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Where did you meet your (non-spouse) best friend?

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I met my best friend in 6th grade. (She's been my bf for 21 years!) We don't live near each other anymore but we talk weekly and get together when we can. My oldest and her youngest were born six weeks apart in the same hospital over 1000 miles away from our hometown. We had both ended up married to Marines and were stationed together at Camp Pendleton.

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My local non-spouse best friend I met at church.


However, I've got a best friend that I've known for almost 33 years. We met at Mother's Day Out when we were 2. But she lives far away from me, and she's a single doctor so we lead different lives. However, it's one of those friendships where we can just pick up where we left off when we're able to talk or see each other.

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Elementary school. :) We were friends all through school and lived together in college. I was the matron of honor in her wedding two weekends ago. We both married our high school sweethearts. I've been blessed with a very consistent group of friends since childhood, and I wish we still lived only a couple of miles apart.

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I met both of my best friends through La Leche League. Kathy called me before she moved to town, and that was, wow, at least 6 or 7 years ago. I met Jennifer through the same meetings when her William, now 7.5 years old, was just a tiny 6 week old and she had to go back to work.

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She lived down the street from me and was friends with a girl in my 3rd grade class (who lived next door to me). After that obnoxious child moved away in 5th or 6th grade (bff was 2 grades ahead of us), we became best friends, and have been ever since.

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Oldest "best"--church and we were college roomies. She doesn't qualify as a best by behavior/involvement anymore, but she's earned the title, so she gets to keep it. :001_smile:


Other best--also at church.


Most of my dear friends are from church or college (only one, other than above, still from college).

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in school. We've been best friends for 35 years now. My other best friends in state (I relocated at 20) I met through church. I've known these two for 6 or 7 years now, maybe more.


ETA: I have two long term best friends. My other, who is like a brother to me, I met 27 years ago on the phone. We've been EXTREMELY close all these years and he's coming to spend the weekend with my family this week!!! My kids consider him an uncle, and my dh adores him, too.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I met my best friend when I was four years old. I was walking down my block with my jumprope tied to the handle of my wagon, dragging it along behind me. When I came to corner, I saw a man chopping down a tree in his front yard. I approached him and asked if he'd help me untie my jumprope. He did, then went inside and got his oldest child, who was a girl of 5, along with her jump rope. We jumped rope together. That was in 1972 and we're still friends. :)


When I tell that story, what stands out to me is the fact that my parents let me walk down my whole block alone at four years old, and they didn't blink an eye when I told them I'd asked "a stranger" to help with my jump rope.

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Walking up the street... I was walking with my boys, then 3 and 5. Her dh was in the yard, they'd just moved in. My 5 year old ran in to their yard to say hi to him, and just started yapping, along with giving this strange guy a huge hug, much to my mortification. His wife wasn't there yet, she got there a few days later. I'm walking again, and now she's in the yard. 5 year old runs up to her, and asks for her dh. We start talking.... 15 years later, we live 6 hours apart, but still consider each other family.

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I met mine 13 years ago; we were introduced by a mutual friend. The funny thing is that we lived just a few houses away from each other but we'd never met. Now we live about a 1/2 hour away from each other.


I have 2 other close friends that I've known for 20+ years - I met them both in church.

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I'm in the just starting a best friendship with a lady. We met when I called her about homeschooling in our current town. Our daughters are best friends.


There is another potential best friend, but she is best friends with her husband, and she works part time. So she prefers to spend more time at home.

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I met my best friend the first day of 7th grade. We are having our 20 year friendiversary this year. :)


But I met my best best best friend when I was almost three. I loved him from the minute my mom and dad brought him home. We have had our ups and downs, but I truly consider him my bestest. We normally talk every day. When he was in Iraq, it just about killed me not to hear his voice every day.

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I have two very best friends, outside of my mom...


One I met the first day I drove up to college. She was sitting out on steps in the front of the girls dorm. We migrated to each other and have been besties ever since... about 23 years!


My other best friend I met at church when I was 32. It was a dark time in my life. She kept me going. She fed my autistic baby, who was allergic to nearly everything... she would set out trays across her kitchen counters, make foods he could eat from scratch, freeze them and deliver boxes full of "Victor meals". She was there when I had horrible things to say. She was there when I was filled with despair. I can say literally anything to this gal and she loves me just as much as ever. That also just about applies to my college girl friend, too.


Thanks for asking. My best friends have made all the difference in my life!

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