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What do you really want for Mother's Day?


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My first job was at 14 at Swensen's. I remember making that!

I don't know if Swensen's have the Firehouse Happy Birthday choice in the States but they have it in Asia and my aunt would bring us there for birthdays. The Swensen's that I went often as a kid was on the same floor of a 7th storey mall as Yamaha Music School :)


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I want what I cannot have.


I want a sincere apology for the h*ll I have endured over the past year. I want the person responsible to be outcaste for their behavior towards me and other family members.


I want the money I am owed, with significant interest.


Mostly, I want to live my life without having to deal with ANY interference from anyone in the family, no matter how small. Basically, go away and leave me alone. Solve your own problems.


I would also like for my mother to not be in the hospital, near death, and stumping the areas best specialists anytime this next year and for my grandmother not to die from something that is probably going to kill her this year.

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I want what I cannot have.


I want a sincere apology for the h*ll I have endured over the past year. I want the person responsible to be outcaste for their behavior towards me and other family members.


I want the money I am owed, with significant interest.


Mostly, I want to live my life without having to deal with ANY interference from anyone in the family, no matter how small. Basically, go away and leave me alone. Solve your own problems.


I would also like for my mother to not be in the hospital, near death, and stumping the areas best specialists anytime this next year and for my grandmother not to die from something that is probably going to kill her this year.

Oh dear, I am so sorry. I really honestly believe you need a vacation from all you've been juggling the last year. Have you considered doing that? Just letting your dh handle everything for a week and getting some respite?

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Oh dear, I am so sorry. I really honestly believe you need a vacation from all you've been juggling the last year. Have you considered doing that? Just letting your dh handle everything for a week and getting some respite?

Yes, I am trying to figure out the transportation logistics currently. We will be down to one car for 3 weeks starting next week. Not the end of the world, but it adds a bit to the planning aspect.

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I don't want anything, unless there is some magic stress eraser out there that I don't know about.  :P


If I can just dream, I'd love for the gremlins to come in the night and do all my work, clear my 2,000 work emails, and make my kid stop smarting off 25 times a day.  Then I would wake up and go to church, get a massage, and go visit my mom.  Then go to bed at a decent hour without having done or thought about any work that day.

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Over the next few weeks I'll pick out a flowering bush or small tree from one of the three local nurseries.  I will have them put a marker ribbon on it.  The day before Mothers' Day I will tell my husband which nursery is holding my MD present.  In the morning he and my strapping teenaged son will go pick it up, then return to dig a big old hole in the spot I have located.


Meanwhile I will lie in bed all morning drinking my coffee and reading a book.  In the afternoon I will putter around the garden.  Around 6 my husband will order pizza, which I will eat in my pajamas after my post-gardening shower.


Everything has been golden since I worked out this magic formula.  It was rough, before that.   :lol:

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I wish there was something I wanted. I was talking to DH just yesterday about that. I'd like to indulge in something with zero guilt and the one time I could actually justify it, I have nothing I want! DH suggested Kindle books. I try to limit myself to one a month if even that so being able to buy more than one might be nice. But is there anything specific I want to read? I can't think of anything so far.

What about money on a gift card to use for Kindle books when the mood hits? So that when you have a book your really want, you can buy it without another thought or sense of guilt?
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I don't really have any specific wishes. My husband is fairly predictable though. He will get me hanging plants that I will keep alive until August and then I will kill them like clockwork. I will mean to figure out a way to winter them so we can enjoy them next season but I won't. He will also make me a big breakfast and said breakfast will involve champagne. I am not complaining. I like my husband's habits. Hazelnut espresso French toast is also nothing to sneeze at.

Edited by LucyStoner
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I like to garden on MD. Traditionally I planted my tomatoes that day, but with my new(ish) fenced-in raised-bed garden, I can plant them earlier in May :)


I'll probably buy some bedding plants to fill in among perennials that were planted last year.


Dh will grill dinner and make me adult beverages while I read my kindle on the deck after gardening :)

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Every year I want the same thing. For my kids to be nice to me and make things easy on me for ONE DAY out of the entire year. I want them not to fight. I want them to do their chores without an attitude. I want them to think of me before themselves. For one day.


This never happens.


Last year I decided I was done. Simply DONE with Mother's Day. My sister and I are planning a day out without our kids. Our goal is to spend as little time with our children on Mother's Day as possible. We're getting mani/pedis, going to lunch, going out to a movie, going shopping. We're staying away from our respective houses and away from our children. :) We adore our children, of course. My life basically revolves around my kids. And yes, I think it is reasonable to expect them to be nice to me on mother's day. But it doesn't matter how reasonable the request is. Apparently it's unrealistic. Instead of expecting other people to make me feel special that day (my husband is a terrible gift giver, not good at making an occasion special), I'm going to do that for myself. When I informed Oldest, she laughed and said she thought it was a great plan and she hopes we will have a great day. Maybe she's glad to be off the hook as well. :)

I grew up reading The Bobsey Twins, Little Women, and books like that. I really thought that I'd have kids and they'd say things like, "It's Mother's Day! We want Marmy to have the Best Day Ever!" And they'd maybe write and act in a play designed to make me laugh and would try to make me a homemade cake that would fall in the oven and I'd say that it was good because it was made with love.


Now that my boys are both older, Mother's Day is a nice day. They don't fight anymore and they're pretty low key kids, so it's all good. Not quite like in Little Women, but they're pleasant. But when they were in elementary school and younger--yikes! All I wanted for Mother's Day was a day off from the chaos. :)


When I have a daughter-in-law, I'll see if she wants me to watch the grandkids on Mother's Day so she can relax. Hopefully she'll send my son over as well so I can visit with him for a while and she can relax at home. If she wants to. I wouldn't want to presume. But if she wants a break, I'd love to give that to her. I was always a little sad that my mil never offered that so I could have a day off. She always wanted us all to go out to eat together and it was always such a strain with babies/toddlers/little kids in tow.

Edited by Garga
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When my children were little, Mother's Day involved a family gathering at MIL's house. Now, she is a very sweet lady, but I found I resented having to cook a dish to contribute to the meal, buy and wrap her gift, etc. It was also a hassle to wrangle my four little ones at her house. I wanted Mother's Day to be for me. Instead, it was extra work.


So one year I decided I wouldn't go. DH could take the kids, and I would spend the day by myself. That became my tradition. In recent years, it has not always worked out, because the children have had sporting events scheduled for that afternoon.  :cursing:  But it's still the goal.


I don't let myself feel bad about taking the day off from my kids on Mother's Day. Sometimes I am a little tempted, but I remind myself that I'm tired; I'm an introvert; and I need a break.

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When my children were little, Mother's Day involved a family gathering at MIL's house. Now, she is a very sweet lady, but I found I resented having to cook a dish to contribute to the meal, buy and wrap her gift, etc. It was also a hassle to wrangle my four little ones at her house. I wanted Mother's Day to be for me. Instead, it was extra work.


So one year I decided I wouldn't go. DH could take the kids, and I would spend the day by myself. That became my tradition. In recent years, it has not always worked out, because the children have had sporting events scheduled for that afternoon. :cursing: But it's still the goal.


I don't let myself feel bad about taking the day off from my kids on Mother's Day. Sometimes I am a little tempted, but I remind myself that I'm tired; I'm an introvert; and I need a break.

To me this logic is sound. I mean, on Labor Day, people usually have a day off work, don't they? Isn't that celebrating labor by not laboring? So celebrate motherhood by not mothering for that day.

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An outdoor rocking chair for the back porch. I don't spend a lot of time in the backyard with my kids because there isn't a comfortable place to sit and standing for any length of time is hard with my fibro. My kids love it when I hang out with them in the yard though. Does anyone else hear that they never go outside from their kids and get begged to go hang out with them? So I envision myself rocking for a bit and watching their antics and enjoying the warm weather together.



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I want my family home and i don't want my son and dh to go on the STUPID camping trip their leader planned for Mother's Day weekend. I want them to cook breakfast and lunch- I may want to cook dinner. I'd like to go hiking somewhere locally. I may want to do some work around here, all of us together, it is a good time to get some honey-dos done :)

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I want my family home and i don't want my son and dh to go on the STUPID camping trip their leader planned for Mother's Day weekend. I want them to cook breakfast and lunch- I may want to cook dinner. I'd like to go hiking somewhere locally. I may want to do some work around here, all of us together, it is a good time to get some honey-dos done :)



That is inappropriate.

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I agree, we'll see if I win this battle. Mostly they are training for a trip ds is not attending so it seems fine to me that he skips it but dh and I don't always agree on such things.



I don't usually get hung up on sentimental Hallmark-fueled holidays, and blah blah blah.  But Scouts putatively has a values and leadership component.  To schedule a trip that pulls both sons and husbands away from mothers on Mothers Day sends a message about what the organization values, and doesn't much value.  


Perhaps the leader is just weak on executive functioning and didn't realize the conflict, or perhaps the leader didn't think through how unintended messages transmit.  Some folks mean well enough, but are just clueless.  He deserves feedback that reveals the conflict, and the issue, to him.  


But if he digs in, and dismisses/trivializes... then what his real values are, will be revealed.  And then, if YOU care about being together as a family on that day... your husband will have an opportunity to demonstrate his.

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I don't usually get hung up on sentimental Hallmark-fueled holidays, and blah blah blah.  But Scouts putatively has a values and leadership component.  To schedule a trip that pulls both sons and husbands away from mothers on Mothers Day sends a message about what the organization values, and doesn't much value.  


Perhaps the leader is just weak on executive functioning and didn't realize the conflict, or perhaps the leader didn't think through how unintended messages transmit.  Some folks mean well enough, but are just clueless.  He deserves feedback that reveals the conflict, and the issue, to him.  


But if he digs in, and dismisses/trivializes... then what his real values are, will be revealed.  And then, if YOU care about being together as a family on that day... your husband will have an opportunity to demonstrate his.


I suspect the leader comes from one of those families whose wives/moms want time alone without kids.  (We have plenty of examples on here.)  He doesn't realize many of us DON'T feel that way and our feelings should be respected too.


Hubby would never plan on anything over Mother's Day - because he knows I treasure time together.  I'm a time person when it comes to Love Languages.  If he knew I felt otherwise, he'd take the kids.  To him, it's all about what makes my day.  Gotta admit, I love him!  Speaking each other's love language definitely sparks love.  I'm super glad he was willing to learn mine - and I learned his too.


This leader doesn't realize humans are different - and different is ok.  I'd be actively telling him.  Actually, it'd be my husband actively telling him as he'd have the contact.

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The same thing I want for Christmas, birthday and Mother's Day every year: my kids to play the

for me.

I love Bach Double, have fond memories of playing it with my sister. I should teach it to dd13...

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I don't usually get hung up on sentimental Hallmark-fueled holidays, and blah blah blah.  But Scouts putatively has a values and leadership component.  To schedule a trip that pulls both sons and husbands away from mothers on Mothers Day sends a message about what the organization values, and doesn't much value.  


Perhaps the leader is just weak on executive functioning and didn't realize the conflict, or perhaps the leader didn't think through how unintended messages transmit.  Some folks mean well enough, but are just clueless.  He deserves feedback that reveals the conflict, and the issue, to him.  


But if he digs in, and dismisses/trivializes... then what his real values are, will be revealed.  And then, if YOU care about being together as a family on that day... your husband will have an opportunity to demonstrate his.

Really the leader is just clueless- plus that is when they could get the facility and to top it off his wife passed away from cancer a couple years ago so it might be easier to be busy than home alone. 


BUT as I said the point of the weekend is to get in some practice for a kayak trip that my dh & ds are not attending.We have our own kayaks and canoes so it is not like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. 


As it is if they go then this weekend be our last family weekend together until the 29th of May and that just seems rather depressing to me. 

Edited by soror
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re presumption of good intentions

I suspect the leader comes from one of those families whose wives/moms want time alone without kids.  (We have plenty of examples on here.)  He doesn't realize many of us DON'T feel that way and our feelings should be respected too.




This leader doesn't realize humans are different - and different is ok.  I'd be actively telling him.  Actually, it'd be my husband actively telling him as he'd have the contact.

That could indeed be the leader's own personal circumstance and his own wife's preference.  But it would be an unusual troop whose members did not have siblings the wrong age or gender to be part of the troop, so hauling off the dads and SOME of the kids would almost inevitably strand some mothers ALONE with siblings.


So while I don't presume any intention at all on the part of the troop leader -- my default assumption would be cluelessness; my own husband (bless his absentminded heart) requires quite a few firm reminders of when MD is and what my expectations are -- the notion that he scheduled the trip to somehow bless the left-behind mothers with "me time" is for me a bit of a reach.

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I suspect the leader comes from one of those families whose wives/moms want time alone without kids.  (We have plenty of examples on here.)  He doesn't realize many of us DON'T feel that way and our feelings should be respected too.


Hubby would never plan on anything over Mother's Day - because he knows I treasure time together.  I'm a time person when it comes to Love Languages.  If he knew I felt otherwise, he'd take the kids.  To him, it's all about what makes my day.  Gotta admit, I love him!  Speaking each other's love language definitely sparks love.  I'm super glad he was willing to learn mine - and I learned his too.


This leader doesn't realize humans are different - and different is ok.  I'd be actively telling him.  Actually, it'd be my husband actively telling him as he'd have the contact.


You're making a lot of assumptions about his motives. It's more likely that he didn't realize it was Mother's Day weekend when he scheduled the event.

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A free classical Christian K-12 school two blocks from my house that my last two homeschoolers can attend.  First thing that popped into my mind.  Other than that - I tell DH to just let me buy flowers for the outside of the house.  I like to make life simple for him that way.

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We're going to be at WDW the whole week before Mother's Day ($$) and I'm currently buying a whole new wardrobe for the trip (realizing too late that I don't have enough clothes for 6 days away from home)....so I'm calling that my gift.  And birthday.  And probably Christmas. :o


We'll get back on Saturday, late (10+ hour drive), so I suspect Mother's Day will be take out and laundry and laying around the house.

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We don't really celebrate it, but I want to remember to get flowers for MIL because she cares about that stuff.


If somone brought me nice flowers I'd be happy, but if I'm honest I don't like the ones people generally bring me - I'd rather choose my own.

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I want the day off to hide in my room and read a book without having to cook, clean or mediate squabbles between kids.

Yes, no squabbles!


I have a friend who loves to garden. Her family gives her loads of plants and then leaves her alone in the garden. They periodically bring out food and cold drinks, but do not stay to 'help.'

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To not spend all day/weekend at a soccer tournament. Except the club always schedules the tournament for Mother's Day weekend and I have three kids in soccer, one of which is just starting. Stupid soccer.

That's where we'll be, too.  Last time tho, as dd will be a senior next year, so I'll enjoy watching her.  


Really, now that the boys are adults, I want any reason to have all three of my kids and dil together with me.  <3

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