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If you had a lizard in your car

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UPDATE: Lizard was caught today after we got into town and was given a new home near the colosseum. Of course, then I felt guilty after reading this thread and kept thinking that Fred's poor dad might be searching all over for him and here I left him on Wallaby Lane in Sydney. :-)




would you have no problems getting in and driving around anyway?


I am getting laughed at (by friends) because there is a HUGE lizard in my car (the kids have named him Fred.) He is at my feet, but every time we try to catch him he runs up under the base of the dashboard. Then as we drive he comes out and hangs out near my feet.


It has me FREAKED OUT. I put my 13 year old on "Lizard watch" and made him ride up front with a flashlight pointed at my feet to warn me when he came out. He thought it was ridiculous.


Am I over reacting?



Edited by DawnM
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I would trade in the car right then and there. I'm cool with lizards outside, where they belong. But there is a line they must not cross. That line is either my threshold or my car. I am still trying to convice my husband to sell our house because we have had three (THREE!!!!) snakes in here.

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I am not a fan of lizards. When my girls wanted to get a snake earlier this year, I tried to talk them into a little lizard. The guy at the pet store handed me some little lizard creature to hold and it jumped right between my booKs and then on my shoulder and stared at me with its ginormous eyes. It was fast too! FREAKED ME OUT! We came home with a nice slow moving snake.


My point is this: Get rid of the car.

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Yes, you are over reacting. Said in my best mom voice. You are big. He is small. He can't hurt you. Stop scaring the poor little thing.



FTR, the fact that the lizard is inside the car magnifies its size by at least 1,000. They are cute outside, not IN YOUR CAR AT YOUR FEET.

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FTR, the fact that the lizard is inside the car magnifies its size by at least 1,000. They are cute outside, not IN YOUR CAR AT YOUR FEET.



:iagree: We get lizards in the house all the time...and out they have to go. They do fall, they do drop off the wall and it would freak me OUT to know it could fall onto my foot while I am driving. Yuck!

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You know, my main concern about having a lizard in the car would be that he would get out at my destination instead of at my home. I mean, poor Fred would be separated from his lizard family and friends! How sad for him. Have you thought about how afraid he must be for you to drive anywhere?




I have clearly been assimilated into DH's and the kids' lizard loving ways.


Still, I do view it as a safety issue. If you are going to freak out if you're driving around and he skitters near you (and I won't lie, I would), that is not going to be safe. With three big boys, why can't they get him out? I would be :toetap05: at them laughing at me when they can't somehow chase Fred out of there.


I would leave all windows and doors open and sit in some lawn chairs with a glass of iced tea and put the kids on lizard watch. First person to spot him exiting the vehicle gets a prize! I'm not actually kidding. This is what I would do. :lol:


ETA: I really like this thread. :D

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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You are absolutely NOT over reacting. I'm not sure I could even get in the car! I mean, seriously, what if he ran up your leg??? While you were driving??? I would be totally freaked.


Earlier this year I was sitting in the car....thankfully it was parked....and I glanced down and saw a GIANT spider on my leg. Boy, I tell you, me and my pregnant self were out of that car like lightning and doing a dance in the middle of my driveway. My dad was laughing his head off (I was parked in their driveway and talking to my parents before leaving). Yeah, imagine if I had discovered that WHILE I was driving.

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You are absolutely NOT over reacting. I'm not sure I could even get in the car! I mean, seriously, what if he ran up your leg??? While you were driving??? I would be totally freaked.



:iagree: The little guy should NOT be smiling, but agreeing in a more appropriate and terrified way. I'm OK with lizards in theory, there aren't any running wild around here and I appreciate that. A lizard loose in my car? Not OK.

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Earlier this year I was sitting in the car....thankfully it was parked....and I glanced down and saw a GIANT spider on my leg. Boy, I tell you, me and my pregnant self were out of that car like lightning and doing a dance in the middle of my driveway. My dad was laughing his head off (I was parked in their driveway and talking to my parents before leaving). Yeah, imagine if I had discovered that WHILE I was driving.



Spiders are a completely different story. They have too many legs. They are not cute.


But a cute little lizard? Just think how he feels. He probably does not want to be in your car, but doesn't know how to get out. He doesn't know that you're trying to catch him to take him outside though, so he has to go hide. When the commotion settles down, he comes back out to look for a way out. Poor little thing.


Just think...if only he would climb onto your shoe or pants leg, you could open the door and gently move him outside. Wouldn't that be fun? ;)

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Spiders are a completely different story. They have too many legs. They are not cute.


But a cute little lizard? Just think how he feels. He probably does not want to be in your car, but doesn't know how to get out. He doesn't know that you're trying to catch him to take him outside though, so he has to go hide. When the commotion settles down, he comes back out to look for a way out. Poor little thing.


Just think...if only he would climb onto your shoe or pants leg, you could open the door and gently move him outside. Wouldn't that be fun? ;)



Yes, lizards are cute. However, they surrender their cuteness when they decide to enter your car. It is totally their fault.

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Yes, you are over reacting. Said in my best mom voice. You are big. He is small. He can't hurt you. Stop scaring the poor little thing.


:lol: Lizards can and do bite. I know from experience.


Still, I do view it as a safety issue. If you are going to freak out if you're driving around and he skitters near you (and I won't lie, I would), that is not going to be safe.




You should not be driving with a lizard in your car. If he jumps up on you, or something similar, while you are driving you could wreck and wreck bad.

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I am cracking up at the lizard-phobia on this thread! I love lizards; we have a ton that live on the porch and around our house. It would not surprise me at all to find one in the car some time (I vaguely think I have before, but it was a non-event since we have so many). I do regularly find them in the house and catch them and return them outside so they will have an ample supply of insects for dinner. :)


I will say that if you would freak out if it crawled on you while driving, it would be wise to get it out of the car ASAP. It is a real safety issue and I would hate for Fred to endanger you and him both.

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I wouldn't drive with a lizard in my car. It's him or me, not both.


It would definitely be a safety issue because I would freak out.


My mother has lizards in her yard, and she lives in Atlanta. I lived there for 14 years and never saw a lizard, wild or domesticated. Where are they coming from?

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Yes, you are over reacting. Said in my best mom voice. You are big. He is small. He can't hurt you. Stop scaring the poor little thing.


Says the woman who doesn't have a lizard in her car riding shotgun ;).


I wouldn't drive the car. What if he tries to climb up my pant leg? It's a total accident waiting to happen.

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My first thoughts: I wouldn't wear skirts and It is going to be SO gross if he gets under the brake pedal!


I would still drive. Lizards don't bother me too much. I would try to get it out though. It's too hard to drive safely with that much distraction.

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I have to go out again this am and he is most likely still there. We couldn't catch him.


He is cute. He is green.


And for those of you who say I am over reacting, a pox on your head! :lol:


I will post more when I get back today but we are running late.



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I'll trade you 1 lizard in the car for 5 lazy felines and their mouse friends! I'll send my 14DD who loves anything reptilian to make the exchange.


Seriously, make this into a science project and / or contest with great prizes. Some kid in your neighborhood will find a way to capture your lizard.



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I'd try opening the door and just leaving it for awhile, and see if you can get him out of there. I can't imagine there's a lot of food for him in there, anyway.


And yes, I'd be nervous about having one in the car-not because I'm scared of lizards, but because a little ANYTHING darting around my feet while I'm driving seems very likely to either have an accident by getting smashed by my feet or the brake pedal, or to cause me to have an accident.

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I think you should drive the car with the lizard in it.....straight to a dealership where you will trade in the car and get one without a lizard in it!


I would be freaked out and probably wouldn't drive until I knew for sure that it was out!


No no no, that is what tow trucks are for. AAA should use this in an ad.



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Well, I wouldn't want to meet a car containing a lizard head-on when the little guy decides to slither up your leg!


Doesn't sound especially safe to me, driving so distractedly, and with a flashlight shining at your feet so you'll know when he shows up.



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Lizards are not nice. I think their purpose in life is to give women heart attacks. I used to live on Okinawa, otherwise known as the land of the lizards. One time I was coming home late at night and there was a lizard over the threshold of my door and as I was opening the door he decided to jump down on my head causing me to do the crazy freak out dance. Another time I was home alone at night, sitting on the couch minding my own business when I heard a very large plop on my couch. I turned my head to see what the noise was and came eye to eye with a very large lizard which caused me to run shreiking from the room. Generally speaking I was fine sharing my domicile with the lizard creatures (you pretty much have to be living on Okinawa) but I expected them to obide by the household rules of not startling the crap out of me. I am sorry but a lizard running around my feet while I am driving would absolutely violate that rule.

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