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Trends that need to die


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How about expensive cupcakes with bacon on them!!

Doubly so. Nay, triply so.


I love bacon. In limited amounts and in savory dishes. I even like cake. But not together. And cupcakes usually have a too high ratio of frosting to cake. Plus they are usually dry little wannabe cakes. Bleck bleck blecky bleck.


(I know, I know... tell you how I REALLY feel!)

Edited by LucyStoner
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Newcasts that report on what Joe Blow from Muskogee on social media said about the snow storm. .. or what Bill Bling from Detroit said on Twitter about the last presidential debate. ... or what Jane Doe from Crystal City says on Facebook about the latest blockbuster movie release.


OMG, give me real news, or just shoot me.


:iagree:    And on a similar note - get rid of the word and verb Twitter and Tweet on the news, and ban politicians and government officials from broadcasting gossip through this medium. 

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He seems nice but looks waaaaay too much like my brother.

If your brother is single, looking and heterosexual, then I know your future SIL.


If your brother is married but interested in polyamory and a good match facially, then I know three potential "Psuedo-SILs".


Just saying.

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If your brother is single, looking and heterosexual, then I know your future SIL.


If your brother is married but interested in polyamory and a good match facially, then I know three potential "Psuedo-SILs".


Just saying.


My brother is single and straight and sadly, so much of a douche canoe that I wouldn't inflict him on my worst enemy. 

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How about Kevin Bacon wearing cupcakes?




Why has no one mentioned pants hanging down so we can all see the underwear? Why? You like that? Or it has already been mentioned so many times we don't talk about it anymore?



I thought it went out of style 20 (TWENTY) YEARS ago.

Edited by Gaillardia
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Sagging pants were associated with gangster rap because prison clothes are almost always issued in sizes way too large. Rappers fronting that image borrowed the look and took it to clownish extremes. That said, some variation of mild to moderate sagging has long since been embraced by a much larger subculture than those interested in gangster rap. Waist lines for many type of pants have moved from the waist to the hips.


I haven't see the clownish exteme sagging here in a long time but I hear it's still out there. Somewhere.

Edited by LucyStoner
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Owls. On everything. Everything.


Sometimes when I actually venture into a store and I see an owl on something--decorative items, clothing, everything!--I hear Uncle Vernon's (from Harry Potter) voice in my head yelling, "OWLS!!!"

Quite frankly dd2 abd I can't get enough owls.. So where do you live to see all this owl stuff????
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Am I the only one who despises skinny jeans?  I don't care if other people wear them, except that everyone else wearing them means that it's hard to find jeans that aren't "skinny" style at the store.  I have issues getting my humongous hobbit feet through the leg holes, and then they're 4" too long (because I'm 5' tall) and I have to fold them up over my shins, and then I feel like I've been shrink-wrapped in denim and waddle around like a penguin. 

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Quite frankly dd2 abd I can't get enough owls.. So where do you live to see all this owl stuff????


Still seeing owls in my part of GA--northwest metro ATL. I really thought they'd faded in popularity which is why I've been surprised to see them around still.

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Am I the only one who despises skinny jeans? I don't care if other people wear them, except that everyone else wearing them means that it's hard to find jeans that aren't "skinny" style at the store. I have issues getting my humongous hobbit feet through the leg holes, and then they're 4" too long (because I'm 5' tall) and I have to fold them up over my shins, and then I feel like I've been shrink-wrapped in denim and waddle around like a penguin.

I love your way with words. :lol:


Skinny jeans are not a flattering style on my body. At all. Boot cut is where it's at for me, but I'm 5'8". I can find them, but not in as many color/style choices as the skinny junk, that's for sure.

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John Calvin beards


Hooker fashions for Tweens


Giant open-mouthed expressions passing for smiles (seriously, birds could fly in there)


Leggings as pants


Faux ostrich feather vests


That "don't be like whoever" fb meme


Screens over actual interactions with people


Autotuned vocalists


And do we really need a Frozen 2?

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I'm pretty sure it's to help cut down on internet piracy. You can pirate a computer program, but not a subscription to one.


This.  Plus, with things like Photoshop & Creative Cloud, one of the selling points was the tax benefits.  If you have a business, the subscription costs are a straight write-off.  Expensive software must be depreciated. Plus, subscription means they always have the newest version.


I've used OpenOffice for years.  For some things, like math, the free version really is better.

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Am I the only one who despises skinny jeans?  I don't care if other people wear them, except that everyone else wearing them means that it's hard to find jeans that aren't "skinny" style at the store.  I have issues getting my humongous hobbit feet through the leg holes, and then they're 4" too long (because I'm 5' tall) and I have to fold them up over my shins, and then I feel like I've been shrink-wrapped in denim and waddle around like a penguin. 


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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I live pretty far under a rock, so this probably isn't new - and it's probably not so much a trend as it is a new way of doing things - but I don't like the subscription model. It makes sense for things like Amazon, Netflix, etc. but I don't want a subscription to Microsoft Office. I just want to own it, and I don't want to pay a fortune to be able to. I don't like this at all.

I use LibreOffice, but I agree. I don't want a subscription to Adobe products.


This.  Plus, with things like Photoshop & Creative Cloud, one of the selling points was the tax benefits.  If you have a business, the subscription costs are a straight write-off.  Expensive software must be depreciated. Plus, subscription means they always have the newest version.


I've used OpenOffice for years.  For some things, like math, the free version really is better.

I want a choice. Creative Cloud is an annoying model. It might help a business, sure. But for home use I think it's a huge rip off. I used the trial, but wouldn't pay $50 a MONTH for it unless I could justify it.

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Bras that do not actually fit. I'm sorry, I know it makes it harder for you, bra manufacturers, but not every woman who has size E+ cups wears a 36+ band. Some of us need a 28 or even smaller. 


Don't get me started on that!    I start spitting tacks.   Has anyone looked at the formula for figuring out your size?  It starts with measuring around the widest area.   Making the squishiest part the foundation of all the other measurements.  It makes sense to have a number/letter combination, but how you arrive at the number should start with measuring where the bra band actually goes!   And, the size of the bra band should be the same on a 38A and a 38F, but they aren't. 

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The stage makeup application for everyday life. I don't understand it... You don't need dramatic eyebrows, four various foundation color applications, highlights/ strobing and false lashes just to go to the grocery store. And what's up with the yellow raccoon eyes?

I literally just left a a Waffle House where seven friends and I just waltzed in wearing stage make-up. We were leaving a show. The consensus was that going somewhere by yourself in full drag makes you feel conspicuous, but as a group you don't care.


And speaking of make-up, I'm ready for winged eyeliner to be over already. I'll do it for stage, but I'm just ignoring the trend IRL.


For the record, I've got good messy bun hair. It's fine and very curly. It keeps my hair off my neck, but looks better than a ponytail and less severe than a bun.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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I have gotten a really good laugh this evening.  Oh, my!  


The truth is, very rarely does a fashion trend actually flatter me, therefore making me despise it to eternity.  Leggings, not so flattering, but they are oh so comfortable.  Luckily I'm short and have a short torso so every shirt is to long and just perfect for leggings.  :)  As long as I'm comfortable and don't particularly care what others thing, I'm good.  Once I start caring again, uh oh the leggings will have to go.  ;)


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Trends that need to die.. hmm.. those super high wasted pants. They wear them with short tops. Just.. no.


I've even seen bathing suits with the high wasted bottoms. Like way above your belly button. They would have to be the most unflattering thing ever. I just can't.

I have a theory about those. You have to have a totally amazing body to wear them. So people wear them not to look good but to say "guess what, I can wear this horrendously ugly style and STILL LOOK GOOD. How awesome am I?!"

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I don't even know if it's still a thing or not (I try my best to ignore what passes for fashion) but cowboy boots with dresses and skirts.  Every time I see (saw?) a girl wearing that I say to anyone with me "Some day that girl is going to see a picture of herself dressed like that and wonder what the he** she was thinking."

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I guess I'm the only one reading this thread wondering if the only trend that needs to die is so many people being so judgmental...


Wear what you like or do your hair as you like and you're still welcome hanging around me.  I rarely notice what anyone is wearing anyway, so you're fine!

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This thread is cracking me up. I thought of 1 or 2 things when I read the title, but then added many more as I read through the responses and was furiously nodding.  Awesome Sauce?  MUST GO (My sister uses it all the time. I love her.  can't stand the phrase).  


My son, who is 8, is currently obsessed with man-buns.  A friend of our family has one.  I am So Not Into Them.  But I put his hair in one anyhow (he never wears them out of the house), knowing full well that he'll one day look back on it the way I look back on my dreadful perm-with-mullet when I was 9. 


The beard on every male under the age of 30--definitely not a look I like. (Some look great with it. But in general it's too trendy for me.) 


Leggings under tunics/long shirts/dresses are fabulous, but leggings with a short shirt, where you can see all the bits and pieces?? Noooo. 


I totally agree about selfie sticks and the selfie-obsession in general.  


I get a little squirmy around guys wearing skinny jeans, rolled, over short boots or loafers w/out socks.  To me, that just looks SO silly.


Vera Bradley.  There, I said it. (Maybe that trend has died, but around here it's still staggering around on its last legs.)



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I guess I'm the only one reading this thread wondering if the only trend that needs to die is so many people being so judgmental...


Wear what you like or do your hair as you like and you're still welcome hanging around me. I rarely notice what anyone is wearing anyway, so you're fine!

Can we judge a little when no one irl is around? I hate man buns. I dislike slutty, revealing clothing on teens and women, but I can deal with it. I really hate when the slutty revealing trend is taken down to girls sizes--thats creepy.


I guess even online trend bashing is a bad habit. Do I really have to keep my dislike for boys in saggy pants in my head. I don't think I need to see underwear.

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Can we judge a little when no one irl is around? I hate man buns. I dislike slutty, revealing clothing on teens and women, but I can deal with it. I really hate when the slutty revealing trend is taken down to girls sizes--thats creepy.


I guess even online trend bashing is a bad habit. Do I really have to keep my dislike for boys in saggy pants in my head. I don't think I need to see underwear.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure I just need to stay off this thread - otherwise I see myself judging some of the rest of you and I don't care for that!  I like keeping my mental images sometimes... ;)


ETA:  I find the weirdness thread totally fun, but many of the judgmental posts on here (not all are, but many are) just reminds me of grade school...  that wasn't me either.  I'm pretty darn comfortable letting everyone be themselves and wish others could be too - what they wear, how they do their hair, what phrases they use, etc.  Maybe that makes me weird.   :coolgleamA:

Edited by creekland
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Hunter-jumper clothing as a fashion (leggings + riding boots). 


The bushy hipster beards worn by suburban young men who have never once in their lives chopped firewood. 


Gray hair on purpose, bleached and colored gray, on young women - I want to tell them not to waste their remaining years of being able to grow naturally not-gray hair ! 


Pajama pants and tank tops with flip flops as an outfit.  



What?   I have never seen this.

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The stage makeup application for everyday life. I don't understand it... You don't need dramatic eyebrows, four various foundation color applications, highlights/ strobing and false lashes just to go to the grocery store. And what's up with the yellow raccoon eyes?

This. It looks especially ridiculous with a hoodie and muck boots. And the heavy black eyeliner all the way around. It makes your eyes look smaller, I just don't get it!



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You just need to pour the Awesome Sauce ON the Cool Beans, and crumble a little bacon on top. ;)  Try not to get any in your beard while you eat, and put a napkin over your skinny legging'd lap.



I honestly do not like the really long beards (lumberjack and outdoorsman style) that seem to be taking style now.  I don't l like beards at all really, but those long ones are awful.  

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I don't even know if it's still a thing or not (I try my best to ignore what passes for fashion) but cowboy boots with dresses and skirts.  Every time I see (saw?) a girl wearing that I say to anyone with me "Some day that girl is going to see a picture of herself dressed like that and wonder what the he** she was thinking."


This was popular when I was in middle school.  I never thought it was weird.

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I've recently noticed these "cold-shoulder" tops for sale. What is that? I don't want cold shoulders! If it's winter - I want warm shoulders, if it's warm weather - I don't want those long sleeves. 


Does this mean I fell off the fashion train already?

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And do we really need a Frozen 2?



Please say this isn't true!!!



Frozen merchandise.


I am so tired of Frozen Halloween merchandise, followed by lots and lots of Frozen Christmas merchandise, followed by Frozen Valentine's merchandise, and what is coming next??? Yes, more Frozen Easter merchandise. 


I obviously work in retail. My dislike of Olaf and Elsa actually raises my blood pressure.

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Fashion trends that I wish would go away:


Low rise jeans. I do not understand why so many people want to walk around with their butt crack showing.


Shirts so thin you have to layer them or you are showing your wares to everyone.


That really low v down to the navel. I don't find that look flattering on anyone.

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I'll quit wearing leggings as soon as I can buy a pair of jeans designed for a woman with actual hips. When I find a pair that fits my hips they're saggy and awful around my legs. Not an issue with leggings.

One of my DDs inherited my ginormous butt. super-stretchy skinny jeans seems to work well enough. Usually a little big in the waist, but they fit and look like jeans.


Slightly off topic, but I want cuter shoes for people with wide feet. I may have feet like a granny, but I'm not a granny!

OH MY GOSH YES!!!! I buy my clothes on $0.99 cent day at the thrift store, but I would gladly pay $100+ for a GOOD pair of not-ugly (I gave up hope on "cute") shoes that did not make my feet hurt and are not sneakers. :crying:


Okay, and that reminds me of another one...


"Awesome Sauce" needs to disappear.


On the other hand, I used to say Cool Beans, so what do I know? I'm just an old curmudgeon. (LOL)

Easy Peasy. That phrase makes me want to kick cute things into traffic.


Bras that do not actually fit. I'm sorry, I know it makes it harder for you, bra manufacturers, but not every woman who has size E+ cups wears a 36+ band. Some of us need a 28 or even smaller. 

Yes! :iagree:  And also, sometimes A-cups (ummmm, we actually need negative letters here) need a 38 band.


Don't get me started on that!    I start spitting tacks.   Has anyone looked at the formula for figuring out your size?  It starts with measuring around the widest area.   Making the squishiest part the foundation of all the other measurements.  It makes sense to have a number/letter combination, but how you arrive at the number should start with measuring where the bra band actually goes!   And, the size of the bra band should be the same on a 38A and a 38F, but they aren't. 

:cursing:  Bra shopping is not a happy time in our house. We have a large-band-tiny-cup, large-cup-tiny-band, and another who is in no-woman's land between girls 34A and ladies 34A, which are two COMPLETELY different sizes, and neither fits.


So we have two who are lucky to find one or two bras to try on and not likely to fit, and another who can try on literally every 34A in girls and ladies, and maybe find one to fit if she's lucky.

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Deleted quote out of respect for the poster.


I don't really see this thread as people being judgmental so much as people just sharing likes and dislikes in a lighthearted way. People like and dislike different things, but we're all adults. If I see that someone doesn't like a particular trend that I, perhaps, think is cool, I'm grown up enough not to get my feelings hurt about it. I'm betting everybody else is, too. What I'd like to see go away--celebrities whose only claim to fame is being famous. So boring.

Edited by Reluctant Homeschooler
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Okay, maybe not kale since it's just an innocent bystander, but the food judging that's so prevalent.  The FB/instagram photos of one's organic, homemade whatever; the constant proselytizing about the Right Way to eat; the shocked horror when I reveal my kids have eaten a Happy Meal.


So. Over. It.

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I don't know, I'm watching Lost for the first time (I'm on season two and yes, I know I'm way behind the times, lol) and I've been finding myself thinking some very naughty things about Sayid and his occasional man bun. ;)


Since they took Doctor Who off Netflix, I may need to get over my hurt feelings about the ending and watch LOST again. 


As for trends that need to die, I hate shoes that are not real shoes. I want some real material, not plastic all man-made materials. I'm kicking myself for not buying those real leather boots this summer that were 35.00 on Amazon. The same pair is now over 100.00. It's not just cheap brands either, some name brand boots look so cheap. I know not everyone wants leather, but I want a pair of shoes that will last more than one season. 

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