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Trial day....prayers please!! 9-12am Pacific time


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:party:NOT GUILTY!!!!!! It was incredibly close, the judge said he was finding him innocent based on lack of evidence.





Thank you all for the support over the past two months. It really meant a lot to me to have so many people in our corner.



Thank you,


I will give more information later but I have a lot of people to tell and have to run for now. :)






Ds16's trial is today. I am soooo scared but relieved it is finally here.


Please, please pray for him today. Please let the judge see who ds really is and that the truth becomes evident today. We will be in court from about 9 until maybe 12. Please ask for angels to surround him today and hold his hand through this, helping us to remain confident and clear though it all.


I will not be allowed in the courtroom, as I am a witness in the case. I am sure it will be the longest hours of my life.


If he is convicted :(, they will likely sentence him this afternoon, so positive thoughts for the judge to be merciful, and for him to at least see his character references as giving truthful and honest depictions of ds to guide his sentencing.


His soooo, very innocent of all of this.


Please, any prayers, well wishes, positive thoughts....anything you can think of, please send it to this sweet Christian kid today.


I will update as soon as I can this afternoon.


I am off to lay down for a few hours and hopefully sleep a bit. Tooooo much on my mind to rest much.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Tap- You have been in my thoughts all day...I figured that tomorrow (well today) was the big day from your previous post. I can not imagine how scary this must be for all of you. I will be praying that the judge sees the truth and that you will have closure this afternoon. I am so sorry that you all are going through this. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Ds16's trial is today. I am soooo scared but relieved it is finally here.


Please, please pray for him today. Please let the judge see who ds really is and that the truth becomes evident today. We will be in court from about 9 until maybe 12. Please ask for angels to surround him today and hold his hand through this, helping us to remain confident and clear though it all.


I will not be allowed in the courtroom, as I am a witness in the case. I am sure it will be the longest hours of my life.


If he is convicted :(, they will likely sentence him this afternoon, so positive thoughts for the judge to be merciful, and for him to at least see his character references as giving truthful and honest depictions of ds to guide his sentencing.


His soooo, very innocent of all of this.


Please, any prayers, well wishes, positive thoughts....anything you can think of, please send it to this sweet Christian kid today.


I will update as soon as I can this afternoon.


I am off to lay down for a few hours and hopefully sleep a bit. Tooooo much on my mind to rest much.


I have been praying and will definitely pray for all of you today during the trial. :grouphug:

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