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Changes you are making for the new year


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I don't really dig "resolutions" per se, because so few people keep them, but new year does seem to be a good time to think about new goals or changes one wants to make. So, what are yours?



Here are a couple of mine:

* connect with people more often and better

* raise my expertise in photo manipulation and restoration

* start some geneology research

* choose gratitude more often

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This coming year will be the first full year that dh is not self employed.  He took a local government job over the summer and it's been SO nice having a regular paycheck.  Because he had a few weeks that he did not work, we were behind a little bit, but come February, we will have everything paid off.  This year, we will be able to put money into savings for the first time in a LONG time.  I also want to do better about menu planning.  I am very frugal when it comes to shopping, but still to stick with that and just watch our budget, whatever I don't spend on food, is money that we can save for a vacation, home improvement, etc. 

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I have got to work on my health/fitness.   I am in pretty good shape as far as basic health - as in, my numbers are fine.  Well, except weight but I seem not to have crossed a line that the medical professionals are worried about it.   But, I'm starting to get this weird back pain when I stand up sometimes, and I'm too fat (had lost weight a few years ago but gained it all back).    I have to start dragging my fat butt out of bed in the morning and going for a walk, and start some pilates or yoga going at home.  Outside classes are not an option right now but I have the tools at home to do it, if only I would.


Also meal planning.  We have too many days when I ask "what do you people want for dinner tomorrow night?"   With a husband who hates pasta, a vegetarian daughter who really doesn't like many vegetables, and a son who wants a slab of meat at every meal (unless it's encased in pastry with a creamy sauce, as in chicken pot pie)... it's hard to figure out healthful meals.



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My dad is supposedly sending me his family genealogy that a relative had reseached some years back.  He said part of it needs restoring due to age decay.  I want to see what I can do with that and am eager to delve through a bit of it.  Part of it goes back to the 1500s if what he's telling me is correct.




- more hiking - we slacked off on that this year with more work hours for us both

- eating better (most of the time)

- continuing to explore the world via travel

- continuing my pursuit of figuring out and either conquering or learning to live with health junk


- and keeping the money coming in to do all the above... esp since med school likely looms for middle son (this is the year he's applying).

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I have got to work on my health/fitness.   I am in pretty good shape as far as basic health - as in, my numbers are fine.  Well, except weight but I seem not to have crossed a line that the medical professionals are worried about it.   But, I'm starting to get this weird back pain when I stand up sometimes, and I'm too fat (had lost weight a few years ago but gained it all back).    I have to start dragging my fat butt out of bed in the morning and going for a walk, and start some pilates or yoga going at home.  Outside classes are not an option right now but I have the tools at home to do it, if only I would.


Also meal planning.  We have too many days when I ask "what do you people want for dinner tomorrow night?"   With a husband who hates pasta, a vegetarian daughter who really doesn't like many vegetables, and a son who wants a slab of meat at every meal (unless it's encased in pastry with a creamy sauce, as in chicken pot pie)... it's hard to figure out healthful meals.


Similar here.  Need to lose weight.  Need to reclaim supper planning.  I'd love to add, but realistically those two are daunting enough. 


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I have a list of things that I want to work on in the coming year. They fall into 2 trackable categories (health & education) and 1 untrackable miscellaneous category. I'm using a goal tracker app to keep track of my progress.



*Take vitamins daily

*Meditate daily

*Resume my gratitude box

*Keep a food journal

*Drink 8 glasses of water daily




*Watch a TED talk daily

*Watch world news at least 3 times a week

*Watch Jeopardy every morning

*Use vocabulary builder and Word of the day apps daily

*Read Economist and/or Economist Espresso daily

*Read 45 min daily

*Practice djembe or didgeridoo daily


- Misc.-

*Get CPR certified

*Take a shooting course

*Choose a place to volunteer regularly




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Edited by Hoot
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I absolutely love the New Year, always a time for new changes. I'm thinking more moderately this year as I have a tendency to go all out with everything I do, sometimes to my detriment. This year I'm working on giving myself some grace. I have some goals I started last year, which were good but in my quest to reach them I pushed myself too much and had to take a break because physically and mentally I couldn't keep up with everything. So, I'm starting again with a different frame of mind- my goal is the same but my path will be different. I had thought that after I worked on getting better I could go back to as before but that is not so- I will stop trying to push myself so much. I have let go of my disappointment and have instead opted for the path of finding the joy in where I am.  Also, it was a good reminder of what I lost in my quest to feel better and do more, which was connection, I prize simplicity but sometimes don't honor it in the most fundamental ways.


so- in list form-

1- physically- continue towards my goal of becoming a yoga teacher and leaning aerial silks. Walks as often as I can- even if it is just out my door. Continue working on my health- keep advocating to dr's to be heard and be well. Devote more thought to cooking- this has slipped with our busy schedule but it gives me joy and is good for all of us.

2-mentally- keep plugging away with learning- and reading on my own time table

3- emotionally and spiritually-keep my schedule as is- don't add on without serious thought! slow down in relationships- think more- talk less. Nuture belief and love, starve doubt and pessimism. Keep focused on my own goals for my life, family and school- don't try to fit anyone else's mold. I can't be and do everything that everyone else thinks there isn't enough of me and it is exhausting- we have to live by our own priorities.


In a synopsis SLOW down, accept and love myself and others :)

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I've decided to take a different approach and I'm calling it the Take All Year approach.  I have all year to work on these things with no specific anything attached to it.  Just working on these things all year long:


*Getting healthy - which really just involves making better choices for my health

*Decluttering and deep cleaning the house

*Lose the anger (I'm kind of stuck and need to move on)

*Give more



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I seriously need to work on meal planning.  It is challenging because I am the only vegetarian in my family (also dairy free).  My kids are great and will eat anything I put in front of them, but DH is currently "on" a low carb diet.  He wants meats and veggies at dinner and I won't cook the meat.  I can't convince the kids that Mom's vegetarian dish is the way to go when Dad is offering hamburgers.  In the end, we are eating too much convenience food (aka frozen pizza for kids and fend for yourself for the adults).


My second goal is to continue to increase the number and/or speed of proper push ups I can do.  My one and only resolution last year was to get off my knees and do proper push ups.  It took until November before I could do all 25 that we start our TKD practices with.  They are slow, but I can do them.  My black belt testing looms in my future this year and I need to be physically ready for it.  I spent most of this past year going from one injury to the next, so hopefully that will be behind me.

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I've always been a terrible housekeeper and last year at this time I decided enough was enough. I'm still not satisfied with where I'm at but I've gotten SO much better, so same resolution this year. Organizing, purging, and working on sticking with a regular cleaning schedule/routine. :)


I'm also planning to read. I realized recently I've gotten super lazy with my reading and most everything I've read in the last year was stuff I've read before. So for 2016, reading books I've never read! Got myself a new commonplace book, a few fountain pens, it'll be fun. :)

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I have lots of good habits in place but I sort of always fear I will wake up one day and quit. I'm resolving to keep everything up.

I also want to set up a help fund for my kids with a little money I'm getting from my dad's estate. Something where books or groceries doesn't send their precarious budgets into a spin. I need it to make some but be relatively safe. I also am resolving to try to do one nice thing for myself a quarter- a special yoga class, a concert, a massage...just a little something.

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I could make a long list because there are lots of things I need to work on. But I'm picking one main thing to focus on...relationships.  This year I made connections with dh's cousins and became close to one of my nephews and his wife.  I've seen how these new connections have not only improved my life, but also the folks I've connected with.  I text daily with nephew and his wife and last night they started planning a summer trip we want to take together.  


So it's time for me to see what other relationships I can improve. Since my mother passed my next older sister has changed and not for the better. Our relationship has suffered.  Dh's sister has become increasingly difficult to deal with and it's really, really bothering dh.  If I can improve these relationships, it will improve our quality of life. 


My relationship with my dad is complicated.  Mom was the one who kept things on an even keel and without her, he's not always a fun person to be around. So I have to either accept him for who he is or something. So I need to accept his playing favorites-ignoring the girl grandchildren-racist-selfish ways. And I'm going to work on that. 


Dh's mom is dealing with dementia and his dad is sinking into depression over it. I want to do what I can and figure out how to navigate this without damaging the relationship I have with them.  They live 1000 miles away and I go occasionally to spend a week helping them...they ask me to come but when I get there they won't let me do anything to really help.  For instance, they'll schedule a full battery of doc appointments so I can spend the week taking them and getting that done...cardiologists, podiatrists, eye doc, diabetes check, etc.,  but when I show up I find out they cancelled the appointments so they can spend time with me. I *know* they mean well but I take a week away from family and work and drive 1000 miles one way!


And add in two adult children living at home. 



So 2016 is the year to sort out relationships.  Maintain ones I have, mend ones that are cracked, come to terms with ones that are irreparably damaged.  



It's going to be a busy year. And probably a stressful one. I think I'm going to add 'chocolate' as a line item in my budget. 

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I have a list of things that I want to work on in the coming year. They fall into 2 trackable categories (health & education) and 1 untrackable miscellaneous category. I'm using a goal tracker app to keep track of my progress.



*Take vitamins daily

*Meditate daily

*Resume my gratitude box

*Keep a food journal

*Drink 8 glasses of water daily




*Watch a TED talk daily

*Watch world news at least 3 times a week

*Watch Jeopardy every morning

*Use vocabulary builder and Word of the day apps daily

*Read Economist and/or Economist Espresso daily

*Read 45 min daily

*Practice djembe or didgeridoo daily


- Misc.-

*Get CPR certified

*Take a shooting course

*Choose a place to volunteer regularly




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I love your list. :)


I'm curious as to how you will find/decide which TED talks to watch.

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For me meal planning needs to happen regularly so I can stay in budget. I started in Nov and it worked well that month but Dec didn't work out as well. Even though I made a plan I had more trouble sticking to it; not sure why. But I have learned a couple small things that might help me keep improving.


I have other goals, but I'm afraid to say them out loud lest they turn into "resolutions." :tongue_smilie:

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I love your list. :)


I'm curious as to how you will find/decide which TED talks to watch.

I have push notifications enabled on the TED app and I get emails with a talk of the day. The other feature I love on the app is their "Surprise Me" category. If you hit surprise me you can choose a category plus how much time you have to watch. Then, they recommend a talk for you. I use this feature frequently as it has suggested many, many interesting talks that I wouldn't have normally chosen.


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I have push notifications enabled on the TED app and I get emails with a talk of the day. The other feature I love on the app is their "Surprise Me" category. If you hit surprise me you can choose a category plus how much time you have to watch. Then, they recommend a talk for you. I use this feature frequently as it has suggested many, many interesting talks that I wouldn't have normally chosen.


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Today I learned. Thanks!!!

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Last year my goal was to get better at lunch. I got us to where we have a hot lunch most school days.


I think my goal this year for school and the kids is to have more silence. We need to start the day with silence, which we haven't done in a long time. I keep losing this habit and need to really commit to it, I think.


I generally find I can't make more than one change a year.

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I have so many goals for the new year that I need to start with just a few. Right now I'm trying to get physical spaces more organized as the frustration and overwhelm of clutter seem to affect everything else in my life. I don't feel that I can spend time doing fun stuff with family and friends because there is so much to do at home. I need to exercise, but it's too much effort to get to the exercise equipment with the clutter in the basement and then I don't want to look at it while I'm exercising. I'd like to make homeschooling a little more fun, but I'm worried it will make a bigger mess. Organization is my first goal for the new year.

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Go back to exercising daily.  Continue trying to read.  Try really hard to be productive all month long (that is the hardest part for me because with my health problems, I always end up with days I barely do anything and I miss appointments and events.  Trying hard never to overdo things so I don't crash.

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I am having weight loss surgery in about 3 weeks, which will be a huge lifestyle and physical change. I am looking forward to being able to do more physically as the year goes on, planning some activities with the kids that I wouldn't have been able to do before.


Also will likely be filing for divorce this month.


That is more than enough change for one year.

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-Keep showing myself compassion. Lots of it.


-Exercise every single day, at least two of those days doing something hard (long run or intense class) and one of those a light thirty minute walk, just to keep the momentum going. I'd like to say one will be yoga, but we'll see. I love exercise, so this is a fun plan.


-Work. I finally feel like I can handle some paid work in addition to homeschooling/raising my boys and we desperately need the money. I got my sub license, so I need to finish the application for the district I want to work for. This week!!


-Find some math tutoring clients. See above: work. I'm really excited about tutoring again. My goal is four hours of tutoring by the end of January. Eight by end of February.


-Keep learning more about how to teach my kids, specifically study one book a month on ASD, ADHD, PTSD, or attachment.


-Get my kids moving hard every single day, even though it's winter. This means taking them to classes a few times a week because walking to the park just isn't happening. :-)


- Get my kids into the necessary therapies: social skills, OT, counseling, and, maybe speech. Try not to panic about how much this will cost.


- Get my eldest an IEP.


-I want to go on and on, but I know the above is already a lot, so I'm making myself stop setting goals right there. I'm so thankful that the crippling anxiety that started in late 2013 and exploded in early 2014 is improving. I feel like I've lost so much ground in the last two years, hence, compassion, intentional compassion so I don't try to play catch-up and burn out. A year ago and two years ago, my only goals were to stop having panic attacks, sleep, and hold it together for my kids until my husband got home. So, so thankful!

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I've decided to do one goal a month instead of many goals for the year.  My first one is to stop yelling at my kids so much.  2015 has not been an easy year and with all the stress I feel like I've taken it out on the kids way WAY too much. 


So, fixing my relationship with the boys and being kinder to my husband is my one and only goal for January!

Edited by SereneHome
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I am having weight loss surgery in about 3 weeks, which will be a huge lifestyle and physical change. I am looking forward to being able to do more physically as the year goes on, planning some activities with the kids that I wouldn't have been able to do before.


Also will likely be filing for divorce this month.


That is more than enough change for one year.

I kinda felt weird about liking your post. All the best to you and your kids!

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I'm not a big resolution maker either, and if I want to change something about my character I do it when I realize the change needs to be made (IOW, I don't wait for a new year or some other "beginning"). The resolutions I do make usually have to do with outside actions, not my inner self (with the exception of meditation). 


This year-

-Declutter (yet again)

-Either start using some of my craft supplies or donate them

-Do my physical therapy exercises regularly because my back really does feel better when I keep up with the exercises.

-Get back to regular meditation, which always makes me feel better.

-Learn how to get better at using both my camera and my photo editing software.

-Consider starting a blog (for myself, not to monetize or attract readers, though I wouldn't mind if some people read and enjoyed it). This one is a maybe that I've been tossing around for a while. 

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I have too many, but my thought is that I will prioritize and just work on a few at a time.


- Bible reading each day. I may try some scripture copying as I think that will help with my focus.

- use my bullet journal, which I love.

- get back to eating right. I feel great when I am doing the THM eating plan.

- de clutter and get rid of all the items in the house that are tying me down!

- keep up with out written budget (for some reason, I can't seem to last more than two months or so with this).

- read books and with that, less time in the Internet.

- meal plan. I've never been successful with this, but I can see how it would make life so much simpler.

- get into house cleaning routine


Now I think I will use my handy bullet journal to start prioritizing. Here goes!

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dule as is- don't add on without serious thought! slow down in relationships- think more- talk less. Nurture belief and love, starve doubt and pessimism.

Sorror, that is beautifully stated! I seriously want to snatch that and post it on my wall.



ETA: fixed tag

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It's going to be a busy year. And probably a stressful one. I think I'm going to add 'chocolate' as a line item in my budget.

Good plan, Annie G!


It is so hard to watch a parent/parent IL go to dementia. (((Hugs)))

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That's it.


It's not a resolution, it's something I am doing. Have started, will continue.


To paraphrase Yoda, there is no resolve. There is only doing or not doing.

They call that the BIC method - Butt-in-chair. :) I need to BIC, also.

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I have too many, but my thought is that I will prioritize and just work on a few at a time.


- Bible reading each day. I may try some scripture copying as I think that will help with my focus!




Based on advice of friends who went to seminary, I copied in a beautiful journal the book of Psalms. And I copy a little every day. It sloooooows me down so I pay attention. I hope that encourages you a little. :0)

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Mind:  This fall I became involved with a small non-profit that was founded by my cousin. It has been fascinating to be involved, but I can see that our little group needs some major guidance. My goal for this year is to educate myself so that I can help this little group grow. I am planning to reach out to some people in the nonprofit and business world to get some mentoring/guidance. I may also take a couple classes about nonprofits offered by our community ed. 


Body:  Health.  All last year I worked toward losing weight, but I just couldn't do it.  I would lose a little, then gain it back.  I took photos with my sisters at Thanksgiving and decided I needed to make a real change.  In early December I started a diet and have stuck with it (even on the weekends!) I have lost more than 15 pounds in less than a month.  I did not go crazy at Christmas! I plan to keep this diet up until I am back to my fighting weight (I still have at least another 15 pounds to go.) I have not been exercising, but I am going to start on January 1.  I am going to walk/jog, and then I think I want to join a gym in February when I'm a little lighter and ready for something more.


Finance:  Get back to YNAB.  Check in weekly.  


Home:  Declutter basement.  One hour a week.  We do this every time we move, so I know it's not actually that bad, but there's always more that accumulates and needs to be sorted.


We have some big changes coming this year.  My dh will be attending some military training for about 2 months.  Dd #2 will graduate from High School.  We will be moving.  And DD #1 will be getting married in the summer.  I cannot even wrap my head around all of it.  Taking care of my health and mind FIRST will help me as I deal with all the other craziness.

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Walk. Outside. Every day. Once I get outside, I'm usually good for a decent walk. It's the getting out that stalls me. I hurt my back last year and became more sedentary than I want to be. So it's time to live into the healed back.


Less TV/Netflix. Moderated use of Internet and FB. DItch the time wasting.


Some other stuff.


Get rid of lots of things. Sell some, donate the rest.


Sell beach house so we can take road trips.

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Walk 10-30 minutes on the treadmill 5-7 days a week, all of us in the family (though not all at the same time :lol:.)  Walk outside if the weather is nice.


I will be spending a little bit of time every day planning how to homeschool high school.  I've spent the past few months being scared of what it all entails (mostly the "getting a kid into college" portion of it), but I've broken it out into bite-sized pieces and now I simply need to start chewing.  I'm feeling much better about it already now that I have a plan. 


For the family, we all like to argue with each other to prove that "I am right and you are wrong," and it has reached a point where I am fed up with it.  I implemented a "kind words only" policy on Saturday.  So far we're all improving and I refuse to let this ball stop rolling.  By this time next year, I have high hopes that our "I'm right and you're wrong" arguments will be a thing of the past.  I'm determined!

Edited by Garga
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I'm adding one more:  give a little more of myself to people outside my family.


Yesterday I spent about an hour having coffee with a gent from church who is in a nursing home.  He is about 10 years younger than I am!  He started coming to our church after he had had a stroke and numerous other health problems.  He sort of grabbed on to me (I don't mean that in a bad way, just can't think of another word) because I took him grocery shopping a few times when his normal helper wasn't available. (He does not drive.) 


I didn't really want to spend my time that way.  But there is a new coffee shop near his facility and he'd been hearing how good it was.  I'm on homeschool vacation this week, so, I took him. 


It was so good to do it. Talking can be difficult but we didn't have too many awkward silences.  He was just so happy to get out, get a fun drink and enjoy some time doing something different - something so simple.   After I took him home I stopped to talk to a few of the other residents.  Our church goes there once a month to hold a worship service so I know some of them.  One lady's face just lit up when she saw me. I have no illusions that it's me:  I think she lights up whenever anyone stops to greet her and ask how she is.  


Most of the time I feel like I don't even have enough to give my family, and certainly nothing left over for myself.  But, I squeezed a little out yesterday and it turned out to be better than staying home reading a novel, like I'd planned.  


I know this sounds all "look how good a person I am" but really my point is that I benefited from it too and it is something I'd like to add to my life next year.

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I am gong to start TRACKING:


Food (MyFitnessPal)

Steps (WEAR my FitBit)

Spending (YNAB)


I am going to commit to:

Reading the Bible through this year, even if most of it will be listening on the app  (Daily Audio Bible)






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I have been working on making changes on my fitness for the past few months. One thing I've realized is that it works a lot better for me to make small, short-term goals that are specific and to work on one thing at a time. So the overall goal is to lose weight and be more fit but I'm trying to break it down in my mind into smaller goals rather than a big resolution. I guess the resolution/change for the year is to continue to set these small goals through the year. 


I have a Fitbit that I've been using. I'm currently on a streak of 14 days of at least 10K steps. My next goal is 21 and then 28. When I get to 28 I plan to try and increase my daily steps goal. I want to walk outside every day. 


I realized that in order to walk or exercise consistently, I have to do it first thing in the morning. So my bigger goal is to get more sleep. I've been working on being in bed at 10:00 every night and have been pretty good about it most nights although off a bit for the holidays. 


I was a huge Diet Coke addict and I've cut way back in the past 6 weeks. I don't buy it anymore to have at home but I occasionally have one if I'm out. Giving it up has meant I drink more water which is good. 


I want to read more, which is always a goal. 


I want to write something every day. 

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Create healthy habits:exercise most mornings, cut out treats/desserts during the week, meal plan (I made a month worth of meals on a calendar and copied it for future months. I'm hoping that if I have a written plan it will be easier. This will help with our health and the budget. I'm excited about it.)

Keep up with a budget. (Made January's last night.)

Actually DO morning time with kids. (Still planning out the rest of the school year)

Read a classic/month.

Stay off my phone (took Facebook off my phone)

Study scriptures 30 min/day

Weekly library trips/read aloud more often

Edited by Heidi
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I've been thinking about this for a while. I've decided that my goals/changes need to be SMART (Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Time-Bound) so


1. Be able to do 10 proper pushups by my 50th birthday in June. (I spent this year overcoming a shoulder injury with the help of PT and a trainer at the gym. Yesterday I was able to do 30 knee pushups. In April I wasn't able to even do a wall pushup.)


2. Squat my body weight by the end of 2016 (up to half now).


3. Bench press 100 lb by the end of 2016 (at a whopping 40 now).


4. Make my goal weight by my birthday (in progress!)


5. Concentrate on buying local food when I can. We buy local fruit/veg, beef, and pork at the May-Nov organic farmers' market and at the nearby orchard. We will add local chicken this year. Until May I will have to make a conscious effort to get to the butcher's shop and to choose local items at the locally-owned natural foods store. I will visit the fishmonger to see what is sourced locally.


6. Step up my veg gardening this year. Last year dh built me a fabulous raised bed garden with integrated deer fencing. I was only able to utilize 75% of the space last year. This year I will make use of all the beds with a special emphasis on extending the season in both directions.



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I have a list of things that I want to work on in the coming year. They fall into 2 trackable categories (health & education) and 1 untrackable miscellaneous category. I'm using a goal tracker app to keep track of my progress.



I'll be back with my list later, but I wanted to ask - what's the goal tracker app you're using?

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