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Do you collect anything?

Night Elf

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The one time I tried to start a collection was Pocket Dragons but they were stopped when I got about a dozen. I love dragons. I have a tattoo of a dragon. I have two large candles in the shapes of dragons but no where to put them so they're in my closet.


Do you collect anything?

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Christmas ornaments


We get a family one each year, one as a souvenir for each vacation we take, and one for big special occasions (birth of baby, new house, etc.). Plus I have some from when I was a baby and even older ones from my parents. 


I love the sentimentality of our tree and telling the stories every year while we decorate. 

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Dust bunnies.  They're my favorite.   :lol:


However, it might be more appropriate to mention that we get a magnet (if available) from every major place (and some minor places) that we travel.  We actually NEED a second fridge to put them on, but for now we keep making room (while ignoring the dust that builds up between them since the fridge is no longer reasonably easy to clean)!



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In the past, scrapbook supplies (that I still need to use) and other crafting supplies.  Legos for my boys -- LOL!  I did collect Occupied Japan teacups with my mom, but she passed away in 2001 and I don't do that anymore.  I've been in an antique store once since they and it just isn't the same.  I started collecting White House ornaments in the 90's, but decided this week that I'm going to sell them!


I am trying to get collections out of my house now -- LOL (does not include the Legos).

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Not really.  I used to live near a village where a lot of people were into antiques, and people would often ask me what I collected.


But generally I don't see much reason to collect something for its own sake.  Collections that I have are generally groups of things that I actually use.  I probably have more jugs than I need though - for some reason I am really attracted to them.


Someone told me once they liked my collection of pictures.  I don't really think of them as a collection though, since they are all different.

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My extended family thinks I collect Willow Tree Angels -- I have NEVER purchased one.

I think they're fine but I am not in love with them. I was describing a statue we once had in our house when I was a child to my mother one time and she decided that I would like one of these... and now I keep getting them! PLEASE NO MORE FACELESS CREEPY ANGEL PEOPLE!


I purchase ornaments and magnets on vacations. And I wear Mickey Mouse socks most days... so I guess I collect those (though I do get rid of them when they're worn out). 

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My extended family thinks I collect Willow Tree Angels -- I have NEVER purchased one.

I think they're fine but I am not in love with them. I was describing a statue we once had in our house when I was a child to my mother one time and she decided that I would like one of these... and now I keep getting them! PLEASE NO MORE FACELESS CREEPY ANGEL PEOPLE!


My son just won an enormous Willow Tree nativity set with over 20 pieces, and at first I thought I would absolutely hate it because... faceless creepy people... I have never been attracted to the store displays of the angels etc.


Strangely enough, it's growing on me a little, especially the stable animals.  I like the heft of the figurines.  Go figure...



I collect insects (real ones, on pins), craft supplies, cookie cutters, music, non-fiction books particularly DIY or field guides.  I also collect Brio-type wooden train track/pieces, lego, and playmobil "for the kids".

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No, but then I'm becoming more and more of minimalist as I get older. 
I'm one of those people who doesn't really get collecting for it's own sake. 
Even as a quilter I don't stash fabric, I select it for a specific project.  Leftover fabric from a project is saved and after a few project leftovers pile up, I make something out of them or I donate them.

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I have a small collection of tea cups and saucers. I use them on the very sparse occasion I'll have a get-together

I have a few lovely tea cups and saucers I've picked up here and there, and I've found they are perfect for milk and cookies. The cups hold just the right amount of milk and the saucer holds the cookies. I prefer mugs for tea so my tea cups are just for milk and cookies now.

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No, but then I'm becoming more and more of minimalist as I get older.

I'm one of those people who doesn't really get collecting for it's own sake.

Even as a quilter I don't stash fabric, I select it for a specific project. Leftover fabric from a project is saved and after a few project leftovers pile up, I make something out of them or I donate them.

That has happened to me as well, I really am more of a minimalist all the time and the only things I collect are things I use.

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I have too many collections.  


Shirley Temple memorabilia - preferably from the 1930's and mainly paper and book items ( I have collected these since the age of 12 or so).

Books - various children's series as well as antique titles ( again collected since my early teens)

Old photographs are my newest collection and I prefer daguerreotypes when I can find them (and afford them), but I have a wide variety of cabinet cards and tintypes as well.


Things I no longer collect include dolls (no room to display - so they are all in boxes in the closet - time to get rid of most of those), cats (we have 5), and homeschool books and curriculum (the youngest is nearly 17.)




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I have a friend who is into dragon's.  her wedding ring is a dragon with a pearl in its mouth.   after her house fire (she got an extensive remodel) - I bought her a dragon box.


I used to collect christmas ornaments.  I've seriously scaled back. (I'd be wiling to sell some just to get rid of them.)  I might buy one as a souvenir of places we've gone or for a milestone.


I just have to agree wtih another friend.  you spend the first five years of your marriage collecting stuff - and the rest of your life trying to get rid of it.

where will it go?  do I want to clean it?

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Books.   Books that I like to reread by favorite (or old favorites) authors.  Books that look interesting in the genres I like.    Most wouldn't be considered "collectibles" but I like having them around.  I do have some old books, usually from before the 1930s.  That started with a book my aunt got me that had my name in the title.  I have a copy of Uncle Toms Cabin that supposedly is signed by the author (I haven't had it authenticated).   Most of my books are children's stories.  I've considered bringing them to a used/rare book store and seeing if they are worth anything because they are packed away in my garage.

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My son just won an enormous Willow Tree nativity set with over 20 pieces, and at first I thought I would absolutely hate it because... faceless creepy people... I have never been attracted to the store displays of the angels etc.


Strangely enough, it's growing on me a little, especially the stable animals. I like the heft of the figurines. Go figure...



I collect insects (real ones, on pins), craft supplies, cookie cutters, music, non-fiction books particularly DIY or field guides. I also collect Brio-type wooden train track/pieces, lego, and playmobil "for the kids".

Oooh you just reminded me that I have a nativity set stashed under my bed that I forgot to get out last year! Thanks!


I'm not really a collector but dh is. Mainly warhammer miniatures at the moment.

Well, unless you count books, we both collect those. He's trying to get (and read) the Everyman's Library set piece by piece...

Edited by LMD
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The one time I tried to start a collection was Pocket Dragons but they were stopped when I got about a dozen. I love dragons. I have a tattoo of a dragon. I have two large candles in the shapes of dragons but no where to put them so they're in my closet.


Do you collect anything?





I'm trying to cut back though.  They tend to be expensive and even though they don't break easily, they're beginning to clutter the house a bit.  

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Funko Pops of all my favorite fandoms. Mostly Doctor Who, Marvel, and Arrowverse. 


Autographed 8X10's of my favorite celebs that we've had a chance to meet at Comic Con.


Tsum Tsum's. I don't go out of my way to collect these, but I have ~10 Marvel ones. 


TARDIS anything. I have pillows, pillow cases, pajamas, t-shirts, tea sets, cookie jars, mugs, blankets.... Dalek stuff, too, but I have a lot more TARDIS.


Hardback book sets. I prefer the library for regular reading, but when it's a favorite series or author, I like to have the whole set in hardback. I have a handful of autographed 1st edition of one of my favorite authors. 

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I have Japanese artwork and bowls and lacquerware and dolls and...


I collected Elizabeth Goudge books. I haven’t looked for any in a long time.


Postage Stamps





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Elizabeth Goudge. My favorite book in 7th grade was The White Witch. It left me with a lifelong interest in herbs.

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Funko Pops of all my favorite fandoms. Mostly Doctor Who, Marvel, and Arrowverse.


Autographed 8X10's of my favorite celebs that we've had a chance to meet at Comic Con.


Tsum Tsum's. I don't go out of my way to collect these, but I have ~10 Marvel ones.


TARDIS anything. I have pillows, pillow cases, pajamas, t-shirts, tea sets, cookie jars, mugs, blankets.... Dalek stuff, too, but I have a lot more TARDIS.


Hardback book sets. I prefer the library for regular reading, but when it's a favorite series or author, I like to have the whole set in hardback. I have a handful of autographed 1st edition of one of my favorite authors.

Ah yes, we too are a family of Whovians and we have way too much Tardis stuff and other memorabilia. My boys collect it.


I don't collect much anymore. I did alot more when I was younger. I used to collect 80s toys from my childhood. I sold it all off ages ago though.


I do have way too many books and we do get a couple ornaments every year to add to our collection. Some thing I collect Le Creuset because I have a lovely enamled dutch in just about every size. It really isn't a collection per se...it is more that I like to have the exact right size :)

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I’ll say books. But I don’t think that’s fair. We have a lot. I’m going to buy more. I’m going to keep them. But I don’t “collect†them.

Rocks. My kids collect these for 4H, but anytime we/I/they find larger rocks we bring them home. No problem there’s PLENTY of space for them outside. This fall we made a wonderful outdoor display area. Now they are easy to see and the don’t drive my dh crazy J Before, the grass would grow around them. Then it was a problem with the lawn mower.

I did collect Fontanini nativity pieces. My mil started this set for me when dh and I first got married. But I now have plenty of pieces. I really love them. I also love that they look nice and are virtually indestructible-so my kids can play with them extensively and I don’t worry.

Lego. I collect Lego.

Games. I don’t have a large collection, but I do collect them and really want more. I just talked Dh into doing a “subscription†for games in 2018 (like a monthly subscription-except we will choose the games I have on my wish list once a month. No surprises!)



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I guess my Agatha Christie books could be considered a collection. I have almost all of them, doubles of a few, some doubles but with different titles depending on the publication date. I still re-read them all the time, so it's a useful collection as well! 


Ditto for my L.M. Montgomery book collection.

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No, I don't really collect anything.  I had a glass animal collection as a kid, and I think that was my last purposeful collection.  I know this sounds bleak, but I don't really mean it that way:  Everything seems fleeting to me.  Someday it will all be dust.  Why would I want to collect things?  


At the same time, I do love really old things -- antique books, for example, or just browsing antique stores.  I like thinking about the lives and events that occurred during that item's life, although I don't need to own it myself.  But, I suppose I'm glad that someone else has taken the time to collect them!


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