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Easter baskets

Noreen Claire

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What will you put in your kids' Easter baskets (if you do baskets)?


I'm going to make bunny-shaped rice krispie treats, dipped in chocolate. Other than that, I'm stumped this year. Maybe a gas card for DS21. (The baby will get an avocado - we are about to introduce solid foods.)

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We do a scavenger hunt with little prizes along the way and a bigger prize in the basket at the end. For the little prizes: Surf Sweets jelly beans, bracelets, a ring, jokes (we're a very punny family  :) ), and possibly fairy garden decor. The big prize will be a basket full of mom and baby dragon figures. 

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My kids are all getting new Klean Kanteen water bottles if I can get them in time from Amazon. I have them picked out, I just keep forgetting to actually order them. The older two are getting their own packages of Oreos and the toddler is getting a box of Annie's bunny crackers. Dd really wanted to get the peep Oreos, but I told her they looked too gross. So she's getting her own package and anti-Peep Ds is getting regular. They'll also hunt for candy-filled eggs Easter morning. I'm not sure what else. It's definitely a sugary holiday for us.

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It's definitely a sugary holiday for us.


Between the middle of March and the end of May we have a birthday every two weeks. DS4 will turn into DS5 on Good Friday. There will be so much cake that I'm trying to come up with some non-candy ideas this year. I'm also not wanting to spend a fortune on 5 kids, so I'm coming up blank so far.

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Mine are getting a DVD each (Fanstasmic Beasts and Rogue One), a small stuffed animal, a small Lego, and a little candy.  They might also split the new Zelda game for Wii U.


We also do an Easter egg hunt (inside the house) and I am planning to put Batman Lego Minifigs in them for one boy.  Not sure for the other -- maybe pieces of a new Minecraft Lego set he wants.  I'm tired of having junky little toy things around and I'm trying to be more careful.

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Between the middle of March and the end of May we have a birthday every two weeks. DS4 will turn into DS5 on Good Friday. There will be so much cake that I'm trying to come up with some non-candy ideas this year. I'm also not wanting to spend a fortune on 5 kids, so I'm coming up blank so far.

What about savory snacks that they like, but don't have often? Any beef jerky fans or special flavor potato chips?

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The Easter bunny is very tired, very behind schedule, and very uninspired this year. The Easter Bunny is also *very tired* of all the candy. So. Much. Candy. The Easter Bunny's brain cannot retrieve the information about what the Bunny gives to two year olds. I think the Easter Bunny is having a midlife crisis, actually. The Easter Bunny is giving very serious consideration to putting MLB tickets (and little else) in the baskets.

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Our candy is extremely limited - multiple LTFAs - so the few candy options are very expensive. Thus minimal candy.


Each kid gets a book, an activity and a toy, basically. This year. :) That is what I have so far, I'll probably add more.


DS is getting a steampunk themed basket, DD's theme is unicorns. DS has a steampunk project book, a Leonardo Da Vinci clock kit, and a steampunk puzzle. I may or may not throw in an arduino circuit board to go with some new project stuff he just got last week. DD has a stuffed castle with unicorns, the Not Narwhal book, and a sticker by number unicorn kit.


I'm fighting the urge not to overdo. :)

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I don't do Easter or baskets. I do refresh spring activiy things this time of year like sidewalk chalk, cheap kites ($2 at Walmart), bubbles, balls, jump ropes, insect catching gear are some things I'm remembering. Maybe some ideas for you.

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We're past the age of bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Sigh. I was going to do swimsuits but they needed them for our spring break trip and I actually had to take them to the store to get the right size (this was much easier when they were little--next size up at Costco or LandsEnd). What I've ended up with is candy, a DVD each, a $10 gift card to a coffee place that's opening a new store near us (they get smoothies, not coffee), a Burt's Bees lip balm, and a box of Annie's bunny crackers. And yes, it adds up!

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8 dd - some American Girl doll stuff that I got on clearance


17 dd- ?? No idea! I don't think there's anything she wants. I might give her a note forgiving some of her cell phone debt to us


20 dd - a new swim towel


20 ds- boy hair paste (or something like that); maybe a t-shirt if I can find one that he wants between now and then


Plus candy/gum.

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The game store Marbles is/was going out of business so a few weeks ago I picked up a bunch of things from there water beads, a rubber band gun, catapult kit, some logic puzzles, etc. We always do a communal basket so they will get that some side walk chalk, and construction paper. Plus each kid will get their own small chocolate bunny.


They get 2 baskets, one from mil and one from fil, that usually has tons of candy and they have 2 egg hunts so we go the toy route. I never thought I'd go the toy route since I always had just candy baskets. But I also never imagined 2 other people would also give them baskets

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8 dd - some American Girl doll stuff that I got on clearance


17 dd- ?? No idea! I don't think there's anything she wants. I might give her a note forgiving some of her cell phone debt to us


20 dd - a new swim towel


20 ds- boy hair paste (or something like that); maybe a t-shirt if I can find one that he wants between now and then


Plus candy/gum.

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DD15 has asked for an aesthetically pleasing (themed) basket. I suck at those, so there's that :P


Typically, the children get a basket with candy, at least one saint card, a religious item (we've done rosaries, kid-friendly saint statues, saint medals, and similar), a toy or two, and maybe an outfit or new pajamas.


I wanted to get them new pool toys, but it would suck to get something you can't use for two months, lol. (Considering the ages of the younger two.)

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I just looked in the 'candy drawer' and there are still Hershey kisses in Christmas foil and bite-size bars form Halloween.  I think it's safe to say that no one will notice if I skip the candy this Easter.  


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I don't do one anymore, but I used to put candy and an icon.  My fabulous friend put $20 in her kids' baskets and their job was to find a way to do good with it AND NOT TELL HER WHAT THEY DID.  Perfect.


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I despise junk toys that no one plays with. And I don't like them having a lot of candy. So I'm willing to spend a little more to get things that will actually be used.


DD12 - Star Wars shirt, few Star Wars figures, chocolate bunny, Mentos, 3 books, 2 DVD's, lip balm in a tsum tsum figure. I need a couple more things....I'm considering flippers for the pool, a small Star Wars Lego set, or a Star Wars maps book.


DD10 - Star Wars shirt, few Star Wars figures, chocolate bunny, robin eggs, lip balm in a tsum tsum figure, several plush Disney Tsum tsums to add to her collection, 3 books. Considering adding a Star Wars Creatures book, small Star Wars Lego kit, sticker mosaic.


DD5 - She's actually the most difficult! Right now I only have a chocolate bunny, peeps, 2 books, and a little microphone that plays the song from Mickey and the Roadster Racers. I'm considering a Wonder Woman robe, a DVD, Tsum tsums, Paw Patrol figure, etc.


As for stuffing eggs, I usually put quarters, some dollar bills, homemade coupons (extra screen time, stay up later, skip a school abject, etc), or pieces of paper that are redeemed for prizes that cannot fit into the eggs......such as I found some $1 pranks and they won't fit in the eggs, a stuffed animal, a $5 gift card, a ball, etc.

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We are past the age of trinkets for the older kids.


DS22--the new Steins;Gate movie and an anime film

DD18-a new Otterbox for her phone because she wants a new color combo.


DD10-a new swim suit, goggles, and maybe a new towel.  (She will get trinkets from her bio-dads family)


We have a bunch of candy around the house right now, so I will skip the treats and maybe just make a nice dessert instead.

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I don't know if I am doing actual baskets this year.  I asked if they wanted them and they said no baskets but they would take the candy.


I got them each a See's candy bunny and thought about getting a pound of See's each but the expense is high and I think they would rather get that money and buy a video game or something.


So I will get some cheaper candy and a game gift card or something for each of them.



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My kids don't eat a lot of junk so I am giving things like protein bars, pumpkin seeds, jerky, flavored teas, nuts, bodywash, t-shirts, lip balm, earbuds - more like stocking stuffers than traditional Easter stuff.  



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We do a bit of candy and one small gift for each child. DS will get a soccer ball. DD#2 has been begging to use glitter recently, but I despise glitter, so I got some glitter glue for her as a compromise. And both girls have recently learned to play Settlers of Catan, so DD#1 will get a set of pink pieces for the game (DD#2's favorite color is green, which we already have).

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My "kids" are 25, 25, 23 and 21 (in May) this year.  Chocolate bunnies for all (and 2,000 piece Star Wars jigsaw for AutismMan) but I am not doing baskets any longer (finally!)  But back in the day, girls got hair products, Jonas Bros dvds, spring socks with bunnies etc on them.  Boys got dvds, small Lego etc.  Last year AutismMan still expected to do an egg hunt.  Have to stop that, as when he moves into a group home I doubt they will still do that (then again...depends on the men!). 

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For ds, I picked up...

2 or 3 little Angry Birds figurines (less than $1 each on clearance at Target)

a pair of gardening gloves

the most adorable straw fedora

colored pencils


For dd...

a 500-piece puzzle featuring big cats (she's obsessed with lions and cheetahs)

a new book

a small amount of spending money


Both are getting jelly beans, Peeps (gross, I know, but they love them), and a chocolate bunny. Grandparents usually do treat bags with candy AND they attend at least one egg hunt, so I try to limit how much they get in their baskets.

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Chocolate and an animal from WWF


When little my girls were really into Max and Ruby. We still have an Easter book staring Max and Ruby, that gets read every year. In it the Easter bunny leaves them a chocolate chicken. I happened to find a chocolate chicken that year, 2009. Now every year I must hunt for a chocolate chicken.

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The Easter Bunny is giving very serious consideration to putting MLB tickets (and little else) in the baskets.


DS21 had many, many food allergies when he was younger and one year he got tickets to sit on the Green Monster at Fenway. He was thrilled!


I put one of those Math Wrap-its for them to learn their division one year.   :o


I'm stealing this - thanks!



Typically, the children get a basket with candy, at least one saint card, a religious item (we've done rosaries, kid-friendly saint statues, saint medals, and similar), a toy or two, and maybe an outfit or new pajamas.



Religious items! Excellent idea, thanks! The kids are always trying to steal the dainty rosaries - maybe I can get them each each their own.

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We are minimalist about this.  They get the eggs they find, and maybe one other chocolate item, like a bunny.  I sometimes give one small non-candy item.  This year I am getting each of them an egg-cup.


In the past for the one item I've done skipping ropes, sidewalk chalk, a child-sized garden tool, Easter hats (bow-tie for ds), and bubbles.  Also, those stringy things for bike handlebars. 


We don't really think of it as a gift holiday, so that keeps the pressure off.

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I will add, when they were younger, we did much more.


We filled easter eggs with coins/bills and then we would hide those for them to find

We gave them each little toys, match box cars, small lego sets, yo-yos, etc.....

And usually a book of some kind

DVDs/DS games


They are just older teens now and don't care for the small things.


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Little Lego set

Cute Athletic t-shirt

Some fancy beads and pendant from Michael's to make herself a necklace


The next three books in the series she's reading



Maui hook (Moana)

Maui "costume" (leaf skirt I'm sewing from felt I already have)

Pool/bath toy


2 picture books


And they'll each get 1 Cadbury Egg and a few jellybeans loose in the bottom of their baskets. We don't do a lot of candy for Easter.


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When my dc were younger, I'd give a little candy and then fill their baskets with sidewalk chalk, bubbles, a slip and slide, water toys, goggles, frisbees, and other outdoor water items. Most Easters are really warm here, so they could be used quickly. As they got older, I added more candy, movies, gift cards, flip flops, sports stuff, and even beach towels. I am way behind this year. Thank you for this thread because I completely forgot about baskets! They are teens now and will probably get gift cards, candy, and movies. They are all doing fun things for at least part of spring break, so I may by something useful for those activities. I saw that a pp mentioned baseball tickets. One of mine will probably get tickets to a couple of minor league games. Two of mine might get show tickets. I was going to buy them anyway, so I'll just throw them in the basket and it will be a win for the Easter bunny!

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I don't do one anymore, but I used to put candy and an icon. My fabulous friend put $20 in her kids' baskets and their job was to find a way to do good with it AND NOT TELL HER WHAT THEY DID. Perfect.

Wow, that is awesome, except I would want to know! :P I get the idea behind not telling though.

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We used to give faith-based gifts - books, CDs, etc. This past year, I bought my daughter a hand lettering book and special markers as she likes to write both in her Bible and special notes to family.


This year, we're giving them a bathroom makeover. My ds is 6'4" and really needs a shower extender. My dd thought it was great her friend got to decorate the second bathroom of her home herself. I'm going to let my dd choose a new shower curtain, rugs, towels, and art. We'll probably shop at Ross as I've seen some great deals there. 

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When ours were younger we'd always do things like sidewalk chalk, seeds for them to grow (seed packets are cheap - marigolds work well inside if you don't have outside planting), and bubbles in addition to candy.  Sometimes we'd do small plants too - like cacti.


Now that mine are in college - we just shipped their boxes baskets out yesterday - filled with candy from chocolate bunnies to marshmallow peeps.  No jelly beans since mine don't care for them, but most other traditional candies were in there along with some non traditional like Lindt Truffles.  We know they'll share, so it's packed.  We also tossed in 6 packs of microwave popcorn, and youngest got a pound bag of walnuts.  Other years we've added gift cards, but this year we've just seen them (eating out a lot) and they'll be home soon, so just edibles.

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dd (2) is getting a small board book and chalk. Both kids will get candy. Months ago I bought ds (8) a $5 tv series dvd as a back up gift if I needed it (Christmas) that I might toss in his basket so he gets a non food item.


Other years I've done clothing or swim shoes or cheap toys. I am trying to limit toys right now.

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Candy and a nice coloring journal for older girls. I will probably pick up some $ store stickers and gel pens to go with it, maybe some ponytail holders. 


For baby, instead of an Easter bunny I found a Beanie Baby Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for her basket.  She is oddly obsessed with them, lol. And some candy. Will probably add bubbles and new sidewalk chalk and pony tail holders. 


I always get Fruit Loops cereal and put in the plastic eggs. I started that when olders were babies. That was their "candy" for Easter, and we keep it up. They look forward to their Fruit Loops before church on Easter.

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Ok, I gave in and added a few more things.  A Raspberry Pi starter kit for DS, and a few arduino things.  For DD - throwing in some chalk and bubbles, and little Easter-y items.  I couldn't help myself.   :leaving:


We've also loaded up 250 plastic eggs for a neighborhood egg hunt.  

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Ok, I gave in and added a few more things.  A Raspberry Pi starter kit for DS, and a few arduino things.  For DD - throwing in some chalk and bubbles, and little Easter-y items.  I couldn't help myself.   :leaving:


We've also loaded up 250 plastic eggs for a neighborhood egg hunt.  

Apparantly my Sunday school class loaded up 3,500 for our church's hunt this coming weekend!  Older dds are too big to collect eggs, but they will help baby sister, and she will share her goodies. 

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I always do a bunch of little outdoor things to celebrate the warmer weather. They are each (8 & 4) getting:

a jump rope

some sidewalk chalk (One huge oversized piece and some shaped like eggs)

Small/regular chalk for their chalkboard wall


A small flower pot w/ starter soil and seeds

a mini-kite

a chocolate bunny


Together they're getting an outdoor velcro mitt catch game. 

I stuff eggs with small things like stickers, tattoos, bouncy balls.... A few will have chocolate, but not many. We do an egg hunt at my mom's with extended family and they will get a ton of candy between the eggs and my mom, so I try not to do much at home. 

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DD6 is getting her first easter basket this year, she's done egg hunts and loves them.  She ranks it maybe above Christmas.  


She is getting a steeply discounted valentine's basket bought post-valentine's.   But, hey, cute stuffed dogs and chocolates says Easter too.  

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Little Lego set

Cute Athletic t-shirt

Some fancy beads and pendant from Michael's to make herself a necklace


The next three books in the series she's reading



Maui hook (Moana)

Maui "costume" (leaf skirt I'm sewing from felt I already have)

Pool/bath toy


2 picture books


And they'll each get 1 Cadbury Egg and a few jellybeans loose in the bottom of their baskets. We don't do a lot of candy for Easter.


This is almost exactly what DS 8 is getting. Small lego set, a Minecraft t-shirt and 3 books in his basket. We do a easter egg hunt; indoors because it's never warm enough to do outdoors and most years there's still a lot of snow on the ground. Candy in the easter eggs - mini cadbury eggs, reese's eggs and skittles this year.

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We sometimes do Easter baskets, sometimes Equinox baskets. This year it was an Equinox basket and I ordered a Nyx Wanderlust Advent Calendar which has 12 mini eyeshadows and 12 mini liquid lipsticks (had been $50, reduced to $20 http://www.nyxcosmetics.com/wanderlust-advent-calendar/NYX_389.html  google "Nyx wanderlust unboxing"  to see the contents and swatching from various folks). It's travel-themed rather than Christmas-themed and my daughter was thrilled. 


In years past, I've done itunes gift cards, nail polish, a selection of Annie's brand products (because of the bunny) like mac and cheese, crackers, gummies, etc.


Our upper youth group at church is doing a lock-in Saturday night, so I'm making little Easter bags for them, with some candy and a small chocolate bunny, maybe some cheap bunny ears or bunny sunglasses if I can find them in my price range. There are only a few kids (small-ish church), so it won't be too bad.

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I've never done Easter baskets, it just was never a tradition for DH or myself. I do Easter egg hunts on occasion and this year I'm going to write a recipe on the back of a puzzle and put one puzzle piece in each egg. I'll have a basket of the ingredients so that once they find all the pieces they can make the baked goods. I still need to decide what that will be! Eek! What's a fun Easter baked good for kids? I also have chocolate bunnies and bugs. 

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