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It is Friday. Who is cooking dinner tonight?

Who is cooking tonight  

  1. 1. Who is cooking tonight

    • I am
    • Significant other is
    • We are together
    • The entire family is helping out in some manner
    • We are ordering delivery
    • We are ordering take home
    • We are going out
    • We are not eating dinner tonight
    • I already ate dinner. I'll be having supper this evening.
    • Other

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I cooked. Pork chops with mustard sauce and smashed potatoes with peas, straight from the Woman's Day smartphone cooking app. I don't mind cooking on Friday night. If there's any night I prefer not to cook, it's Saturday night. I hate to stop what I'm doing on a Saturday in order to get started on dinner prep.

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I said that everyone is pitching in because Friday is "fend for yourself" night around here since we spend most of the day prepping for the Farmer's market and the kitchen is being occupied by so much baking that it's difficult to find the space to prep a large meal.

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I was going to make homemade pizza after my dd's dance thing. Dance ran over by 40 minutes and then the parents and girls chatted another 15. DD was going to a 7:00 movie. There was no time left to make the dough and bake the pizza. $5.00 Little Caesars to the rescue, cut up some apples, and made a salad before she and her three friends and dh took off.

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I have had a crazy week: putting meals up for the fall, started school, final project due in computer science class, meetings, etc. So dh is spoiling me tonight, making dinner while I work on discussion topics for our first few history books. I bought everything to make pasties to cook for dinner tonight and to freeze for a few meals, and he is in there working the assembly line with dc. :D

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I'm smiled when I saw the current poll results - no one here is actively planning to starve this evening. :D I cooked dinner, BTW - fried up some spicy hamburger and zucchini, mushrooms, grated carrots served over fettuccine.

Oh, there are two now. Must be dieters.

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We already ate. Dh made supper tonight. It was grilled chicken breasts with lemon, garlic and sesame oil in the marinade, and some fresh potatoes and green beans that he did in foil on the grill. We had that with a spinach salad.

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I picked other.


I went to the grocery store and brought back frozen pizzas for the boys and a frozen dinner for DH. DH ate tomato soup because he was too hungry to wait for me to come home, and by the time I got here, it was past his bedtime.


I didn't get home until 10 pm b/c I had to deal with DD's screwed up plans to go to the Demolition Derby, and waylaid by a Jeep parade for which the major roads I needed to travel on were closed.


DS2 was with me. He ate at Subway for dinner #1, and at McDonald's (inside Walmart) with me for dinner #2.


This fiasco of an evening started because I have a brunette daughter who regularly stars in performance art blonde jokes and because I wanted to buy the dog a new crate and a baby gate for my office. The crates were $30 less at Amazon, and Walmart was out of their $10 baby gates. I need the baby gate ... Aidan tried to remove the usb thing that makes my wireless keyboard work, and he broke it.

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My daughter had a dress rehearsal, to which she was allowed to invite a couple of well wishers. Since I was driving, I got to go. And we invited a friend of hers who won't be able to see the show this weekend to come along.


This required leaving fewer than 10 minutes after my husband got home from work. So, I fed my daughter early, left a simple meal in the fridge for my husband and microwave when he got hungry and asked my son to make something for himself. I snacked while my daughter ate and talked to her to keep her from getting too nervous about the rehearsal.


I voted "other."

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