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Look who decided to come out and play!!!

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I suppose after having the midwife "threaten me" with an induction it scared my body into labor. :lol: I woke up at 3 am, April 14 with contractions. I kept thinking that they'd just go away so I ignored them but they were painful. My husband was timing them and said they were about 2 min. apart. I got a hot shower and that slowed things down a bit but I could not walk or talk through them. We called the midwife and got to the birth center around 4:30. I was only there for about 45 min. and he came flying out... I mean, I pushed for like 1 1/2 min.!! All the annoying prodromal labor really paid off I guess. I feel so much better now. Except for a little back pain, all the ligament pain is gone and I can actually walk now. :D


Here he is: Leif Anders 9lbs 8 1/2 oz, 22 in.



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