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Elessar has arrived!

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After 3 days of labor at home, ending with an hour of pushing and then the baby's heart rate dropping shortly after water broke, my midwife got me on oxygen, I stopped pushing, and we did an emergency transport to the hospital. There, I got an epidural (after all those hours laboring and then the emergency, I was totally exhausted and my ability to manage pain went RIGHT out the window as soon as I was in the hospital). We did another trial of labor with the help of some oxygen and the epidural, but he just wasn't getting anywhere, so at the end of 4 hours of labor in the hospital, I wound up with a C-section.


Turns out he shifted a bit LOA and had his hands up by his head and the cord around his shoulder, so he was well and truly stuck.


But I already knew he was going to be a stubborn one!


He came out weighing 9 lb., 5 1/2 oz., 21 inches long. He aspirated some meconium so they had to take him off to get him checked out and his breathing going, but he joined me while I was still in recovery.


By midday today he got the hand of breastfeeding and is nursing like a champ. My recovery is actually going quite a lot better than it did with my daughter's birth. I'm off the IV, got to take a shower, and Elessar decided to sleep long enough at the right time for me to eat my dinner hot and get on here with an update!


Thanks for everyone's prayers and well-wishes. I didn't get my VBAC, but I did get a labor and birth that was on my own terms and it ended the way it did for good reasons.


DH brought DD to visit today for a bit (she spent Wednesday and Wednesday night with a good friend of mine who's also a HS'ing mom). She was asleep when we transported me, and took the change in situation in stride (nothing like a day playing with friends to do that).

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Thanks for everyone's prayers and well-wishes. I didn't get my VBAC, but I did get a labor and birth that was on my own terms and it ended the way it did for good reasons.


What a story!!! I'm sorry you didn't quite get the birth you wanted, but I'm very glad that your sweet boy is here and you both are healthy and safe and well. Congratulations mama!

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