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come judge my baby name :)



246 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you assume we are Italian based on the name Anna Teresa?

    • Absolutely
    • Possibly
    • Not at all
    • Obligatory other

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I'm leaning toward Anna Teresa for our next baby. Anna is 90%; Teresa is up for debate. Baby would be called "Anna" unless she were caught in mischief :)


DH told me the name sounded waaaay too Italian for him. We're not Italian (Northern European with the fair skin and eyes as proof). 


So, I'm seeking a bunch of irrelevant votes to sway my opinion one way or another. I'd trust the hive mind's opinion over my MIL ;)

Edited by fdrinca
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Well, there are no absolutes, of course. But if I heard the whole name, it would feel Italian or at least Mediterranean-ish. That said, hearing the whole name doesn't happen that often unless this is the way one normally says it.


I did sway away from one naming choice for my kid because, said together, it sounded so very southern. It just sounded too much like a name I'd hear being hollared off the back porch at dinner time. :D so, kept one of the two names and changed the other.

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When I hovered my mouse and saw the name Anna Teresa without reading your question, yes I thought Italian. If it matters, my maternal ancestry is Italian. But honestly, I don't think it would sound that way to everyone unless you live in an are where there are still a lot of descendants of Italian immigrants. I voted possibly.


Either way, I think it's a lovely name.


If we had a girl, one of my possible name choices was Donna Maria. My mother, the one whose family is FBI (Full-Blooded Italian) thought it sounded too Catholic - like a nun's name - but never said it sounded too Italian. :D  Dh was neutral on the name, but it wasn't his favorite.

Edited by Lady Florida
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Neither name sounds Italian to me. Even if it did a bit, what is wrong with that?


DH grew up in an area with a strong Italian influence. He very much felt like an outsider. I think he's sensitive to it.


There wouldn't be anything *wrong* with it. I'm just trying to discern how overly sensitive DH is vs. how it would sound culturally inappropriate.



Like a pp, my first thought was "Catholic" rather than "Italian." Actually, Italian wouldn't have crossed my mind at all. 


FWIW, I think it's a lovely name. 


Ding! Ding! Ding! Catholic is the goal :)

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Anna is one of my favorite names. When I was a teacher, every student named Anna that I had was delightful, intelligent, hard-working, etc. etc. They made a very good impression on that name for me! Now I would never name a boy Jason because of a couple of difficult students with that name! But you can't go wrong with Anna. Oh, and Anna is also Scandinavian (my Norwegian grandmother) and I think fairly common in Germany too (it's found in dh's family tree). I'm neutral on Teresa.

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I love the name Anna. I think Anna pairs well with countless names, so if you like Teresa, go for it.

When I was 6, I tried to change my name to Teresa. Funny thing because I don't love the name now, but then, it was the height of beauty. I think most names become perfect once the child is named, and I like your choice. It does sound Catholic, but my kids sound like Puritan men, so, obviously, I don't care about those associations.

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Catholic, yes. Italian, possibly.


But who cares?


My DD has a Latin-origin name that ends in "a," and her middle is Anne. Part of why I liked the combination was because it sounds so pretty in Italian, a language I love. We are not Italian even a little bit. Not Catholic either.


Then again, three of my boys have Hebrew names. I'm never sure if we sound Jewish, Catholic, or Amish, as all five children's names, plus mine and DH's are fairly common in both Jewish and Amish circles and at least several are in Catholic circles as well (not sure if all seven are actually names of saints or not).


I think Anna Teresa is pretty, and especially since you're not likely to use the middle as often, I really wouldn't worry about it. Go with what you like.

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I would assume Italian, most likely because my mom's cultural heritage is Italian, and both names are common in that family. 


Of course, we can all like the name and say it does not sound Italian as much as we like...but it sounds like your hubby does NOT like the name, so move on and find one you both like.


I agree. The name is lovely, and it shouldn't matter, but IMO, if your DH isn't comfortable with it, keep on looking.

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The Annas I knew were Ukrainian and Hungarian.  :)  I think it is a beautiful name.  Teresa sounds more Latina to me, but since it will be her middle name and not usually spoken, it would not create assumptions either way.


What is wrong with sounding Italian, I wonder?

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Another whose first thought was Catholic, not Italian.


Is it because of the repeated -a endings? That gives a bit of an Italian or Spanish feel to the name. Anna T(h)erese - with or without the h, Therese is listed on behindthename.com as Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish, among others, so that fits the northern European heritage. Anna has all three of those listed as well as Finnish (and others, obviously). Or maybe Annika T(h)erese/a?


Some other suggestions to go with Anna, from nymbler.com:


Anna Christine

Anna Caroline

Anna Charlotte

Anna Isabelle


With only Anna and Teresa to go on and trying to avoid -a endings, the suggestions are all over the place, but if you put in your other kids' names maybe you can see ideas that are more clearly to your taste.

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I'm leaning toward Anna Teresa for our next baby. Anna is 90%; Teresa is up for debate. Baby would be called "Anna" unless she were caught in mischief :)


DH told me the name sounded waaaay too Italian for him. We're not Italian (Northern European with the fair skin and eyes as proof). 


So, I'm seeking a bunch of irrelevant votes to sway my opinion one way or another. I'd trust the hive mind's opinion over my MIL ;)


Absolutely, but that is because we have 3 Anna Teresas, and about a dozen Anna OR Teresas on the Italian side of the family.


That's a good thing, right? :laugh:

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DH grew up in an area with a strong Italian influence. He very much felt like an outsider. I think he's sensitive to it.


There wouldn't be anything *wrong* with it. I'm just trying to discern how overly sensitive DH is vs. how it would sound culturally inappropriate.




Ding! Ding! Ding! Catholic is the goal :)


I already answered and then saw this. If your DH doesn't like it, find another name. What about the French version, like Anne-Marie Therese or Anne Therese?


Roseline Therese? Theresa Rose? Anna Theresia (this one is somewhat German, in case your DH is German)?

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I love the names Anne, Anna, Ann. When I hear or see the name Teresa my first thought is always the first girl I ever met named Teresa from 5th grade. She had blonde hair and brown eyes.

I don't think of Catholics and Italians when I hear those names but now that the connection has been made, I say go for it.

It is a beautiful name.

We had planned to call our youngest daughter by her middle name only. That lasted about a month.

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