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What do you say?  

  1. 1. What do you say?

    • pop
    • soda
    • coke
    • soda pop
    • fizzy pop
    • tonic
    • carbonated beverage

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It is a soda. It is not a pop. Unless it is labeled coke, it is not a coke etc. My mother never allowed hill billy talk as she called it lol. We never said ma or momma and if we said pop we may as well have said some other four letter word that starts with an f because that is how we were treated.


Being that I can not stand to hear it as an adult. My children will gasp if they hear someone say that.

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I have always said "Do you wanna Coke? Yes? Ok, what flavor?" I know it makes no sense but I grew up in the south. When I went to college I was in a 4 person room. We had 3 Georgia Peaches and 1 poor girl from Plattsburgh, NY. I remember one conversation where we had her so confused she literally said "I'm going to the snack machine. Anybody want a coke, er, soda..er POP???" Poor girl.

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We call them soft drinks. When I was a kid, calling them all lemonade was common, but no longer.




Well, not the lemonade thing. But "soft drinks" was how I grew up saying it and I still often do, though I say "soda" sometimes too.

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I grew up in southern Indiana, and they were all "cokes" there, regardless of the manufacturer. When I got to college in Terre Haute, just 100 miles north, I was walking through campus before classes started with my new roommate and we spotted a "coke" machine. She asked me if I wanted a "pop." (She was from the Indianapolis area.) Of course I said, "What did I ever do to you?!?" because a "pop" is what you got when you mouthed off to your mother!



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Must be us Northerners. :) I've never heard another Canadian refer to pop as "soda". It's pop here.




I was an adult before I ever heard anyone say anything other than "pop" or call it by its actual name - Pepsi, Coke, etc.



(well, unless they were all mixed… then it was swamp water! :D )

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You didn't have "other." :D


I either say the drink by its actual name (Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, etc.) or I say "soft drink." I never say "soda," or "pop," and certainly never, ever "soda pop."


I grew up in SE Virginia, where it was common to call everything except sweet tea "coke," as in, "Y'all want a coke?" "Sure." "What kind?" "Root beer." :lol: When I was 10 or 11, it ocurred to me that it was dumb to do that, and I started saying the actual name of the beverage. Later, when I was an adult living in California, I started saying "soft drink."

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We called them "drinks" growing up (as opposed to tea, water, Koolaid, juice, coffee, which were all called by their names). If it was called anything else, it was a "coke" regardless of brand. I think I go by brand name now.


My husband grew up calling them sodas.

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In our house, we call it, "Not until you're older. Have some water."


My DC get the same. My parents never made us drink water, and it was a hard habit to adopt once I was old enough to know better... so I make sure that's the bulk of what my kids drink. At 2 & 4, they ask for water or milk... or DD says, "I hab you Coke, too?" when she's being ornery.

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YOu really needed an *other*!


Here in Australia, at least in my experience, I grew up calling all fizzy drinks lemonade- but you might have pink lemonade, or green lemonade. Nowadays, they are often called solely by brand name. COke is Coke, Pepsi is Pepsi, Mountain Dew or Creaming Soda are just called that. They might also be called fizzy drinks.


Soda or pop- no, that is American and we don't use it.

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I call it "coke" dh calls it "pop"


For my first job I worked in a drive-though. The ordering would happen like this


me: What would you like to drink?"


them: "A coke"


me: "What kind?"


them: "Dr Pepper"


I could always tell who wasn't local because they would be annoyed, "I said Coke!!" :lol:

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YOu really needed an *other*!


Here in Australia, at least in my experience, I grew up calling all fizzy drinks lemonade- but you might have pink lemonade, or green lemonade.




"What flavour lemonade?"





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I grew up where it was pop, but hated the word, and when I moved to soda land, I embraced it like the lost traveler embraced St Bernards.


Yes, it's always "pop" here. I drove my kids by "ancient Mr. Elling's" house and told them your stories about digging up buffalo dung. They thought that sounded like TONS of fun.:lol:


YOu really needed an *other*!


Here in Australia, at least in my experience, I grew up calling all fizzy drinks lemonade- but you might have pink lemonade, or green lemonade. Nowadays, they are often called solely by brand name. COke is Coke, Pepsi is Pepsi, Mountain Dew or Creaming Soda are just called that. They might also be called fizzy drinks.


Soda or pop- no, that is American and we don't use it.


What is Creaming Soda? Is that the same as Cream Soda?


When I was a kid, if my grandma asked if we wanted a soda, she meant a "pop" with a scoop of ice cream in it. She once asked my friend who was originally from southern Illinois, and she said, "Sure." The look on her face when she received a large glass full of 7-Up with a scoop of chocolate ice cream sitting in it was priceless.:lol:

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I grew up in Michigan where it was called "pop". When we saw our cousins from Pennsylvania they used to laugh at us, but we thought their "soda" sounded very strange.


When I moved to Cali it was all soda, and I've assimilated.


Funny that RoughCollie had an opposite experience in PA!

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The look on her face when she received a large glass full of 7-Up with a scoop of chocolate ice cream sitting in it was priceless.:lol:


Oh no. Must be vanilla ice cream. Must-must-must be vanilla ice cream.


Chocolate ice cream in a soft drink is :ack2:




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All the way up from toddlerhood to high school, all soft drinks were called coke. If you wanted Coca Cola, you had to ask for it by that name. If you ordered coke, you would automatically be asked "what kind?"


I moved a whopping 1.5 hours away for college and everybody there was calling soft drinks "soda". That's what I call it also now. I haven't heard coke as the random generic name for a soft drink in many years.

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We're from TX - it's all coke. My kids have already been influenced in the short time we've been out of TX and have started calling it soda. I know it's silly, but it drives me BONKERS! We don't have soda in our house, we have coke. Diet coke and Pepsi to be exact. It feels like they're losing their heritage! I know, completely ridiculous. ;)

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