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Just for fun share your irrational fears.

Excelsior! Academy

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I can't be the only one, can I? 



I have a fear that someone will poison my drink in a public parking lot.  My thought process goes something like this:  I leave the house with all of my kiddos in tow with the prerequisite bottle of water to accompany me during my errands.  Of course, when I run into the grocery or box store the water must be left behind in the 12 passenger van because who brings a half-dozen kids or more AND a water bottle into a store.  When we all arrive back at the van after shopping and get buckled up, I can not bring myself to drink my water.  What if someone has followed me, broken into said van, and POISONED the water while I was shopping!?  Thinking it through and typing it out, it sounds completely ludicrous.  If someone was following around a middle aged momma with several kids in tow, I doubt the last thing they would do would be to sneak into the mega-van and poison bottled water, but ,alas, I worry about it every time.


Edited by Excelsior! Academy
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My ex husband was afraid of drowning in the toilet. He had to close the toilet lid while showering because he was afraid he'd slip and fall in the shower in such a way that his head would end up in the toilet and he'd drown. Not kidding. 


My only weird fear/phobia is mildew and it's related moldy friends. I can't touch the sides of the shower stall, shower curtain, etc because it might have mildew. Freaks me out to even think about it. 


Once my kids pulled the drain thing out of the sink and it had gross icky stuff on it and they touched it and I almost died. One of the worst days of my life and I may need a xanax from just typing it out. 


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Irrational fears? Not me.  


I check behind the shower curtain for a serial killer before I pee, but that's just common sense. 


My screams wake the entire street when a cockroach gets in the house, but those suckers can fly. And kill you with their hideousness, I'm pretty sure. 




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My ex husband was afraid of drowning in the toilet. He had to close the toilet lid while showering because he was afraid he'd slip and fall in the shower in such a way that his head would end up in the toilet and he'd drown. Not kidding. 



As it's your ex husband, I won't feel too bad about laughing. 

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I have been afraid of clowns my entire life. No idea why. My mom thinks it's because of an early circus experience and I think it was because they let me watch Poltergeist as a preschooler. Whatever the case, they are terrifying. What is weird though is they don't bother me in horror movies. They only bother me IRL at kiddie fairs or birthdays etc. Totally creepy.


The other is spiders. It is ridiculous. I have been bitten many times by spiders though so that is probably why. I literally shake if I see one run across our floor or wall.


I guess I could also put in an irrational fear of something happening to one of my kids. It was way worse with my oldest. When he was little I thought he would be abducted if he was out of my sight at all. It was a bit crazy. I have chilled out alot but it still is an irrational fear I have.

Edited by nixpix5
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Irrational fears? Not me.  


I check behind the shower curtain for a serial killer before I pee, but that's just common sense. 



:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah me too. Also, I must sleep with the closet door closed. You know... because of monsters.


Also, bats. Little vampiric creeps.

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Hanging upside down.


Hate it.


My brother (6 years older than me) used to hold me by my ankles, dangling upside down while my sister would tickle me.  They would pretend they were going to stop and then yank my up again. They wouldn't let me down until they were tired of the game.   :sad: It is one reason I never let my kids pick on eachother. I was the baby and was often the victim to my much older sisters and brothers whims. 

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I can not have the blinds open on a window behind me at night while watching TV. I am sure I will see a face staring at me when I get up. Even if it is next to impossible to even stand at that window the blinds must be closed.

Windows at night, specifically if I'm in the house alone are my irrational fear. Sometimes I simply can't look in the direction of a window at night. I will deliberately look at the ground or in the other direction.

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This made me think...I always worry that when I'm finishing a call with my (male) boss, I will accidentally say "love you".


Similar happened to my mom.  She got a call at work and assumed it was my dad, based on the timing.  "Hello, my sweet."  Then when she realized it was a guy she answered to (political job), she said something about oh yeah it's sweet to hear your voice (I'm probably not remembering exactly right).


Oh and my boss once called me "hon."  I assumed he was mixing me up with his daughter.


Speaking of habitual words, I can't seem to spell my last name without starting "Capital S, ..." like every adult in the US doesn't know to capitalize last names.  I blame it on the habit of spelling for my kids, but they are sixth graders, so that can't be the real reason.  :p

Edited by SKL
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I dread conference calls and most phone calls.  I assume I'm going to be asked a question I'm unprepared to answer.  And somehow this is going to ruin my life.


I'm not afraid of big needles, but those tiny ones used to check blood sugar freak me out.

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I don't like bridges. Or water. Or bridges that go over water. It's better than it used to be. I mean, once I started driving, I had to stop closing my eyes as I went over bridges.


And then we lived in the Twin Cities when the I-35 bridge collapsed into the river during rush hour, and six people died. They said since it was stop-and-go traffic, there were a lot less fatalities than if traffic had been going faster. And for months there were reports about how so many bridges were not up to standards. So I'm totally justified in my fear now.


Sometimes when I let the dog out at night, I get this irrational fear that a jaguar is going to attack, or something horrible will happen to the dog. We don't even have jaguars here. One night, as my husband was letting the dog out, he said, "Sometimes I worry that when we let the dog out, he's going to be bitten by a zombie, and then we'll let a zombie dog into our house, and that will be the end of us." Jaguars are sooo much more rational than zombies.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Yeah me too. Also, I must sleep with the closet door closed. You know... because of monsters.


Also, bats. Little vampiric creeps.

I like doors closed while I'm sleeping, too, and it's always a tension point with DH. He likes doors open because "it improves the air circulation". But I like the door to our bathroom closed at night, and I would want the door to our bedroom closed as well, but I "compromise" by half-closing it and propeping it there with an exercise ball. Well, that ball annoys him to no end when he leaves the bedroom in the morning. 😠seriously, he could find more rational things to be annoyed about. I just feel too exposed with the doors wide open. I want to curl up in my lair like a fox.

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When my kids were little, I had an irrational fear that I was going to accidentally lock them in the car. I was so paranoid about this that for several years I kept a spare key on a string around my neck, tucked behind my shirt. And hey - it's not totally irrational because I have known two people to do this in the past twenty years.

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Driving off a bridge into water. It's not totally irrational, but my fear is probably disproportionate to my risk.


Also, tunnels.


And finding out I'm not as smart as I think I am. 😳

I'm not bothered by bridges or tunnels, but for me it's jersey walls for construction areas. That no-margin-for-error aspect really makes me stressed.
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I have a fear of driving right off a bridge. It is as though as soon as I am on a bridge I cannot hold my lane. Then I start feeling like I have to sneeze just to make the whole thing more stressful.


I always worry about a wardrobe malfunction going up to communion at mass. I really don't wear anything that could malfunction, especially to mass, yet there it is. Only worse when my family gets nabbed to take up the gifts.

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I like doors closed while I'm sleeping, too, and it's always a tension point with DH. He likes doors open because "it improves the air circulation". But I like the door to our bathroom closed at night, and I would want the door to our bedroom closed as well, but I "compromise" by half-closing it and propeping it there with an exercise ball. Well, that ball annoys him to no end when he leaves the bedroom in the morning. 😠seriously, he could find more rational things to be annoyed about. I just feel too exposed with the doors wide open. I want to curl up in my lair like a fox.

I have to sleep with the bedroom door cracked an inch. Not half an inch. Not an inch and a half. I am sure this is some holdover from my sister tormenting me when we were growing up.

I still make my kids (19 and 17) sleep with the door cracked because with them I am paranoid that there will be a fire and I won't be able to open the door.

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All of them. I have all the irrational fears (and most of the rational ones, as well).


Falling down the stairs. Children dying. Driving into a lake. Children dying. The dark. Children dying. Being attacked by wild animals. Children dying. You get the idea...


Yes, I should see someone about my anxiety.


Edited: terrible spelling error!

Edited by Noreen Claire
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Ants. There are millions of the tiny creatures. I will scream if I see some in the house or if one gets on my feet outside.


My teen son collected queen ants, put them in test tubes, and is breeding them in his bedroom. Don't ask my why. He just thought it would be interesting. He gives me periodic updates, but I avoid going into his room and watching the nursery workers move things around and I'm not even afraid of ants. Some homeschoolers really are weird!

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I'm afraid of some day losing my mental faculties and being unable to communicate except in memorized commercial jingles from the late 1980's and early 1990's.


Don't laugh. I was singing, "1-800-94-JENNY" from an old Jenny Craig ad as I got out of the shower today. And then silently screaming, "Get out of my head forever!" The thought of saying/singing those out loud to others terrifies me.


Darn you VHS recordings of Christmas shows from my childhood.

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I'll have to take an ativan if I ever have to go through the Chesapeake Bay Tunnel (or equivalent) again.  I'm ok in tunnels under earth but not under water.


I'm OCD about checking that kids are in the car/out of the car as they are expected to be.  I'm naturally absent-minded and feel like a hot car death is a bigger risk for me than others.


Trying a new food, I fear having a sudden acute allergic reaction.  Same with medications.


I had a choking phobia when I was a child, and I still have to chew meat very thoroughly.  Large pills are hard for me to swallow.

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Gas station attendants pumping my gas. No idea why. I was never so glad as when most places went self serve. NJ gives me a slight panic attack-- but a great opp to practice anti-anxiety techniques. LOL


Getting gas at Costco is a social anxiety nightmare. Which line do I get in? Should I get in the lane with the pump on the other side? What if that extend-o-hose is broke or not long enough? What if the front car pulls out first before the second is done? Do I go around or wait? Why are all these vested attendants walking around? Are they going to tell me I'm doing it wrong? What if my Costco card doesn't scan right? What if what if what if...?


I seriously drove in circles around the station for 2 YEARS before I gained the courage to actually get gas there.

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I have an irrational fear of those bars that they use to stop traffic at gates coming down on my vehicle.  It's so stupid, and yet, I've been on the small side of odds enough times in my life to think that they might malfunction and fall on my vehicle.


I also have a stupid fear of being kidnapped in a parking lot or something, especially at night.  I blame my love of crime drama for that.  I've seen it happen on TV enough times, LOL.

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All of them. I have all the irrational fears (and most of the rational ones, as well).


Falling down the stairs. Children dying. Driving into a lake. Children dying. The dark. Children dying. Being attacked by wild animals. Children dying. You get the idea...


Yes, I should see someone about my anxiety.


Edited: terrible spelling error!

I think children dying is a fear all moms have.  I don't think it's irrational.  When you become a mom, you can't read about a tragedy befalling another child without thinking that that could be your child.

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Getting gas at Costco is a social anxiety nightmare. Which line do I get in? Should I get in the lane with the pump on the other side? What if that extend-o-hose is broke or not long enough? What if the front car pulls out first before the second is done? Do I go around or wait? Why are all these vested attendants walking around? Are they going to tell me I'm doing it wrong? What if my Costco card doesn't scan right? What if what if what if...?


I seriously drove in circles around the station for 2 YEARS before I gained the courage to actually get gas there.

I never ever go in the short line unless I have the fiat becasue the gas thing is on the right on that car. I have the same fear of embarrassment and I have a tall, boxy, town and country so I've never even tried.


I always pull around into the vacant space to keep the line moving unless the guy in front of me is in the process of paying. That seems to be the norm here.


I can also say with authority that the uniformed attendants are there to help you when your Costco card doesn't scan right. :lol:

Edited by Barb_
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Not irrational at all. I lost one that way.


One of my fears is our bad roads. I know the chances of me losing control of the car just as I hit the non-guardrail sections of our mountain passes is slim (I've driven them hundreds of times), but it HAS happened. I much prefer driving towards the ranch rather towards Denver because at least there is the side of the mountain to hit. If you go off the other way, they won't find you until spring.

Ugh, that's true. I hate mountains worse than tunnels and bridges.

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I'm afraid of dark tunnels when I'm in an open boat or tube. So, closed tube waterslides that are dark or the Ye Old Mill ride. I imagine roller coasters would be similar if I went on roller coasters.


The reason is because I'm afraid there is going to be something hanging from the top of the tube that will decapitate me.


As a child I was afraid of lying on my back and watching the clouds because someone told me that would kill me.


Also as a child I was afraid I'd die because God forgot me for a second. Someone also told me that one. Probably the cloud kid.


I've always been afraid of having a heart attack. Probably after watch Little House on the Prairie where Almanzo's brother dies. Just typing or thinking heart attack makes me have trouble breathing. I'm also afraid that thinking about having a heart attack for too long will cause one.


I know, irrational.

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My fears are all rational.


I hate driving between sheer rock faces- especially the type that says, "Beware of falling rocks." Would there be a sign if it was irrational? Then, I see boulders smashed on the side of the road...I drive faster when I have to go through parts like that.


I fear driving over bridges, especially bridges with water. It's better now that most of my kids are older and can swim. I used to worry about who I would try to save. When I had 4 under 6 it was terrifying. I have even thought about putting life preservers in the car and wondered why our seats don't turn into flotation devices! 


And, of course, I would never dangle my feet over the side of the bed with the lights out. That is just asking to be eaten. 

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As a child I was afraid of lying on my back and watching the clouds because someone told me that would kill me.


Also as a child I was afraid I'd die because God forgot me for a second. Someone also told me that one. Probably the cloud kid.



I know, irrational.

:lol::lol: Why do kids do this to each other? My kids have come home telling me the craziest things their friends have told them they shouldn't do.

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