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Do you all get invited to a lot of these kind of parties?


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Honestly, I cannot stand parties like those. I was invited to one this month....and then one about 6 months ago. So no, not very often. But then again, I do not have a wide circle of people that I associate with either....I'm quite the introvert.


I never go to those parties because I'm actually interested in anything....I only go because I feel bad for the person who invited me. Then I end up buying a little something just to help them out. So it's really a waste for me.

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Okay, you ladies are helping me formulate a plan. I will quit getting my hair done, stop wearing make-up, and not talk to anyone. That should do it. :lol:


I actually thought about going to the Scentsy party because my mom's birthday is coming up and she loves candles. But then I looked at the catalog. :svengo: I'm not paying $35 for a candle wax holder. That doesn't even include the wax. Geez!


My neighbor sells Pampered Chef, and she's been on me for A YEAR to have a party. I keep saying no, but she does.not.get.it! UGH!

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I have a "just say no" policy when it comes to sales parties. People stopped inviting me until I joined Facebook. Now people send invites through that. :tongue_smilie: I still don't go. :) If I decide I want one of the products, I know who to contact. I don't like feeling obligated to buy something, which I always do if I attend.

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Okay, you ladies are helping me formulate a plan. I will quit getting my hair done, stop wearing make-up, and not talk to anyone. That should do it. :lol:


I actually thought about going to the Scentsy party because my mom's birthday is coming up and she loves candles. But then I looked at the catalog. :svengo: I'm not paying $35 for a candle wax holder. That doesn't even include the wax. Geez!


My neighbor sells Pampered Chef, and she's been on me for A YEAR to have a party. I keep saying no, but she does.not.get.it! UGH!



NO....."yeah, but..."




"but, lemme just..."




lather rinse repeat


(The Sentsy type warmers can be had at Hobby Lobby for less than $20.)

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I used to get invited a lot. I made a hard and fast rule: no buying anything or attending parties. I don't get invited anymore, but I also don't have any acquaintances that sell junk anymore. Thank goodness. After getting pressured into buying a $40 dicing deal from some ridiculous party when DH and I were flat broke followed by a girl HOUNDING me to sell Mary Kay, I decided I was done with the whole deal. I have better ways of spending my time. Like watching dust fall.

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This week alone, I can go to a 31 party, a Scentsy party, a Kelli's Kids party, and/or a Pampered Chef party. I get invited to anywhere from 4-6 of these type of parties a month. Is this common in other areas? It's beginning to drive me nuts.

Used to go to quite a few of them. It was always fun and I only bought when I could and what I could; I never felt obligated. That was another area. Apparently, people in this area feel more like you do.

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See I think of those parties as a "young mom" or "mom of young kids" kind of thing. There was a season for that, and now it seems that all of my acquaintances have outgrown them. But when you spend all day with toddlers, it's kind of fun to get out of the house and see some adults! I don't mind going to a Pampered Chef party now and then. I have no use for candles, gifts, jewelry, make-up, etc., so I don't usually go to those. But cooking stuff, stamping stuff--sure I'll go once in awhile (like once or twice a year).

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If you don't go or don't buy you quit getting invited. :)


This is my experience, too. At first I went to a few because I felt obligated to the friend inviting and thought I could just go and socialize, but really that didn't work. I would feel like I should buy at least a little something. And those somethings really weren't anything we needed, and it took money from our budget. I am also not someone who enjoys shopping--except at good consignment shops where I feel like I get super deals.


Eventually, I just declined and people stopped inviting me. Works for me. :)


Just say, "No thank you" --or you can mention your budget and that you don't have the margin for candles, etc. right now.

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This week alone, I can go to a 31 party, a Scentsy party, a Kelli's Kids party, and/or a Pampered Chef party. I get invited to anywhere from 4-6 of these type of parties a month. Is this common in other areas? It's beginning to drive me nuts.


In my early 20s, I instituted a long standing policy of not attending those parties or ordering from catalog. A few years ago, I relaxed the policy for a struggling relative .. then for the clerical workers in the firm ... for a single mom ...... until I was totally sucked backed in.


I am reinstituting the policy and extending it to include no purchases for fundraising. If I feel moved to donate to a cause, I will give an outright donation instead of paying for overpriced junk.

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I used to get a ton, but I never go so they have slowed down a bit(well I've been to few when I was a teenager, and I went to one when I was married). At least now the ones I get are on Facebook so I can just delete them. I don't consider it a party to be forced to buy overpriced junk I don't need.

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I have two friends, sisters, who constantly send invites to me. One of them lives over 24 hours from me! It is the only communication I get from them and it fills their Facebook pages. I never go.


I would go to a Pampered Chef party. That is it. My bride's maids had a pampered chef shower for me and I had one for a friend. They are the best kind of shower.

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This became such a problem for me at one stage (it was mainly Tupperware) that I finally told anyone who would listen that I had disagreed with the whole philosophy behind party-selling and I was only buying from shops. So that stopped about half the invitations but still left the ones who said "Oh, you don't need to buy anything - just come along for the fun!" So I did. So they soon stopped inviting me :D

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I have a "just say no" policy when it comes to sales parties.


Me too.


Though, they are not all that common around here. I know a lot of people but only 3 Mary Kay or Avon sellers since I entered adulthood and 1 Stella and Dot (jewelry) sales person. I see flyers and the like but none of my friends sell really. I have purchased items from the Stella and Dot person because it is cute and makes nice gifts for my nieces and my MIL and I like the seller a lot. But I do not go to her trunk shows.


I do get a ton of fundraising party social invites and I go to a lot of those, as well as ask people to come to mine. That is way more common in my circle...sit at my table at the YWCA lunch or the CASA breakfast etc type stuff.

Edited by kijipt
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People stopped inviting me until I joined Facebook. Now people send invites through that. I still don't go. If I decide I want one of the products, I know who to contact.


Facebook seems to have brought back the party around here. I guess it makes the invitations easy if all you have to do is tag a bunch of people. I used to enjoy those parties, but got tired of being out so often at night. I don't need them for the social aspect - I get that with hs friends at activities and my book club. And if I want any of the products (usually Pampered Chef), I know who the reps are and just ask them to put my order on their next party.

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Not around here. Most of the women I know well are financially well-off enough that they aren't consultants and aren't hosting parties.


I used to sell Discovery Toys. Most party plan places work on a similar basis. Let me tell you, if you don't want to be invited to a party, don't use the excuse of having no money. The Experienced Consultant will coach her hostesses to respond to objections in such a way that it sounds totally reasonable to go even if you don't have $ or time or small kids or interest or....If they can get you in the door, it's likely they can sell you something, or (and this is a big one) get you to host the next party. There's even the chance for you to make $ and become a Consultant!! Yea!! So, saying you have no $ just makes you a target for getting solicited to have a party or become a consultant.


I'm not saying don't go and just have fun, I'm just saying that getting you there is 90% of the battle.

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Thankfully, no. For awhile I did, but as someone said, if you don't buy anything or consistently RSVP 'no' the invites might decrease.


I still receive invites to Premier or Prestige Jewelry parties, but that's because I tend to buy from their catalog when someone is having a party so they know they have a 'live' one.

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When my kids were younger I was invited to a pampered chef party every couple of weeks. I did host one party for a friend. I will say this for pc, there is usually a $5 item you can purchase.


The big thing around here now is Lia Sophia. That is some expensive costume jewelry. It is beautiful but expensive.


I don't like inviting my friends over so I can profit off of them. I have everything I need so I don't attend. I feel obligated to purchase something. I just say no and no longer get invited.

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I have one particular friend who invites me to this stuff. She's in Partylite at the moment but when she was doing Mary Kay (which I don't wear) I got invited to that a lot too. Not only that, but I was asked to host parties, and asked to sign up as a consultant. I finally had to be very blunt about how not interested I was in selling any of this stuff and she still had a few counter arguments but has pretty much backed off.

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I wish :( Especially Pampered Chef. Its SO much cheaper to buy their stuff at a party (with $4 shipping) than online. Generally anyway.


I'd also like to go to a Discovery Toys party. But I don't know anyone hosting one.


And No, I'm not doing it. I just like to go and visit. Not the work of hosting!

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I like to go to the parties if I'm able. I never feel obligated to purchase, but like to if I can. And as a rep. for a home party company myself, I would say that most of the reps. I know in no way want to make anyone feel obligated to purchase or host a show. I know I don't operate that way. We're just providing retail items that some people might spend money on anyway, and in a way that benefits someone they know, rather than a nameless corporation they don't (as for hosting, same thing -- we're just providing an opportunity for those who want to take it to get some free stuff IF their friends want to order. The last show I did saw the hostess get over $150 in free stuff; her friends had no pressure but were very interested in purchasing, so just by asking them she got a lot of cool decorations for her home). If people aren't interested, NO big deal. Seriously.

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This became such a problem for me at one stage (it was mainly Tupperware) that I finally told anyone who would listen that I had disagreed with the whole philosophy behind party-selling and I was only buying from shops. So that stopped about half the invitations but still left the ones who said "Oh, you don't need to buy anything - just come along for the fun!" So I did. So they soon stopped inviting me :D


So, they didn't really mean it when they said you didn't have to buy? :lol:


I have a friend who sells Tupperware. I have always turned down her party invitations, but I did order a few things from her catalog last year.

I HATE that stuff. It's all in a bin in the bottom of my pantry.

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