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S/O Does your spouse know your medical history?

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I over-share too. Mine knows way more than he wants to. I want somebody to be able to tell what was going on with me, if I drop to the pavement.


The thread about the doctor's office calling the DH? I came away from that, reminded about how peeved I get that the doctor's offices (and school offices, and others) now seem to try the home phone once, then go right to cell phones, even though I write quite clearly, EMERGENCY ONLY! They want the answer right that moment, not willing to re-immerse, later, when I call back? Poop. I always answer the cell phone, but I will tell them I'm driving, or out, away from calendar, so please call my home phone and, by the way, please highlight where I wrote EMERGENCY ONLY on the form.

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Pretty much though his "attention to detail" tends towards work and not home! So, I think that though he has been told the details, he'd be only good for an overview. :D


DD and my sister would be far better in this regard. But then, dd has not only ALWAYS been detail oriented, her paramedic training and pre-med classes have made her even more so and her retention is amazing after all of that memory work. (If you can survive A & P and Pharmacology, your mother's entire medical history is a NO BRAINER!) :lol:



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Mine knows every sordid detail. He remembers things I don't, thank goodness, and on our many ER trips he's often had to test that knowledge in the triage area. :) Thankfully, our days of multiple ER trips are over, but it sure was nice to know he had my back.

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He knows it all...I know it all. There has never been a reason not to share. I think our health and decisions made about it are just important to be open about as money or anything else. His health has an effect on my life just as much as my own. (I mean, after you've changed your dh's colostomy bag, what is there left to hide :lol:)

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The thread about a doc's office calling a dh instead of the wife who is the patient made me think about this.


My dh is so squeamish - not sure it would be good to tell him everything blow by blow. ;)


Yep! I WANT him to know. He loves me and I want someone who has my back when/if something happens.

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Okay, I'll be the odd one out here. Yes, dh knows mine (whether he remembers it or not is another matter).


I do not know every intimate detail of his. He has serious ongoing health issues. He does not care to discuss, and I don't push it. I occasionally see various doctor reports, with his knowledge, but I don't talk about it further.


Of course there is more to this, but this works for us. I'm fine with it; he's fine with it.:001_smile:

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Yep, he knows every little bit. I'm an over-sharer :D


:iagree: Me too! :lol: I'm sure much of it is in one ear and out the other, but he is always supportive.


I had several scary doctor appointments this year. Dh went with me and sat there taking notes, writing down all of the numbers and big words. :lol: It was comforting to have him there, and nice to be able to focus on the doctor instead of taking my own notes.

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Pretty much though his "attention to detail" tends towards work and not home! So, I think that though he has been told the details, he'd be only good for an overview. :D


DD and my sister would be far better in this regard. But then, dd has not only ALWAYS been detail oriented, her paramedic training and pre-med classes have made her even more so and her retention is amazing after all of that memory work. (If you can survive A & P and Pharmacology, your mother's entire medical history is a NO BRAINER!) :lol:




Sounds like my hubby's family!


He comes from a lot of brainiacs -- doctors, surgeons, nurses, researchers, etc. His grandfather was head of surgery and his uncle was a top surgeon whom we see every holiday. It cracks me up to see him (he is retired now) intrigued with ds and my rare liver disease and our participation with the FDA Drug Study. His mind never forgets from the previous year. And yes, my hubby (and his family) knows all of my medical history!! I know theirs as well. I have no choice with his family!! ;)

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I have several health issues and am on medications for them. It is in both of our best interest to be informed about each other's health and medical. He has always gone to appts with me as I am a total wuss about going in and avoid it at all costs. If he didn't go with me, I wouldn't go at all.


I almost died with my 5th baby. I am so grateful dh was there. He questions *everything.* I was out of it and unable to communicate with medical staff but dh was lucid and knew my history. He was able to tell them what they needed to know. He has always been the one to look at each med a nurse brings in, asks what it is for, asks for side effects and risks, and has even refused meds on my behalf that weren't safe for me for whatever reason. Reaffirms my belief in keeping him 100% in the loop. The added bonus was that after I made it out of the hospital with #5, he was able to intelligently fill me in on everything that happened.


(He has never let me be in the hospital alone. And I have spent quite a lot of time there. He feels it is risky for a patient to not have a healthy, lucid advocate watching out for them to help prevent mistakes.)

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For the most part. There are some details he doesn't need to know, and I can't see any reason to tell him.


I waited for about 6mths to tell him that I was referred to a specialist for an autoimmune disorder. He had just lost his job, and his aunt is severely crippled by Lupus. It wasn't anything he could do anything about, so I waited to tell him.


A packet from the clinic came to the house, and he questioned it. I just said I was referred to a different doctor....he didn't question it, and I didn't offer more information. It wasn't until I started to have a bunch of medical tests, that I told him.


If he had something private that he wanted to talk to the doctor about...I wouldn't think twice about it.

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Yes, mine knows everything. I know all of his too.


We make it a point to ensure that we are always listed on each others medical release forms so that we can have access to each others medical information if needed. Also, every time either of us goes to the doctor we always let the other know first thing what was discussed and what the doctor said.

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