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S/O - Seriously? Y'all are paying $350 for hair cuts/perms/coloring?????

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How often are you doing that?


I paid $60 for a haircut a month back and thought that was outrageous! and I get my hair cut once a year. Maybe. :)


I can't think of anything to say that doesn't sound snarky, LOL, and I don't mean to be snarky at all - if you've got the money, go for it. I'm just...speechless.


I'm doing the math and adding in waxing, brows, manicures, pedicures and tanning......and realizing some people spend more on beauty than my family of six spends on food for a month!


Maybe you guys are talking about once in a lifetime wedding hair appointments????

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Wow...even if I had the money, I wouldn't spend it that way. No offense to those who do, just not my cup of tea.


I have waist length hair...I just had a friend trim a couple inches off to even up the ends. Cost: a cup of tea.


I did recently start splurging on myself: I'm almost 42 yo and I'm noticing my hair is dryer. So I upgraded from the $1.50 bottle of shampoo to the $5 bottle of shampoo. :)

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Not me! I do need a haircut about every other month, but I get it at Best Cuts or Great Clips where it's about $16 including tip. I don't color my hair (despite the abundance of shiny whiteys I have). I wash it with Suave before going for a cut. I don't even use a hair dryer.


I don't use any cosmetics other than acne stuff for my face. Haven't paid anyone for hair removal yet, either, though I am thinking about doing this if it's really permanent - mostly to save time in the long run.


What I do like, however, is a massage. I've only had one massage since becoming a mom, though. I'm way overdue in my opinion.

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I have a friend whom I worked with for 13 years. Over that time, he was raising two sons. The eldest gave him a lot of worry, not the least of which was his declaration that he wanted to be a hair stylist. He pursued this dream as his dad cringed. Recently Dad and I crossed paths, and I hear that Son is making a fortune doing rich ladies' hair. Whoda thunk.

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Oh, yeah, every month! You mean you're not?






Uh, no. A friend who used to $10 in her kitchen. 3 or 4 times a year. Maybe. (I am lucky that I have long, straight hair that doesn't need anything special!)

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This is not uncommon around here. We have a friend who cuts hair at a local high end salon (not Super Cuts, or Great Cuts or anything like that.) She charges:


Basic Hair Cut (show up with wet hair, no shampoo, no blow dry) $50

Shampoo, Hair Cut, Blow Dry $75

Color is an additional $120

Keratin Treatment $200



Because she is a great friend of my oldest dd she charges me & each of the girls $25 to cut our hair at her house. My oldest also has a neon orange streak and that costs $50 (she has to pay for it herself.) This friend has told me she would only charge me $100 for the keratin treatment, but I have grown to tolerate my curly hair and don't feel like paying to change it.


FWIW I know plenty of ladies who pay $40-$50 for a weekly manicure and the same for a pedicure. I know ladies who have paid outrageous amounts for waxing things and bleaching things, and I even know women who have paid incredible amounts for the "Mommy Surgery Package" after their babies were born (boob job, tummy tuck & VJ rejuvenation.)


Our culture of youth worship & vanity is out of control and I admit to coloring my gray hair with a box of hair color that costs under $10, but that is as far as I go.


Amber in SJ

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It would be pretty normal to pay well over $200 for a cut, color, and perm in my town and that wouldn't be at a high-end salon. I don't personally know many people who do it though. Most of my friends are all SAHM moms and working with single income budgets.

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I get my hair cut and colored every nine weeks. When I get highlights done (every other time), I pay $105 (includes the tip). When I don't, I pay about twenty dollars less. I think it's worth every penny. I've tried to cut and color my own hair....not worth it. Professionals do a MUCH better job.

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Nope. I have my hair cut every six weeks, and at that time, it's either colored/highlighted or just roots touched up. If it's just cut, style, and touch-up, it's about $60. If it's allover color with highlights, it's more like $100.



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I get my hair cut and colored every nine weeks. When I get highlights done (every other time), I pay $105 (includes the tip). When I don't, I pay about twenty dollars less. I think it's worth every penny. I've tried to cut and color my own hair....not worth it. Professionals do a MUCH better job.



Same here. I dyed mine for years and would get a cut every once in a while. I hated it. I finally decided (as i have gotten older) that it is worth paying a stylist. I am much happier with my hair.

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A few times, I have paid about $200 for color and cut. I wasn't happy at first but I had had so many bad haircuts at the cheap places that I had stopped getting my hair cut at all. I finally broke down and went to an expensive salon. After getting my hair cut a few times, I decided to do a color. Oh my! The difference between getting my hair colored there and me doing it from a box at home is huge! But.. I most certainly couldn't do that on a regular basis so I gave up coloring my hair a year ago last January. I tried to go back to the box stuff but I was having to touch up every 4 weeks. The color job lasted much longer when I had it professionally done. But oh well, yeah, I gave it up. I hate my hair now. I don't mind the gray. It's kind of a light, silvery color which isn't all that bad. But the color on my whole head is very drab indeed. And then there is the texture, which is getting to be similar to the straw on a broom. Bad hair like mine really adds to the dumpy, frumpy look. But oh well! I am what I am I guess.


I get my hair cut a few times a year now. I keep my bangs trimmed on my own. I just ignore the uneven cut. The truth is that I really dislike my longish hair. Washing it is a nightmare. But there is absolutely NO way I'm going to let someone cut my hair above my shoulders again. I might as well hack at it with my own scissors and save the $20.

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I drive 30 minutes away to get my haircut for $35-$40 (cut and tip) by a guy that I trust to do whatever he wants. I've liked everything he's done except the last one. DD12 now sees him, too, but he charges about half that for kids. We go once or twice a year.


Everyone else in the family gets hair cuts from me.


I don't do any other beauty stuff.

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Oh man, I wish! The last hair cut I had was about a year ago.....DH did it....:leaving: I just don't have the time to care about it right now. My hair is super curly and needs a lot of product in order to look decent. Not to mention I have all my angel wings from the regrowth after baby girl was born. To say I look hideous is an understatement. :lol: I've been wearing my yoga pants all day (and I don't do yoga ;))

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I pay around $50 for a cut 1x a year - maybe 2x at the most. I'd like to get highlights though & I hope I can find a good price for that...but I'm willing to pay for quality -but no more than another $40 for highlights?


I was watching Tabatha's Salon Makeover on Bravo once & they went to a high end salon in NYC & a regular haircut there (nothing else) was $300!!!!


If I was ever loaded, I'd love to see what a $300 haircut feels like!!

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I used to pay about $160 for a good friend who had a pricey salon to cut and color my hair, including tip. She would also always cut my kids' hair for free whenever so that made it not so bad. If I didn't want color, it was about $65. It sounds crazy, but she was really good. Before she cut my hair, I had never had a cut that I could wash, blow dry, and then it actually looked good. Usually I had to do *something* else to make it look nice. The first time she cut my hair, I was amazed at how nicely it fell and how easy it was to style. I would get my hair colored about 1-2 times a year and cut another 1 or 2 times.


We've moved and I just paid $10 (including tip!) to have it cut at a beauty school. I couldn't believe it when they told me the price. I was a little nervous when the student hesitated and told her teacher she wasn't completely comfortable doing something to my hair, but she worked it out and did a good job. It was definitely a good job for $10. I think I'm going to see how much they charge to color it with some fancy high lights and low lights!

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I have long hair and lots of it. I have to have it stacked when I get a perm and that is about $200 with tip. I get it done about once every other year. I get cuts about ever six months. I have never done color (other than pink streaks) and I don't intend to so overall my hair care cost are pretty low. I don't pay for all that other girly stuff so I save money there as well.

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I'm not. I cut my own hair, dye it myself with stuff from SAlly's and do my own mani's and pedi's. It's not as nice as it would be if it were done by a professional, but it's good enough for me. I can't afford to go get things done. My mother actually took me to get a pedicure last summer as a special treat. It was the first time I had ever been in a beauty salon and the first time I'd ever had a pedicure by a professional. My feet looked amazing, but there is no way I could afford to do that on any kind of regular basis. So to answer your question, no.... not all of us are spending that kind of money on personal upkeep. :)

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I paid $40 plus tip for my last haircut and it was a great cut. But I got it cut a lot shorter, so I will have to go every 6-8 weeks now. When it was longer, I could stretch it for months sometimes.


I had my hair colored at a salon a few times, but it didn't look any better than doing it myself, so I didn't see any sense in continuing to pay for it. Most recently, I used Revlon ColorSilk. I was afraid to try it because it's so cheap ($3.50 regular, $3.14 on sale), but it's amazing. It gives my hair lots of shine and texure.

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no, I don't spend that much, but I do spend $100 plus $20 tip about every 9-10 weeks for a cut and partial weave (color) in between I color myself. I try not to think about the money, but I love how my hair looks, dh does too, I feel good about myself, and I've only been spending this much on my hair for 2 or 3 years, before that, I just couldn't justify the amount, we didn't really have the budget for it.


I do not ever get manicures/pedicures, waxing. I hardly ever buy shoes. We can afford it now, and it makes me feel good, look nice.

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People make their own choices.


I get a cut for 25$ (going rate here) and I colour my own hair with stuff I buy from Sally's. I do a pretty good job, if I do say so. I do a lot of research and even read books on ways to do a better job. I don't do highlights because that is tricky to do on oneself and even more difficult with dyed hair. I sort of wish I could afford that.


But, man I would LOOOOOVE a kertin treatment. Love. It. But, it is not in the cards.

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Meggie said:

Oh man, I wish! The last hair cut I had was about a year ago.....DH did it...


I can top that. My last haircut was made last year by my 4yo dd (now 5).


She had cut her own hair, and she would only let me clean up the edges if I let her cut my hair, too. I put two hairties on my ponytail and told her to cut between the two.

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:confused: I haven't had my hair cut since December 2010... and it is grey, long, one length down my back. Money is tight for us. What could be used for vanity goes to homeschooling books, bills, food, gas, etc. I know many of my unemployed gal pals who USED to splurge on haircuts and mani/pedis, but do not anymore thanks to the economy. One friend owns a high class spa in IN and they are going bankrupt due to less customers coming in. Stylists are being headhunted by other salons and the owners are ready to lose it all.


Sort of like eating out. No one I know does that anymore and cooks at home. Local restaurants are hurting big time. Just saw a national report on FOX News from the Carl's Jr. corp spokesperson saying drive thru purchases are down this quarter. Everyone is hurting.

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I have my hair colored and cut every 6 weeks, but I've been going to the same gal for 20ish years and she only charges me $50. I tried going for a while last year not coloring it, but my hair is sooo gray, and looks terrible. So I'm back to coloring. Never done any mani/pedis.

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I wouldn't have the budget if I wanted to. I cut my own hair, you have to have the right stylist for curly hair, and I prefer to do it myself.


Color? I found a nice 3.00 box at Dollar General. Seriously, it add depth and looks good. I'm debating on coloring again.


While I like to look put together (so not happening lately), I would rather buy books and fill my head (and my ds's head) with knowledge. It's always been either or in our budget.

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I used to have DW cut my hair, but recently went shorter and layered, so I had to start using a salon. It feels like a big indulgence for me, though it costs $10-12, 3-4x per year. I also get a box of hairdye once or twice a year. I can usually get a coupon and a good sale so it costs less than $5. I could skip that part but I find it fun to change colors every once in awhile and I'm not so sure I'm ready for the level of grey I have actually reached (I just turned 31)

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I color my own hair about every 3 months to get rid of the grey ... $9 a pop.


My daughter and I have pedicures at the local beauty school a few times a year for $12.


My haircuts are $14, maybe 3 times a year.


My hubby has cut his own hair for 25+ years. :001_smile: Love those savings! (He likes a military type cut with a "flat top", that no salon or barber can mimic better than he does)

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Cut, color, blow-out, and tip tend to run me around $200 at the flipping JC Penny salon. Which is why I almost never do it. I let my natural color grow out, and now I constantly wear a lousy pony tail.


I just went on the website to check, and it seems we have a new Supercuts 25 miles away. I may have to give them a shot! My options have never been great out here.

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yes, that price is common around here too. I once wanted to go get my hair colored/cut at a salon--- was shocked at the pricetag!!


I now have a friend who does it in her home. I spend less than $50 for a cut and color. If she stopped I'd start coloring it myself at home and getting it cut at great clips or something.

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Never. Would not even occur to me.


I get a cheap haircut at Great Clips three times a year (beginning of each semester, beginning of summer)


:iagree: That's me, too. Occasionally, someone will give me a gift certificate to a nice place, and then I'll go. My sister and I sometimes go to an Aveda school to get haircuts and pedicures, too, but that's fairly cheap and it's like one time a year.

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Never that much money for me, not even when I lived in NYC. But that's 10 years ago...cuts back then would be about $85-$100 (Upper West Side) and I had a great stylist. I miss him. He knew I wasn't made of money, so he always made sure my cut could last 10-12 weeks. And it was wash and go! No fussing with the curls to get it right.


Now, I pay about $30 and sheesh, am I due! I look 10 years older than I should with the unkempt growing out mess that is on top of my head. I don't care that I look 10 years older -- I don't have to look at me. But, my poor family, neighbors, and esp. the UPS man...


I am glad to go and support the local independent place here, esp. because I feel like I get way more than a $30 haircut there. :) (Must call for an appointment this week). :hat: <---- Hey maybe this will fit over my hair until then... :lol:

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Not me. However, my 17 yo is a part time receptionist at a salon. Her job paid for a 2 month trip to Europe last year and the portion of her piano lessons that her scholarship doesn't cover.


So.... expensive hygiene can be very educational:)

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