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Do you do any of these things?

Do you. . .  

  1. 1. Do you. . .

    • look in the backseat of your car before you get in?
    • hold your keys like a weapon in the parking lot?
    • have a panic button on your key chain?
    • lock the car door while you are driving to prevent carjacking?
    • Other

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I usually look in the backseat of the car before I get into it, but not always.


I think I have a panic button on my car key, but only because it came that way.


If I'm driving around at night or in an area that makes me uncomfortable, I tend to lock the doors. I actually forget to do this, because the last two cars I drove had doors that locked automatically at a certain speed. So, nowadays I sometimes notice I'm driving around at midnight in the less-than-great part of town blissfully unaware that my doors are not locked.


The only one I do semi-regularly and intentionally is check the car, although the one I have now has large windows that would make it tough for anyone to even think they could hide back there.

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My car doors lock automatically when we drive and don't unlock until I press a button or open my door from the inside so I don't actively choose that. I don't really think about the other things but I might do if I felt more threatened which I don't where I live. If I still lived in london I would probably worry more about walking to my car alone in the evening.

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My old car used to lock automatically once you hit a certain mph. Since I got my new car, it does not do this, so I am always freaking out when I realize (usually at stoplights) that the doors are still unlocked.


yes, I walk with my keys like a weapon. Usually concealed in a sleeve if I am wearing them. This is dual-purpose- self defense, and to keep my keys from rattling and attracting attention.


I check the backseat- but it is more because I check my kids. My DS has a tendency now to unlock my DD's carseat so I am always checking the back.


I have been known to talk with my cell phone to no one when I am walking at night.

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I don't have much of a choice on them. My key fob has a panic button, my doors lock automatically and I usually have to put Han Solo in the back seat. If I'm alone, which is very rare as James Bond is gone a lot, I do tend to look through the windows of the backseat as I approach. My car has ambient lighting, so it's pretty bright when I get to it. With the car seat and all the other kid related stuff (and junk) in the back seat though, I'd give serious props to anyone who was able to hide back there. :tongue_smilie:

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I always look on top of the sun visor for huntsmen spiders.

I would too, if I had scary Australian spiders! :eek::ack2:


I used to do all of the above. Now, I have tinted windows on a mini-van, so I can't see in before I open the doors, but since my kids all pile into the second and third rows, there would be indignant complaints if someone was in one of their seats, lol. I so rarely go anywhere alone, I'm not sure anyone would be setting his sights on me to stalk in a parking lot. Seems like a lot of hassel.


My key fob came with a panic button, and I tend not to have a key sticking out of a clenched fist anymore. I don't lock the doors while driving. Ok, so, really, I just have an unintentional panic button.


But I DO NOT have scary Australian spiders and, of this, I am very grateful.

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I always lock the doors. We had a rash of carjackings in our city when I worked for an insurance company. One of the girls I worked with almost got her car stolen. So, yes, one small deterrent.


As a habit I always get my keys out of my purse before heading outside. I don't hold them like a weapon though.

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I have a panic button on my key chain but only because it came that way. I lock the doors when I drive simply because they lock automatically and I haven't found time to read the manual to undo that...it's really annoying when I stop the car and the only door that unlocks is mine so I have to manually unlock for everyone else...might have liked that feature when the kids were younger though.

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My SUV automatically locks when it is in drive.


I also look under my SUV -- it is high enough off the ground that someone could be under there, including an animal. I walk around it, and look around, to be sure there aren't any little kids behind it or close by. It has a back-up beep-beep to warn me if anything is close by, but I don't like to take chances since it beeps for cars parked behind me and trees that look far away to me.


My biggest problem isn't personal safety -- it is all the adults who walk behind my car, without a care in the world that I am obviously backing up, and that my SUV will kill them if I hit them.

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I'd vote none, but it wasn't a choice... we live in a safe, rural area, so while these things could happen, I'm really not fearful of any of them. We don't always lock our doors to the car when we're not in it - only if there's something of value in it (which is rare).

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I do all of those things. I had forgotten to lock my doors as I was driving once, and remembered while I was sitting at a red light, so I locked them. Not 5 seconds later, someone tried to get in my car on the passenger side! I never forget now. I was also accosted in a parking lot once late at night, and got away because I used my keys as a weapon.

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Also look under my car. And when approaching my car in a parking lot at night, I always come at it from a wide angle so if my car looks suspicious I can keep on walking past without it looking like my car. I also always lock my car doors even if it's just sitting in my driveway.


While I may live out in the suburbs now, I grew up in the city and spent 5 years in the inner city. Hard to break old habits.

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Me with a baby struggling with a huge cart of groceries... there's no holding my keys like a weapon and it would be a pathetic scene if I tried to use them as one.


But-- I lock car doors, only travel/ shop during bright daylight hours, park in busy spots with lots of foot traffic (when available), and take DH with me as much as I can. I'm more worried about a break in at night. We have door alarms but if someone were clever & determined enough the kids and I would be sitting ducks.

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I do everything except for the panic button because my husband thinks I am paranoid and won't get a key chain with a whistle, or panic buttons or anything. I grew up in a large city when people when mugged right in front of your eyes and nobody bats an eyelid, so...yes, I guess I am paranoid.


I also DON'T roll my window down when someone on foot or from another car asks me for directions.

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I am way too chicken to go out at night by myself into dark, creepy parking lots. I have seen way too many scary movies.


I am generally not afraid of crime because where I live is relatively safe. In some places I am more afraid of creepy people trying to get in my car than anyone trying to carjack.

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I used to check my backseat. I don't worry that anyone would break into my car with the newer (factory) alarm system. I have a panic button on my fob, and I sometimes have it out when I leave work at night (public parking area), but that's rare. I don't pull out my key otherwise, as it's keyless.


My doors lock automatically, but I wish they didn't. I am much more concerned about being locked in during a wreck than locking others out.


I drive in areas I consider to be very safe, although I know that's not a guarantee.

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All of the above. The car doors lock automatically, though, and the key fob comes with a panic button. I also try to be aware of who else is in the parking lot when I'm going to my car. And I try not to park next to large vans. I usually lock the door if I get into the car and am sitting for a few minutes arranging things. And if I feel like I'm being followed home I will drive through the neighborhood and out again, just to be sure. I've only done that a couple of times, though.

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I always have my keys in hand before I leave a store.


My key cam with a panic button.


My car locks the doors automatically when I begin to drive, but I actually lock it as soon as I get in my car before even starting it.


I don't look in the back seat. I have dark tinted windows and it's filled with car seats back there.


My dh once asked me why I lock the doors when I get in the car. I told him and he thinks I'm paranoid. I told him it must be nice to be a male and live in a different reality than women.

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Hmm. That's a tough one.


I never check my back seat. I do have a panic button but only because that's how the car came. I carry my keys in the lot just so I don't have to fumble with them once I get there, more so I can be aware of my surroundings rather than use them as a weapon. And my car automatically locks so I don't do it myself to prevent carjackings, but I do drive around with the doors locked.

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Yes to all + Other - conceal carry.


Good for you. I had my permit, but only carried one time (an emergency trip to Walmart at midnight) because I couldn't figure out the logistics of it on a daily basis and never got comfortable carrying, especially with the kids hanging on me. I let it expire, and my husband wasn't pleased.

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It depends on the situation. In the city in the evening at the mall... I do all of those and more. I hit the locks as I slide into the front seat and close the door. If it's daytime and I'm leaving someplace around here, no, except that I always glance in the back of the van and around it from habit.



Incidentally, unless you are holding multiple keys in between each finger, you are better off just using your fingers/nails, because the chances are poor for doing much damage with one weapon point. I learned that from some self defense show. :001_smile:

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My dh once asked me why I lock the doors when I get in the car. I told him and he thinks I'm paranoid. I told him it must be nice to be a male and live in a different reality than women.

it's fascinating, isn't it? I was worried about my husband and public bathrooms when driving long distance. The one thing I think women have the advantage of is the single sex setting and not having others peering at or attempting to peer at us while we pee, and other weird activities in the bathroom (a la Larry Craig and George Michael).

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Panic button came on the keychain. I've unintentionally set it off a few times over the years but I'm not sure I could do it in an actual panic.

The car doors lock when our car is in anything but park.


We live in a pretty rural area but travel to Chicago and Atlanta several times a year. We do make sure we're aware of our surroundings when we're out- that's something we consider pretty important.

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Always park in a well lighted part of the parking lot, near an entrance, higher traffic area or in view of security cameras.


Have my cell phone easily accessible, especially when walking or biking alone. Wish I had a dog, too.


If I am out in the evening I am sure dh/kids know where I am going and when I expect to return.


Place valuables in the back of my vehicle where they cannot be seen through the windows.


There's likely more that I just do out of habit.

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I never do any of those things and while working 16 years in inner-city Los Angeles, I never did them there either.


I am quite a trusting soul actually.


I do lock the car in a parking lot because I did have my purse stolen once, but other than that, I just don't bother and really don't live in fear.

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I also make sure no valuables are in plain view in my car when I get out of it - usually I put stuff in the trunk. I tend to look around a lot to be aware of my surroundings.


I worked at a Police Dept so I also keep my house doors locked at all times and we have an alarm system (DH is a fire alarm engineer) and it's usually armed.


We don't live in a high crime area. I'd probably do this anywhere it's just my personality.

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I am quite a trusting soul actually.


I do lock the car in a parking lot because I did have my purse stolen once, but other than that, I just don't bother and really don't live in fear.


I'm pretty trusting, too, I guess.


I did learn not to leave my iPod in view while I'm not in the car when I one day forgot it there. Someone broke the car window and took the iPod.


I had my purse stolen once when I was working in Manhattan back in the pre-kid days.


And another time, I was having lunch with my husband in the city and had my purse on the floor at my feet. I reached down to get something and found the hand of a man sitting behind me rooting about, apparently looking for my wallet. I turned around and said, "Excuse me!" pretty sternly. He withdrew his hand and apologized.


So, sure, I lock my doors when I leave the car in a parking lot or in our driveway. If I'm going for a walk with the dog while one or both kids are rehearsing somewhere and I'm leaving my car in the lot near a theatre, I put my purse out of view under the mat in the back and make sure it's covered before locking the doors.


If I'm going to be parked and waiting for them for an extended period of time, I park under a light and lock the doors.


But I just can't devote a lot of energy to going around being scared all of the time or believing that the world is such an awful place.


My dh once asked me why I lock the doors when I get in the car. I told him and he thinks I'm paranoid. I told him it must be nice to be a male and live in a different reality than women.


Interestingly, my husband is significantly more paranoid than I am about these things.

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Only when I am feeling extremely paranoid. I've written before how my son left the door of the van open while I was shopping - twice. I wasn't surprised to see my portable DVD players and large case od DVD's still where I had left them. I regularly leave my keys and purse in the van. My only worries in a parking lot are the kids running behind a vehicle backing up.

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I lock my car pretty much all the time.


I look around to see who else is in the parking lot. (One time a guy tried to approach from behind while I was buckling my kids. I whipped around and gave him a rotten glare, and he muttered something and walked away. I have a hard time thinking my glare would do any good if someone intended harm, but I try to let people know I see them anyway.)


I talk on my cell phone. Before I was married, I'd call my dad, who would ask me questions about my martial arts accomplishments (which are none). :001_smile: I've been told that talking on the phone is not advisable, because potential attackers will think you're distracted. I still do it anyway - I just make sure I'm looking around.

Edited by mudboots
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As a young girl learning to drive in MA, I was taught to be super-vigilant in any parking lot at night: hold your keys like a weapon, be aware of any other people near you, lock the door as soon as you get in the car.

However, living in the boonies of PA for the last 11 years has relaxed me a bit - and, I'm rarely out by myself at night. :lol:

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