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Fill in the blank- "I should be ____, but I am on here instead"

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I should be pricing next year curricula to buy next week in preparation for our tax return, so I can get it to hubby, buuuuut I am on here instead.... " :blushing:


I know I should do it, I've been needing to for a WEEK, but every time I say in my mind I need to, I conveniently find something else to do. Secretly, I think I am afraid of the total :blink:

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I should be sleeping, buuuuut I am on here instead....


I know that I know that I know I should get more sleep, but I've gotten into the habit of staying up until 11:30 or 12:00. Tonight I have been transferring a customer base that was given to me in my direct sales business; tedious but good work. I've done 150+ today with about that many to go this weekend (and 150 done this past week -- such a gift!).


And we have an early morning tomorrow, with a baptism at our Orthodox mission parish and a visit with a priest we haven't seen for awhile.


I'm going, I'm going!

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I should be sleeping.


I should be writing school schedules for the next week.


I should be going through papers from the last month to put in kids' binders.


I should be gathering those library books that are now overdue.


I should be signing and sending that sympathy card for a dear friend's father who passed two weeks ago.


I should be blogging.


I should be catching up on the 6 dozen emails in my in box.


I should not be here.

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I should be reading my bible.


I should be sleeping.


I should be tackling the mountain of laundry that just keeps growing and growing.


I should be making the oatmeal for tomorrow morning.


Ok, now you've gone and done it. Now that I actually wrote it down, I must go and do some of those things.



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Love this thread ;)


I should be DOING MY HOMEWORK - Writing a 600+ word topic paper on camera framing techniques used during the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I can't wrap my mind around it though. And I don't know how I'm going to pull out 600 words on that. uggh


Okay back to homework, I suppose...

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I should be making dinner, or at least ordering the take-out. I should be doing paperwork for one of the two committees I committed to this year in a fit of apparent madness. I should be answering an e-mail my cousin sent 2 weeks ago about finalising arrangements for a holiday in Bali later this year. Instead I'm here...


In my defence, I drove 2.5hrs to take dd to a carpentry/electronics class today, got (slightly) lost on the way there, and lost my keys as we were due to leave. After 30 minutes of frantic and dedicated searching they were found in a gap between where the wrap-around deck joined a short ramp leading to the house. I was away from home from 8:45 to 4pm, and if anyone looks at me wrong I am going to burst into tears. That's whyI'm here instead of doing all the stuff I should be doing.



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Cleaning house for ds' return from college this afternoon and for our Superbowl party. We want to go see 127 Hours on Sunday, so I promised I'd have the house done before I get him at 1:30 today.


But this is part of my morning routine...and I've already done the dishes! AND I'm up early for a Saturday. (whine whine)

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I should be:


taking a shower

getting breakfast ready

making up the bed for our guests who are arriving later today

folding the laundry sitting in front of me

reading the Bible

reading my book

putting the toys away that have taken over the living room

writing out checks for DH to sign and then mail

and so on


But it's not yet 7am and this is MY time (and my ONLY time). So there. Harrumph.

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Well, nothing, really, now that my younger daughter's Judo class and my older daughter's hair appointment AND the used book sale at the library were all canceled due to all this freezing rain and ice we're dealing with. Blah! I'm sick of it! 10 more days til we leave to drive down to Florida and escape all of it for a while... I can't wait!

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I should be pricing next year curricula to buy next week in preparation for our tax return, so I can get it to hubby, buuuuut I am on here instead.... " :blushing:


I know I should do it, I've been needing to for a WEEK, but every time I say in my mind I need to, I conveniently find something else to do. Secretly, I think I am afraid of the total :blink:


This is me yet again.... sigh... lol

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