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Would you wear white pants after Labor Day?

Janie Grace

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I haven't worn white pants in years, but if I did, I would wear after Labor Day if the weather was hot.   Summer weather = summer clothing, right?


I think those old rules have gone by the wayside.  Or maybe I should say, I don't know anyone who follows them.  Well, my sister might but she thinks she is an etiquette* expert.  Honestly, I don't think many people care anymore.  


*though "no white shoes (pants, etc) after labor day" rule really has nothing to do with etiquette, does it?  :-)


ETA: I think most people realize that the summer season doesn't end at Labor day, but traditionally that's the end of summer activities which is probably where the old "rule" came from.

Edited by marbel
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Perhaps this is an ignorant question since I wouldn't wear white pants any time of the year, but what does the temperature have to do with it? Honestly just curious, since so many responses include the thought that they would if it's still warm where they live.

Edited by MEmama
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Perhaps this is an ignorant question since I wouldn't wear white pants any time of the year, but what does the temperature have to do with it? Honestly just curious, since so many responses include the thought that they would if it's still warm where they live.


That's a good question. Growing up my mom just said "no white after Labor Day" -- the temps were of no consequence.

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I think that's a ridiculous "rule" that someone made up. I hate white clothes in general, but do not care if people wear white pants or shoes or head to toe in January.  If it brings you joy, rock on. 

Edited by WoolySocks
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No because I'm another who doesn't wear white pants, period.  They're too easy to get dirty and I just don't like the color for pants/shorts.


But if I did, I wouldn't let any particular day stop me.  Or wait, maybe I would.  I do tend to wear more seasonal colors when I go to school or out.  On our farm I just wear whatever is old (or stained, ripped, etc) because the ponies and my family don't care.  When I go to school/church/out I select my clothing to be what seems appropriate for the season color-wise - lighter and bright stuff for spring and summer, darker tones for fall and winter, so I guess "white" would fit in there as spring/summer wear.

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I wore cream pants to church this week - thought about the rule, and then thought, what were they thinking??  It's still summery here.


Generally I was taught darker in cooler times because it absorbs the sun's heat, lighter in warmer times because it reflects the sun off of you.  But I've worn dark in the summer plenty of times.  Guess I'll never be on the cover of Vogue.  Bummer!

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I wear white all year long.   I have long sleeve white dress I wear.  I have sevveral white slacks and skirts.  I dont' think its the color but the materal that makes white maybe not be appropriate  for  a certain time of year.  I'm not going to wear white linen pants to a christamas party but would for a 4th of july kwim.


I think all of the old rules are just that because we left the heam-line rules for each season a long time ago.  The rest are antiqated also.



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 I have sevveral white slacks and skirts.  I dont' think its the color but the materal that makes white maybe not be appropriate  for  a certain time of year.  I'm not going to wear white linen pants to a christamas party but would for a 4th of july kwim.


This is a good point. The pair I have in mind are a heavy stretchy denim.

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Gracious, I have one pair of white jeans I wear year round, and another pair of winter white fancier slacks -- both are essential elements of my "uniform."


White shoes, probably only in warmer weather with warmer-weather clothing.  Like, for example, today.  


Labor Day as a hard stop Rule, pish.  I dunno who makes those kinds of arbitrary hurts-no-one kind of rules but I surely do know they don't apply to me, lol.

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I would never wear white pants. Just wearing a white shirt makes me crazy. What if I spill?!? (And I totally would, too).


However, pretending that I would wear white pants, the calendar and someone else's arbitrary rule on seasonal colors would not stop me. To quote Tangerine, "I wears what I wants." And the rest can just mind their own business. :p

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I don't feel rigidly bound to the rule, but generally speaking I tend to follow it. I grew up in an area that had distinct seasons, so that's still very much a mindset of mine (to dress with the season) especially now that I live in a place that only has two seasons. 

Like others, and I don't know why, I'd make an exception for weather - like, September 28 in Fiji? I'm wearing white linen pants. September 28 in Chicago? If it's humid and still summer-y, I'll wear white capris to the zoo ... though I wouldn't reach for them first, I wouldn't NOT wear them because it was a few weeks past Labor Day.

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I wore cream pants to church this week - thought about the rule, and then thought, what were they thinking??  It's still summery here.


Generally I was taught darker in cooler times because it absorbs the sun's heat, lighter in warmer times because it reflects the sun off of you.  But I've worn dark in the summer plenty of times.  Guess I'll never be on the cover of Vogue.  Bummer!


I don't think khaki/cream has a season.  They're in style year round everywhere we've been.  Same with black.  This is true esp for pants/shorts, but even for other things.

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I have only ever heard of this from movies. I assumed that there must have been some deeper, symbolic meaning about white/labour day - you know, like you traditionally wouldn't wear white to a funeral. I could never figure it out and never bothered to Google. A society fashion rule, okay that makes sense!

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Why not?  I don't choose the colors of my clothes by season or weather, unless there is a specific need for a particular color (like my bright yellow jacket for low-visibility rainy weather).  I choose my clothes according to their suitability to the needs of the day.  If I have white jeans and it's jeans weather, I'll wear them if I like.  Now, an all-white external outfit against a snow-covered street or parking lot I might reconsider (I once had an all-white rental car in Fairbanks, AK, in the winter and was nearly hit by another car), but in general if the white clothing suits, go ahead and wear it.

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I just this year decided I would.   I can never figure out what to where for church in the fall and winter and I LIKE my white jeans with lots of different tops, so I am going to where my white jeans no matter what the fashion folks say, because, honestly, my white jeans are far more fashionable than my alternatives. LOL

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I have white pants, they are sort of "summer weight" ankle length skinny jeans.  They look cute with my work t-shirts.  I wore them every couple weeks in the summer for "casual wear" at work.  I don't plan to wear them this fall.  But if we have another couple warm weeks in September, I would wear them.  I only have so many "dressy" pants to wear to work, and most everything else I have is black, so it's nice to wear something different once in a while.  


I won't wear them when it cools off and is officially fall.





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