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Please be HONEST and take my poll re: TV

What kind of TV or shows or movies do you watch?  

  1. 1. What kind of TV or shows or movies do you watch?

    • We have satellite, cable, or pay for TV
    • We have rabbit ears only but we do have TV
    • We have no TV but we watch on the computer
    • We have no TV and we never watch anything on the computer
    • We only watch occasional DVDs/movies
    • other- because I am sure I have forgotten a category

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We have rabbit ears and don't get great reception. We used to be able to plug it into the roof antenna but when we got cable internet we weren't able to use the cable jack for the antenna anymore. If we got pbs I'd let dd watch that now and then but we don't miss it either. The only thing we watch on TV is football during the football season (just our own team though...no 8 hour marathons).


We do watch dvds and movies.


I watch clips on the computer but no movies or things like that. I'd rather get a dvd. I thought of netflix in the past but I fear we'll watch more than we do to get our $$ worth. Right now we watch our own collection or else borrow from the library.


If I had cable I'd definitely be addicted to HGTV and the like :D And Bravo...Project Runway and shows similar to that :)

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I voted that we have pay TV, which we do, but only because dh wants it for sports. If not for that, I would not pay the money for TV. I record a few shows and watch them while I do laundry (Big Bang Theory, Hot In Cleveland, Psych are my current ones). We have a TV down the basement, which is dh's hangout area and where I do laundry. The boys have a TV in their room (it's a 16'X20' room that serves as their bedroom and playroom) on which they can play Wii or watch a DVD. It is not hooked up to the pay TV. They cannot get any TV reception on it. I have a small, old TV in my scrapbooking room, on which I watch movies when I'm too sick to read, or occasionally, when I'm scrapbooking by myself for background entertainment.

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We have a tv but only watch videos on it. No tv reception. And my husband and I only watch 2 episodes of tv each week: Castle and NCIS. The kids don't watch tv shows. We are just too busy with other things we prefer doing. Now, on the opposite side of the spectrum, I have a friend who will only interrupt her tv watching if something truly more enticing is suggested. But if you ask her to do something that's not to her at-the-moment-fancy, and it would interrupt her tv watching schedule, she'll tell you, "I have some things to do around the house so I'm going to pass for now." Sad, really.

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Can't you redirect your wires to go back to the antenna?


When we moved in, the folks who lived here had unplugged all their cable wires from the cable box and hooked it into the rooftop antenna through a box of some sort.


We unplugged them from that and got satellite TV and they used those same cable wires and unplugged them from the antenna and plugged them into their box.




We have rabbit ears and don't get great reception. We used to be able to plug it into the roof antenna but when we got cable internet we weren't able to use the cable jack for the antenna anymore. If we got pbs I'd let dd watch that now and then but we don't miss it either. The only thing we watch on TV is football during the football season (just our own team though...no 8 hour marathons).


We do watch dvds and movies.


I watch clips on the computer but no movies or things like that. I'd rather get a dvd. I thought of netflix in the past but I fear we'll watch more than we do to get our $$ worth. Right now we watch our own collection or else borrow from the library.


If I had cable I'd definitely be addicted to HGTV and the like :D And Bravo...Project Runway and shows similar to that :)

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I didn't answer the poll because I didn't know if it was restricted to people who generally state they do not watch tv in an effort to define what they specifically mean.


FWIW, my family has no limits on television. However, we watch little just because there isn't anything good. We stick to Britcoms or Brit drama (Agatha Christy shows, Sherlock). We also occasionally watch Whose Line Is It Anyway because it's just funny. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted "no TV but watch on the computer", which is true in spirit, but not technically accurate. We have a rather nice TV, actually ;), but we use it just for DVDs. We used to stream Netflix on it, but we moved the computer and need a new cable before we can do it again.


I'd *never* say "We don't watch TV" - watching TV on the computer is effectively watching TV in my book (but it's way cheaper ;), and we don't have commercials), and watching DVDs is still screen time (of which we have too much :glare:), not to mention many of our DVDs are of TV shows :tongue_smilie:.

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This is why I have a DVR! I hate live TV and I won't schedule my life around when something is on, but there are shows I like to watch.




We have a tv but only watch videos on it. No tv reception. And my husband and I only watch 2 episodes of tv each week: Castle and NCIS. The kids don't watch tv shows. We are just too busy with other things we prefer doing. Now, on the opposite side of the spectrum, I have a friend who will only interrupt her tv watching if something truly more enticing is suggested. But if you ask her to do something that's not to her at-the-moment-fancy, and it would interrupt her tv watching schedule, she'll tell you, "I have some things to do around the house so I'm going to pass for now." Sad, really.
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We don't get cable or satellite, but we do have a large antenna in the attic (not rabbit ears) that allows us to get all the networks for free.


We also have TiVO, and just got Netflix with the ROKU box.


With the TiVO and the Roku, we almost never watch live TV, but we do watch shows. We were really good for years about limiting the kids' screen time, but in the last year it's somehow crept up. We've been a bit like kids in the candy shop with the Netflix, as we've been able to watch movies and shows that aired on cable (mostly BBC America :D) that we couldn't get before.

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We have a television set, but it is old and isn't set up with the converter box. We don't watch network tv at all, we don't have satellite or cable tv, either. We mainly use it for the occasional kid show, my exercise DVDs, and a rare movie that dh and I watch.


As far as the computer, we have watched one series a while back, maybe 6 shows. Other than that, we don't use the computer as a television.


I could say, "We don't watch tv", and I guess it'd be true. We don't watch it every night (maybe once a month with a movie?), but we aren't the people who do not own a tv at all, KWIM? :)


I find that those people who "don't watch tv" tend to more than make up for it with computer usage!

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We just got a digital antenna and use it for PBS Kids and NFL only. Yes, really. We rent 4 DVDs per week from Netflix. 1. is usually a season of shows (like SpongeBob or I Dream of Jeannie, nothing popular or from Prime Time), 2. Cartoon movie like Shrek 3. Documentary or fitness 4. one of the above.

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we watch tv and I don't feel bad about it at all. Our favorite shows are on the Science channel, Discovery channel, Animal Planet, or Home and Garden.


I just LOVE laying down or reclining at the end of the day and relaxing to tv. I grew up with it and I love it. I also love reading, but many days I just want to either be on the computer (usually here!) or watch tv while relaxing at night.


Our tv usually isn't on until after dinner, anytime between 6:30 - 8:00. It's not like we're glued to it.

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We are a TV heavy family. We have 6 TVs in our house, all but one of them have a satellite box on them and the reason the one doesn't is because cables were never run to that room and we rent so we didn't want to drill holes in the hardwood floors we don't own (if we owned the house we would have done it in a heartbeat). Every TV also has a DVD and/or Blu ray player connected to it. We have 2 Wii systems which means we can get netflix instant streaming to those 2 tvs as well as one of the blu-ray players can stream netflix too. The kids will also occasionally watch something on their computers, either a DVD, netflix, or forkidstv.com show. Oh and every person in our house (dh, me, 3 kids) all have our own laptop, even the 5.5 year old, and we also have an old desktop in my bedroom for certain games that are to old to work on the newer laptops.


I realize we're oddballs, but we LOVE our TV!

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I don't watch much tv myself. I've just never been a 'tv' person (esp. because I used to always hear a high-pitched squeal from most tvs that made it entirely unpleasant to sit there -- kind of like hearing fingernails on a chalkboard experience). That is not the same for my dh & kids, who all enjoy watching tv & dvds.


I would say that in a year, *I* average watching about 1-2 hours of tv a week. (My dh & kids watch quite a bit more than that.) I did watch the Oscars (and pre-show coverage); I probably won't end up sitting down to watch tv again for a couple of weeks (other than if there is severely stormy weather & the sirens are going off, I will turn on the tv to see the latest info about tornadoes in our area). I also tend to not watch movies on dvd either -- either I see them in the theater or I end up not seeing them at all.


We do have cable channels (dh). He & the dc like to watch some tv together in the evenings & on the weekends too. Also, they like to watch dvds sometimes (sometimes on the tv, sometimes on the computer).


So, I guess we have a very mixed viewing household.

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We don't have cable, satellite, or rabbit ears. We don't watch TV on the computer.


I do watch my DVDs of Law & Order (the original}, Psych, Gilmore Girls, Home Improvement, Little House, ER, and The Waltons from time to time, like when I'm sick and cooped up in the house.



Dh and I watch 1-2 movies a week, though mostly it's our old favorites playing in the background while we use the Internet. Keaton watches his Leapfrog video 1-2 times per week.

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I also find it cuts out the junk that I watch. I can select something to watch instead of watching whatever is on at the time. We don't use HULU all that much so my kids aren't exposed to commercials. I love the fact they have no clue what is hot in toys.




This is why I love streaming instead of cable. My crew has no idea what new toy is all the rage!!

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I keep running into people who smugly tell me "Oh, we don't watch TV." And then after talking for a while I find they are far more "into TV" than I am and we admit to watching TV!


I find that what they really mean is, "We don't watch our shows on an actual TV" (they use computers) or "We use a Roku box" (and get Netflix) or "We don't pay for TV" but they have a TV and it has rabbit ears and they do get channels. They might even mean, "We only use Redbox and watch movies."


Now, I am sure there are some people who truly NEVER watch ANY form of TV at all or use DVDs to watch movies. I still haven't met any.


But they sure are quick to tell me "Oh, WE don't watch TV."


This is one of my pet peeves of the day (yes, you can tell me I need a hobby.....today is a rant day for me!)




LOL!!!! Well, we have all kinds of technology in our house (satellite, wireless internet, netflix, hulu, Roku, etc.), but we really don't watch that much TV relatively speaking (on any of the types of media). Usually we watch more on weekends, or when it's too cold to play outside. On school days, the kids aren't allowed to watch anything at all until after school, and the rule is that they can only watch tv/be on their computers/use their phones until 7pm. Then everything is turned off. Since that rarely allows enough time to watch a movie, it's usually not worth the trouble for them.


I have a few shows that I like to watch through the week, but I don't have time, so Sunday afternoon is my time to curl up in bed for a few hours and do something horribly useless like watch TV and play euchre on yahoo games. I usually have a dark chocolate candy bar and a Diet Pepsi, too. :tongue_smilie:


My kids would rather be outside than indoors watching TV, so that's what they normally do. If they were couch potatoes I would definitely limit them, because it's not healthy to lie around all the time watching television or playing video games.


So, just saying...the fact that we *have* lots of technology floating around doesn't mean we're constantly immersed in it. I know people who say things like, "Oh, I would never pay for satellite", but they watch soap operas all day long on their rabbit ears or whatever it is that they have. :glare: We have lots of access, which means we have lots of choices. We make the choices that are good for our family, and so should everyone else! In our house, media is moderately limited. We aren't tee-totalers, but we're not Walt Disney's biggest fans, either.

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I voted "we pay for TV," but we pay for the really, really basic package that only gives us networks, and what we pay for it is offset by the discount it gives us on our cable modem....so we do pay for cable, but we sort of don't, and we only pay for it because we can't pick up networks where we are without a roof antennae, and that sounds like a lot of work to me.


We watch the occasional network show (right now the only things we're watching as they air are American Idol and Parks and Recreation), but we watch stuff on Netflix pretty regularly. So we watch TV, although not nearly as much as a lot of people I know. I don't understand how those people manage to find enough time to waste on the internet ;)


This is all for me and DH, btw. The kids have a set amount of screen time, but they choose the Wii or the computer over TV more often than not.

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I love TV, love it, love it, love it!!! I love reading too, and do it as much as possible. But, I will admit I love the mindless, "I can't believe I'm into this", reality shows, as well as things like House, Parenthood, Justified, etc...


But, we do limit the dc's TV time. They usually only watch on the weekend (unless I've rented a nature dvd or something school related), and then they are either shows on Noggin, or Daystar. We do all of our watching after they are in bed.

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Highly annoying. :iagree: The only people I know IRL who do not watch ANY form of TV are my Amish neighbors. :D We have considered eliminating cable (we only get the basic channels anyway) and doing Netflix or Redbox and library movies. So, just DVDs. We don't watch a TON of TV but enough. AND, when my wee ones are sick, the TV really helps to occupy them so I can teach. Otherwise, the TV is off anyway from 9-3.

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I voted other.


We do have a tv, which gets channels, but we do not watch broadcast television.


What we DO watch, with some regularity, are TV shows on DVD. We watch one episode a night of whatever TV series we're currently watching (right now, it's Castle). Then we watch one episode of whatever cartoon the kids are watching at the time (right now, Pokemon). We do that most nights.


Weekends we watch movies on DVD &/or several episodes of whatever TV series we're enjoying at the time.


We have not paid for any TV stations since 2002, and prior to that we only paid for it because it was offered at $20/mo as part of our rent in the apartment where we used to live.


We quit paying for TV and watching network television because we did not like being slaves to the schedule. I had one too many friends who could not do anything on Thursdays because of TV commitments and it got to me. At least watching on DVD, we set the schedule, not the other way around (plus then we only watch one at a time).


Still, I'd never say "We don't watch TV" unless it was a situation where someone was asking about a certain show, which I'd never seen, because we don't watch 'normal' television. For instance, if someone asked me, "Oh, what did you think of American Idol?? Wasn't that amazing?!" I might answer, "I didn't see it; we don't really watch TV." Does that make sense?

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We watch TV. We have a netflix account and a roku box. We don't really watch network TV, but we could--we have the rabbit ears thingee. But we are terribly spoiled and hate commercials, not being able to pause, and needing to wait a whole week before the next episode:D.


Of course the children never watch anything except educational shows and we never disagree (dh and I) about how much TV is too much.;):lol:

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Now, I am sure there are some people who truly NEVER watch ANY form of TV at all or use DVDs to watch movies. I still haven't met any.



This is me. I literally don't watch any television shows. I haven't watched a tv show with regularity since Seinfeld was on the air. :blushing: hehe We don't have cable and just have the old rabbit ears so maybe that has something to do with it. I just don't find anything that I really want to sit and watch. I will watch movies though on DVD on my tv though. :) My husband on the other hand loves tv. He watches lots of shows on there, but I just don't find anything interesting. I spend my free time here instead as you can tell by my post count. ;) :D :blushing:

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I have three tvs all only wi rabbit ears. No cable, no satellite. Most days no tv comes on at all. When it does, it is usually netflix/gaming after dinner/bedtime or for home schooling purposes, such as a teaching company lecture.


We almost never actually watch tv channels. When we do, it is most PBS or news.

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I just wanted to add that I had the green sheet memorized when I was young. I watched TV all day long. This was before movies came out. To me, that was always TV. When we got cable, I called it TV.


When videos came out, I would say, "Let's watch a movie. Hand me the video and I'll put it in." I didn't say, "Let's watch TV because the person would think I meant that I wanted to watch something that was airing.


So, for me, it's a habit. I watch a movie almost every day (at least part of one) because I walk on my treadmill while doing so. My husband and I are also watching Murder She Wrote by streaming Netflix. I still don't say, "Let's watch TV," and I wouldn't tell my friend Caroline down the street that we watched it on TV. To me, it would still be implying that it aired. I would tell her, "John and I are streaming Murder She Wrote."


Am I ashamed or trying to hide our viewing habits? No. It's just habit for me to use the terminology I use.


I even have Netflix and Pandora on my iphone, though I haven't used Netflix yet. I love the fact that the boys can stream movies on their laptop. It comes in handy at hotels!

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My husband works for a certain giant cable company so we get ALL 999 channels. Every movie channel, every HD channel, all the music channels,.... For free. (Along with internet and landline phone service but I won't brag lol) I would NEVER pay for what we have but we would probably have cable otherwise. I grew up with only 4 channels in the country and have had cable for 2 years now. I really like having access to some channels. The history channels especially. I won't lie, we watch TV lol.


We have 2 DVRs. (I LOVE not watching commercials now!) There is an HD one in our bedroom for our shows: Law & Order, NCIS, The Office, and adult themed history docs like some of the ones on Rome or the Holocuast. The kids have a DVR in the living room for their shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars is the only cartoon, an occasional movie that I will record for them or holiday specials and their docs to watch, for instance LIFE, WII in color, SEALS, River Monsters, etc (they LOVE to watch documentaries esp if it has guns, war or scary animals lol).


We have every channel locked on the living room TV and the playroom TV (playroom tv is for daycare). I have to unlock it if they want to watch any show which really helps with controlling TV time and because I am pretty strict on content. I am in the minority, I don't mind guns and war but don't like language, dating stuff and meanness for the little ones. My boys repeat every funny line from everything they see so I have to be careful or I will never hear the end of it. :)

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We don't get cable, but we do watch current and older shows on Hulu and Netflix. We also use our TV for videos and Wii. I can't figure out how to get the TV to play digital channels, which is probably just as well.

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I do enjoy TV. Maybe it's because I grew up in a time when TV was safer or something. :-) But yes, I watch TV. Soon we'll be getting rid of satellite and watching via Internet and streaming Netflix and DVDs. I won't be tempted to leave the TV on, say, HGTV with its endless quasi-home-improvement shows, or stop at Paula Deen, or scroll through the channel guide looking for something to have on just because I like the sound in the background, but I'll still be watching TV. :D


FTR, Mr. Ellie doesn't have the same need to watch TV that I do, but we love each other anyway.:)

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We have sky tv, high speed internet with our own antennae attached to the house for it. We get netflix-4 movies out at a time. I don't care what it cost...I live in a foreign country, read the local paper in English and watch everything I can. I need TV to be kind to my family. :D

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We have rabbit ears only but we do watch TV...but not much.


We do watch a couple of things on hulu...but very rarely.


We do manage to gorge on DVD's and videos....particularly the very youngest of my dc. There wasn't a category for that. So I voted other. :001_smile:


We were TV free once upon a time. Pre 9/11, actually. I had to drag the TV out of the closet to catch the news. I think it must have come out of the closet permanently soon after.


I envy people who are able to do it but I truly admire those who are able to do it and not be smug about it. :D

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We have 1 TV. We do not have cable. We do not have an antennae. We get NO TV signal of any kind in our home.


We do borrow movies from the library and have our own video collection. Once every 4 months we might watch something on Hulu.


The big kids watch an educational video about once a week. My 3 year old watches Letter Factory or a counting dvd several times a week. They watch an entertainment video a few times a week, usually in the evening after dinner before bed.


My husband and I usually watch a movie together on Sunday night


When I say, "We don't watch TV" I mean that I don't watch standard television programming, I would be hard pressed to name a current TV show, and no, I didn't see that commercial that makes you laugh, cry, or want a cheeseburger.



My vote was: We only watch occasional DVDs/movies.



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We have an indoor antenna (not rabbit ears) that pulls in between 6 and 10 stations, depending on where DH places it. When he wants to watch sports it is on the floor in front of the TV. He is the only person in our house who watches "live" TV.


DH purchases movies and shows from I-tunes. Sometimes he streams them to the TV, other times he watches them on his computer. The boys watch DVDs and movies dh downloads for them. I occasionally watch with the boys. I would be perfectly happy with no TV and no movies.

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I voted other because although we do have satellite, it came with this house and is on contract for the tenants who have apartments in the basement. We went 12 years without any cable and preferred it that way. There's so much garbage on tv and I don't even like my dc overhearing that trash or seeing the commercials. We have always had a great children's library of VCR tapes and DVDs (VeggieTales, et al) but now that we have satellite, we do watch The Biggest Loser, and maybe another hour of television a week. If it weren't for this house coming with satellite, we would never get it. That simple.

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We have 1 tv. It gets no reception or cable, it is hooked up to a blue-ray player which has streaming(from Netflix, YouTube and Amazon on-demand). We rent movies as well. I try to keep the bulk of the kids viewing to edu things and decent movies. I don't watch any tv shows we did have a few shows we liked last year but nothing now that we keep up with- although we go on jags of things sometimes like several months back we watched through a season of IT Crowd(britcom)) For dh and I viewing is generally newer movies or various things, a few odd things- like apologetics or odd things.


I would say we don't have cable and don't watch commercial tv.


I picked the option of comp w/ streaming although actually we do our streaming through the tv.

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As much as I'd like to go TV free (removing the television set and all peripherals out of the house) it won't happen since dh is way to into TV.


We did try the streaming only, but it got difficult for us since we only watch a handful of shows.

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I voted other. We don't have cable, satellite, or any such thing. We also don't have Netflix or watch movies on the computer.


We mainly just watch an occasional DVD, but our TV does have rabbit ears and we will watch weather (if something bad is out there) or an occasional football game.



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WE have a brand spanking new 50" plasma that my dh hooked a computer up to. Sooo cool. We sometimes use it as our monitor during the schoolday to watch things like Khan Academy, a youtube video on a subject, or play freerice, shepphard software, brainpop. On the big screen it seems more fun :)

We have a Netflix account. Love it.

We found a few free HD channels which have been neat.

This is the only TV we use.

We only pay for Netflix. I even bought a MagicJack to replace the house phone since we have cell phones.

My dh is a techno-geek so he's having a blast with this. It *started* when we went to BestBuy to look @ GoogleTV. The salesman was another techno-geek, like my dh, and he mentioned he has laptops hooked up to all of his TVs instead of Google TV or cable, just need a good graphics card.

Love it.

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i would say that i don't really watch TV. Its true that I do watch some shows, but usually only because I am in the same room (My DH is a TV addict, and would watch static if thats all that was on).


The are a couple of shows that I do like to watch (House). But if I were on my own, I wouldn't even own a TV, and probably wouldn't even take the time to watch on the computer.

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