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What have you accomplished today?

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After posting to the thread about planning but not doing last night I decided to get my butt in gear. Last night I dug all our scissors/markers/crayons etc out of the boxes in the basement, then repurposed my armoire from my bedroom and created an area for school to keep our workboxes and supplies (rather than do like last year and dig through boxes and bins everytime we needed something).


Today so far I have reorganized/scrubbed my pantry. This was something I had been planning to do for almost a month but kept putting off.


I also primed the bench, coat hooks and shoe shelf by the front entrance and put the first coat of paint on the coat hooks and shoe shelf. I bought the paint for those projects last summer, but after painting the bureau I keep there put all the paint away and never finished the project. By the end of today they will be finished and looking fabulous. I am already excited by the splash of color that first coat of paint has brought to the entrance.


So what have you accomplished today? Was it something you have been meaning to tackle for a while but never got around to?

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I've put some of last year's school books to the side and put some of next year's in their place. Notice I said "to the side" and not "away". :tongue_smilie:


I've also started a spreadsheet for what will hopefully become our cleaning check list. Hm. More planning, not doing, lol!

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Deep cleaning my son's room.


Made two big boxes of gently used toys to donate, reorganized his drawers and cabinets, washed the walls - Oh! It feels so good! It's needed it for about a month. We have 4 days until vacation and I refused to come home to a dirty cluttered house, and his room was the last of my "deep cleaning" jobs I had to do.


:thumbup: to getting off butts and actually doing what we need to!

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Took my daughter back and forth to judo


Did a load of laundry


Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher with daughter's help


Got my hubby to do maintenance on the pool lol


And I'm now babysitting my three nephews plus my two kids while hubby works. I'm in the process of making their dinner.


Oh and I called for information on a joint birthday party I'm trying to arrange for my two younger kids.

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I accomplished running around? :D


It's bedtime here. Today I

-washed a load of diapers, folded and put away other clothes that were on the drying racks overnight.

-drove dh to his practice.

-dropped off The Kid at his dress rehearsal and walked to the library to get a few books for next week.

-picked up dh and took his friend home.

-packed up the diaper bag and got everyone out the door for The Kid's show.

-watched the play.

-picked up last minute ingredients for the bbq we're going to tomorrow.

-went out for pizza to celebrate The Kid's success.

-walked a few blocks to the gelataria down the street and enjoyed the sunshine with a scoop of cherry dripping down the cone. (I'm trying all the flavors I can one by one. :D )

-sat out with The Kid and discussed the pendulum we're going to make tomorrow to try to prove/disprove Galileo's thinking. We're hanging it from the balcony.


And for the past bit? Not a thing. Course, there's nothing to show from my day except a bunch of pictures and some dirty stroller wheels. It was a good day, though. Tomorrow morning we're going hiking if the weather holds and then to the bbq in the afternoon. I love this time of year when it's nice enough to stay outside!

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I washed the dishes (big accomplishment here, believe me,) washed the floor and went to pick up dd from her friend's house (45 min. away.) Went to WalMart to pick up things for the kids' for camp next week. I am now trying to gear myself up to cut the grass but I just can't seem to get off of this computer. :D

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Got up

Got showered

Went to breakfast with family

Went to walmart

Went to market

Went back to walmart (didn't buy anything)

Went to Sears looking for what I couldn't find at Walmart the second time. they didn't have it either.

Came home

Worked on last of laundry

Finished packing

Cleaned bathroom

Dustmopped all the upstairs floors

Took car to get gas and car wash

Vacuumed out car

Cut grass

Finished with dusting and vacuuming

Made lunch

Cleaned kitchen

Mopped kitchen floor


I still have to:

take another shower

put on decent clothes

go to mass

fix dinner

clean up dinner

double check all is packed

double check that all laundry is done

end of day tidy up

go to bed

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I bought 3 baby items online then went shopping for more items, did 3 scrapbook pages, cleaned my washing machine, did 2 loads of laundry, organized a few more cabinets, and thought about school planning (that's as far as I can get on that last one at this point, lol). It's only 1:30 so I have many more hours of productivity to go! :D I love Saturdays.

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You caught me on an especially productive day :)


We had a 30 yard dumpster delivered yesterday....it is time to clean out this place. DH took on the garage (a two car which has never had one or two cars because it is so full of other stuff!) and I took on the attic. So far we've filled the dumpster about 1/4 of the way. I have a bunch of stuff by the road with a FREE sign and I've put all my "finished with" homeschool curriculum aside to get ready to sell. It feels soooo good!

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School this morning (sort of)

library trip and the kids turned in summer reading they had been pestering me to do (and got free donut coupons)

errand at the toy store to get gifties for my new baby cousin and tracing paper for the kids

trip to Trader Joe's

oh, and I swept the downstairs this morning and ran the dishwasher

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I didn't expect to accomplish anything today because I had plans to get together with 3 high school friends. Keep in mind that we're in our 50's and we still keep in touch. Over the years we've all seen each other, but it's been 7 years since all four of us were together. We were The Four Musketeers. We were inseparable. And today we spent hours talking and it was very comfortable. We just picked up where we left off because we all know each other so well. I'm teary with happiness just writing about it. It was wonderful.

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Well, today was wasted in the sense that I didn't accomplish anything tangible. However, I hope I made someone feel better. Today we went to a memorial service for a dear friend/sister in Christ and a mom to 7. She would have been 55 a few days after she passed away. Her youngest is 10 and her oldest is 28(ish). She was diagnosed 4 months ago with incurable brain cancer. She spent the last 4 months at home and passed away there.


She embodied faith to the end. She planned her service, the songs and readings, as well as what she wanted people to wear. She requested Hawaiian style/bright colors and leis. It was truly a celebration of her homegoing to her heavenly father. I will miss her.


I'll tackle Mt. Laundry tomorrow. Today I want to bask in my memories of her and spend time with my kids and husband.

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I folded and put away laundry that was on a drying rack. I did another load also. I then went for a 2 mile run followed by a 7 mile bike ride. I'm probably going to run to the grocery store and then chill with a book later.


That was very kind of you CynthiaOK. :grouphug:



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Accommodated my nesty-ness and kept the apartment in a clean and tidy state.


Took my DS out to the playground for a couple of hours this morning while it was still cool.


Made brownies.


Refused to give into the desire to just order pizza for dinner - instead I have some chicken thawing for homemade oven-fried chicken strips.

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Got everybody breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks (so far)

Cut my baby's hair


Changed many diapers, wiped many butts

Refereed many arguments

Unloaded the dishwasher

Folded and put away half a load of laundry (will have the kids do the other half, lol)

Got 3 transcription jobs done

Got babies changed and put down for naps

Read with the kids for about 20 minutes

Supervised dd doing another 3 sections of her CAT-5 test

Mopped the floor in front of our front door

Made dh's lunch


I think that's all.

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Biked 6.5 miles with dh and kiddos along the canal towpath.

Went to Y and walked/ran 1.2 miles and then did weight machines for 30 min.


And now I've spent the afternoon working on lesson plans and supervising dc doing projects that need done around the house (moving books, cleaning things out, etc.) I've almost finished Hist/Lit today and have spent time on AP Comp Sci, which was scheduled to be done this past week. :glare:


Dh cooked dinner, and I have done no house work today. :tongue_smilie:


We're planning to hit the fruit market and the grocery in town later and drop off some library books. And then dh wants me to cut his hair.

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I'm still working on cleaning out and rearranging my school room and materials for it, too. I just bought some school supplies, like paper, and am bringing those in and putting them away.


I went shopping at Big Lots a few minutes ago, to pick up some supplies I needed for the house, replacement trash cans, etc. So I have a lot of things to finish bringing inside and putting away....

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The three things most worth mentioning:


Picked a bunch of marionberries (like blackberries--an Oregon specialty)

Made marionberry jam

Made oatmeal cookies for church tomorrow


And then lots of little piddly things. And now I'm not doing much of anything.

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I love this thread! Thank you. . . .


OK, what have I done today?


Baked a good batch of muffins for the family.

Went grocery shopping to buy items for lunch for Boy Scouts.

Listed a bunch of stuff on the WTM for sale forum ;)

Prepared lunch for the boys working on my son's Eagle project today

Went to the home of someone selling beach items, my mom had asked me to investigate (I'm so proud I did this, instead of putting it off)

Went BACK out to buy screws and a drill bit for above mentioned Eagle project


But y'all have inspired me to get one more thing done before I fix dinner!


Thank you!!!

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Today's accomplishments:

Saturday Family Cleaning Day (Cleaned two bathrooms and the kitchen and kept everyone else on track for their chores)

Decluttered counters of post-vacation debris

Cleaned the garage as a family

Bought two flats of strawberries


Next up:

Wash, slice and dry/freeze strawberries

Hem tablecloth

Catch up on emails to our exchange students



We've been on vacation for the last week, and it feels good to be back in the groove. :)



Edited by myfunnybunch
I only have one kitchen, though it sometimes feels like I have kitchens.
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Coat #2 of paint on the hooks and shelf has been done.


There has been lots of piddly things done, like laundry, making breakfast and lunch, carrying Hunter back and forth between the bathroom and wherever he wants to play, cleaning the animal cages and litter box etc.


It is just after 4 pm my time right now, still on the agenda today; cook dinner, do a 3rd coat of paint on the hooks and shelf(I am using red paint so 3 coats are needed), do 1st coat of the chocolate brown paint on the bench, maybe the 2nd coat if I have time, clean the kitchen and the bathroom, bathe the kids- Hunter's bath is a 3 ring circus using a bath bench and keeping the cast dry, clean the livingroom, put the laundry I washed today away, read a couple more chapters to the kids, maybe read a couple chapters of my own book, and surf the web in between getting it all done.

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Weeded in the strawberry patch. Threw the weeds to my laying hens. For whatever reason, they adore weeds...we've got one particular kind here that I swear is "weed" for chickens!


Picked a quart of blackberries from our patch.

Picked a quart of raspberries from mom and dad.


Went to the grocery store for a package of portabella mushrooms.


Helped ds with his 4-H woodworking project...in the bright sun, squinting for as long as he had been, he couldn't see where he'd missed with the polyurethane. So, I stayed outside with him for an hour while he finished.


Helped my mom carry groceries - she's having back problems.

Moved the duck runs to fresh grass and scolded my favorite female for apparently abandoning her eggs. Boy, she grinds me because I'd really like to have a duckling. I think it would be fun for the kids to raise one and since these are prize show ducks, if it's a female, they could probably get $75.00 for her.


Pulled weeds in a new, previously wild part of the yard that is going to eventually be a bed of cherry shrubs which produce a bing-like cherry that is pretty good eating, but without the size and root system of cherry trees.


Took an afternoon nap in the shade after my head started poundng.


Woke up with head still banging away and realized it was because I hadn't taken my morning Allegra D. Decided to get my behind in doors and take meds before getting more miserable.


Grilled steaks for dinner with sauted shrooms and made a big salad.


Sitting here now, not accomplishing anything while ds's art history that I have LESS THAN A MONTH TO PREPARE FOR calls from the desk and like a harrassed mother of a toddler, I have decided to ignore such cries for attention and chat with my online friends instead.



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I spent time at the movies with my oldest son. We saw Tree of Life. It has stayed with me all day--oh my, what a movie. It hit so close to home, I cried thru the entire, profound, lovely, terrible thing.


I didn't do much else except make dinner and pick burrs off the dog. :001_smile:

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Took DS to gymnastics.


Cleaned the living room with the kids (took over an hour!!) I was gone most of last week and DH was gardening and just let the kids destroy the house!!! EEK!


I made handwriting sheets for school (that starts in 3 weeks). I made them to go along with our study plans for the year.


I threw out 1 bag full of trash and am now playing scrabble with my 5 year old!


Next...I will load the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, clean the front room and wash the walls....I want to get paint tomorrow and start painting next week :)

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I did all the laundry.


In the living room, I hung up some new mirrors, re-arranged the things on the wall, hung some new curtains, and re-upholstered an ottoman.


Outside, I picked radishes and peas and shucked all the peas. And, I helped dh load up the smokehouse with his latest yummy creations.


Right now, I'm making a big ol' salad and waiting for steaks to come in off the barbeque.


Later, I'm going to lay outside and read a trashy dirty vampire romance novel, and maybe have a vodka and grenadine with a twist of lime.

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Shuffled kids to baseball games & swimming lessons.


Ran errands for upcoming birthdays.


Got in a car accident.


Went to the police station.


Spent time here & other surfing.


Warmed-up leftovers for dinner.


About to go to the grocery store to make something for potluck tomorrow.

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Weeded and weeded and weeded the yard and garden beds, planted some more sunflower seeds & runner beans, harrassed the chickens (meaning they came running everytime they saw me throwing weeds into the pens...thinking it was feed...work for it girls, no feed until eve!) as I finally had some energy after a time of not having any. Oh, and I ran to the fish market for clams for a stew I'm simmering now. Also piocked up some corn (tiny little ears, but hey, local lol).

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Shuffled kids to baseball games & swimming lessons.


Ran errands for upcoming birthdays.


Got in a car accident.


Went to the police station.

Spent time here & other surfing.


Warmed-up leftovers for dinner.


About to go to the grocery store to make something for potluck tomorrow.




Is everyone OK?



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Hauled garbage.


Washed clothes.


Paid bills.


Fixed a computer.


Ordered some books.


Graded some assignments.


Had lunch with friends.


Watered the graden.


Talked with family members.


Sent several work-related emails.


Cooked two meals, made cookies.


Typical Saturday...

Edited by GVA
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Is everyone OK?




Yes, thank you. It was minor but the other guy was an idiot & very unpleasant about the whole thing. It was clearly (IMO of course) his fault. Trying to sidle past me on my right when I'm making a right-turn. Seriously - idiot move.


One of those things that are really quite minor but ruin your day nontheless.

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Did the dishes.


Organized the laundry room and part of the pantry.


Made a strawberries and peaches and creme cake.


Did the dishes.


Made a pot roast and mashed potatoes.


Did the dishes.


Made Nutella cookies.


Did the dishes.


Took down the Christmas lights and garland in the kitchen.


Spent way too much time on pinterest.com :tongue_smilie:


Bathed two kids.

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Yes, thank you. It was minor but the other guy was an idiot & very unpleasant about the whole thing. It was clearly (IMO of course) his fault. Trying to sidle past me on my right when I'm making a right-turn. Seriously - idiot move.


One of those things that are really quite minor but ruin your day nontheless.


What a jerk. Idiot sidler.


I am glad everyone is OK, though.


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Well, we cooked for 50 people. Then we picked up people to help and a table to serve the food on and chairs for people to sit on. Then I went to the store because I forgot to buy forks. We went to a migrant worker camp and fed lots of kids and some mommies. Then we searched for a family we had heard of consisting of a pregnant mama and 4 little boys in need to give them the remainder of our food. After 3 stops we found her. She is rail thin. Too thin in my mind to have a healthy pregnancy outcome. She said her husband is in jail for beating her. We gave them beans, rice, beef, a calcium rich poblano sauce, salad, watermelon, tortillas, cookies, and papaya agua fresca. We told her we'll come back with more next week. I'm going to include a bag each of uncooked beans and rice. I'd cook them for her, but I don't have the means to cook more than I already am. Then we drove a helper home and gave the rest of the watermelon to her family. Then I forgot to drop the table and chairs back off. Oops. Then we came home and I took a bath.

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