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s/o names did you want names for dc that dh said NO WAY or vice versa

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I wanted to name dd Marina Jean and dh said we were not naming our dd after a place that stores boats. He came up with her name (after a beloved princess) and I do love her name. Also got to keep the Jean as her middle name lol. For our son I suggested Anthony and dh said that with our Italian last name and given that he would be called Tony, dh said that was just too Italian and since ds is Korean it would be better not to have both first and last names be Italian. I came up with one of the oldest Bible names and it is perfect. So dh was correct on both counts.

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Having been a ps teacher, too many good names were ruined by bratty kids.

I had this problem, too.


Yes, dh vetoed many of my favorite names. We could only come up with 3 boys names (good thing we only had 2 boys!) Particularly with boys, we hated the names the others loved.


Our biggest problem, though, was ex love interests. One of my favorite girl's names was his college girlfriend. His number one boys name was my long term high school boyfriend.

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If we had a boy, I thought Ian was the perfect name to go with our last name. DH didn't like it and had some Liam's among the cousins and so he thought it was too similar. There are tons of boy cousins or really 2nd cousins, so it seemed like ever name was already taken. He also vetoed naming a boy after himself. DH is a Junior, so if we had a boy he'd be a III.


My Mom wanted us to name DD Eli if she was a boy. My cousin name his son Eli just 1 year later, so it is a good thing we didn't do that.


My DH didn't have any names that I vetoed.

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Yes. :glare:


I wanted a daughter named Drake my entire life (yes, I knew it was traditionally a boy's name.) Once we finally found out we were having a girl, I was so excited to use the name. Dh was horrified and flat out would not allow it. Looking back, I'm glad he vetoed the name. We went with a classic (and unquestioningly feminine) literary surname which I'll admit is far more fitting for our girl than Drake ever would have been.


(I still think Drake is an awesome name for a girl. Or a boy.)

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Before we knew we were having girls, we tossed around a lot of boy names. And by that, I mean I came up with a list, and he hated all of them. :tongue_smilie: Good thing we didn't have boys or they still wouldn't be named.


I wanted to name our last one Ruby. That was the only girl name that he refused to consider. Then I found the name Cora in a baby book, and that was the one!

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Dh wanted Roxanne. My apologies to any Roxannes out there but it conjures up the thought of a barmaid to me. Didn't happen. :D Having been a ps teacher, too many good names were ruined by bratty kids.


...you don't have to put out the red light... :)


I vetoed all names that can't be typed on a standard US keyboard. He *really* liked the idea of having an umlaut or something in there to mess with the government. I also vetoed Snori.


He vetoed Laurel and anything not adequately Scandinavian in origin. He wasn't crazy about Anneliese - I might have been able to talk him into it, but that ended up not being an option anyways because my cousin used it first.


We had planned to DD1 Alia, but I guess I vetoed that one by chickening out. I like the name, but, well... my name is Jessica, and that's not exactly a literary heritage I want to pass on to one of my kids.

Edited by ocelotmom
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When I was pregnant with our oldest ds my husband wanted to name him Moses. I was totally against it. I love Moses in the Bible but not as a name for my son. Thank goodness I vetoed the name because ds is a long legged skinny boy with big front teeth. I CANNOT imagine him as a Moses!


Elise in NC

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There have been several but I can't remember most right off.


Malachi - something about a movie???


Jonah - kid would get swallowed by a whale

Noah - there would be a flood


He isn't keen on many of the more obviously Old Testament names - Isaiah, Isaac, Zechariah, Josiah, etc


We joked that a possible name would be Morgan Freeman, but I don't think we really would.

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...you don't have to put out the red light... :)


I vetoed all names that can't be typed on a standard US keyboard. He *really* liked the idea of having an umlaut or something in there to mess with the government. I also vetoed Snori.


He vetoed Laurel and anything not adequately Scandinavian in origin. He wasn't crazy about Anneliese - I might have been able to talk him into it, but that ended up not being an option anyways because my cousin used it first.


We had planned to DD1 Alia, but I guess I vetoed that one by chickening out. I like the name, but, well... my name is Jessica, and that's not exactly a literary heritage I want to pass on to one of my kids.


:lol:yeah, I can see why naming a dd that would be a bad idea--though I do know a couple who did, and they deliberately chose it on account of Dune.:confused: People are strange.

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Oldest DD would've been Persephone if DH had had his way and Genevieve if I'd had mine.


DS would've been a jr. if DH had had his way and Elias if I'd had mine.


Youngest DD was named what DH wanted but he would've given her Lorelei as a middle name rather than Elizabeth. I wanted to name her Sylvia.

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Oldest DD would've been Persephone if DH had had his way and Genevieve if I'd had mine.


DS would've been a jr. if DH had had his way and Elias if I'd had mine.


Youngest DD was named what DH wanted but he would've given her Lorelei as a middle name rather than Elizabeth. I wanted to name her Sylvia.


I LOVE the name Elias. It was in my top 5 when we were choosing names for ds.

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I really wanted Niamh but DH was iffy on it. After sharing with family and them asking ten times "how do you say it again?" and still repeating it wrong, I let it go for a first name and we agreed to use it as a middle. But when we finally settled on a first, it was another uncommon name and we wanted her to have a "normal" middle name to fall back on. I at least got to use a Celtic name, though.


DH completely vetoed Payton for a girl. I haven't said absolutely no to anything.

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Oldest DD would've been Persephone if DH had had his way and Genevieve if I'd had mine.


DS would've been a jr. if DH had had his way and Elias if I'd had mine.


Youngest DD was named what DH wanted but he would've given her Lorelei as a middle name rather than Elizabeth. I wanted to name her Sylvia.


I love Genevieve also but my husband said no. He said no to Sage too. :(

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My husband who is of German descent kept suggesting German-sounding boy names, such as Wilhelm and Franz. I just couldn't do it. Our oldest is Nicholas and my husband calls him Klaus. Our 2nd is Gretchen, which I thought was pretty and feminine. Our youngest is Kurt, so he still got his German names. They just needed vetting first :lol:

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He is now my XH but he nixed dozens of perfectly good names. And he would say the name as a snarl....'Gabriel! No kid of mine is going to be named Gabriel!'....It was so weird. But he has a name that is often a girl's and he has never gotten over the childhood trauma of life on the playground with a girl's name.


Yeah, he has issues.:glare:

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We both vetoed names left and right (and I required different first initials for each kid; I'm one of three Cs and disliked the constant confusion) but the biggest ones were my first love's last name, and my oldest son's father's name. To this day, dh doesn't understand why I refused to use either one. :001_huh:


Dh did veto my spelling for #5's middle name. I wanted Dillon; it's Dylan.

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I really wanted Niamh but DH was iffy on it. After sharing with family and them asking ten times "how do you say it again?" and still repeating it wrong, I let it go for a first name and we agreed to use it as a middle. But when we finally settled on a first, it was another uncommon name and we wanted her to have a "normal" middle name to fall back on. I at least got to use a Celtic name, though.


DH completely vetoed Payton for a girl. I haven't said absolutely no to anything.


I love, love Niamh! So cool--but impossible to guess its pronunciation of you don't know.

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There have been several but I can't remember most right off.


Malachi - something about a movie???


Jonah - kid would get swallowed by a whale

Noah - there would be a flood


He isn't keen on many of the more obviously Old Testament names - Isaiah, Isaac, Zechariah, Josiah, etc


We joked that a possible name would be Morgan Freeman, but I don't think we really would.


Oh, Honey! Check out Children of the Corn (a Stephen King story) for why Malachi immediately was vetoed! I can only repeat the line from the movie when I hear it! "Malachi, he wants you, Malachi." Ack!


I really wanted William. I've always dreamed of having a Will. It was the name of my dear grandfather and a wonderful friend in high school (not boyfriend). Unfortunately, William was also the name of his horrible, rotten grandfather. Boo!

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I've done some genealogical research, and I wanted to name a girl Christina Isabella, after an ancestor. We would have called her Christy or Bella. Dh didn't like either name. I also wanted Victoria for a middle name (the girl name we chose was Emma).



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My dh voted no on Annika. I thought it was a pretty name. Pretty name, but not for a Chinese little girl. My sister also liked Brooke for a name until they realized pairing it with their last name of Trout would give their daughter the name Brooke Trout. Needless to say, they put the stop on that one!



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I have vetoed Luke, Skywalker, Anakin.


Dh has vetoed:




And my favorite name for a boy, Wolfgang.


Elizabeth, Ann, or Mary ANY possible derivitive of either.


Dh is a bit of a PITA when it comes to baby naming.:glare:


Tho we always agree completely in the end on the name that "feel right".


And I must admit. I love every one of my kids' names and thing their names suit them wonderfully.

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I vetoed a lot on dh’s list. But to be fair he had things like Bono.


In the end what worked for our first one was that we both made separate lists and then compared. There were very few names that came up on both lists. Then we talked about the few and picked the one we liked best. For our next two the names were both my suggestion first but he liked them both. We picked pretty quickly and didnt’ make long lists.

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Bronwyn, for a girl. Oh, I so wanted a Bronwyn. Dh hated it.


Now we have 11 and 14 year old boys, and dh has met a few Bronwyns...and likes the name. I tell him it's all his fault- we could only agree on boy names and anyway, he's the one with those dumb y chromosomes!:D


I know a Bronwyn. And as cute as that little girl is...I still don't love her name.

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I love, love, love the name Cole, dh hates it! He says it make him think of a lump of coal. I also liked Declan, but he said it reminded him too much of male private parts :rolleyes:.


He really liked Bailey...for a boy...a boy child :ack2: to me, Bailey sounds like the name of a girl dog.


These were our top two names with Asher, and neither of us wanted to budge. We spent hours pouring over baby books to find a compromise we both loved. with Jax and Piper, he basically just let me have my way...as long as it was not Cole.

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DH has vetoed Duncan and Verity. If we have two more daughters I think he will consent to Verity in the end, but he will never agree for Duncan. I have managed to avoid having to use Gunther so far, but may use it as a middle name if we have another boy.


We love the name Verity! We may use it if we have another girl!


My dh has vetoed Peter, a name and Biblical character I love, because he has some weird Pittsburgh association with that name as a male body part. So now we are expecting boy #6, we only use Bible names, and we don't repeat initials--and we are having a very hard time figuring out a name that fits our criteria and that we haven't already used as a middle name for someone. Peter would be perfect . . .:glare: LOL!

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Oh goodness, we've vetoed more names than I care to think about, and we only have one child. A big reason we found out the gender (and will with any babies going forward) is so that we only have to agree on one name!


Two of my favorite boy names that he vetoed were Gideon and Gilbert. I love the name Minerva. I know he won't agree as a first name, but I'm holding out hope for a middle name. ;)

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Love that name. I'd still use it and Dassah for short.


Dh likes classic names.


We're in the middle of the debate again. Poor Olivia didn't get named until she was almost a week old, and even then I didn't become truly happy about it until about the last six months or so. It was a compromise. Neither of us got our favorite names.


He wanted Isabella. I love the name. It's beautiful. It's also insanely trendy, reminds me of vampires, and means Elizabeth, which we've used twice already.



Let's be honest. It's getting harder now. This will be the ninth daughter. I almost wish we had used dreadful names for middle names, or at least names we felt luke-warm about. Now I think of all the great names I wasted on middle names!

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