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So my due date is less than a week away. I'm crabby and uncomfortable.
Share what put you in labor. Or share something to distract me. Or...I don't know.

ETA: Recently the baby dropped big time and I'm not comfy, umm, down there. It's making me feel a little desperate to be done.


And another edit: Please don't make this a debate about inductions and whether babies will be born on their own time or on yours. I'm well aware that babies have their own time table and I want a healthy baby. I'm having a healthy pregnancy and there are no medical issues so I'm not even considering medical intervention. I'm not trying to do anything crazy or unsafe. I'm just venting my frustration and discomfort because I know many of you can relate. When you're 9 months pregnant, it's just not very fun. 


I just wanted to hear fun stories about what put you into labor. Or any fun story about labor or pregnancy. I'm just trying to distract myself to try to stay sane while I'm impatiently waiting to hold my little one. 

Can we just keep it happy please?

Edited by lexi
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Cleaning has been the only thing to ever make me go into labor. Well, that and a crazy trip to the zoo in a tornado warning. Clean, clean, clean.

I had a cleaning lady come and scrub my whole house! I thought that would do it. Ugh!

My house looks great though...

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Cervidil and pitocin for me, all three times.


But maybe something from here will serve for distraction?

I'm planning a homebirth so it's going to have to be a natural induction. And I know I'm still a little early but I'm so so done. And I'm usually not ever overdue so I'm hopeful that it will be soon!

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Best of luck. I still have six weeks to go, and I swear this has been the longest pregnancy known to man.  And my first was 2 weeks late, so....


My midwife said pretty much the only thing that works at all is TeA, but at 39+ weeks that's never my favorite activity.  


Crossing my fingers that baby decides to put in an appearance ASAP!

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My babies come eight days late, but somehow as soon as I hit 37 weeks, I can't let go of the thought, " Any day now!" So, the last wekk of pregnancy, I get my hair done, I get a massage, I go out to eat with my husband sans rugrats, I avoid "natural induction" techniques that make me miserable (but indulge in ones like spicy food, pineapple, and TeA because I enjoy them: no way to castor oil or disgusting herbal concoctions), I baby the baby about to be dethroned, I feed my frrezer, I go out with girlfriends who don't have babies, I ignore anyone who asks, "Have you had that baby yet?"

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TeA doesn't sound so appealing right now...lol

I've done spicy food and pineapple. I've been walking a lot and doing stairs. I've been bouncing on my medicine ball.

I refuse to do castor oil. Gross.

And yes, I'm so frustrated with people commenting that I apparently have not had the baby yet. As if that isn't obvious either my giant belly and my slow waddle. Why must people ask that?

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My first was 10 days late and my second was 14 days late. I never had more kids, but I always told myself that if I was pregnant again, that I would add 14 days to any "due date" so that I wouldn't have to slog through 3 weeks of "any day now" misery.


My advice: Tack on 14 days to the due date and don't expect anything until then. Get it out of your head that it'll be "any day now." Save your sanity!

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My doc told me I could apply evening primrose oil vaginally.  I woke up late that night, feeling like I'd put too much on and was leaking. But no, my water had broken.


This was in 1999.  I have NO IDEA if this is considered a good idea anymore.  Or even if it ever was.  It worked for me, but I am not a doctor, nurse, or midwife so check with yours if you think you might want to try it.

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Kids 1 and 2...sleeping. (I woke up as usual in the morning and felt my first contraction soon after.)

Kid 3...I laid down in bed to go to sleep and a couple minutes later my water broke. Of course, contractions didn't start for 2 more days. This was absolutely mentally and emotionally exhausting. Of course, when labor started it was strange. I had short, far apart contractions. After a couple hours of that, I had the worst contraction ever. And 2 contractions later I was holding baby.

Thank goodness for my amazing homebirth midwife.

I hope for a safe delivery for you and baby very soon!

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In my case, it was because my OB said, 'You aren't having this baby for at least a week, probably not for two weeks.  And you're in luck because I'm going to be on duty throughout this holiday weekend, except for Friday (It was Wednesday when she said this), so I'll even be your doctor if you do go into labor.  But you won't.  You're shut up tight.  It won't be for at least another week.  Unless you want me to induce.'


DD heard this and punched a hole in the water bag on Friday, just to be onery and show the doctor who exactly was boss.


Then, of course, I did not go into labor for 10 hours so they had to use pit.  With a strange doctor from the practice, who was pretty grouchy.  Ugh.


Luckily I had a great nurse.


And I am completely clear on who engineered that little experience.  :)

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I'm planning a homebirth so it's going to have to be a natural induction. And I know I'm still a little early but I'm so so done. And I'm usually not ever overdue so I'm hopeful that it will be soon!


Honestly, I bet you are close. I think when you hit that miserable point it means labor is about to start. 


But otherwise, sorry, no induction ideas. It has been proven that baby is the one to trigger labor, not mom, so if baby hasn't done that yet than it's not time. Sorry. 


(I had my son around 38 weeks, and my next two at 41 weeks 5 days. I was nearly a MONTH more pregnant, and it was NOT fun. But, later babies are easier..they breastfeed better and sleep longer.)

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Why do people try to get babies to be born before the body does it on its own? Is it because if they stay in too long things can go badly? I know that most midwives/ob's get very, very nervous at the 42 week mark (which is where I was with #2.). I think things can go downhill fast at that point.


But up until then, shouldn't the baby/your body know when to start labor? Sorry if this is coming across as negative. I don't mean for it to. I just figure that there's no reason to try to force labor unless there actually IS a reason to force labor--distress of some sort.


ETA: and with one baby born at 41.3 weeks and the other at 42 weeks, I know all about the misery of those last 3 weeks. I was SO DONE with being pregnant.

Edited by Garga
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I've had 6 babies and I've never gone longer than 6 days early. Four of my babies were 2 weeks early or more. I think I might just be really efficient at growing babies. jk. 


Sex always brings on strong contractions for me. Several of my babies were born within a few hours of tEa.  Just saying.


Nipple stimulation. Very helpful in combination with the above.  


For one of my babies I developed a slow amniotic leak during the night but I wasn't having any contractions. So I sat down with my manual breast pumps and watched a couple episodes of Call the Midwife and within about 90 minutes we were rushing to the birth center with hard contractions. Baby was born a couple hours later. 


For baby #6 I cried and cried and cried to my midwife bc DH was preparing to be deployed and I just needed that baby out so I could get on the road to recovery already. At 38 weeks she stripped my membranes. (It was a lot of blood...I was not prepared for that.) About 24 hours after she stripped my membranes I was giving up all hope of going into labor ever (I was an emotional mess), but made one last attempt and sat down with the breast pumps again. Contractions got started and baby was born within a few hours.


I am such a believer in the nip stim.

Edited by DesertBlossom
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But up until then, shouldn't the baby/your body know when to start labor? Sorry if this is coming across as negative. I don't mean for it to. I just figure that there's no reason to try to force labor unless there actually IS a reason to force labor--distress of some sort.

Well, for me, preeclampsia twice and pregnancy-induced hypertension once. But assuming you're taking about natural inductions rather than medical ones, I think a lot of it is just attempts to help things get started if they're teetering on the edge. My understanding is that most of the natural induction methods won't actually work unless things are close to starting anyway. (Medical inductions don't work as well if the body isn't ready, either. My induction at 37 weeks was awful, because my body wasn't ready, but we kept at it to avoid a c-section.)

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Why do people try to get babies to be born before the body does it on its own? Is it because if they stay in too long things can go badly? I know that most midwives/ob's get very, very nervous at the 42 week mark (which is where I was with #2.). I think things can go downhill fast at that point.


But up until then, shouldn't the baby/your body know when to start labor? Sorry if this is coming across as negative. I don't mean for it to. I just figure that there's no reason to try to force labor unless there actually IS a reason to force labor--distress of some sort.


ETA: and with one baby born at 41.3 weeks and the other at 42 weeks, I know all about the misery of those last 3 weeks. I was SO DONE with being pregnant.


Because I just can't take it anymore. Everything hurts. It hurts to walk. I can't roll over. I can't sleep. And I also have big babies. Three of my babies were born at roughly 2 weeks early at each were already 8.5 to 9.5 pounds. I'm so glad they weren't bigger. With the exception of my preemie, all were wonderful nursers.  My last baby was the only one I was "induced" for, if you consider stripping membranes being induced. With my others (except the preemie) we just got busy and figured if it happened,it happened.

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Reiterating suggestions above:


- nipple stimulation, absolutely

- membrane stripping by someone who "means business" as my midwife said it 

- walking uphill

- and while out of favor, castor oil makes my 24+ hour labor go lickity-split (discovered on baby 5, always will return to this)

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Best of luck. I still have six weeks to go, and I swear this has been the longest pregnancy known to man.  And my first was 2 weeks late, so....


My midwife said pretty much the only thing that works at all is TeA, but at 39+ weeks that's never my favorite activity.  


Crossing my fingers that baby decides to put in an appearance ASAP!


Yes, TeA.


Or peanut buster parfaits from Dairy Queen.  Which I never really liked, so TeA it was.



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I am sorry you are miserable.


My doc examined me and it hurt so I suspect he did something....I went into labor that evening.


I was full term but not ready. I loved being pregnant so much. I actually missed him being inside my body! I know I am weird.


I hope,baby comes today for you!

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I had my midwife do a stretch and sweep of my membranes at 10 days past due date for both my kids. I went into labor several hours later both times. I wanted very much to deliver at the birthing center and they had strict rules about eligibility, including must be 14 days or less past due date, so I was getting very nervous. Nothing else more gentle worked, but that did the trick. (I never tried the castor oil, yuck.)

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Thanks everyone! My midwife won't strip membranes until I'm past due. Which is fine by me.

I'm just trying to think of other things to try.

My kids head out today for a week at camp grandma.

I've been to the chiro.

I have a prenatal massage scheduled for tomorrow.

I'm eating spicy food and pineapple.

Today I'm cleaning and organizing the house.


I know she'll come when she's ready I'm just so ready to meet her. I'm trying to stay busy so I don't lose my mind.

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Why do people try to get babies to be born before the body does it on its own? Is it because if they stay in too long things can go badly? I know that most midwives/ob's get very, very nervous at the 42 week mark (which is where I was with #2.). I think things can go downhill fast at that point.


But up until then, shouldn't the baby/your body know when to start labor? Sorry if this is coming across as negative. I don't mean for it to. I just figure that there's no reason to try to force labor unless there actually IS a reason to force labor--distress of some sort.


ETA: and with one baby born at 41.3 weeks and the other at 42 weeks, I know all about the misery of those last 3 weeks. I was SO DONE with being pregnant.

I was desperate at 10 days overdue (certain conception date) with a 10+ lb baby and HG. Then with my second, I really wanted a VBAC, but because of the history with #1, I couldn't go over due. VBAC was not in the cards. Pregnancy can be utterly miserable for people. My best friend had HG that made mine look like a picnic. I would've been sacrificing small animals to get those babies out!


There's also the feeling of powerlessness. You have zero control over your own body, and if having sex or eating spicy food makes you feel like you're doing SOMETHING, what harm is there in it?

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I was desperate at 10 days overdue (certain conception date) with a 10+ lb baby and HG. Then with my second, I really wanted a VBAC, but because of the history with #1, I couldn't go over due. VBAC was not in the cards. Pregnancy can be utterly miserable for people. My best friend had HG that made mine look like a picnic. I would've been sacrificing small animals to get those babies out!


There's also the feeling of powerlessness. You have zero control over your own body, and if having sex or eating spicy food makes you feel like you're doing SOMETHING, what harm is there in it?

Yes, I see those points. But I would say that you did *need* to get the baby out for health reasons. And I most certainly understand the misery of being very, very pregnant (remember--I was both 10 days and 14 days past the due date for my babies.).


I go back and forth on this. If the baby is just finishing up whatever he/she needs to finish up, then I think it's best to let nature take its course. But if something is starting to go wrong, then trying to jumpstart things makes sense.


P.S. I was a miserable pregnant person, so I do understand OP that you are DONE. The times when I were pregnant were a constant barage of pain and misery. I hate being pregnant. I understand that you want this over with!

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And yes, it is very true that it's hard to feel powerless when it's your own body. And then everyone is constantly asking if you've had the baby yet. And relatives are trying to plan a time to visit you. And your hubby is trying to figure out his work schedule. And your kids are dying to hold the baby so they ask you every 5 seconds if the baby is coming soon. 


It is hard to have no control and no idea how to plan for anything. It's just a strange and kind of crazy feeling to not know what to expect. 


So, if I eat some pineapple and walk up and down my stairs and that gives me a sense of accomplishment and makes me feel slightly less out of control, then yes, I am going to do those things. I just need to feel like I'm doing something other than sitting here going crazy.


Nothing I'm doing is unsafe and all of it has been cleared with my midwife. So those are the kinds of things I'm talking about. I'm not trying to evict the baby before she's ready because I know that I can't do that without medical intervention. I'm just trying to do something so I don't feel completely powerless. And quite frankly, Mexican food and pineapple smoothies sound yummy right now. So I'll happily indulge. 



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Ah, for me I found trying to do something and having it "not work" made me more anxious that just giving up and waiting. When my 2nd child went overdue I was frantic, as she was a planned homebirth and I knew they'd transfer my care at 42 weeks, plus my first had been 2 weeks early, so it was so weird to be late. I did walking, stairs, chiropractic, sex, weird foods, and had my membranes stripped several times, oh...and some herbal tincture that tasted horrid. Cotton root bark I think. Nothing worked. I finally gave up and she came at 41 weeks 5 days. 


With the third I did none of that. I just wasn't going to bother. And he came at 41 weeks 5 days. 


In my experience doing stuff didn't help at all, and just made me crazy. 

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