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Three things I can't do.


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1. Time travel movies. Cannot follow these at all. Too many flashbacks have a similar effect.


2. Video games with realistic 3-D motion (practically all games besides Pac Mac and Frogger). I get sick. :ack2:


3. Pack lightly for a trip. Because you never know, it might snow... or be hot... or rain... or....


Your turn.

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1.  Fly willingly.  I've ridden in planes.  Hope to never do it again.

2.  Step on a cockroach.  I am very un-squeamish about all things creepy crawly, except roaches.  *Shudder*

3.  Put away my laundry like a normal person.  I can wash, dry and promptly fold.  Then it sits in laundry baskets until I wear it.  

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1. Fly willingly. I've ridden in planes. Hope to never do it again.

2. Step on a cockroach. I am very un-squeamish about all things creepy crawly, except roaches. *Shudder*

3. Put away my laundry like a normal person. I can wash, dry and promptly fold. Then it sits in laundry baskets until I wear it.

No 3. Isn't that what normal people do?!

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1. Touch my eye.  Or see other people touch theirs.

2. Spell. It's getting better as I teach my kid to read with phonics, but I still really struggle with spelling.

3. Read Hebrew.  I've been trying for oh, 25 years or so.  My mind cannot get  the letters being backward.  

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1. Eat a banana, or anything banana flavored, or anything that might in any way be a banana.

2. Sing, oh how I wish I could.

3. Run fast.  I'm the world's slowest runner.  I ran track in high school and literally lost every race.  Dead last.  Not even close to the 2nd to last person.  I was/am soooo slow.

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1.  Stay up late.  It's a wonder I can function right now, and it's just a little after 8:00. ;)


2.  Get going in the morning w/o coffee.  I can get up very, very early -- that's easy and natural.  But I need coffee to really get going.


3.  See something (a crumb, a drip, whatever) on the kitchen counter and not clean it.  Immediately.

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1. Sing. I even fake it during Happy Birthday, and consider it a gift to everyone in attendance. 


2. Swallow krill oil capsules. I literally gag and almost barf. I tried for 30 consecutive days.  Not happening. Back to regular fish oil. 


3. Drive to a new destination without the aid of GPS. Even if I have been there multiple times as a passenger, I need a GPS until I've driven there myself.   And please don't complicate instructions with 'turn north' trickery.  

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1. Sleep through the night without taking anything to help - benadryl, sleeping pill.


2. Wake up and feel hopeful about the coming day.


3. Dance. I wish I could!


I'm sorry about the first two- together they seem to be a lot to deal with. 


As for the third, I dance like Elaine from Seinfeld....which means it looks like I'm having a seizure. So you probably dance better than I do. And that's a start!

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1. Pull a kid's loose tooth. Totally squicks me out.


2. Enjoy winter sports. I have given snow skiing and ice skating and winter hiking and sub-freezing camping all a go, but I really just do not enjoy any of it. I prefer my water in liquid forms (except for the ice in my drink).


3. Live in a place where I can't open the windows. I like them open as much as I can get away with as long as allergies allow. So many homes we looked at in the buying process have big, beautiful windows...that can't be opened. All for looks, not for function. Jail.

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1. Clap while singing. My choir director asks us to do this occasionally and I feel like the queen of the fools. I am a solid singer. I can dance...  but nothing more than foot tapping while trying to sing LOL


2. 3D Imax movies and/or rides that require 3D glasses. Makes me SICK. So Sick.


3. Be barefoot in a hotel room. NO NO NO

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1. Cannot pick up a grasshopper. Dead or alive.

2. Get up on the roof.

3. Mow the grass. See #1.


What? Critterfixer can't pick up a critter? :lol: I'll tell you what -- I'll pick up your grasshoppers (alive or dead, doesn't bother me), and you can watch my time travel movies. :willy_nilly:


And, in a few years, your twin sons can marry my twin daughters in a double wedding. It should be lovely.


See? I solved it. :001_rolleyes: Oh, and if you can teach your sons to get their dirty socks in the hamper by age 25, we'll pay for the wedding.

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1. Sing. I even fake it during Happy Birthday, and consider it a gift to everyone in attendance.


2. Swallow krill oil capsules. I literally gag and almost barf. I tried for 30 consecutive days. Not happening. Back to regular fish oil.


3. Drive to a new destination without the aid of GPS. Even if I have been there multiple times as a passenger, I need a GPS until I've driven there myself. And please don't complicate instructions with 'turn north' trickery.

Here, here. GPS was the greatest modern miracle for me since the Polio vaccine. ;)


My things:


1. Call and make an appointment. Well - I can, eventually, when it gets pretty desperate, and I have no other options, and I can't possibly put it off any longer...

2. Follow those Step-by-Step directions for doing something to the computer while on-line. I never get those. How are you supposed to open all those tabs and click OK, and fill in this choice, and go to that link, and so on, when you are already reading this on the computer you are trying to fix/clean/register?

3. Post a photo directly on this website. C'est impossible!

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1. Stand on a stool to change a light bulb or dust a ceiling fan. My knees start to shake and I freak out.


2. Be in a room with a ceiling fan on high speed.


3. Listen to whistling. Absolutely cannot stand it. Both my husband and daughter know that they can whistle as they work all they want as soon as I leave the house. And they do.

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What? Critterfixer can't pick up a critter?  :lol: I'll tell you what -- I'll pick up your grasshoppers (alive or dead, doesn't bother me), and you can watch my time travel movies.  :willy_nilly:


Consider it done. I have literally had to go get a son out of bed to deal with a grasshopper that flew into the house one night when I had to open the door. It's about the only critter I won't handle. I can even deal with large spiders, have captured scorpions with tender care and have had bees crawling over my eyes under my glasses. But I don't do grasshoppers.


Working on the dirty sock thing. Sometimes I think they've got it. Sometimes not. :laugh:

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1.  Touch or handle a snake.  I love almost all sorts of critters including spiders, but not snakes.  I've touched one once - that was enough for me.  I don't even handle them when they are dead.  That's hubby's job.  Our chickens eat the dead ones, so they're our cleanup crew.


2.  Sleep in.  I can NOT sleep past 5 or at most 6am (if I'm lucky).  It doesn't matter when I went to bed.  The only time this changes is if I'm sick - and I haven't been that sick in years.


3.  Relax and be myself at a doctor's appt.  I've had enough experience lately that I should be able to do this and it bugs me that I can't, but such is life.  At least hubby and I joke about it now, so something good comes out of them (and I tend to treat myself to lunch or dinner out afterward to try to bribe my brain).  I'd much rather be doing anything else - except snake handling (yes, my boys have asked me which is worse and I had to think about it for a while before answering).


ETA Changed my #2 response to something far more "un-doable" for me.

Edited by creekland
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1) go to Walmart- so many, many reasons!

2) clean a dirty microwave- despite the many disgusting things I cleaned in the Army, a dirty microwave makes me wretch every time!

3) listen to any music at all repetitive- hubby's electonica? No way in hell. Dd's song she learned 6 words of? Our 'karaoke room' ie the walk in closet, is the only place it is allowed:)

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See? I solved it.  :001_rolleyes: Oh, and if you can teach your sons to get their dirty socks in the hamper by age 25, we'll pay for the wedding.


:laugh: DH says it's a deal. Currently we bypass the hamper and go straight to the washer. I wish to take credit for that revolutionary idea, however.

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1. Eat something I consider yucky. Nope. Not going to happen.

2. Run for pleasure. Those words don't even belong in the same sentence.

3. Wear skimpy clothes. Not trying to start a debate on what 'skimpy' means, but I'm most comfortable with my knees and cleavage covered. I just have a better time.

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1. Anything involving heights - Out in the open that is. I can fly because a plane is enclosed. I would not be able to go up in a hot air balloon or helicopter.


2. Watch tv without keeping my hands busy - I usually knit or crochet but sometimes I'll play on the computer (like now).


3. Whistle - No, you don't just put your lips together and blow.

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1.  Wake up in the morning and be peppy and smiley. I need time to adjust no matter how well I've slept that night.


2.  Get out of bed when the alarm rings. I must doze until I'm good and ready to put feet on the floor. See #1.


3.  Face Time. So annoying to have to hold the phone out in front of you and look at it. How inconvenient! I'd much rather talk normally on the phone or text.

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1. Look at the bottoms of feet. I was very much team shoes during the big shoes in the house controversy.


2. Tell left from right or east from west when I'm driving. If I have a second to think about I can, but driving makes that part of my brain fall out.


3. Pee in a public restroom unless I stuff my fingers in my ears and pretend I'm alone.

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1. Whistle with my fingers.


2. Watch violence on TV or movies.


3. Deal with manipulative, fake, or dishonest people.

To your number 3, I'd add power brokers, people who withhold resources and information necessary to the success of a group or coworker. Edited by Seasider
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2. Clean house without sweating, no matter how cool it is.


3. Eat oatmeal, no matter how healthy/easy/or how many times I try.


Your #1 doesn't fit me, but #s 2 and 3 - I'm with you.


I live where it's hot most of the time, but even if I crank the a/c way down I still get sweaty when doing house work.


Oatmeal.  :ack2:  I even tried a number of the so-called yummy baked oatmeal recipes. I drowned it in brown sugar or other sweet stuff. I just can't do it and I'm done trying. I love oatmeal raisin cookies though. 

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1. Make good salmon. I like it when other people make it, but mine never has the right consistency, no matter how I try to cook it

2. Landscaping: I have an awful black thumb. Everything dies.

3. Drywall. Why oh why did I get a house full of old, beat up paneling that I thought I could replace?

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I swear that I can't drive a stick shift. DH always swears that he can teach me how to do it, and I swear up and down that it's a lost cause. But it's because I don't want to drive a stick. I like my hot tea on my way to work, thank you, and I don't want to be distracted by having to shift!

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1. Make good salmon. I like it when other people make it, but mine never has the right consistency, no matter how I try to cook it

2. Landscaping: I have an awful black thumb. Everything dies.

3. Drywall. Why oh why did I get a house full of old, beat up paneling that I thought I could replace?


Have you tried:



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1. Look at and/or assist in the removal of a wiggly tooth.

2. Find a mop I really like.

3. Put together a fashionable outfit on my own.

I have been thinking about this question. I have so many more things I can not do.

Edited by kewb
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1) like Walmart. Just can't stand it

2) Go to bed at a decent time

3) eat liver...eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!!!

Only 3? Can't do the time travel movies either, a cartwheel, not have a cup of coffee, read in a car (bad motion sickness), eat a girlscouts cookie...the list goes on and on! Need more than 3 slots :)

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1. Sew, knit or do any other kind of stitchery or needlework. 

2. Sing. 

3. Dance, except square dances or line dances where there are steps and a pattern. Even then, I am terrible. Zero rhythm!


Only three? I also cannot play an instrument, handle heights, decorate my house nicely, drive a standard transmission vehicle, NOT be lifeguard-like when near water, or do algebra. 


If this post had been a year ago, I might have said, "Consistently make good pie crust." But I can now!  :hurray:

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