see a bunch listed under your names.


I don't like it, mainly because I don't want to look and think, "OHHHH, well, that explains why..... " or something. I like getting advice from everyone - and this just makes it, I dunno, just something!


I'm adjusting to the board - I liked the other one better, which was better than the first one when I was here.... but why isn't there a "Jump to" button at the bottom?!?!

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Although, I'm admittedly confused still (it's a newby trait. I'm working on it. ;)), I don't like the groups displayed. It feels like it is private information. If I read one, I feel like I'm invading and reading something I shouldn't be, KWIM? Plus, it looks cluttered. I am hesitant to join any for this reason. Not ashamed either, but also don't want to be defined by them.

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Testing to see if I'm actually a member of any groups.


Nope, I'm not and I guess I'll keep it that way. It's kind of weird having it right there. I've been considering joining the Progressive Christianity AND the Atheist, agnostic one since I'm kind of searching for a place and working out what I believe. I guess that could be considered kind of strange.

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I'm not sure how I feel about all our social groups being visible on each post. I'm not ashamed of my allegiances, but somehow I'd rather people met me as me, rather than as a list of beliefs. Similarly, I'd rather 'talk' to an individual on the board without being distracted by some displayed allegiances that I find worrying.


What do you think?



Hey Laura! I know what you mean and agree. I like to think that I can talk with anyone here whether or not we belong to the same group. I know you and I have talked over the years. So, don't let that stop now, right!?!?! :tongue_smilie:
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To leave a group, first click "social groups" on the bar at the top of this page. Your groups should be listed at the top. Click on the group you want to remove. Then follow Jean's instructions below:


To leave a group - hit the "group cp" - "manage members" - go to your name and edit - remove member.


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I don't like them displayed.

I would like to join one you'd never think I would, for my own reasons, and have been invited to, but I feel awkward about it enough as it is, without it being displayed, because I don't want to either turn off or offend anyone.


I'm not even homeschooling anymore, so I prob should just stop posting in general. The wonderful thing about this board (one of many wonderful things) is that it really is a beautiful place for online socializing, and we talk about all sorts of things, not even "just" homeschooling--Arggh. Social groups are nice, I guess, but I just want us all to be friends, even if we are very different from each other. I don't like having to explain everything. IDK.

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I'm not even homeschooling anymore, so I prob should just stop posting in general.


I have appreciated the information people post who did homeschool but still hang around :)


Please don't go.... despite milovany's nastiness ;)

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