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S/O--What do YOU post on FB?


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It's pretty much only family stuff. We're quite spread out so it's nice to 'see' one another online. When we are able to get together, it helps it not feel we've been apart so long. I'm not one who constantly checks in to places or posts about what we're doing on a daily basis. I post about once a month or so.

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I don't post very often.


I very rarely share posts from other pages. 


When I do post it's pictures of the girls or something funny one or the other has done or said.


I've posted a few times over the last few days for Christmas pics, but before that was the 10th of Dec. Scrolling through it looks like I post about once a week on average.

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I run a website for hiking in the area with maps and hiking suggestions. I run an accompanying fb page on which I post current trip reports and photos. I share those posts on my personal page and make them public; they serve as publicity for my (free) webpage.


On my personal page, I often post about upcoming cultural events (concerts, theater performances) in which I am involved or which I support/recommend; those I make public. Some of those are shared posts from other pages, for others I create my own original post.

Usually this is the best way to get the word out and attract an audience in our small town.


I post things I am doing that I know groups of my friends will appreciate: crafts projects, special baking projects, things going on in my life (DD home from college, semester over, travel). All those are visible for friends only, not public. For some posts, I narrow it down to subgroups of friends or close friends only or exclude acquaintances.


I post about more personal things in closed private groups.

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I was just thinking about this, as I went back over my old facebook posts.


I post my travels with my kids.  This is partly to let people know we're OK, and partly because lots of people seem to find this interesting (as indicated by "likes").


I occasionally post photos of my kids when I get a really good one that shows something they are doing.  I have some facebook friends who only see them on facebook and are interested to see photos of them.  I notice that most of these happen to be around horse riding.  :)


I post very little, and very briefly, about my kids' "accomplishments" / rites of passage.


I occasionally share a post if it involves my kids or, rarely, something I find funny or thought-provoking.


I delete many posts after a short time, as the information does not need to remain on the internet for posterity.

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Pics, funny things my kids say, exciting/happy/fun/sweet things that have happened or that I'm doing/going to do, links to really good articles or fun or interesting happening locally, wishing people a happy birthday, sometimes little daily stuff like being able to go to Target alone or something.


Chat type stuff.

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If I see a video or a meme or a story that reminds me of someone, I'll post it and tag them to share it with them.


If I think of something profound, I post it (this doesn't happen very often).


If I see something that I want to save to show someone (like my mom, who doesn't have internet access), I'll share it in order to be able to find it easily later.


Today, we were snowbound, so I posted pictures of the snow, and pictures of various family members doing snow-day stuff (some being lazy, some shoveling snow for 2 1/2 hours).  


I post pictures of travels, but only after we're home again.


I post videos of children making music. and other things that move me or make me happy.

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I post very little on Facebook.  I'm in three private groups and those are pretty much the only place I post.  One is to discuss a specific homeschool curriculum, one is a more general homeschool group, and the last one is a mom's group.  So I guess most of my posts are related to homeschooling or raising kids.  I have only rarely posted pictures.

Facebook is not really my thing, though; I only joined because otherwise I would have lost touch with some people who are important to me.

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I post maybe once a week or less, mostly silly things I think of, making fun of myself or my day. People who don't know me really well IRL have told me that they didn't realize how funny I was until they friended me on FB. (ETA: I am not a super comedian, and I am usually not trying to be "funny," just....life can be so ridiculous and fun sometimes, kwim?)


I post hiking/camping pictures and reviews because I know many people who like to camp and take day hikes, so I'll post pics and a "review" of the trails or campgrounds. Lots of FB friends do the same, so we're trading ideas and places to go, and it's a great conversation starter when we see each other in person.


Sometimes I post updates on things that I know many people want to know about our lives, like when I'd mentioned IRL to a bajillion people how tickled I was that my sis was moving nearby and how double-tickled I was that she's having a baby. I posted on FB (after she and her bf posted) when she had her new little one. (And I already I knew this was ok with her.)


Very occasional grandbaby photos so family far away can see him growing.


Occasional photos of the kids' performance activities, again for family far away, and for the people we know who are involved in the performances as well.


Rarely, I will share a link about something that I believe is important or intriguing, but I really try to limit that. Most often, the topic is related to education or some science-y thing.

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Every couple of months I put up a few pictures of a trip we've taken and/or the kids to update family/friends from where I grew up.


I have shared one or two things I saw and liked (over the course of a couple of years).


I use Facebook to keep up on the local home learning groups and news about our town (and other news).  I do very little posting. 

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Very little--I tend to overanalyze every post (of mine) and try to determine my motivations for posting, the likely perception of those viewing/reading, the potential consequences...  When I do post, it's usually pics of family get-togethers or occasional "here's a few pics of our lives from the past 3 months" for those far away.  My oldest brother lives far away, and the rest of my family ended up moving where we are piecemeal from a different area 1000 miles away, so there are lots of friends and relatives we see once a year if that.


This is the story of my social life in general, though--I sit on the sidelines and mostly keep my mouth shut because I'm too busy agonizing over what I might say or what I already have said.  Sigh.

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I post political articles I've either liked or been inflamed by, I will post pics of the kids sometimes, I'll often share/repost something particularly thought provoking or funny from George Takei. About once a year I might post something personal, like when I quit smoking last year. I usually keep the personal stuff to myself, I'm really not an over-sharer like I am on here.

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I don't post often. Usually it is kid related or dog related. Sometimes a funny observation. A funny pic. Sometimes a cause that is important to me.


My Sil, otoh, leaves me shaking my head and thinking "it is a status update, not a diary." She overshares in a big way.

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I am on FB and am pretty active there. The main thing I do there is like and comment on friend's posts. I want to build people up and FB is a great opportunity to do so. For my own statuses, these are things I ususally post: photos I took that I especially enjoy, food I am making that is special, little slice-of-life moments such as a giant spider outside my window or a mountainous pile of laundry, i do birthday posts for my kids and husband, and I just started doing photo restoration, so a lot of old family photos are bound to be coming next year.

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Basically, anything lighthearted that is a bit silly. I don't like to get serious on FB. I like to post things that might give my friends a tiny smile. No politics. No religion. No parenting things. The only homeschool things are silly things that might come up in school, but not that reflects badly on the kids or that gives any indication as to what level they're working at.


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Pictures of the kids.

Comments on what we're up to and reflections about them or growing up.

Comments or reflections about my life - food, neighborhood, writing, etc.

Occasionally I talk about TV or books.


I've gotten more careful about posting about the kids. They don't mind photos, but I don't post the adorable embarrassing stuff like when they were little. More just the silly stuff and proud stuff.


I will talk politics and current events with many people on their comments, but I only very rarely post my own. I enjoy FB for this purpose, but I don't like to host the discussion, if you know what I mean. I don't argue for the most part - I discuss with people who are mostly likeminded and thoughtful - it's not always an echo chamber and sometimes there are differences of opinion, but I won't post on someone's page that they're straight up wrong - more like, I agree with this but not that. Only for people I think are worth discussing with.

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I post very little on Facebook.  I'm in three private groups and those are pretty much the only place I post.  One is to discuss a specific homeschool curriculum, one is a more general homeschool group, and the last one is a mom's group.  So I guess most of my posts are related to homeschooling or raising kids.  I have only rarely posted pictures.

Facebook is not really my thing, though; I only joined because otherwise I would have lost touch with some people who are important to me.



I'm adding here, that I am only Facebook friends with people who don't live near me.  LOL, I don't think I'm friends with anybody who even lives in my same state.  

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I post a picture of the kids when I get a good one. Often it is because someone else has asked me to post and tag them so they can have it. I sometimes post rite of passage pictures but not always. I very rarely have posted a brag about an award or accomplishment but I might post a picture of dc participating in an event and then I can share privately if someone is interested in the outcome.


I post mostly self-deprecating things I think are funny about things I have messed up or goofy (but not humiliating) things my kids have done. It is my way of counteracting all the "look at my perfect life/kids/marriage" posters I have as friends.


Dh tends more toward bragging posts about the kids and that makes me uncomfortable. I might post that we have completed our college applications as an update on what is going on in our lives right now. But, I haven't posted about his acceptances and scholarships. People that really want to know ask. I will surely share when he has made a decision.


I try really hard to keep the far flung friends and relatives updated without bragging or posting more than once or twice a week. Never anything political. Never memes even if I find them funny.

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75% of my posts are geared toward my grandparents and siblings who live all over the country. Usually pictures of my kids and funny things they say.


I'll occasionally post an interesting article or a link to information about a local event.


That said, I keep my friend list to the minimum, it's family and my closest friends only these days. I post maybe once a week.

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Not a lot, honestly.


I post information about arts/cultural/community events stuff that I'm attending or supporting. I post when I'm excited about seeing a performance featuring one of my offspring. I post or share links to articles or videos that I think one of my family members would find interesting or amusing. I sometimes post a cute photo of my dog. Very occasionally, I post a purely personal comment when I'm having an especially good (or bad) day.


I tried the "year in review" thing that Facebook offered a week or so ago, and literally every photo was of something that had to do with one of my son's college performances.

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Almost nothing. Sometimes an interesting article. 


Me too. I used to post pictures of DS but then decided that I don't want pictures of my kid floating around the Internet. So I pulled almost all of them. I'll occasionally post a picture- but not typically of people. 

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Everything. Anyone who is FB friends with me is free to reply, "OMG, yes! She is not exaggerating!"


I post Pictures of the children, I post pictures of the animals, I post articles I think are interesting. I post achievements. I post pictures of fun times with friends. 


What I do not post are things that are divisive, religious or political. 


No, I don't worry that if I post a picture of us having fun at a friend's house, someone will get their feelings hurt that they weren't invited. I don't mean to be insensitive, but that just sounds very immature to me. 


When I see posts of my friends having fun, it makes me happy. When I see posts of my friend's kids winning awards and making straight A's, it makes me happy. When I see that my friend just got a great gift, it makes me happy. 


I know that there are very sensitive people in the world who don't feel that way, but I'm just not friends with those kinds of people. They probably can't stand me, and avoid me at all costs. 


My friend told me that she was going to a destination wedding in Belize. A mutual friend was paying all of her expenses. I didn't think,"Hey, no fair! What about me?" I was just happy that they were going to have a great time together. I'm so glad they posted plenty of pictures for me to enjoy.


We have gone out to eat on Christmas Eve with the same group of friends for almost a decade. This year, one friend said that she couldn't make it. I thought, "Good for her, she got a better offer, and had the guts to take it!" It turns out that her mother was too sick to leave alone, so we didn't really get passed over for cooler friends, but what if we had? She doesn't owe me to do the same thing year after year.


My FB feed is set to friends only. There are family and friends who are interested in what we are doing in our everyday life. My oldest told me that FB will be what the next generation uses for genealogy. My decedents will have a goldmine of photos to go by. 


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I am pretty much the same. Except I don't post pictures of our animals because we don't have any. I do post pictures of other animals, like the giant turtle I saw the other day.


Everything. Anyone who is FB friends with me is free to reply, "OMG, yes! She is not exaggerating!"


I post Pictures of the children, I post pictures of the animals, I post articles I think are interesting. I post achievements. I post pictures of fun times with friends.


What I do not post are things that are divisive, religious or political.


No, I don't worry that if I post a picture of us having fun at a friend's house, someone will get their feelings hurt that they weren't invited. I don't mean to be insensitive, but that just sounds very immature to me.


When I see posts of my friends having fun, it makes me happy. When I see posts of my friend's kids winning awards and making straight A's, it makes me happy. When I see that my friend just got a great gift, it makes me happy.


I know that there are very sensitive people in the world who don't feel that way, but I'm just not friends with those kinds of people. They probably can't stand me, and avoid me at all costs.


My friend told me that she was going to a destination wedding in Belize. A mutual friend was paying all of her expenses. I didn't think,"Hey, no fair! What about me?" I was just happy that they were going to have a great time together. I'm so glad they posted plenty of pictures for me to enjoy.


We have gone out to eat on Christmas Eve with the same group of friends for almost a decade. This year, one friend said that she couldn't make it. I thought, "Good for her, she got a better offer, and had the guts to take it!" It turns out that her mother was too sick to leave alone, so we didn't really get passed over for cooler friends, but what if we had? She doesn't owe me to do the same thing year after year.


My FB feed is set to friends only. There are family and friends who are interested in what we are doing in our everyday life. My oldest told me that FB will be what the next generation uses for genealogy. My decedents will have a goldmine of photos to go by.

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I post rarely,  I occasionally post about trips I have taken, anniversaries or important events =like my dd's graduation or other dd's wedding, and sometimes concerns- like when Belgium, where I lived for three years, was under that severe terrorist alert and shut down Brussels.  I haven't posted pictures because I rarely take them (other family members do) and I haven't really figured out how to do it.

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I mainly "like" friends' posts about their kids, pets, and vacations, and occasionally comment on them.

I am in a couple of family groups, and a few support groups related to one of my daughter's medical issues. For the family groups, I post things related to the logistics of family events. For the support groups, I participate in conversations and share more than I do publicly on Facebook.

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I post pictures of my kids and funny things my younger kids say. Sometimes I post fun things our family is doing...playing a board game, an interesting museum we visit, etc. Sometimes I post links to local events I've heard about that I think my local friends would want to know about. I post questions directed to local friends like "anyone want to meet up with us at...?" Or "Who knows of a good..."


I never post politics, random links, etc...maybe once in a while I post a cute animal video that my kids beg me to share. ;-)

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I feel compelled to add that I think some people overthink others' FB posts. Like, on here I've seen a lot of complaining about people who post good things being too braggy. And there seems to be a sense that the positive things are directed right at them. I've also seen people complaining here about political posts in the same way - like, that the person posting is directing it to them and trying to make them angry. On the flip side, I know of people who have complained that certain people are too negative on FB - whiny, too down, they're sick of hearing the vents. And I now have known a bunch of people who post these absurd threats like, "if you're not posting about ___ political cause then you don't care and I'm going to unfriend you." Good grief. Grow up, people. Use FB however you like and don't assume that the way other people use it is directed at you personally.

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I post a lot. I do avoid things that I think would hurt people, but I don't over think it. My kids are still fairly little (8,5,1) so I post cute, funny things about them. Not "OMG, my child is the most brilliant child EVER" but an adorable pic of my 8 yo reading to my 1 yo. Or just cute things that they do. Sometimes I post about homeschooling - such as a pic of my kids doing work on a day when the public schools have a snow day with a caption about how we are getting our work done on snow days, so we can take beach days later. Or that we are playing a game jumping on words that we are reading. I post things along the lines of "how is it not bedtime yet?" I also share political memes that I think are important. I share articles that I think my friends will find interesting. Today, I shared NPR's article about adolescent brain development.


I have unfollowed 2 people, one because her political rants were irritating me with how constant and inflammatory they were and another was a homeschool mom who posted constantly about how wonderful her life was.


I have considered blocking my MIL because of the passive/aggressive comments she makes on my statuses, but so far, my friends have convinced me not to- apparently, they always read her comments and get quite a laugh.


Those are the only people that I have found irritating though.

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I post several times a week, usually random stuff: funny things the kids say, events in our family, my favorite football team, etc. Basically, anything I would share with a family member or friend. Over the years, we've moved a lot. Friends and family from various locations like seeing photos of our family and the same is true for me when it comes to my Facebook friends. There are friends and family I haven't seen in decades, and I'm grateful Facebook exists so I can see a small part of their lives.


I post photos of baked goods fairly often. Family knows I love to bake. If I know a relative would love a new recipe. I post a photo with a tag so they'll remember to ask when I visit. Other relatives have posted requests during the comment thread and I take it as the compliment it is. I would hope none of those people feel excluded because I didn't tag them or specifically bake something for them.


I have posted public thank yous. I bumped into a friend at a local park and she let me use her equipment. When I posted photos of the kids, I said thank you as an acknowledgement that she was very generous. I've seen on Facebook where she has done the same for mutual friends and I wouldn't think she's excluding me because I wasn't invited.


Like Farrar, I believe people overthink the posts. On the other thread, the woman may have been too busy. Or sick. We just suffered through two rounds of illness (stomach bug and flu). I severely cut back on my baking, because I didn't feel well enough and didn't want to run the risk I would spread the germs around. 


I hide people who are too negative, political, or MLM. I try to keep to the same rules for myself. I haven't unfriended anyone, but I'm very careful who I friend in the first place.

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FB is my happy place. I will post funny things my kids say and an occasional pic. I do not post or comment on anything political. I have fb friends that try to get philosophical and it's just an exercise in futility. I don't find those folks to be actually open-minded and most of the conversation is comprised of folks defending their own stance (so not really an exchange of ideas, iykwim). Then there's a couple that like to throw out loaded questions, I'm convinced just to stir up replies and then shoot people down. I've learned not to bite.


Probably the only reason I'm still using fb is that my older kids occasionally post and a few of our group activities use private fb groups for announcements.

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For those on FB only, please.  Curious from the other FB thread.


What kinds of things do you post on FB? 


Do you post things you've done/are doing?


Do you post pictures?


Do you post "shares" from other FB pages?


What else? 


1. Oh, all sorts of things.  I post links to things I find interesting, whether it's something I think is funny, an article I like for whatever reason (or one that I consider good 'food for thought' and a good discussion topic, even if I don't agree with it 100%).  I post statuses but not super-often - I did that more several years ago.  If something funny happens I'll post about it.  I post links to my own blog when i've made a new post.  I post pictures.


2. Depends on if I think it's interesting or not.  I don't post mundane things about our days.  I don't post a lot of detailed stuff.  More of what I post is something that I've been thinking about lately, or a funny anecdote from the kids/family, etc.  I don't do a regular 'status update' very often - I would say on average it's about once a week.  However, I'm on daily and I may post other things - pictures, links, etc - whatever strikes me.  Sometimes I'll post a few things and sometimes none.  It just depends on what I come across.


3. Yes.  I post a lot of pictures.  However, some people seem to post every picture they take, and I don't do that.   :lol:  I also share my pictures from Instagram, but not all of them.  Those are sometimes pics of the kids or something else I find pretty in the moment.  On Insta I post a lot of quotes (#wednesdaywisdom) and different stuff like that.  Oh, and sometimes I'll post pictures of things I find really funny on FB, too - a sign in the store that makes me laugh, or a display, or when someone wrote with their finger on the back of a dusty moving truck 'WE BRING THE AWESOME'.  That sort of thing.   :D  Facebook is where I usually do most of the kid/family pictures, because of how much family is on there and is able to see them.   :)


4. Yes, sometimes.  Today I shared an album from another page of the original Star Wars trilogy cast behind the scenes.  


I'm also a member of lots of groups on FB.  The one that I'm most active in is our local homeschooling page, because I post on there about any field trips or sports afternoons that we are doing, and I always keep a close eye on anything coming up so we can go if we want to.  


Probably the biggest thing I do on FB is 'like' other people's stuff lol.  :)  I comment sometimes, too, but I do scroll through FB a lot just for fun.  


I'm a pretty active social media person.  

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I post stuff that I would post in a family album that I'd be comfortable with my list of friends seeing.  Stuff I would like to look back at later.  I very rarely will repost anything news related or political and if I do, you can know I'm wildly passionate about that item, because generally I use FB to keep in touch with people, get news and information. 


I will post occasionally post about gatherings or outings.  But I actively avoid posting photos of others or others kids.  I especially avoid posting stuff about kid's birthday parties (my kids or others) except to have a photo of my own birthday kid with their cake. 


I have one local group of mom freinds who are all super nice individually and they get together exclusively for fun events.  Several of them tend to post like they're 13.  "We're all besties and the awesomest most coolest funnest families EVAH!".  followed by 20 selfies.  Fine if you want to use FB that way, but I tend to unfollow or unfriend people like this after a while.  It actually takes pretty obnoxious behavoir for me to do this.  I don't take much personally. 


I very much enjoy the group of families we're closest too but I really don't feel the need to brag it up about them online or thank them for gifts or favors publically.

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I mainly post or share articles of interest - but then I also use my facebook a lot like an RSS feed to stay up to date on local news and hobby sites and such - better than it all being in my inbox. This and chat making it easy to contact via computer now that most IM services I use before are defunct are how I mostly use facebook.  


I post personal updates and photos very infrequently - usually just around special occasions or when big thing come up - though for the club I run from house I'll often post game or such updates on what we're doing as all the people who come are friends with me on facebook and enjoy having those. 

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I share fundraisers and dogs up for adoption for the rescue I work for. Once in awhile, I post  a funny story about my dog or a picture of him. I share articles about the presidential candidate I favor and science-based articles about dogs. That's about it.  My FB page is b-o-r-i-n-g on purpose because some of our dog adopters are friends on FB, and I don't want them to know anything very personal about me.


I figure that if I don't mind my post being on the front page of a newspaper, then it is okay to put on FB. Otherwise, no.  Not that anything truthful  I could post would end up in the news. It's just my way of maintaining my personal privacy at my comfort level.




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I post mostly self-deprecating things I think are funny about things I have messed up or goofy (but not humiliating) things my kids have done. It is my way of counteracting all the "look at my perfect life/kids/marriage" posters I have as friends.




But, I haven't posted about his acceptances and scholarships. People that really want to know ask. I will surely share when he has made a decision.



I appreciate the self-deprecating posts. I like posting my own and reading others'. 


I am uncomfortable boasting about my kids, I guess because I *see* it as boasting. I don't necessarily think that others are boasting when they post their kids' accomplishments though.  I have always been wary of coming across as superior because we've homeschooled.  I do not feel that way, and anything we've achieved through homeschooling is through the grace of God, not by anything I've managed to do.  My kids think I should post a bit more about certain things they have done.


I feel compelled to add that I think some people overthink others' FB posts.  <snip>


I agree--and some people just overthink FB.  I had a friend truly upset with me that I beat her at a popular FB game every week.  She told me that she was so competitive that it really bothered her that she almost always lost.  I was baffled, and it really put a damper on our friendship. I never realized something like that could be so important to someone.  I mean, really????  If it was that much of a problem, perhaps she shouldn't have played. It wasn't something that I invited her to, just something we both played. 





Probably the biggest thing I do on FB is 'like' other people's stuff lol.   :)  I comment sometimes, too, but I do scroll through FB a lot just for fun.  


I'm a pretty active social media person.  


Yours sound a lot like mine.  I post links I find interesting, usually of the trivial type. I belong to an art page that I really like (I Require Art) and often share those posts.  I like that several of my friends have started following that page too.  I post Bible verses, or pictures of pretty places we visit nearby, memes that make me laugh, or recipes I've made.  I go through phases of posting old photos, from my childhood, or with school friends, or early married life, etc.  I think they are fun to look at, whether they are mine or someone else's.


I am a very private person, so anything I post is not very personal, but I like to be active on FB.  I don't post a lot of personal statuses, and when I do, they are pretty general, and just a few times a week.  No one would find my life that exciting.  I "like" a lot of people's posts, because I've learned that FB will show you more from those you "like."  I am on a couple of groups, but usually the group posts that I want to see come through my feed already.  I have it set that just a few dozen of my friends come through my feed, because otherwise I would spend too much time scrolling.


When my kids were younger, I was part of a very large and active homeschooling email group.  That's disappeared, and FB is a such a sweet way (for me) to keep up with those friendships that were so important to me back then.  I also have a lot of childhood/school friends, some family, and other people we've known over the years, former co-workers, etc.  I like that a few old acquaintences have become good FB friends now, people that I never would otherwise have contact with again.  A close friend has found it difficult to balance those people from so many different areas of her life--but I find I can blend them together all nicely, whether they are old super-party friends, "corporate America" former co-workers, or very conservative never-swore-in-their-life friends.


I like FB. I like seeing what everyone is doing, and I don't have to leave my house. ;)


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I post about once a week depending on what's happening in life.  Pictures of the kids if we're doing something special or fun.  I like things, share things I think are interesting or want to look back at later.  I follow a few pages- mostly science or education geared.  It lets people that live farther away know what the kids are doing.


When I actually do a blog post it automatically posts to my Facebook wall.


I have a few private groups I belong to - one is a local Moms group that I mostly just answer posts if I can help the person posting, one is for my 4-H group and I post the pictures from our meetings and any updates people need to know, and one is kind of a support group where we post about anything and everything.

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I rarely post about anything that isn't music-related for my kidsĂ¢â‚¬Â¦most of my Facebook friends are people I know through the kids' involvement in music and they like to see where the kids are performing. Sometimes I will post something dd has baked (kinda a joke with a couple other friends) and I post birthday wishes to friends and family. I like to see where our performer friends are performing so I know which concerts I want to attend, who is coming out with new CDs, and what else they are doing in their lives.


I can probably count on one hand the number of memes I have shared. I share friends' videos I like so other people can check them out. I also like seeing what our far away family are doing. I scroll through Facebook at least twice a day.

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