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Essentially 400 doctors + the former governor of Oregon (himself a former ER doctor) wrote a public letter that splashed in the media calling for a stronger response from the governor. We're finally starting to see some public discussion about how dire the situation is.

Oregon received 10% of the masks and gowns they asked for, no ventilators. WTH, federal government? We should go find some ourselves? Where ARE the ones in the stockpile? 

The projections for April 11th in Portland have left me nauseous. I'm going to need to take another walk, take another nap, and go clean something.  It's one thing to cognitively understand this and another to emotionally feel it. 

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9 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:


Oregon shuts down restaurants & bars to take out and delivery only for four weeks.  Gatherings limited to 25. She reversed herself from what she said at 10:00 am.  The whiplash on nearly every one of her announcements----saying she won't do something, only to do it a few hours later---is leading to a lot of people feeling uncertain. 

We're in WA.  My husband was wondering if he'd be able to buy lunch today.  He was able to buy a sandwich at Subway and take it back to his office, but he said that places have either removed their tables and chairs or the chairs are on top of the tables.  

How is this supposed to work?   People who could be sick/are about to be sick/have just gotten over being sick could still be spreading the virus when they're preparing the food.  I give my husband some Wet Ones packets to use at lunchtime (and have been doing this long before the coronavirus hit).   The wipes might protect him from the germs he's picked up from the elevator buttons or door handles, but it doesn't make the food suddenly germ-free.  

I was just about to post a food-related question after reading this news article:  https://komonews.com/news/coronavirus/the-generosity-has-come-through-gifting-treats-new-trend-to-keep-businesses-alive

Can a cupcake be a fomite?   And if so,  why would we want our crucial first responders/ medical people to eat them?   Maybe they need some MRE's for the ER.



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1 hour ago, square_25 said:

How could having people line up outside be helpful? Are they lining up at a distance of 6 feet? 😛

Yes. There is someone reminding them to line up at a distance from each other and the line is going around the store.

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4 hours ago, TCB said:

I was just in the process of getting my husband to ask his dr to switch from an ARB to a CCB when I saw this! Who knows but this guy sounded pretty convincing so I think we should hold off on that for now. Thanks for posting it!

aND I got very high blood pressure from a CCB, which happens to be a genetic difference.

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The judge in Ohio denied the lawsuit to postpone the election! The judge said it was a terrible precedent. While that may be true, the voting will be a total disaster. Many regular voters won't compromise their health to vote and others, thinking it has been cancelled, won't vote at all. There's also been a problem getting enough poll workers because many are retired people. What a total S@%tshow!

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4 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:


Dow closes down 3,000 points (12.9%), largest point drop in history

In our first day of having bought stocks, we made slightly over 300.  We only dipped our feet in but I chose almost all the stocks, my dh did one- a US computer chip maker.  I chose health stocks -since health in one area I do know about.

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12 minutes ago, mom2scouts said:

The judge in Ohio denied the lawsuit to postpone the election! The judge said it was a terrible precedent. While that may be true, the voting will be a total disaster. Many regular voters won't compromise their health to vote and others, thinking it has been cancelled, won't vote at all. There's also been a problem getting enough poll workers because many are retired people. What a total S@%tshow!


I think there's an appeal tonight, but what a mess.  People are so confused.  What a terrible decision by the judge.  

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VAST majority of infections being spread by people who don't know they have it, say mathematical models: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/03/13/science.abb3221


Our findings also indicate that a radical increase in the identification and isolation of currently undocumented infections would be needed to fully control SARS-CoV2.


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36 minutes ago, mathnerd said:

Yes. There is someone reminding them to line up at a distance from each other and the line is going around the store.

My dd sent me a picture of a store lined up like this and, yes, they were several feet between each line-standing person. 

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41 minutes ago, Kassia said:


I think there's an appeal tonight, but what a mess.  People are so confused.  What a terrible decision by the judge.  

People have no idea what to do. Voting? Not voting? Should elderly vote? Are they being cheated out of their vote? Is the judge right? I've even seen a post by someone saying he's an election official and he's been told not to show up tomorrow and another saying their election board had sent out robocalls saying voting was off.  What a disaster!

Also, CNN incorrectly reported voting was delayed before amending the headline.

Current news says voting is not postponed, but the state is appealing. It seems to change about every hour!

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3 hours ago, Roadrunner said:

If people weren’t hoarding, we wouldn’t have shortages. 



I don’t know. What is the definition of hoarding?  If we’re told to go on lockdown, and that if someone in our house gets sick, we’re all to stay home for 14 days, then it makes sense to get 14 days’ worth of supplies.

If every single household in every single community all gets 14 days’ worth of supplies on the same weekend...we will have shortages, even without a single person hoarding.

1 hour ago, mathnerd said:

Yes. There is someone reminding them to line up at a distance from each other and the line is going around the store.

I had to get some food today, and I stood well back from the person in front of me.  All this personal space is like being an American on steroids. We do love our personal space here in the US, after all. 😉  But 6 or more feet is a lot even for us. In countries where people prefer to be closer, it’s probably very awkward feeling to space yourself so far from others.

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1 hour ago, mathnerd said:

Yes. There is someone reminding them to line up at a distance from each other and the line is going around the store.

I was there this morning and nearly everyone had a cart in front of them while we waited to get in. Worked very well for social distancing. 😃

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Local news 

Coles is restricting purchases on eggs.  Need my chooks to start laying again.  Hand sanitiser manufacturer has to stop manufacturing due to shortages of the chemicals they use.

9 more cases in Qld

church are going toward individual bread instead of breaking from a shared piece . I’m not sure that it will help much but hey.  

footy is still on but discussing plans for the rest of the year.  We aren’t going - dd has a very mild runny nose which is more likely allergies but playing safe. 


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27 minutes ago, Garga said:


I don’t know. What is the definition of hoarding?  If we’re told to go on lockdown, and that if someone in our house gets sick, we’re all to stay home for 14 days, then it makes sense to get 14 days’ worth of supplies.

If every single household in every single community all gets 14 days’ worth of supplies on the same weekend...we will have shortages, even without a single person hoarding.

I had to get some food today, and I stood well back from the person in front of me.  All this personal space is like being an American on steroids. We do love our personal space here in the US, after all. 😉  But 6 or more feet is a lot even for us. In countries where people prefer to be closer, it’s probably very awkward feeling to space yourself so far from others.


 we were told by the government to get 2 weeks extra food.

 we and just about every other Aussie did what we were told. they shops couldn't restock quickly enough, resulting in only a few things left on the shelves causing some to think that tehre wasn't going to be anymore stock coming, and a rush to buy the last few things.

 I personally have to drive 100 km to shops. When I go there I typically get 3-4 weeks worth of food.   now there is no flour , rice, pasta etc to be had after driving 100 km. it is not like we or the rest of our rural areas can drive 100 km every day to check if there is food available. if there is flour or something we are definatly going to grab a few weeks worth. it is not hording, it is being sensible and making sure we have some food. 

plus the town 100 km away with the shops now has confirmed cases. We will not be going back there for a while.

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1 minute ago, StellaM said:

Shops today (suburban Sydney) 60% empty. Warehouses empty, according to staff; no-one can keep up on the run of goods. Pensioners and the disabled getting first crack at what's there at 7-8am each day.

We're going to eat down the pantry to do our bit to stop the cycle of shortages breeding panic buying.

I have 2 weeks food and supplies for a quarantine alreafy, which wil remain untouched.

Hoping Melbourne stores arent quite as bad, and dd and partner have only just moved and have nothing in reserve atm. 


there are lots of potatoes in the shops in Melbourne  and not much else according to both my DS26 and DD20 ( in separate areas)

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1 minute ago, Melissa in Australia said:


 we were told by the government to get 2 weeks extra food.

 we and just about every other Aussie did what we were told. they shops couldn't restock quickly enough, resulting in only a few things left on the shelves causing some to think that tehre wasn't going to be anymore stock coming, and a rush to buy the last few things.

 I personally have to drive 100 km to shops. When I go there I typically get 3-4 weeks worth of food.   now there is no flour , rice, pasta etc to be had after driving 100 km. it is not like we or the rest of our rural areas can drive 100 km every day to check if there is food available. if there is flour or something we are definatly going to grab a few weeks worth. it is not hording, it is being sensible and making sure we have some food. 

plus the town 100 km away with the shops now has confirmed cases. We will not be going back there for a while.

Wow I I hadn’t thought about that.  That’s pretty frustrating.  At least if we don’t get something it’s only a 30 minute drive to go again.  

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The stores here aren't too bad for food yet. There is no toilet paper but there is pasta and soup and just about everything else except hand sanitizer etc. 

On a separate note - I am amazed by the hospital I work at. When I got there yesterday morning at 06:45 there was a tent outside that they were using to screen everyone. By the time I walked out at 7:45 pm on my way home they had built 2 negative pressure screening rooms by the ER with their own doorways, and they were using them! I thought to myself that maybe we could give the Chinese a run for their money with building a hospital in 10 days!

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4 minutes ago, TCB said:

The stores here aren't too bad for food yet. There is no toilet paper but there is pasta and soup and just about everything else except hand sanitizer etc. 

On a separate note - I am amazed by the hospital I work at. When I got there yesterday morning at 06:45 there was a tent outside that they were using to screen everyone. By the time I walked out at 7:45 pm on my way home they had built 2 negative pressure screening rooms by the ER with their own doorways, and they were using them! I thought to myself that maybe we could give the Chinese a run for their money with building a hospital in 10 days!


That is awesome.  Are you in the US?

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The stores around here (southeast VA) were well-stocked up until Friday. I was able to do my usual weekly stock up of ‘clearance’ meat and chicken for the freezer without issue. By Sunday, every single store, high and low end, was cleaned out of meat, bread, rice and beans. I was shocked. My usual amazon subscribe and save items are all out of stock so that’s annoying but I have enough in the house for a few weeks anyway. I read that VA had its second death today. My students in China are increasingly asking about conditions in the US so I guess Xinhua is reporting on it. This evening’s student said she will be returning to school next month.

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29 minutes ago, TCB said:

The stores here aren't too bad for food yet. There is no toilet paper but there is pasta and soup and just about everything else except hand sanitizer etc. 

On a separate note - I am amazed by the hospital I work at. When I got there yesterday morning at 06:45 there was a tent outside that they were using to screen everyone. By the time I walked out at 7:45 pm on my way home they had built 2 negative pressure screening rooms by the ER with their own doorways, and they were using them! I thought to myself that maybe we could give the Chinese a run for their money with building a hospital in 10 days!

Shop at one of our hospitals has been gutted ready for a clinic and there is talk of reopening an old hospital if needed.  I guess the real problem won’t be space though it will be supplies.

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4 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Shop at one of our hospitals has been gutted ready for a clinic and there is talk of reopening an old hospital if needed.  I guess the real problem won’t be space though it will be supplies.

Yes there are real problems with PPE here and also staff etc and beds. But I was pretty amazed at what they did. Made me feel a bit more optimistic, at least for a little while. I think we are implementing social distancing a bit earlier than some countries have so I hope it really helps with mitigation.

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Don't try to come to Maryland.  We're closed.  (forgive me if this has been posted already) This went out this morning:

Monday morning #Updates to Baltimore County and Maryland’s response to the #Coronavirus:

-Gatherings of 50+ people will be prohibited beginning Wednesday. This includes recreation, religious, and sports gatherings.

- All evictions in the state are suspended for as long as the county and state are under a state of emergency

- Utilities, including electric, gas, water, Cable/TV/Internet providers, and cell phone providers are prohibited from disconnecting service during state of emergency and may not charge late fees.

- All bars, restaurants, movie theaters, and gyms are to close by 5pm today (Monday, March 16). Carry out, drive-thru, and delivery services may remain open, but sit-down dining will be prohibited.

- Grocery stores, banks, pharmacies, gas stations and other essential services will remain open.

- Students who normally receive free or reduced-fee school lunches may now receive 3 meals and a snack each day from one of 138 centers currently operating.

- Beginning today, all Baltimore County Public Library locations will be closed through March 29. All programs are canceled through May 3.

- Maryland officials are in talks on how to hold a mail-in only election for the April 28 primary, should it become necessary.

- All jury trials in the Maryland state court system will be suspended beginning March 16 until at least Friday, April 3.

- All federal court jury trials through April 24 are postponed.

- The state’s Health Benefits Exchange is beginning a special enrollment period, specifically for the coronavirus.

-250 State Troopers activated for emergency service, along with 400 Army and Air National Guard already activated, 1000 more MD National Guard activated today. 1200 Maryland guardsmen on enhanced readiness status ready to respond.

- Maryland Department of Health ordered to open all closed hospitals to increase the number of beds for 6,000 patients. 700 Maryland Medical Reservists activated to provide care. Any out of state medical professionals can now practice in Maryland to assist with medical care.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you have flu like symptoms: cough, fever over 100.4, respiratory distress: YOU MUST STAY HOME ! Call your doctor for guidance. 9,000 hospital beds available now with 6,000 being added for acute care.

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“Healthy SCC @HealthySCC 1h

We are very sorry to announce two deaths from #COVID19, bringing the total to 4. Both were adult men, one in their 80s and one in their 50s. We are saddened to share this news and we express our condolences to their family and friends. Read more: http://sccgov.org/sites/phd/news

ETA: Santa Clara County, California 

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If people are willing to give location when posting things like “all schools closed here” I’d appreciate knowing what’s happening where.  Especially if user name isn’t a clear tip off like “_____ in Australia”, or “Ausmum” or similar.   If prefer not to or forget, that’s also okay. 

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State of Nebraska calling for no gatherings of more than 10 people. 

Omaha.com article

Most schools in the two major metros (Omaha & Lincoln) were closed already. Libraries & churches were also shut down.

My small town in the middle of nowhere is finally listening. Schools closing on Wednesday. Catholic Mass cancelled in most of the state. Library was open today & the librarian told me the "10 or fewer" guideline doesn't apply to them because that is just for "gatherings." We'll see if she's right or if the library is closed.

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@mathnerd@crazyforlatin@Chrysalis Academy@yvonne@Amber in SJ


On March 16, the Public health officers of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties announced, with the City of Berkeley, a legal order directing their respective residents to shelter at home for three weeks beginning March 17.  The order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs. The guidance comes after substantial input from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and best practices from other health officials around the world.”

The long document about the order is here:

webpage https://www.sccgov.org/sites/phd/DiseaseInformation/novel-coronavirus/Pages/order-health-officer-031620.aspx

PDF https://www.sccgov.org/sites/phd/DiseaseInformation/novel-coronavirus/Documents/03-16-20-Health-Officer-Order-to-Shelter-in-Place.pdf


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1 hour ago, StellaM said:


Guess they'll be living on potatoes then! How's your dd in particular managing?

dd is Ok, she was pretty stressed until the Uni suspended all classes. she is in a home-stay accommodation , run by my brother's MIL an Italian mother kind, who has apparently completely freaked out and not allowing any of the home-stay students to leave the house.


DD is waiting to find out what the university are planning to do in regards to her studies. if they change the course content o something she can do remote then DH will pick her up and bring her home, otherwise she will stay in Melbourne for the duration.

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Dallas public schools are closing indefinitely.  Most (all?) other schools, including universities, are closed for extended spring break.  Some plan to transition to online learning afterward.  

Drive through testing began today for first responders, health care workers, and patients at Parkland Hospital (Dallas' large county hospital).  Officials have expressed hope that two more drive through testing sites will open later this week. 

Current count of cases in three most populous DFW counties (some still technically presumptive):
Dallas County - 19
Tarrant County (FW area) - 9
Collin County (Plano area) - 8

Texas has 85 confirmed cases.  Population: 28.7 million

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OMG, is there a banging head emoji? The Ohio Health Director is defying the judge and saying opening polls tomorrow is a public health threat and she won't let them open. NOBODY is sure if polls will be open or closed tomorrow including poll workers, Board of Elections, poll officials, and voters. This is crazy!

Governor: Polls are closed.

Judge: Polls are open.

CNN: Polls are closed.

Local news: Polls are open.

Social Media: Polls are open. Polls are closed. Polls are open, but there's an appeal. No wait, they're closed. No, they're open.

Board of Elections and Poll Workers: We have no idea if polls are open or closed.

Health Director: Polls are closed.



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Governor Brown announces additional measures to slow the spread of COVID-19

Governor Kate Brown today announced new measures to flatten the curve of coronavirus transmission in Oregon. The new orders on social distancing measures are effective tomorrow, March 17, for at least four weeks, and they include:

  • A statewide cancelation of all events and gatherings larger than 25 people — exempting essential locations like workplaces, grocery stores, pharmacies, and retail stores. It's additionally recommended that Oregonians avoid gatherings of 10 people or more.
  • Restaurants, bars, and other establishments may not offer food or beverages for on-site consumption; they are restricted to carry-out and delivery only.
  • Food service at health care facilities, workplaces, and other essential facilities will continue.
  • All other businesses are urged to assess their practices, implement strong social distancing measures, and close their doors temporarily if they cannot put the new guidance in place.
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The CDC has said no gatherings over 10 people, stay home. Give us 15 days to get a handle on this. Everything is closing. 

Kids are at birthday parties, kids are at sleepovers, DD's girl scout troop wants to get together like normal. I just want to shake people. This is the kind of behavior that results in mandatory lockdowns. I truly hate people. 

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We got an e-mail from a local grocery store chain. (not sure how I got on the email list!).  The yellow is their bolding. 

We're very lucky in New Zealand to have some of the best food in the world, and there is plenty to go around. There's no need to stock up.

We're working closely with our suppliers to keep food moving quickly through the network and make more deliveries to our stores. If you're seeing empty shelves or some products missing, it's because the product is on its way. It doesn't mean that we're going to run out.

We'd encourage all our customers to shop as you normally would, and to be thoughtful of others to ensure that all Kiwis have access to the food and products they need.

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One of the Wellington schools is trialing work from home on Friday.  People are thinking the schools close next Friday, 2 weeks before the 2 week school holidays (so 4 weeks off).  Right now there are 6 active cases in NZ and 5 closed cases, all brought in from abroad. We are still doing individual contact tracing; there is no community spread yet.

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Deaths per day are going up in the US according to  the worldometer website.  

March 13 - 8 deaths

March 14 - 8 deaths

March 15 - 11 deaths

March 16 - 18 deaths

and since they reset the numbers there have already been 7 more deaths. 😞

I’d like to know the percentage of our cases that are hospitalized.

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I'm in still in Texas, but am keeping up with NM since it's my home. I'm thinking the travel warning is for those who fly, but I drove. I'll figure out when to go back...

Just about government everything in NM is closed (moving to telework or reduced staff); restaurants and bars can still operate but at 50% capacity, no more than 6 diners at a table, and tables at least 6 feet apart; I think I already mentioned all schools are closed until April 3; no zoos, museums, national parks, etc.; no public gatherings of more than 100 people, with some exceptions (hospitals, detention centers, etc.).

In other news, close homeschool friends of ours own a pretty popular music store (known in musical circles, such as NAMM) and Idris Elba visited them last week. It was so exciting for them, and the husband got pictures with him. Wife was sad because she had just stepped out and missed him. Found out today that Elba tested positive. They immediately closed the store and canceled all music lessons. They had already been taking precautions for weeks, because it is a high contact store (people handle instruments, etc.), but closed down as extra precaution. This is in my hometown.

Also in my hometown, just in: another friend of ours is getting her tot tested (he's about 4yo). They visited FL and got back March 5. He came down with something and the hospital wants to test him tomorrow.

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