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Which food(s) does at least one member of your household avoid due to allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, etc.


Which foods does at least one member of your house avoid?  

250 members have voted

  1. 1. What foods does at least one member of your house avoid due to allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, etc.?

    • Wheat, due to gluten
    • Wheat, not due to gluten
    • Corn
    • Soy
    • Cow milk, all milk products
    • Cow milk, but not yogurt or cheese
    • Peanuts/groundnuts
    • Tree nuts
    • Eggs
    • Fish
    • Shellfish
    • Citrus fruit
    • Strawberries
    • Meat (allergy, etc.; not due to vegetarianism)
    • Other vegetable
    • Other fruit
    • Other grain
    • Other
    • None

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Which food(s) does at least one member of your household avoid due to allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, etc.


I've not included the various flavors of vegetarianism here, and aversions don't count... I *won't* eat beets, but it's purely a matter of personal taste.


I was thinking about this while trying to come up with a dinner party menu accommodating a number of food allergies. It's not easy.

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I don't eat at parties. My youngest is allergic to Mustard, peas, raspberries and apples in addition to dairy and soy and she's celiac. Oldest dd is anaplyatcic allergic to citrus fruits and anything from a tree and shellfish (and febreeze). We won't even talk about me except to say, who knew people could be allergic to meat? Plus I'm allergic to hippie perfume - I break out in hives - it is weird.

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Me - peanuts and tree nuts and soy (except oil and lecithin)

DH - tree nuts - life threatening, citrus, strawberries, most fruits - OAS


ETA: oops, forgot my lactose intolerance


It is nice of you to think of others with meal planning, but it will probably be impossible to avoid all foods/sensitivities. I would think nuts and peanuts would be easy to avoid, but if using package food, soy flour is kind of hard to avoid.


If using anything packaged, save all packages so guests can be assured that the food is safe (not including cross-contamination fears).

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Soy allergy for one person.


Three are lactose intolerant, to varying degrees. As long as they take a lactaid pill they can eat pretty much anything, with the exception of soft cheeses, ice cream and liquid milk. I wouldn't expect a dinner host to cater for that.


This is for small group of people with known allergies, only few of which overlap. I'm just trying to jazz it up a bit because I always end up serving the same things. I'm left feeling fortunate that it's not something I have to think about all the time.

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All of us have some allergy. DH has peanut, only. Myself, I only have lime and that one is pretty easy to avoid. Oldest has a problem with concentrated strawberries but not eating strawberries that have not been concentrated. Middle has a problem with kiwi and pineapple. THe youngest is the most serious- she gets anaphalactic reactions from citric acid, sodium citrate, etc. That means not only can she not have citrus fruits and many other fruits, including tomatoes, she can't eat many foods that have citric things as flavourings or preservatives.

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My youngest ds is allergic (anaphylactic) to peanuts, milk, eggs, soy, kiwi, and sunflower seeds. Dd and I don't drink milk either because it is not good for our asthma. Ds' allergies to milk and eggs have improved so that he is able to eat cheese and yogurt now (but would react severely to drinking it) and he can have eggs in baking and milk in baking (muffins, cookies, etc but not egg casseroles or quiche type things). We do not bring peanuts or sunflowers, soy milk or kiwi into the house at all. Dd, youngest ds and I all drink almond milk. I have to limit my carbs because of my IR (PCOS).

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My DD is allergic to apples. It is a pain because it isn't common and isn't marked on labels. They include apple juice or other ingredients derived from apples (like natural flavors and pectin) in so many things because it is a cheaper fruit that it much harder to avoid than I expected.

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This is for small group of people with known allergies, only few of which overlap. I'm just trying to jazz it up a bit because I always end up serving the same things. I'm left feeling fortunate that it's not something I have to think about all the time.



If you post the restricted foods, maybe we can come up with some ideas that will work for you.


DS7 is allergic to peanuts and walnuts (so we avoid all tree nuts) and outgrew his egg allergy several years ago.

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I was just talking about this with my sister. We're coming to visit - DS is severely allergic to tree nuts and also allergic to wheat. I'm bringing staples for him. I didn't even talk about his issues with fructose (too much causes diarrhea) because we should be able to manage that ourselves without her even realizing. She was wondering if there were different food problems or if we just ate as if DS was the only issue. It was then I remembered that DH is lactose intolerant, but like people said, there's a pill for that :-). I know it doesn't work for everyone - luckily it does for him.

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Cinnamon, pine nuts, and blue-veined cheeses for me.


It got really fun over the holidays, because my mother is sensitive to gluten, my husband is on a low-fat diet, and I have my own set of allergies, plus DD has sensory issues and struggles with some textures of foods. Finding things people could eat was next to impossible.

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My husband is severely lactose intolerant. His parents don't even change their menu for him. :crying: I had to make a fuss and tell them they needed to order one of the pizzas without cheese or else my husband was going to be violently ill. I'm not sure if they forget or just don't believe him? I checked all cow milk for him, although he can have yogurt and sour cream on occasion. Cheese is just as bad as milk for him.


I haven't had any milk for more than a month because the baby I'm nursing has had awful reflux. Cutting out dairy really doesn't seem to have made a big improvement, but I'm doing it anyways. I've thought about cutting gluten too, but my normal diet is already pretty low in gluten. I can only think of one or two meals I've had this week where a wheat or barley based product was a main component.


I didn't check it for this poll, but I'm hesitant to serve the children shellfish because my mother and her sister are both allergic to scallops.

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DS6 is allergic to dairy, soy, egg, wheat, barley, peanuts, treenuts, white potato, celery, peas, lentils, chickpeas, black beans, pinto beans, Lima beans. And a couple other things i cant remember at the moment. He also has oral allergy syndrome, so depending on the season, apples and carrots are out too.


DS2 is allergic to strawberries and sesame

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I have a child with food allergies/anaphylaxis to tree nuts, sesame, mango and cinnamon.


Weirdly, my husband is anaphylactic to buckwheat.


I really don't know how you would accommodate a wide variety of issues and still have a tasty menu without a huge headache.


Do you have a list of the food allergies involved? I am imagining that it might be easier for you if you listed what you're accommodating and ask for ideas. Lots of us have experience in these areas. I'm hoping you really don't have to avoid all the things on your poll!

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Me, all milk and fried foods. For dinner party issues, I wouldn't expect a host to make something special for me. It's usually pretty easy to spot and avoid suspect items.


The rest of the family seems to not have any issues. I get sooo jealous putting cheese on their plates. I miss cheese. :nopity:

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2 of my boys have to avoid wheat and nothing else. They are not celiac so they can have traces of wheat on things, just nothing containing wheat.


I have to avoid ALL dairy, ALL eggs, ALL peanut products, bell peppers, and any products containing mashed corn. I can handle the corn that comes from corn on the cob or corn in a can, but I cannot handle the concentrated corn products like tortilla chips or corn tortillas. :( All of this just happened during my last pregnancy.


I don't give my children eggs either because many of them seem to show allergic reactions to them and I myself am so highly allergic.

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absolutely, under no circumstances, can dudeling have nitrates/nitrites. we also avoid msg et al for him. they are used to preserve many cured meats - so, we buy uncured meat for him. I put it in invidual size serving bags and freeze. I was thrilled to find nitrate free bacon and hot dogs. generally higher quailty meat too. he is so reactive, we know when he's had them.


we have also cut down on gluten - but there seems to be a line where he can have small amounts without too many issues. still learning that one.


eta: he also can't have corn syrups/hfcs. it has mercury in the production chain of getting the sugar out of the corn. (some manufacturers are now changing their processing) He can't metabolize it out of his system and last spring his mercury #'s were 7.4. the equivalent of swallowing a thermometer. We did 12 weeks of glutathione treatment to reduce his numbers and they are currently off at the lab retesting. Oh - and people noticed a change in his behavior four weeks into his glutathione therapy.

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I was happy to see someone else said their child was allergic to peas. My youngest is allergic to fish and green peas. We've never tried shellfish with him on a Drs recommendation. The fish wasn't easy to avoid since my dh hates fish, so we never had it in the house anyway. We only found out about his allergy after visiting my mom in Wi where Friday Fish Fries are the tradition. That's the only time I eat fish so we tried some for my son who was about 2 at the time, he broke out in huge white welts.


One time last year I bought brussel sprouts to try with my family and he would try them because he insisted they were "GINORMOUS PEAS" he kept ranting about how could I buy those blah, blah, blah.


A few of us have allergies to antibiotics, but he's the only one with food allergies.

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Me- no allergies

DH- severely lactose intolerant, lactaid doesn't help,pork intolerant, since surviving c.difficille he can't have fried/greasy/spicy food or red meat more than once a week. yes,we eat a lot of chicken.

Monkey kids- mildly lactose intolerant,lactaid helps. no food dyes, artificial preservatives or sweeteners and no soda- due to adhd- these items trigger severe hyperactiveness, the won't sleep for 3 days and destory the house kind.


They are all lucky I love them! I cook from scratch to accomodate them.

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I am mildly lactose intolerant. I eat yogurt and cheese just fine. Some commercial ice creams I can handle for some reason, others I cannot. I can eat foods that have milk thoroughly cooked into them, but not just warmed through.


And allergic to who could guess it? Raw celery!


Those are the only food issues in our immediate household. However, my grandson is allergic to peanuts and most treenuts. My daughter has also moved their household to GFCF to try to help some gut issues. It's hard to know what to cook when they are here. Cooking takes so much time, money, and energy when you don't know how to put together menus when everything you know how to cook is off limits.

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DS - anaphylactic to peanuts; tree nuts; sesame; banana; lentils. Allergic (asthma/eczema, confirmed via allergist) to wheat. OAS to most raw veggies and fruits. Avoiding food dyes.


Me - eggs; spinach; gluten. Very low fat diet per doc's orders. No sugar.


Cooking is a challenge at times.



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I chose other. DH is intolerant of sulfites. It is in everything. Dough conditioners, salad dressings etc as suphur dioxide and a few other names. It is sprayed on a lot of fruit/veggies in the field as a fungicide and to to prevent mildew. It is a natural occurring thing so even some "organic" farms will use it. It is naturally in grapes, melon, cucumber etc. wine, grape juice, balsamic vinegar.


Depending on the item ingested it presents as bowel irritation, migraines or itchty throat and mouth. Sometimes all three and that is always fun. :(


Luckily, he is not in full blown allergy just and intolerance. We had to eliminate it all and then add item to figure out his tolerance. He is also deathly allergic to sulpha drugs. such as many antibiotics and demerol.



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Up unitl this past year we were blessed by no one having any food allergies or intolerances. However, I have become intolerant to large amounts of soy oil (think mayonaisse) and guar gum. I can handle a small amount of soy oil but mayo does me in. I also seem to have an intolerance to ice cream that has guar gum in it. So, now I make my own mayo and only eat hagaan daz (the sacrifices I make in the ice cream department)

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, but my normal diet is already pretty low in gluten. I can only think of one or two meals I've had this week where a wheat or barley based product was a main component.


My dd also tested reactive to rice, which is a very common gluten alternative.

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I have not heard of oral allergy syndrome, but I also feel like I have cuts in my mouth when I eat pineapples and some other fruit that I cannot recall right now. I'm not sure if that's an oral allergy?


that's the acid in the fresh pineapple. mango? papaya? seems like one of those does it too. I only have a problem if I eat too much.

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DD has a sensitivity to milk. She gets a bad runny nose basically. I usually don't tell anyone though because a little bit cooked doesn't hurt and she knows to ask for water to drink at meals.

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My youngest ds is allergic to peanuts and cashews. He also refuses to eat many fresh fruits because he says they irritate his tongue, but we're not entirely sure if that's an oral allergy or a sensory/texture issue.


My dh cannot have grapefruit due to interaction with his blood pressure medication.



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