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I am thinking about canceling my Amazon Prime account....


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hmm...I still get most of my stuff in 2 days; when I don't I can usually see that it's a USPS issue and not Amazon. What's the shipping like for non-Prime people these days? I used to manage to survive on free shipping for orders over $25; is that still a thing? I do use the free cloud photo storage...but I think I might have everything backed up about 3 different places at this point. I pay something for apple cloud storage, too. 

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I just got prime. Before that I only got the free over $25 shipping. The few things I’ve had shipped since getting prime have been a week or under; before that they took at least 10 days, sometimes closer to two weeks. So it’s faster but not, I feel, as fast as it should be. Once the item is shipped it’s usually two or three days but seems like they sit on the order a few days before shipping it.

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20 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

If you like Wheel of Time, it’s coming to prime video on November 19th. 

We've had a request from our young adults to watch all the episodes (I think there'll be 4 at that point?) the Friday after Thanksgiving. DD is going to a watch party to watch the first come out, but for some, they'll be seeing it for the first time. I haven't read the books, but dd loves them!

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I don't have prime. I just put things in my cart as I think of them, and then usually decide within a few days I don't actually want them and delete them. Then, once a month or so, I place an order for everything I still think I need. 

Studies have found that people buy a lot more when delivery is fast.

I get DVDs (!!!) from the library, which is actually a lot more fulfilling than Amazon. It used to be that we'd spend a long time deciding on a movie. Now, we put one on hold when we want it and usually have one on the shelf it we want a movie night. No more endless discussions around what to watch. 🙂 

OK, so we're weird.



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It is not worth for us.  Where we live we do not get 2 day shipping (it is 5 to 7 business days though what getting it out of the warehouse has to do with the final destination is beyond me.  It actually often takes as much as 10 to 14 days.  Once it is shipped, it gets here pretty fast) . We use neither the video nor the music part, there are no food deliveries, there definitely is no next day delivery.  Not worth it for us and when I do order it usually is over $25 anyway and shipping is free.

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I canceled Prime about a year ago, and I really haven't missed it at all. I didn't use the Prime benefits at all. Now, I just wait until I have to order enough items to get free shipping. What I did get a year ago is Audible. It's $16 a month, but I use it all the time. I love it and it's my one indulgence to myself. I canceled Prime in order to afford Audible. Prime worked out to be about $11 monthly for me. I use Audible audiobooks all the time.

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5 hours ago, kokotg said:

What's the shipping like for non-Prime people these days? I used to manage to survive on free shipping for orders over $25; is that still a thing?

We get our items from Amazon quite fast. Anything urgent and we would go to brick and mortar stores anyway. The minimum amount for free shipping keeps fluctuating until I forgot what is the amount currently.

We usually get three UPS trucks daily nearer to Thanksgiving until after Christmas. USPS delivers Amazon parcels on Sundays as well. 

2 hours ago, kfeusse said:

I wondered about this.  I love the free returns.... so that goes away without prime????

We drop off Amazon returns at Kohls. There are quite a few Kohls near us so it hasn’t been a hassle.

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6 hours ago, kfeusse said:

I started using Amazon prime when they were giving us 2 day shipping, but since that has gone away I am not sure what is keeping me subscribing.  I rarely use Prime video...so I am not sure why I would stay.

Can someone tell me what good is Amazon Prime these days?

I keep getting shopping apps on my browser redirecting me to other sites that are "cheaper" . . . when I get there, they're very rarely cheaper.  Usually it's a different item (different size or color), and the one I actually want - costs more than amazon.

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3 hours ago, kfeusse said:

I wondered about this.  I love the free returns.... so that goes away without prime????

No Idea.

we have whole foods (amazon owned).  Kohls, and Amazon hubs.  Even Amazon B&M stores.   I seldom have to send anything via UPS anymore.   Which is good - as I've recently had a few things there was NO WAY it was going to fit back in the pkg. . . . . - re: viscose foam mattress topper (she said they get that at least once a month.)

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17 minutes ago, kfeusse said:

we don't have a Kohl's near us and even our closest big box store is 45 minutes away and I don't get there very often....glad I asked here....this has given me things to think about. 


5 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

No Idea.

we have whole foods (amazon owned).  Kohls, and Amazon hubs.  Even Amazon B&M stores.   I seldom have to send anything via UPS anymore.   Which is good - as I've recently had a few things there was NO WAY it was going to fit back in the pkg. . . . . - re: viscose foam mattress topper (she said they get that at least once a month.)

I've never been charged for a return, but I don't return much. Sometimes they just tell me to keep it. And I don't have Prime. There are likely some items they would charge to return, I imagine.

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11 hours ago, Catwoman said:

I can’t imagine canceling Prime. I use it pretty much daily. 🙂 

Days without a package arriving are perplexing to me... Before we moved, we got most things in two days, sometimes 3 if a weekend was involved. Since we moved to Ohio, about half comes in one day, most of the rest in two. And I  know it ahead of time if it's going to be more than two days.

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In our city house we get the original promised 2 day service but at our remote cabin we get ‘Prime delivery’ a week or more out.  It’s not any faster than regular delivery.  This is not how it was when we started prime in 2014 or so.  I kept it anyway mostly for the convenience of having a running shopping list, records of past purchases, and Prime video, but have kind of stopped using Prime video lately so might drop it one of these days.  Not sure yet.

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3 minutes ago, QueenCat said:

Days without a package arriving are perplexing to me... Before we moved, we got most things in two days, sometimes 3 if a weekend was involved. Since we moved to Ohio, about half comes in one day, most of the rest in two. And I  know it ahead of time if it's going to be more than two days.

once in a while things take like 3-4 days...others more like a week...it used to be 2 days tops no matter what, with the option of quicker if I wanted it.  I am not unhappy with 3-4 days...maybe I am just spoiled.... :) 

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Are you getting things from Amazon that you need to get from Amazon, and are you getting your $119 worth (or whatever it is now) in having things slightly faster? Or could you just as well look at things you're getting low on and will need in the next few weeks and either order them in a batch or wait until you're going out to where the stores are?

You could try canceling and re-subscribe if you miss it. They're not going to put you on a waiting list or something.

Edited by Carolina Wren
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I can't even imagine a life without amazon prime 🤣. I order all kinds of things.  Pretty much everything we buy except groceries(a few shelf stable stuff is in our monthly subscription shipment though). Lost the protractor again? Can get one tomorrow or the next day straight to my door no errand needed.  Finished with one piano book level and need the next?  Here at our door long before your next lesson. Art supplies, clothing, shoes, dance/jazz shoes, hair product I can't ever find in the store anyways so I quit trying, everything. I rarely go into any stores and if I do it's something like Joann's and usually not urgent.    I ordered all my kids Halloween costumes and had much more selection and didn't have to leave the house.  I do live in a city with a warehouse so our shipments are usually super fast.   I wouldn't want to save up for the free shipping because so much I buy and need quickly is well under that.  I suppose I could add in shelf stable groceries each time to get the free shipping but I'm super glad I don't have to.  We so use video some and music even more.  

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2 hours ago, EmilyGF said:


I've never been charged for a return, but I don't return much. Sometimes they just tell me to keep it. And I don't have Prime. There are likely some items they would charge to return, I imagine.

I've had a few things - but that was the seller.   I had a wall mural (I ordered three of this mural - they were ALL different color backgrounds) they told me to keep, the next one I returned (because the color wasn't right) - they had me return.  no consistency there either.   I did end up with two of the same on the walls of my home theater.

2 hours ago, QueenCat said:

Days without a package arriving are perplexing to me... Before we moved, we got most things in two days, sometimes 3 if a weekend was involved. Since we moved to Ohio, about half comes in one day, most of the rest in two. And I  know it ahead of time if it's going to be more than two days.

Here comes amazon, here comes amazon, right up my driveway . . . . . . 


I never know when it's going to be.  I've had same day, and five days. and from third party sellers which took a month.  (I ordered something after midnight this morning - and was given two choices for delivery today. This morning/noon - or later this afternoon/evening. )

  but I do like the science docs on prime video.  (anything with Jim Kahlil, for starters..)

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I have been on Amazon Prime since it started.  We order so much through Amazon.  I mean we have Amazon packages coming so often, along with other packages.  I can;t drive most of the time right now due to the great deal of pain I am having or brain fog or stiffness where I can hardly get into the car, let alone drive.  Plus we use Prime Video a lot-PBS series we missed, The Expanse, and sometimes movies that are not on Netflix or HBOMAX or... any other service we have.  Plus discounts at Whole Foods too.  We have a new Amazon facility that is opening here but it may be not actually help us get anything faster since it may be something to do with his space program.

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I’ve been thinking about this also - nothing ever takes LESS than two weeks to get here - and often longer….  I also tend to park things in my cart and think about them for awhile, so grouping them to make the minimum wouldn’t be hard.   I don’t use prime music or video, but maybe one of my kids does.

Now you have me thinking more seriously!!


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47 minutes ago, Anne said:

I’ve been thinking about this also - nothing ever takes LESS than two weeks to get here - and often longer….  I also tend to park things in my cart and think about them for awhile, so grouping them to make the minimum wouldn’t be hard.   I don’t use prime music or video, but maybe one of my kids does.

Now you have me thinking more seriously!!


Sounds like you can just let it go and renew if you miss it. 

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16 hours ago, EmilyGF said:

I don't have prime. I just put things in my cart as I think of them, and then usually decide within a few days I don't actually want them and delete them. Then, once a month or so, I place an order for everything I still think I need. 

Haha, I put them in so I WON'T buy them! LOL My cart is $1300 right now. I save so much when I put things in there and forget them. 😄 

Most of the time amazon prime is saving my butt. It means I've forgotten something, need something, don't feel well enough to go to town. Nuts, I use it now to deliver things to my dad in assisted living. I can get him anything he needs immediately, without stress, and it's dependable, tracked delivery.

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I can’t see signatures on phone. If you have young adults away in college using your Amazon Prime, it might be worth keeping. A friend doesn’t use Prime that much but her family members does. 

I think the 2 day delivery is only for items marked as Prime. The items we buy are often not a Prime item. 

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19 hours ago, whitestavern said:

I'd like to cancel because I really dislike the company, but I still get almost everything in 1 or 2 days, and we use prime video quite a bit. I will bite the bullet one of these days...

I share your dislike of the company for multiple reasons, so try to avoid giving them my business. My goal each year is to only order from them once at most, usually for otherwise impossible to find items. Most years I succeed. I don’t like shopping of any type, online or otherwise, so just avoid buying stuff whenever possible. And my husband doesn’t mind errands and is usually out and about getting stuff for house or other projects, so he handles most shopping, except for food which we generally do together.

I was very sad to see recently that they are getting into the pharmacy business.

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I've been getting deliveries quicker lately, sometimes in two days, sometimes not. Amazon has so many things I cannot buy locally, plus as a history students, I'm always buying used books generally with free shipping from Amazon if possible. I do use prime video as well. For me it's worth it because I use it regularly. 

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I don't have Prime, most things come in 3-5 days.  Free shipping on $35.  I just keep things in my cart until I reach that threshold.  Free returns are on most things except some things that are from third party sellers.  I just double check before I order to make sure about the returns if I'm not sure if I'll be keeping it.  I don't/wouldn't use any of the digital content so for me, Prime makes zero sense.

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17 hours ago, Arcadia said:

If you have young adults away in college using your Amazon Prime, it might be worth keeping.

College students with a .edu email address used to be able to get their own prime at half off. I wish I had the option to add more address to my prime, kind of like what Netflix does. I'd love to include all of my adult children instead of only 1.

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