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What's one simple luxury you'd like to have?

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What is that one thing you'd love to have, but just can't afford? I'm not talking about something huge, like a second house in the south of France. Just something simple.


I'll go first:


I wish I could afford access to a swimming pool, year round.


Right now we only have access to a public pool in the summer. And I can't afford the membership at the YMCA to use their pool in the winter.

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I am greedy. I cannot choose just one, so here are some thoughts that rushed to me:


1. a handyman so that my husband doesn't have to stress over the plumbing and general maintenance


2. a housekeeper -- well, maybe just for things like windows, siding, ceilings, etc.


3. a women's gym with a pool -- I want to swim, but it's hard when we don't do mixed swimming.


4. a computer geek -- I'm tired of being it.

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A driver. I hate to drive, and honestly, am not very good at it, especially in winter. I have to drive a lot for my job. If I had a driver I could do work in the car, and I wouldn't be so tense when I got to where I was going. Sometimes I cry in the car, it's that bad. I could go to the big city without being afraid someone is going to steal the car because my driver would be in it waiting for me.

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1. a handyman so that my husband doesn't have to stress over the plumbing and general maintenance



A professional organization service (someone to get the house organized for me, like those people with shows on HGTV)


Amen and Amen.


Attractive kitchen chairs would be nice. Actually I have a wish list. Things like blenders. Glass baking dishes. It's a kinda long list, though :) We can afford most of these items; just not all of them at once. Thus the list. In theory, I should be picking them off as we can afford them. So why does it seem to only get longer? :glare:

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I wish dd2 would have came with.... a bedroom. :0) We bought our house when we thought we were only going to have two kids so our house only has 3 bedrooms. She and dd10 are 8 years apart in age, and miles apart in personality. Oil and water mix better than my girls. Sharing a bedroom isn't an option any longer. We will add a bedroom next year, but it will require major remodel on our 8yo house (new roof and joists) and we don't have time before the weather turns wet here.


My wish is to have the bedroom built already. :D

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What is that one thing you'd love to have, but just can't afford? I'm not talking about something huge, like a second house in the south of France. Just something simple.


I'll go first:


I wish I could afford access to a swimming pool, year round.


Right now we only have access to a public pool in the summer. And I can't afford the membership at the YMCA to use their pool in the winter.


I would love to have a housekeeper/cook. They could do all the work while I got to do all the fun stuff. Or...my own washer and dryer in our apartment. It's a pain to walk down two flights of stairs and do laundry. Or..real air conditioning...I don't have a clue why Europeans are afraid of cold air. I have two units to cool our house, but central air would be awesome.

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A wall oven that was NOT avocado green.

Kitchen countertops that were NOT avocado green.

Two new tubs that were NOT harvest gold & wait.... avocado green.


And someone, not my dh who has too much to do (like removing the 70s from my house) to come in and clear our overgrown extra lot but leave enough trees and undergrowth so we can have a very cool walking path through our side yard, which is over an acre.


While all of this is done I will be sleeping on a wonderful comfy NEW king sized mattress with headboard custom built by dh.

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A driver. I hate to drive, and honestly, am not very good at it, especially in winter. I have to drive a lot for my job. If I had a driver I could do work in the car, and I wouldn't be so tense when I got to where I was going. :grouphug: I could go to the big city without being afraid someone is going to steal the car because my driver would be in it waiting for me.


Oh! I'd be your driver! I love to drive. (But the QEW is a little scary, I must admit, now that I'm not 19 & excited just to get to dance clubs in Toronto)



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