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Who is NOT eating turkey on Thanksgiving?

Renthead Mommy

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So who is skipping the bird?  Not because you aren't American and don't do Thanksgiving.  Not because you are vegetarians.  I'm asking regular old meat eating Americans.  What are having instead of turkey and why did you pick it? 



We are having pizza.  Homemade pizza.




There are only three of us.  Turkey is a lot of work and a lot of leftovers for only three people. 

One of those people only cares about mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce (from the can, and it needs to keep it can shape to prove it came from the can.)

While it is great that the different flights/squadrons/groups whatever do something special for thanksgiving, my husband had turkey three times last week.  He was already over turkey before we ever got to last weekend. 


We chose pizza because ussually when we order pizza, kid wants one thing, dad wants another thing and mom wants something else.  There are only two halves to a pizza.  Guess who usually loses out??  Yes, Mom.  So we are having homemade, individual pizzas with sky is the limit toppings. 


So pizza for Thanksgiving.  And cranberry sauce.  Because apparently we can eat pizza and skip the bird and all the sides completely, and that is fine, but if we don't open that can of cranberry sauce, Thanksgiving will be ruined for my 13yo.  Luckily, as easy as it is to open the can (both ends of course so the shape comes out perfect!)  I can live with that crazy rational. 

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We're a small family too and are having meatloaf!  None of us really like turkey that much.  Plus as you said, it's a lot of work.  We are having stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and cranberry sauce.  We've looking forward to an easy Thanksgiving this year.

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We're having stuffed shells. Half will have meat and the other half cheese only. I'll make focaccia and salad. Bakes mozzarella stick for an appetizer. 


There's just four of us this year and unless dd brings her dh and the grandkids, we never have turkey. We just don't care for it. 


We don't have turkey, ham, or roast beef for Christmas and don't have ham for Easter, either. 

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We are having white lasagna on Thanksgiving, but are having the big turkey dinner on Friday when everyone is available to come. But I am not cooking the turkey, we are getting a prepared meal from a local restaurant. I am so glad to get a break from making a big meal!

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We're having salmon since in the practice of our faith we're fasting from (most) animal products for several weeks until Nativity. Because Thanksgiving is a national holiday, a blessing is given for fish on that day.* Our parish does a "feast before the fast" the Sunday before the fast begins where we have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.


*Different jurisdictions do things in different ways, though; some ask members to keep to the Lenten fast even on Thanksgiving, some give a blessing for fish and some a blessing for turkey. Ours gives a blessing for fish.

Edited by milovany
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Well, they're (my ILs) making turkey and probably everyone else will eat it.


I won't because I don't care for it.  I can't say I hate it or anything, but with all the food that comes out on Thanksgiving, I'm not wasting stomach space on a bird that tastes like nothing to me.  

So I'll be filling my plate with the other stuff.  :)


I will probably bring some leftovers home to make hot turkey sandwiches the next day, though, and to put in some soup I'm making this weekend.  Because DH likes meat in this soup and turkey won't affect the flavor of it. ;)

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My mom keeps telling me to just get a turkey breast, as that is not too much meat.  But I don't like white meat that much, I prefer the dark meat on turkey.  And the kid might actually eat a drumstick.  I wish they sold just the dark half of a turkey like they do the just the breast.  Or even half a turkey.  I can get  a split chicken, why can't I get a split turkey??  See to me that makes sense for small families that  don't want a ton of leftovers. 

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We're having lasagna. Poor MIL spent years trying to make an edible turkey. It never was. Lol. So now she still would like to host thanksgiving so we give thanks by eating her incredible, totally from scratch all the way down to the sauce and pasta, LASAGNA!! Everyone is happy.

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My mom keeps telling me to just get a turkey breast, as that is not too much meat.  But I don't like white meat that much, I prefer the dark meat on turkey.  And the kid might actually eat a drumstick.  I wish they sold just the dark half of a turkey like they do the just the breast.  Or even half a turkey.  I can get  a split chicken, why can't I get a split turkey??  See to me that makes sense for small families that  don't want a ton of leftovers. 


I've seen smoked turkey drumsticks around here. You could try looking for something like that.

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I'm really hoping I'm having turkey tomorrow. After I had already purchased all the stuff to make our bacon maple turkey that my dh does so well, he decided he wants to smoke it in our bbq (that's um, not a smoker). I told him I'm going to not be happy if I don't have turkey!!!!!


As much as I enjoy a well cooked turkey, my most memorable Thanksgiving was one year when we were traveling my dad had planned to go to a restaraunt at one of our stops on Thanksgiving. Well, of course nothing was open, but the motel happened to have a few frozen individual pizzas that my family all shared. Memorable! I don't relinquish my turkey these days!

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No one around here likes turkey, nor do I like any of the traditional Thanksgiving dishes. So when we spend Thanksgiving alone like we are this year, I make what I want to eat and feel thankful for!


This year it's: steak with sauteed onions and mushrooms, baked sweet potatoes, steamed asparagus and broccoli with Hollandaise sauce, salad with all the goodies, and a homemade pecan pie for dessert.

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We don't eat meat - so, I am making a vegetarian sweet potato gratin with kale and chard, stir fried green beans, cranberry chutney, cornbread and black beans. Dessert will be pecan pie (store bought - my DH's contribution to the meal!).



(Can I come over?)



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We don't eat meat - so, I am making a vegetarian sweet potato gratin with kale and chard, stir fried green beans, cranberry chutney, cornbread and black beans. Dessert will be pecan pie (store bought - my DH's contribution to the meal!).

If you don't post recipes for the bolded, I will have to come to Thanksgiving at your place just to see what it is like.

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We're at my parents' house, and none of the people who will be eating Thanksgiving dinner here are big fans of turkey. Chicken will be the main dish, along with stuffing. I'm not sure what else is on the menu - probably various kinds of potatoes and vegetables, plus multiple pie choices for dessert. There are no big cranberry fans here either, so no cranberry sauce.


On Saturday we'll have a big gathering with the extended family on my mom's side (50+ people). That dinner is always more traditional and will include both turkey and cranberry sauce.

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(Can I come over?)





If you don't post recipes for the bolded, I will have to come to Thanksgiving at your place just to see what it is like.


My recipes are great, but, I am not a great cook :)


Recipe for Sweet Potato Gratin with Kale and Chard:

Basically, I use the recipe from this blog, but I add Chard in addition to the Kale (1/2 bunch Kale+1/2 bunch Chard). It also tastes absolutely delicious with spinach (no need to precook the spinach). I highly recommend this recipe and I have made it several times for potlucks and it gets a lot of compliments and it is very easy to make.


here is the link to the recipe:




Recipe for Cranberry Chutney with Orange and Crystallized Ginger:

makes 1.5-2 cups of chutney



1 cup water

Zest of 1 orange

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon (or more as per desired spiciness) cayenne pepper powder

1/4 teaspoon (or more as per desired) Garam Masala (optional)

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice

1/4 cup cut crystallized ginger (or use fresh minced ginger)

one 12 ounce bag of fresh cranberries 

1/4 teaspoon clove powder (optional, depending on taste)

1 peeled and grated apple (optional)



Bring water, sugar, and salt to a boil over medium heat, add the clove powder if using.  After water boils, add all the rest of the ingredients. Lower the temperature after 2 minutes to low and simmer for 15 minutes until thickened and the cranberries are well cooked.  Serve at room temperature.

Edited by mathnerd
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There are only three of us.  Turkey is a lot of work and a lot of leftovers for only three people...


That is how we started on lasagna.  I am an only child and my mother and I don't really like turkey.  I was in college before I knew by own eyes that a turkey has a spine.  One person (Dad) can only eat so mcuh turkey before it goes bad. 

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My recipes are great, but, I am not a great cook :)


Recipe for Sweet Potato Gratin with Kale and Chard:

Basically, I use the recipe from this blog, but I add Chard in addition to the Kale (1/2 bunch Kale+1/2 bunch Chard). It also tastes absolutely delicious with spinach (no need to precook the spinach). I highly recommend this recipe and I have made it several times for potlucks and it gets a lot of compliments and it is very easy to make.


here is the link to the recipe:




Recipe for Cranberry Chutney with Orange and Crystallized Ginger:

makes 1.5-2 cups of chutney



1 cup water

Zest of 1 orange

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon (or more as per desired spiciness) cayenne pepper powder

1/4 teaspoon (or more as per desired) Garam Masala (optional)

2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice

1/4 cup cut crystallized ginger (or use fresh minced ginger)

one 12 ounce bag of fresh cranberries

1/4 teaspoon clove powder (optional, depending on taste)

1 peeled and grated apple (optional)



Bring water, sugar, and salt to a boil over medium heat, add the clove powder if using. After water boils, add all the rest of the ingredients. Lower the temperature after 2 minutes to low and simmer for 15 minutes until thickened and the cranberries are well cooked. Serve at room temperature.

DH is going to be soooo excited when I surprise him with this today! Thank you!!!!!


The gratin sounds amazing. Can't wait to try it! Thanks for posting!

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We're a small family too today. We're doing a hybrid-Thanksgiving with ravioli, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, and pumpkin pie. I

call today Thanksmas because we've already started decorating for Xmas because early December is crazy-busy.


Have a great day,



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I'm really enjoying all these different Thanksgiving meal stories.  I usually hate to tell people what we're having because they act like they feel sorry for us. Yesterday a friend asked if we were having turkey and when I told them no, they invited our family to dinner- which was a lovely gesture but we like what we're having! I'm fully capable of cooking a turkey, ordering a precooked one, or going out to dinner.  It's just kind of annoying that people act so weird when they hear we aren't doing traditional foods. 


Mother in law is included- she always made ham, turkey, AND roast beef and she feels like I'm mistreating her son to not fix him a huge spread. 


So thanks, guys, for letting me not feel like a freak or a slacker.  

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We aren't. Sort of. DH is working today so we are doing Thanksgiving on Saturday. Today we're not having anything special, but on Saturday, we are having a turkey. In fact, today, we're mostly going to clean because Grandma is coming to stay for a while tomorrow and I'm having this baby next week and want the house in good shape before I do. This is our second Thanksgiving in a row that dh is working. Oh well, people are still sick on Thanksgiving. At least he has off Christmas this year.


I would love to switch it over to ham or something because I don't really care about turkey, but DH would mutiny. And since he's the one who makes the turkey anyways, I can't complain too badly.

Edited by Meagan S
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