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Poll: What do you think of a 13 year old girl getting a small stud nose piercing?

What do you think of a 13 year old girl getting a small stud nose piercing?  

  1. 1. What do you think of a 13 year old girl getting a small stud nose piercing?

    • I think it is GREAT!
    • I think it is AWFUL!
    • Meh... I could go either way - don't much care.
    • Other (of course)

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I've always been a fan of piercings...as long as they are tastefully done. (if that makes sense/nothing huge or hideous) I myself had my first piercing (other than ears) done at 15 and ended up with a total of 8 on my body. :001_smile: The biggest reason I liked them was...well...seeing peoples reactions when they found out that I still got straight A's, was never out past curfew, worked hard, and had a great relationship with my parents.

So I say, if its small enough and she's a good kid....let her! :D


:iagree: I loved the reactions I got at 16 from my 8 holes in my ears (4 each). I used to tell people I had so many favorite pairs of earrings I couldn't choose! Or, I'd put safety pins through them and really freak them out.


I got straight A's in high school and college, led my youth group in church, never broke a rule and worked full time by 17, while still going to school full time even through college. I love challenging people's preconceived notions.


I got my nose done at 18 and let it close by 20. But I loved it and still miss it. If I had a daughter, I would consider a tasteful nose ring at 13-14. I'm letting my son get his ears pierced this year at 12. I told my 9 yo boy he had to wait a bit because he wears his hair long and people already mistake him for a girl sometimes (but he's growing out of that). He understood and agreed.

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My career minded daughter has chosen to stick with ear piercings... but got a tatoo on her lower back after she was 20.


My not so career minded daughter, who is a lovely lady, got her nose piercing at about 18. She also did a tongue piercing, which didn't thrill be or her grandparents, but we love her dearly and that never changes... Just not what we would pick. I love who she is.


My still evolving daughter who has given us a run for our money since birth... she has ear piercings. At 17 I allowed her to get a monroe piercing (upper lip off to one corner area). She has a clear stud to replace it with for when she is around people she knows find it more offensive. She asked for a tongue piercing and I said nope... not until she is 18 and does it with her own money, without my permission. (She paid for most of her monroe piercing). Well, she found a way to get it done regardless. Sigh.


Parenting is one overwhelming experience at times.


What matters at the end of the day is who I love and how I show it.

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I have a 13yo dd. If she wanted a tiny diamond stud I would let her.


I wouldn't care.

Tiny diamond stud....fine.

Ring....nope. I don't like the look of the rings, so it is entirely a personal preference.

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Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I actually wasn't asking if I should let my dd do it. We already let her do it a few weeks back. It wasn't a rebellion or anything emotional, but I appreciate that some are worried about her and our family's tough road. She said she wanted it, dh and I discussed it and didn't think it was a big deal. I asked on here because since then we have gotten extended family grief. I thought it might just be them, but now I see lots of people aren't really keen to it. Anyway I attached a photo she put on facebook recently. She captioned it, "I mustache you if you like my nose ring?" She cracked me up! Thanks again!

She is ADORABLE!!!



I voted 'meh' because I would encourage my DD to wait until she was a little older. I really LOVE nose piercings, a tiny little diamond stud. I would love to get one myself.

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Well, I voted no, but awful seems a little harsh for what I'm thinking...however, I don't necessarily think 'meh' either. I just don't think it's a good idea...that's pretty young. I would say 16 at least. DH would say when they can go do it on their own (he's not a fan of tattoos/piercings aside from ears in girls). :)

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It's trendy and unoriginal, so I wouldn't let mine do it at 13. I don't know where you live, but the big ear disks for guys that were so popular a few years ago are rarely seen in our area now and I don't see tongue piercings or nose rings/studs as I did a few years ago. I do see huge holes that hang now.

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I voted meh. I think they look very pretty, actually. I don't like a LOT of piercings, and I don't like them everywhere, but I think a small one in the nose looks rather elegant. Thirteen is a little young for my tastes, but would not be horrible.


One of my daughters wanted one at about age 13, although we did make her wait until she was 16 or 17. We wanted to make sure it was a more thought-through decision. I think it looks very nice on her, and she is a classy gal.


We also let two of our daughters get small tattoos (they were 16 and 18), and another get a belly piercing at 16. Our son got an ear piercing as a teen, but decided a couple years ago that he didn't want it anymore.

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I voted "no". I agree with the person who said it's "trendy and unoriginal." It used to be this slightly edgy thing but now I know tons of middle-aged moms who have one... that definitely takes it out of the "cool" category. :lol: However, my reason for saying "no" isn't based on coolness -- I just find it too big of a decision to be made at 13. 18 yes, but not 13. Your dd is adorable, in spite of it, and I'm sorry you're getting grief from people about it! People should mind their own business.

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My oldest had her nose pierced at 16. I would have let her do it at 13 but her dad (joint custody) wanted her to wait. She did have double ear piercings and cartilage piercings before. She was always very good about keeping her piercings clean so that wasn't a concern.


A small nose piercing isn't a big deal IMO because if she changes her mind, she takes it out and it looks like a tiny freckle or mole. My dd's is barely noticeable when she wears a plain gold or tiny diamond stud. She's had it for 2 years and my mother never noticed until I mentioned it in a conversation last weekend. Not that my mother is the most observant person in the world.

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I allowed my 13 yo dd to get one. She is now 19 and still has it. I voted MEH only because I don't think it is such a big deal. If it is bothersome, or it interferes with job interviews or whatever, you take it out.


My 19 yo also has two tatoos(I have one). But are located in places that can easily be covered.


Nose piercings are the same as ears. It is the way of society today.

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I guess everything old is new again. I had my nose and tongue pierced over 20 years ago and most teens I meet think they invented the idea :lol:.


By the by, I must be the only person who doesn't have self-healing nose cartilage. I went about 5 years without wearing a nose stud. One day I woke up in the mood for it, and just popped it back in. No pain, no strain. Also when I'm not wearing it, the hole is NOT visible at all. Go figure.

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Nose piercings are the same as ears. It is the way of society today.

I think it likely depends on where you live and it seems by the majority of the thread most here don't find them to be the same. Personally I don't think they are horrid, just unoriginal, a cry for attention or something. Trying too hard to be cool. I'm not sure. I think visually though a small stud though is attractive a lot of the times, even if I'm not sure that I agree with the idea of it being something for someone under the age of 18 or so.

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no. :tongue_smilie: I'd have the child wait until she was 18, and then she'd be free to pierce and tattoo away. But then, at least she's making these decisions as an adult, and if she regrets them later, she can't blame you.



I have countless friends who had parents who allowed this type of stuff. Mine never did LOL. The majority of my friends wish their parents would have said no. I told my daughter her body is hers and when she is an adult she can choose to alter it but I will not make that choice or allow her as a child to do it.

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Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I actually wasn't asking if I should let my dd do it. We already let her do it a few weeks back. It wasn't a rebellion or anything emotional, but I appreciate that some are worried about her and our family's tough road. She said she wanted it, dh and I discussed it and didn't think it was a big deal. I asked on here because since then we have gotten extended family grief. I thought it might just be them, but now I see lots of people aren't really keen to it. Anyway I attached a photo she put on facebook recently. She captioned it, "I mustache you if you like my nose ring?" She cracked me up! Thanks again!


Two words.


Dar. Ling.



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soror: I think it likely depends on where you live

That's probably quite true.


Personally I don't think they are horrid, just unoriginal, a cry for attention or something. Trying too hard to be cool. I'm not sure.

Exactly. A much better representation than "horrible", which was the option in the poll if you didn't love them.


I think visually though a small stud though is attractive a lot of the times, even if I'm not sure that I agree with the idea of it being something for someone under the age of 18 or so


This is definitely a decision for an adult to make, I believe. So even if I were being pestered for this, the answer would be, "When you are 18."

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I haven't read any responses yet. I've told my kids we'll pay for ears and nose piercings when they are ready (I'm not sure if there are are restrictions in Oregon from the latter, and I would not have it done illegally). I know a number of professionals with nose piercings, so it's difficult for me to see it as a career limiting move.


My 10yo's ears were pierced around her 8th birthday, but my approaching 8yo shows no interest. Neither are desirous at this time for any other piercings.

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Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I actually wasn't asking if I should let my dd do it. We already let her do it a few weeks back. It wasn't a rebellion or anything emotional, but I appreciate that some are worried about her and our family's tough road. She said she wanted it, dh and I discussed it and didn't think it was a big deal. I asked on here because since then we have gotten extended family grief. I thought it might just be them, but now I see lots of people aren't really keen to it. Anyway I attached a photo she put on facebook recently. She captioned it, "I mustache you if you like my nose ring?" She cracked me up! Thanks again!

It looks great. :001_smile:

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Voted meh, but in between meh and happy.


My son, 13, just got his ears pierced. It's probably a comparable situation. Son wanted his ears pierced at 9! I told him to wait until he was a teen and we'd talk. He never stopped wanting it done (I kinda hoped he would to avoid the xh and living in a conservative suburb in Texas reaction).


His birthday was in February and he got it done in April.


I rather like small, diamond, nose piercings.

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Soror makes an excellent point about location mattering. Where I live, nobody would give a nose stud a second glance (heck, my favorite librarian wears a tiara and fairy wings with his tribal tattoos); that's probably not the case in some areas.


I think Kari's daughter looks adorable. I'd love to try a tiny nose stud, but I'm too cowardly. I'm even too chicken for the magnetic kind, as I fear I'd inhale the thing with a deep breath and cause a scene at Starbucks, or something.

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Belacqua: Soror makes an excellent point about location mattering. Where I live, nobody would give a nose stud a second glance (heck, my favorite librarian wears a tiara and fairy wings with his tribal tattoos); that's probably not the case in some areas.



Wow. I'd like to see that!



I think Kari's daughter looks adorable. I'd love to try a tiny nose stud, but I'm too cowardly. I'm even too chicken for the magnetic kind, as I fear I'd inhale the thing with a deep breath and cause a scene at Starbucks, or something.


I didn't see the photo - don't know how I missed that, but I'm sure she is a lovely girl.


Anyway, yeah magnetic! That sounds like a perfect solution and requires nothing permanent and painful.

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I've had one for almost three years now and love it. My husband is a ps teacher and I work with the drama/theater kids a lot. The kids love that I have one. When we get blessed with a dd, if she wants one I'll take her to get it. :auto:


ETA: My son was horrified that I got one (it was on a trip with a bunch of Sonlight moms) but when he got his Eagle rank he wanted to get a tatoo of a three headed eagle. I told him I wouldn't balk at that if he lightened up on my nose stud. He did.


Now that he's gone I want to get the tatoo but my husband doesn't like tatoos. :(

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I got my nose pierced at 19 on a study abroad trip to India. I am now 40+ and wear a small sparkly diamond stud. I have never regretted it. I have however had times in my life when I removed the nose ring - for example when going for interviews for my first job out of law school. The hole was not at all visible.


I vote to allow, I don't see it as a big deal or any different than ear piercings.

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I wouldn't have a problem with it. I would make her wait a few weeks to think over it to make sure she really wanted. My dd is wanting a little stud piercing on the top part of one of here ears. I told her if she still wanted when this school year is over she could get it.

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I think it all depends on your complexion and structure.


I saw THE most gorgeous girl with one, a little blinking diamond at the whorl of her nose. If I could look like her, I'd get one right away. I think my pores on my nose are too big for a nose stud.


And I think it's true, too, it's about where you live. No one would even notice here.


I think she looks adorable!

Edited by justamouse
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I am a 'meh' vote. My kids know that for body modifications I will suppor them if they are tasteful and not a passing whim. So if dd wanted a nose ring for a long time, not just because she saw someone yesterday with one and thought it was cool, and it was a tiny tasteful one No problem. Though I would make her likely earn all the money unless I was willing to offer it as a birthday or xmas gift. I would be okay with a brow ring too but not a tongue ring.


My kids also know that I am willing to sign the permission for a tattoo as young at 16 IF they have had a tasteful design planned for well over a year, it is to be placed in an easily covered spot and if they paid for it themselves.


I figure it is their body, if they are not going to prevent them from getting hired at a job, or damage their health it is their choice.


Heck if my son suddenly decided at 13 he wanted a circ I would take him for that too. Their body their choice for all modifications. The reasonable ones I am willing to allow as minors.

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I don't really care.


Nose piercings always sound like a thing of horrors to me, my allergies are terrible, I am often blowing my nose and I imagine it would get caught?? If other people want to do it, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I probably wouldn't let dd do it at 13 but it wouldn't be a big deal to me.

Edited by Sis
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I'm not wild about piercings, other than a single ear piercing.


That said, a single nose piercings seems common in Indian culture, and looks very elegant, so I'd have to go with "don't care either way". I'd rather my dd had a single nose piercing than multiple ear piercings. I think that it really is matter of how you present yourself: often multiple piercings go with a generally "sloppy" demeanor. (I imagine I am offending someone here - just my observations and not universally applicable!)


DD has already been told that piercings I don't have to know about will be her own business, but not to expect me to talk to her while gazing at a bit of metal in her mouth or eye brow!

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I'd just say that body piercing is a decision that needs to be made at the age when it is legal - age 18 (same for a tatoo). It doesn't have to do with horror over nose piercing, but rather recognition that body modification is a step beyond ear modification in our culture and requires greater age/maturity in my book.

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Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I actually wasn't asking if I should let my dd do it. We already let her do it a few weeks back. It wasn't a rebellion or anything emotional, but I appreciate that some are worried about her and our family's tough road. She said she wanted it, dh and I discussed it and didn't think it was a big deal. I asked on here because since then we have gotten extended family grief. I thought it might just be them, but now I see lots of people aren't really keen to it. Anyway I attached a photo she put on facebook recently. She captioned it, "I mustache you if you like my nose ring?" She cracked me up! Thanks again!



You know, I think her nose ring looks charming.


I tend to pick my battles carefully. Something like what your DD has would be fine to me. But that's where I think I would draw the line. Anything more would have to wait until she's 18.


There are a lot worse things she could be doing at 13. A nose ring isn't one of them.

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