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Do you make your bed?

Do you make your bed?  

  1. 1. Do you make your bed?

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I am not a great house proud person, but I do this for myself. I like to get into a bed at night that feels straight, you know? And making the bed gives me a surface to fold laundry. It also just feels like I accomplished one good thing. I have a poster bed with several decorative pillows, and making it carefully takes less than five minutes.

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Yes, I do but when I have a new baby around and they sleep at a bit of different times it doesn't always get done ie I cannot make my bed right when I get up if the baby is still in it and then my whole schedule gets thrown off!

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I used to, when I had time to myself in the morning. (That would be before kids.)


Now I just throw the blankets onto the big chair in the corner, so I can use my bed for a credenza (sp?), since my work space is the table next to my bed.


Of course, in the rare situation that anyone might see the room, I make the bed.

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I consider me as making it - but I put "only halfway", since I don't really tuck the sheet down or anything fancy. Since my dh doesn't use the sheet & I do, I just throw it down on my side, pile pillows at the top, and toss the comforter over the whole deal. It's "made" to me!! :D

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Yes, I do the following in this order:


Put clothes in dryer.

Make bed.

Start coffee.

Unload dishwasher.

Drink coffee and read WTM forum.


I should time myself; I bet it only takes one minute but makes such a difference.


I have made my bed every day for at least the last 14 years unless I was at a hotel.

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I do not have a necessarily neat or organized house, but the *one* thing that gets done each day is making the bed. Sometimes dh makes it and sometimes I do. My son makes his before he comes out of his room in the AM (he likes routine :D) and my daughter *sigh* does not make hers unless told to :glare:.

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I'm was a slob as a kid. There I said it.. BUT 12 yrs ago I married a Navy man who grew up in a Navy family (both parents were active duty at some point, FIL for 25+yrs). Bed making was always low on my personal list of priorities. For DH it is a must. So the last one out of bed, makes the bed (usually me) and the girls make their beds prior to breakfast and even if the rest of the room looks a mess it suddenly looks better becuse of a bed made....

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I read Pursuit of Happiness or something like that and she encouraged readers to get down to the nub of something that would matter.


It occurred to me that a messy room looks better w/ a made bed.


So I literally start making the bed as I get out of the bed. I don't go to the bathroom first. I pull up here, tuck in there etc. and don't leave until it's made.


Caveat: I don't have a frilly, fancy bed. My covers are really easy to pull up.


But it makes me feel so much better during the day!!!



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I don't make it right when I get up. Sometimes dh makes it, sometimes I do, but usually after breakfast. Making our bed feels complicated to me because dh won't sleep with a top sheet or our comforter, so I have to re-tuck the top sheet around the bottom, wrestle with the comforter to get it back in place, and fold dh's separate blanket (or 2 in the winter) to put at the bottom of the bed.

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I read Pursuit of Happiness or something like that and she encouraged readers to get down to the nub of something that would matter.


It occurred to me that a messy room looks better w/ a made bed.


So I literally start making the bed as I get out of the bed. I don't go to the bathroom first. I pull up here, tuck in there etc. and don't leave until it's made.


Caveat: I don't have a frilly, fancy bed. My covers are really easy to pull up.


But it makes me feel so much better during the day!!!




See, besides the laundry basket that is currently overflowing, our bedroom is never really messy. It's a small room. We have nice curtains, our dressers are decorated, we don't have a TV or piles of stuff in there, so the unmade bed simply doesn't matter to me. My dh is kind of a neat freak, I like things straightened, so maybe that's my non-conformist rebellion. :lol:


We keep a fairly clean house anyway, the bed is my one area that looks messy.


I love reading how others approach these little household things and the whys behind it.

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Not usually. I do straighten the top sheet and the comforter before I climb into bed so it's all even. I make it on Mondays since that is laundry day and my bed is where I fold the clean laundry. I really should since making it would take about 30 seconds since it's just straightening out the top sheet and comforter. I wouldn't tuck things in all around or anything, our bed is against walls on three sides so that would be too much of a pain.

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I make my bed before I leave the bedroom every.single.morning. To me, it's part of basic homekeeping. Also, I spent some good money on the bed itself, and bedding, and curtains, and paint, and accessories...why would I want to leave the bed unmade?

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I make my bed strictly because I love how a fresh, tight made bed feels getting in. I swear I'd I had a daily housekeeper then I would have several sets of sheets and have newly washed sheets every day. I'm excited at night when I realize I washed sheets that day. It's like a treat. :)


YES! Me, too! I make all kinds of blissed out noises when I slide into freshly washed bedding. Sometimes I forget that there are new sheets on the bed and when when I go to get in, I'm actually giddy :lol:.

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I make my bed before I leave the bedroom every.single.morning. To me, it's part of basic homekeeping. Also, I spent some good money on the bed itself, and bedding, and curtains, and paint, and accessories...why would I want to leave the bed unmade?


Ellie, you would make such a good mentor for young married girls. I wish you lived closer, I'd visit you often just to observe what you do in your house. I had to learn it all on my own and at 47, I've about given up. :tongue_smilie:

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My husband and I use different blankets. We tend to have different temperature needs and I wrap my blankets around me. So if I made the bed, I would have to unmake it just to get into it at night. It almost never gets made.

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My husband and I use different blankets. We tend to have different temperature needs and I wrap my blankets around me. So if I made the bed, I would have to unmake it just to get into it at night. It almost never gets made.


Pretty much this. Also, I just don't care. :tongue_smilie:

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I make my bed before I leave the bedroom every.single.morning. To me, it's part of basic homekeeping. Also, I spent some good money on the bed itself, and bedding, and curtains, and paint, and accessories...why would I want to leave the bed unmade?


We had a hideous bedroom for the first several years of our marriage. Everything was mismatched, the carpet was filthy, the paint was worn, the room was dark. I hated it. A couple of year ago, we redid it, and I refuse to leave the room in the morning messy. Now that it is so streamlined, it takes no time at all to keep it looking like it did the day we redid it. The only difference is, I keep my workout clothes in a pile on my treadmill next to my shoes.


It just wouldn't look the same with the bed unmade.


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I make my bed before I leave the bedroom every.single.morning. To me, it's part of basic homekeeping. Also, I spent some good money on the bed itself, and bedding, and curtains, and paint, and accessories...why would I want to leave the bed unmade?




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The bed fairies make my bed. I don't know who, but when I go to get in at night, it has always been made. If the bed fairies moved away, I would do it myself. It's nice to have a made bed to get into. They also fold down the covers at night.


Can you send them my way?


I only make it if company is coming over.


If company is coming over, my bed is too covered with things to tell if I made it.

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Ellie, you would make such a good mentor for young married girls. I wish you lived closer, I'd visit you often just to observe what you do in your house. I had to learn it all on my own and at 47, I've about given up. :tongue_smilie:


Aw, thanks!


And I'd be honored to have you. :001_wub:

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