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Morning sickness remedies that actually work?


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I wasn't going to say anything yet because I'm only seven weeks along, but for the love of god, if I don't find a morning sickness remedy that works I am going to lose my mind. I have morning sickness for a minimum of sixteen hours a day and NOTHING WORKS. I've tried drinking lots of water. I've tried making sure I always have food in my stomach. I've tried eating protein, eating carbs, nibbling on saltines. I've tried eating less and man, was that a mistake. I've tried homemade ginger tea made with fresh grated ginger root. I tried chewing raw ginger and now I think I have second degree burns on my tongue. I am so sick. Dd is bored out of her mind and dh keeps rolling his eyes because he seems to think this is the female version of a man-cold and I should just suck it up.


And I could probably live with that if it was all I had to deal with, but I had to go off my OCD med because it can cause heart defects and the withdrawal is an absolute nightmare.


I don't care if I have to gather organic peat moss and turn it into essential oil and dab it on my eyeballs at this point. I will try anything if it means I can move around without dry heaving. Please tell me someone's great grandmother has a remedy that actually does something.


Oh, and if you're my FB friend, don't say anything on my page because in theory I'm trying to make it to the second trimester before everyone in the known universe finds out. :P When you've wanted another child for seven years and then you manage to get pregnant, it's like people have a radar that goes off and they just KNOW. Lol.

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Oh, what wonderful news!!!  First good news of 2017, in fact.  I'm so happy for you.



Sad however to report that IME absolutely NOTHING did a blessed thing for morning sickness.  Sorry 'bout that part.

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Okay. The only thing that worked for me was the prescription combo of vitamin B6 and the antihistamine doxylamine. I gather it's now called Diclegis. Honestly, it just took the edge off the nausea, but it made it bearable. I had to get it at a compounding pharmacy, but it might be more widely available now. 


You have my sympathy regarding the OCD meds. I wonder if there is any SSRI or other alternative that is safe during pregnancy?  :grouphug:

Edited by MercyA
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I am so sorry, I have nothing to offer. I had horendous morning sickness with this pregnancy and...nothing helped. I spent lots of time curled up in bed, the kids watched lots of videos.


I took diclegis at night (doxylamine + B6); I couldn't take it during the day because it made me too sleepy. My midwife prescribed zofran when the diclegis wasn't helping much but after reading up on it I wasn't comfortable with taking it. I've never taken anything before but I was completely nonfunctional. Chewing gum helped more than anything (which wasn't really much). Morning sickness started to abate around 15-16 weeks and was mostly gone by 20.


I really wish I had more to offer.

Edited by maize
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If it's entering HG territory I'd get a prescription anti-emetic. Otherwise I've found protein and crystallized/candied ginger helps, but it doesn't alleviate it altogether.


That's super exciting for you - congratulations!

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Congratulations! One of my friends had good luck with acupuncture. My sister had to use prescription medication. I hope you feel better soon.


Acupuncture... hmm. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks! I'm definitely willing to give it a go if it might help.


Okay. The only thing that worked for me was the prescription combo of vitamin B6 and the antihistamine doxylamine. I gather it's now called Diclegis. Honestly, it just took the edge off the nausea, but it made it bearable. I had to get it at a compounding pharmacy, but it might be more widely available now. 


You know you have my sympathy regarding the OCD meds.  :( I wonder if there is any SSRI or other alternative that is safe during pregnancy?  :grouphug:


None of the other SSRIs do much for me anymore. :( I'm trying to meditate a lot and go to my happy place, but it's hard when I have to constantly leave my happy place to puke. ;)  OCD and pregnancy suck though. If I try to google things like "missed miscarriage" one more time Google is just going to cut me off and be like, "Look, why don't you go read a book or have a cup of tea?"



And thanks for the congrats, everyone! I'm trying not to get too excited because it's still early and, you know, things happen in the first trimester. But I'd be lying if I said I hadn't already picked out names. Lmao.

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Zodran. I had morning sickness (all waking moments) until 5 months with DS and tried everything else and finally gave up and went crying to my midwife that I needed to function!!! . I was miserable and Zofran helped so much.

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Oh, and irt the anti-histamine that I'm blanking on the name of, I'm already SO sleepy and lethargic that I'm dreading trying that one. And my morning sickness seems to start later in the morning and goes until the wee hours, so I don't know how well or how long it would work if I took it at night. Does it work really well, or just kind of dull the nausea?


ETA: Sorry Mercy, I just saw that you already answered that, lol. My brain cells aren't running on all cylinders at the moment. ;)

Edited by Mergath
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This info changed my life on my last (10th!) pregnancy. Apparently the blog is controversial but I haven't read it and don't care what else she has to say. All I know is it worked when nothing else did. Even zofran.




Feel free to PM me if you want more specifics. You have my sympathy.

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I have not read the thread, but I will offer what sorta worked for me.


By far the most effective was an electronic wristband that delivers an electric pulse to the wrist. 


Other than that, I found I had a dramatic response to vitamin B6.


I did a lot of other things, but they helped only marginally--protein, carb nibbling, etc. 

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I have not read the thread, but I will offer what sorta worked for me.


By far the most effective was an electronic wristband that delivers an electric pulse to the wrist. 


Other than that, I found I had a dramatic response to vitamin B6.


I did a lot of other things, but they helped only marginally--protein, carb nibbling, etc. 


Hmm. I wonder if something like that would be safe for someone with epilepsy? I don't have grand mal seizures anymore, but I'm not sure if regularly zapping myself would be good for my brain.


Do you remember what dosage of B6 you took?

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Squeeeee. Congrats!!!


I had brutal morning sickness with my last baby but wasn't able to find much relief. :( I have heard good things about acupuncture but have been told that it's something you have to do regularly. It only lasts a couple of days and doesn't work for everyone (according to the acupuncturist i saw at the end of my last pregnancy)

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I needed prescription anti-nausea meds when pregnant with my younger son. Zofran was the best for me but there are others. I needed that just to keep down enough fluids.


Mine turned out to be hypermesis and lasted until delivery. Here's to that NOT being your situation.



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I needed prescription anti-nausea meds when pregnant with my younger son. Zofran was the best for me but there are others. I needed that just to keep down enough fluids.


Mine turned out to be hypermesis and lasted until delivery. Here's to that NOT being your situation.



Agree a prescription may be best if you can't keep anything down or are in constant misery. Mine wasn't that severe, but had nausea all day until 16 weeks with dd. Cheese and Gatorade were the only things that helped the nausea....though I'm sure also contributed to my 40 lb weight gain.....


Congratulations! Hoping you get relief from the morning sickness.

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B6 and Unisom and wearing magnetic sea band type of bands that tighten helped a little but not enough to take it away. I definitely noticed when I forgot to take it or took the bands off but I still felt sick all the time. It just took the edge off. If it is really bad or heading into HG you can get a prescription from the OB.



Edited by MistyMountain
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Zofran. But I did get minor relief from taking real ginger root, grating it to fill a tea ball, and steeping in hot water for five minutes. I waited for it to cool, ghen sippd very slowly. Room temperature ginger ale sipped through a straw before sjtting up in the morning helped me enough not to throw up first thing, but neithrr of those teo remedies was enough to keep me off zofran.

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With both pregnancies, I had hyperemesis for a long time.  My doctor wasn't prescribing Zofran yet so I had to rely on other options.  One thing that did curb the nausea with the 1st pregnancy especially was sucking on lemon slices.  I carried around a ziplock bag of lemon slices and would suck on them as needed.  That didn't help much with my 2nd pregnancy but perhaps it's worth a try.


Just want to encourage you to keep drinking.  I ended up dehydrated with the 2nd pregnancy and on an IV with home health nursing for a week.  I honestly thought I was going to just pass out all the time.  Not good.  I did feel much better after getting rehydrated and my hyperemesis was much more manageable.  That just drove home to me how crucial it is to stay well hydrated as any level of dehydration will make nausea worse.   :grouphug:



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Acupuncture... hmm. I hadn't thought of that. Thanks! I'm definitely willing to give it a go if it might help.



None of the other SSRIs do much for me anymore. :( I'm trying to meditate a lot and go to my happy place, but it's hard when I have to constantly leave my happy place to puke. ;) OCD and pregnancy suck though. If I try to google things like "missed miscarriage" one more time Google is just going to cut me off and be like, "Look, why don't you go read a book or have a cup of tea?"



And thanks for the congrats, everyone! I'm trying not to get too excited because it's still early and, you know, things happen in the first trimester. But I'd be lying if I said I hadn't already picked out names. Lmao.

Do you take NAC? It has shown some success in treating OCD (trials ongoing) and I would feel comfortable taking it during pregnancy though I doubt there have been any specific studies in that. It is an amino acid. Seems it would be worth a try at least. Edited by maize
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Oh, and irt the anti-histamine that I'm blanking on the name of, I'm already SO sleepy and lethargic that I'm dreading trying that one. And my morning sickness seems to start later in the morning and goes until the wee hours, so I don't know how well or how long it would work if I took it at night. Does it work really well, or just kind of dull the nausea?


ETA: Sorry Mercy, I just saw that you already answered that, lol. My brain cells aren't running on all cylinders at the moment. ;)

The biggest benefit of the antihistamine was that it let me get to sleep more quickly and sleep better at night; insufficient sleep always makes my nausea worse. I only tried once to take it during the day and that was no good, so I would take it before bedtime and sometimes again if I woke up with insomnia during the night.

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None of the other SSRIs do much for me anymore. :( I'm trying to meditate a lot and go to my happy place, but it's hard when I have to constantly leave my happy place to puke. ;)  OCD and pregnancy suck though. If I try to google things like "missed miscarriage" one more time Google is just going to cut me off and be like, "Look, why don't you go read a book or have a cup of tea?"



I am so sorry that your options are so limited. :( This too shall pass. Awful morning sickness usually means baby is doing well, so there is that.


LOL, yes, step away from the google! I've been there, believe me, but a book and tea (or tv, or a nap, or whatever!) would be infinitely better for you and baby.  :)


Please keep us updated. I am so excited for you!

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I carried twins and I was miserable when pregnant. I finally went on an anti-nausea med (reglan?) that helped by about 50 %. (Keep in mind that every woman is very different.)


The one thing that also helped and I still don't know why: Big Macs. I'd get one, throw out the meat, and eat the bun, cheese, sauce etc. I don't know why these helped me feel better, but they did.


I knew someone else who swore by a sandwich at Jack in the Box.


I wonder if it's the fatty content? No idea. They helped me so much that I tried replicating them at home, but it wasn't the same.


Hang in there. "Morning" sickness is brutal.



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I have not read the thread, but I will offer what sorta worked for me.


By far the most effective was an electronic wristband that delivers an electric pulse to the wrist. 


Other than that, I found I had a dramatic response to vitamin B6.


I did a lot of other things, but they helped only marginally--protein, carb nibbling, etc. 




What was the wristband called?

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This info changed my life on my last (10th!) pregnancy. Apparently the blog is controversial but I haven't read it and don't care what else she has to say. All I know is it worked when nothing else did. Even zofran.




Feel free to PM me if you want more specifics. You have my sympathy.





I just read that.  Very interesting.


What did you do that worked? 


Is there some medical links that go along with this?

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What was the wristband called?



Honestly, I have no idea. My youngest baby is almost 16yo, so it's been a while. At the time it was something I had to order through the OB/GYN.


Also, Mergath, re B6--I don't remember the exact dosage. As I said, it's been a while. I took one pill a day. Others in the thread mentioned Unisom--I took it for my second pregnancy, half a pill at bedtime. It did help.

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