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Things you irrationally hate


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:lol: :lol:


There is a turbine hellscape to drive through when going up 65 from Indianapolis to Chicago. It's creepy in itself.


I drove through it once at dusk....as fog was developing. OMG, all those red blinking lights floating in the air! My mother thought I was insane as I tried to describe the level of freak factor.


Then she had to drive it at night once. And she understood.


Because it feels like the aliens are landing.

So far I've never been the one driving.


I am in awe that you drove through at all let alone in the dark and the fog!


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People who are slow. They walk slow, talk slow, they check out slow, etc. People who just meander through life...I remember going to the notary and watching her write everything out. It took her a solid minute to sign her own name. It was PAINFUL. I wanted to cry. And scream.


Obviously, this does not apply to certain groups like the elderly or disabled. I have all the patience in the world then. But slow for no reason. Grrrr.


I'm sure I could rationalize that with I'm busy but it's not really true. I just dont like slow.

You would murder me!

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Found another one: finding two teaspoons of whatever in a large container in the fridge. I just knocked a practically empty ice cream carton out of the freezer trying to dig out dinner meat (not donner meat, where are you today autocorrect, that's something totally different).

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wind turbines



They are mean and terrifying and I hate them!

I am all for green energy but those turbines freak me out!


When we drive through a turbine hellscape I feel sick to my stomach and I shake and cry. I think I react that way when surrounded by pure evil.

I can see them outside my house.

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Found another one: finding two teaspoons of whatever in a large container in the fridge. I just knocked a practically empty ice cream carton out of the freezer trying to dig out dinner meat (not donner meat, where are you today autocorrect, that's something totally different).



My children do this all. the. time. This is why I yell. NOt only do they eat up all my ingredients, they leave the trash for me to deal with. 


They are getting better, but I have not forgiven them at all. Maybe I never will. 

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When I am at work and really concentrating, people say I sometimes look like I am mad. 


There are a few customers who will walk by and say "Smile, Tap!". I look up and give them a VERY unwilling half smile, and they often say "See, isn't that better.....".     


UMMM NO! Now you broke my concentration, and irritated the crap out of me.  That is definitely Not better!




I work in pharmacy, and our company redesigned it so that our work area is Very open to the customers. I am tall so I really stand out to customers.  It is paramount that we type and fill prescriptions correctly.  People walk by and yell at us, asking where things like the pimentos or bathrooms are. They get huffy, if we don't look up immediately and take a second to finish what we are doing before acknowledging them. Interruptions and breaks in concentration can lead to mistakes and while customers don't always think about that, the designers should have. It is a horrible pharmacy design. There is also zero privacy. Any customer who walks up can hear any conversation we are having about a patient.  We feel like we work in a fishbowl.  (and hate #3.....the pharmacy is not customer service! I don't know where the pimentos are! )

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Snakes (absolutely petrified of them), slurping noises, dirty ears (I seriously judge people based on whether there ears are clean or dirty), the word "panties" (shudder).


ETA:  and add me to the list of those who hate the question "what is for dinner."  My youngest asks every day, the moment he wakes up.  My standard answer is "poop soup" but really I just want to scream my face off when he asks me this.

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Here is my list of a dozen irrational hates:


1. I don't like feet...I really don't like being touched with them.


2. Don't touch my pillow, ever! And especially don't touch it with your feet!


3. The open mouth, uncovered cough. Hate it!


4. Arms around my shoulder. It isn't comfortable. I'm short so it feels like a taller person is using me as an armrest.


5. Beat-boxing, tapping, clicking repetitive noises.  :smash:


6. Reorganizing my kitchen drawers or pantry by a person who doesn't cook. No I don't care if it is a more practical use of the drawer to have the measuring cups across the kitchen by the sink instead of by my bins of dry goods just because they fit the drawer by the sink better. No I don't want the dish towels by the dry goods because they fit the drawer I store the measuring cups in better...I use the towels at the sink. And so on...


7. People who change their minds about the food they like and don't like and then get irrationally angry with you when you buy/make the food item they liked only to find out they hate it now. (looking at you DH :sneaky2: )


8. Calling people I do not know. I seriously get stomach knots over it. I don't mind calling a friend or relative I know well, but I hate calling a business or something.


9. The non "two way street". People who can't stand it when you do xyz and get really angry about it. Later they do the same xyz and you find it really frustrating that you got called on the carpet for it, but now it is supposed to be ok they are doing exactly what they were so upset about to you...so you mention it and they don't see it at all and get even more angry that you are insinuating that they did anything wrong. So unreasonable...maybe this one is a rational thing to hate. Hmmm...well I still hate it a lot, so it is staying  :tongue_smilie:


10. People who always arrive late.


11. People who pull out in front of you and then go under the speed limit on a high speed limit road (like 45 in a 55), and then later when you come to a slow speed limit street they speed (like 40 in a 25). 


12. Costco food samples. They just make a paper cup mess in the carts and on the floor, block all the isles with groups of clueless people who in their interest to get a tablespoon of special item from a box, can, or freezer pack don't remember that this is an isle to drive carts down, and the person handing out the samples is adding to the noise with the drone voice going on and on about the product even when they get the lame dryer sheets and nobody is mobbing their station.  I am there to shop and I cannot get around your stupid road blocks and I don't want to hear the blah blah blah at each end of every stinking isle.  :toetap05:

Edited by bluemongoose
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I hate waiting for prescriptions to be filled at the pharmacy. I really don't mind the wait at other medical appointments, but the pharmacy is something I try to avoid. Now my meds come mail order, so that's great!!


I hate this too.  And I hate when I call ahead and STILL have to wait.  :glare:

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Found another one: finding two teaspoons of whatever in a large container in the fridge. I just knocked a practically empty ice cream carton out of the freezer trying to dig out dinner meat (not donner meat, where are you today autocorrect, that's something totally different).


LOL.  A few minutes ago I noticed a nearly-empty mason jar of lemonade in the fridge.  My husband had just poured himself some. I showed it to him and he said (sheepishly) "uh, well, I didn't want more and I didn't want to waste it...."  I poured it into a tablespoon measure; it was a little over half full.  Showed it to him.  All he could say was "oh."  I guess it looked like more in the jar. :-)  


I poured it into my glass of water. I squeeze lemons into my water every day so it just added a bit of sweetness.  

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I agree with so many things already posted.


Also, food bits in the kitchen sink. :ack2:


And having my feet get wet. Not for something expected, like a shower. But when I'm walking in the rain with sandals on. Or, even worse, walking through wet grass with sandals on. It's not just irritating. I actually feel angry about it.

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12. Costco food samples. They just make a paper cup mess in the carts and on the floor, block all the isles with groups of clueless people who in their interest to get a tablespoon of special item from a box, can, or freezer pack don't remember that this is an isle to drive carts down, and the person handing out the samples is adding to the noise with the drone voice going on and on about the product even when they get the lame dryer sheets and nobody is mobbing their station.  I am there to shop and I cannot get around your stupid road blocks and I don't want to hear the blah blah blah at each end of every stinking isle.  :toetap05:


Or as we call it, the Suburban Tapas Bar.  I cannot stand people who hover there like vultures waiting for the poor old ladies to take some crap out of the toaster oven.


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Oh, oh, oh *waves hand*


We were at someone's house, and it was getting later, so their kids were in PJs, going to have a snack.

"Would you like some chipies?"

And they each got half an IKEA kids' bowl of potato chips (so, what? 2?) They were about 10 & 8 yo.

Anyway, the word chipies.. ugh, I can barely TYPE it!


In the same vein, adding a cutesy -y, in public, to any kid over.... 3? 5?


And.... nicknames. BIL's children have great names that you'd think were chosen *because* you can't shorten them. But nooooo, their mother manages, and I.... just... ugh.

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I'm an undercover grammar police officer. Misuse of literally is a big crime. Dropping the ly on adjectives puts you squarely in the hillbilly category. I noticed at least one violation in this thread already. Your crime has been duly noted.






People who kill insects for no reason


People who wreck plants for no reason, like smashing at them with a stick while walking past.


Chewing gum - this is so nasty to me




Any repetitive noise


Totally agreeing with the animals & plants comments. (I love the beach but hate to watch kids & adults tormenting crabs & small fish while there. It's horrifying.)


I agree with the chewing gum too. In my case, it's specifically adults chewing gum. (I don't mind when children chew gum.)


Re: repetitive noise -- I hate when people repeat stuff to me. If I missed it the first time, I'll ask. If I don't ask, I understood it the first time around so there's no need to repeat it.


To add to my list:


Noise in general. I think most people don't realize how much noise we are surrounded by all the time. (I'm looking at you, my OCD neighbor, who uses high-powered lawnmowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, etc... ALL THE TIME.) I would be happier if I had earplugs in all the time.


Talking on the phone. Answering the phone. Hearing the phone ring.




The smell of cigarette smoke.

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Dropping the ly on adjectives puts you squarely in the hillbilly category. I noticed at least one violation in this thread already. Your crime has been duly noted.

I'm confused. Adverbs? I mean, there are adjectives that end in ly, but I don't feel like I hear people dropping the ending. Ugly would be Ug. Holy would be Ho. Now I'm kind of enjoying this game.

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Calling vegetables cut/cooked in a certain way steaks.  This has bothered me before but I just came across it in a magazine.  Grilled squash steaks.  I've also seen references to cauliflower steaks.  


I laugh when I think of telling my husband that we are having steak for dinner and handing him a plate with a big old slice of cauliflower on it.  LOL.  

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How about "easy peasey, lemon squeezie" lol.



That goes beyond hate into pure rage. The kind of rage they base episodes of Criminal Minds on.



This may be more of a pet peeve than an irrational hate, and I preface this by saying I am not a grammar expert,.....BUT when people use the word myself when they should just say "me". "Turn the document in to either Kim or myself." It's just "Turn the document in to either Kim or me." It's just me......Me me me me me me me me me :)

Also, people who use "I" when it should be "me". "Meet Kim and I at the restaurant."

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The spelling drove me crazy as a child. 


I irrationally hate how a friend of mine uses it singular. She says 'hand me a scissor.' Maybe that's the way it's supposed to be but it always sounds weird to me and annoys me.  I tried to counter that you don't say 'hand me a pant' but it wasn't enough to cause her to abandon her use of scissor. 


You should have just broken the pair in half and given her one instead. Oh, you mean you wanted both scissors!?!  :lol:


How about "easy peasey, lemon squeezie" lol. 

I saw what you did there. Ahhhhhh!  :coolgleamA:



For me it's whistling. Mainly because my MIL, DH and DS all do it. They are all verbal processors so if they're not talking they're singing or whistling. I like quiet.


+1 on all of the others except for the color orange. I bear no malice towards it.

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Being hugged, except for my kids.


I don't understand this thing among women where when we meet up or see each other we must embrace.


Please. Don't. Touch. Me.


I can be great friends with you without the need for physical affection. In fact, I'll probably be better friends with you if you don't hug me.

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I'm confused. Adverbs? I mean, there are adjectives that end in ly, but I don't feel like I hear people dropping the ending. Ugly would be Ug. Holy would be Ho. Now I'm kind of enjoying this game.


Yea, I meant adverbs. I'm going to fix it. I realised my error last night while lying in bed and actually considered getting out of bed to come and fix it. What I'm talking about is when people say things like, "We'll do that real quick" or "She sings beautiful." Here's an article about the sad demise of the adverb: https://blog.oup.com/2007/08/adverb/

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Water when I can't we the bottom. Hate it.


And this relentless heat and humidity. I hate summer. I pretty much despise temps over 60-70 degrees.


And being sticky.


And when I'm in a gym class and people dont form nice, neat rows. Stresses me out!

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This requires explanation. In what region of the world do you live, where people can find an N in vegetables? What do they say? Vengetables?


My Mom is danish and learnt English as a child/preteen. Perhaps that is the reason she adds a "n". I get it from her. I'm not sure if some of her siblings also add a "n". It's not something I notice, or noticed before Dh pointed it out when we were first together. 


Yes I add a "N' to vengetables. Take "ve-getables" instead of saying "ve" say "ven" as in "vent". 


Why - I have no clue. 

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My Mom is danish and learnt English as a child/preteen. Perhaps that is the reason she adds a "n". I get it from her. I'm not sure if some of her siblings also add a "n". It's not something I notice, or noticed before Dh pointed it out when we were first together.


Yes I add a "N' to vengetables. Take "ve-getables" instead of saying "ve" say "ven" as in "vent".


Why - I have no clue.

I say mah-nnaise, while my DH actually pronounces the word mayonnaise with all the sounds. I fully understand that I'm not saying it correctly, and I'm okay with that. I do, however, get totally bent out of shape when people pronounce syrup as "surrup." This is why these things are in the irrational thread. Edited by Tangerine
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People who are slow. They walk slow, talk slow, they check out slow, etc. People who just meander through life...I remember going to the notary and watching her write everything out. It took her a solid minute to sign her own name. It was PAINFUL. I wanted to cry. And scream.




I hope you don't live in the South (in the U.S.).  :lol:  :lol:


There SHOULD be 2 spaces after the end of a sentence! When did that change anyways? I taught my oldest that & he was like "what?!?" When he started taking outside English classes & getting that markers wrong on papers.

Who knew?!?



There's actually a (shall we say rational?) reason for the change. However, there have been many threads about this in the years I've been here and there are people who will die having never intentionally put only one space at the end of a sentence. I'm old enough to have learned to type on a typewriter (and not even an electric one), but I learned and moved on.





I HATE when people use the words "sale" and "sell" the wrong way in craigslist ads.  You know those ads that are titled "For Sell-one large table" or the body says "I need to sale my car because I bought a new one." 


I see that a lot on facebook garage sale groups and it makes me cringe. If we're talking about misspelling and using words incorrectly two that I hate are alot for a lot, and loose for lose. No, you didn't loose your keys or loose 20 pounds. Also, that rich relative of yours doesn't have alot of money.


Intentionally misspelling a word or words to make the name of your business "cute". For example, using "kutz" instead of "cuts". (I saw this for a hair salon for kids.)


That has always bothered ds since he learned to read. There used to be a store that sold handmade crafts, called Kountry Krafts. He hated seeing it every time we drove by. Then again, he's a millennial who can't stand text speak. His friends use it on him and he responds with complete words and sentences. I guess I did something right in our homeschool. :)

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That has always bothered ds since he learned to read. There used to be a store that sold handmade crafts, called Kountry Krafts. He hated seeing it every time we drove by. Then again, he's a millennial who can't stand text speak. His friends use it on him and he responds with complete words and sentences. I guess I did something right in our homeschool. :)

This is DD.  We used to pass a billboard almost daily that had an apostrophe where no apostrophe should go.  She constantly threatened that once she got a license she was going to "fix it".  She also refuses to text-speak with friends online. 

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Ok, one from grocery shopping today.


Please stand in the grocery line with your cart in front of you. I irrationally hate standing there behind an empty cart, unable to reach the empty conveyor belt because the person in front of me is standing in front of their cart.

Ita! I am totally patient with stuff like bumper to bumper traffic *but* block the conveyor and I just might lose it!



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Waking up in the freaka fracka morning.


Being talked to in the morning.


Having to go anywhere in the morning.


Waking up to any challenge in the morning.  (You know, like a kid had a bloody nose in the night kinda thing ....)


Morning talk on the radio.  Especially them laughing at their own jokes.  Just play some music already!


Having anyone look at my computer screen (unless invited).  (Which I think my kid just did.)  (Gonna beat that kid.)


Stupid fights that the other person / people won't let go of.  Especially if I have to get involved.  (OK maybe that isn't irrational, but it's on my mind right now.)

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Ok, one from grocery shopping today. 


Please stand in the grocery line with your cart in front of you.  I irrationally hate standing there behind an empty cart, unable to reach the empty conveyor belt because the person in front of me is standing in front of their cart.



Just for the record I also irrationally hate grocery lanes that are super ultra extra narrow too. If the lane is so narrow that the edges of the cart are knocking over candy bars as I push it through, it's too freaking narrow. Looking at you a marsh!!!!

The stores here have very narrow check out lanes. I am NOT very narrow. I have to go in front of my cart to get everything out if I'm buying more than I can fit in the top kid-seat space. I can't just walk around the cart to unload and then back, but I DO move my cart along and get out of the way. I'm thinking me plus my cart take up the same space whether I'm in front or behind, so I can't picture the problem, other than the person is an idiot doing something far stupider than I am by simply being as wide as a grocery lane and therefore they are fully deserving of your anger. :D

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