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What do you have too much of? Maybe even h̶o̶a̶r̶d̶ collect a little?


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Oh, my.  I knew I liked Penzeys Spices too much.  I started looking for my Sate tonight and couldn't find it. I soon realized that I think I have a little problem.   :seeya:


I'm sick today and a little bored, so I decided to see how many I have. I have 105 different herbs/spices/items etc.   :gnorsi: And that is just the ones from Penzeys.  LOL


I added it up off their website, and they sell about 300 items.   I guess I only have 200 to go!  :driving:




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We've just moved, so I feel uncomfortably aware of how much stuff we have.


Curricula. Oh my. Manipulatives. Books. Board games. More manipulatives. More books. File folder games. Science supplies. Posters. Did I say manipulatives? Did I mention books?


Playmobil. I know this thread is about us, but really ... I'm the one who bought all this stuff. It could be that the parent was obsessed with those cool little toys.



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I'll see your Penzey's and raise you a whole boatload of garden seeds.  I can never have enough seeds!  I am up to about 130 varieties of tomato, 60 varieties of pepper, 15 varieties of eggplant, and on and on it goes.  I'm sure that will all increase over the winter.


In the meantime though, I need to get to Penzey's.  I'm almost out of cinnamon. 

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The 15 cent spiral notebooks from back to school sales. You can't have too much cheap paper can you?


Also chocolate chips. Why does Costco put them in a 4 lb bag? It seems I eat a handful everytime I open the fridge when my kids aren't looking.


Toilet paper. Ever since travelling 6 months in a country where toilet paper wasn't used much by natives and.I had to shove as much as would fit in my suitcase when stocking up on visits to the richer part of the city, I hoard TP. I always got nervous when I got down to my last roll of TP in the 3rd world country that I wouldn't make it back to the city before needing more. So when I returned, instead of buying the 4 roll packs of TP, I started buying the 24 roll packs. Now that I have a family and we go through TP quicker, I get nervous when we get down to about 10-12 rolls and run to Target to get a new mega pack.

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By most people's standards, I don't personally have too much of anything.  But a lot of my clothes are not there because I wear them, but rather because I might want to wear them someday.  Some of them have not been worn for at least 20 years.


We collectively have too many dishes in this house.  We have discussed giving some away in the near future.


One of my kids has too many stuffed toys.  They both have too many clothes and toys, but I do continually sift through their stuff and get rid of things nobody will miss.


Our basement contains a lot of stuff from discontinued businesses.  I think we should just donate all of it and be done, but I only get one vote, so ....

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The 15 cent spiral notebooks from back to school sales. You can't have too much cheap paper can you?


Also chocolate chips. Why does Costco put them in a 4 lb bag? It seems I eat a handful everytime I open the fridge when my kids aren't looking.


Toilet paper. Ever since travelling living 6 months in a country where toilet paper wasn't used and I had to hoard as much as would fit in my suitcase when stocking up on visits to the richer part of the city, I hoard TP. I always got nervous when I got down to my lost roll of TP in the 3rd world country that I wouldn't make it back to the city before needing more. So when aI returned instead of buying the 4 roll lacks of TP I started buying the 24 roll packs. Now that I have a family and we go through TP quicker, I get nervous when we get down to about 10-12 rolls and run to Target to get a new mega pack.

But but but is it hoarding or clutter if the items are actually essentials???

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Pencils and really any of the things you can get at back-to-school sales. I see 10 cent erasers and go into some kind of hypnotic state of buy-all-the-things!  I also own a ton of spices as I like to cook a variety of vegan food so I don't get bored. It's a pain when I'm trying to find a specific one though so I think I need to organize them.


All the other hoarding in the house is done by my kids (stuffed animals) or Dh (backpacks).  :glare:  I'm trying really really hard to have a minimalist home. Someone came over to my house for the first time the other day and joked that I must not have received my household goods shipment yet.  :lol:

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I believe I have a lifetime supply of index cards. I am unable to resist their siren song at a back to school sale. They hold such promise. Little blank slates of organization.


I finally broke my inexpensive notebook habit. I have been using my stash for 2 years now and still have plenty.

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All of this, plus turtles, clothes, shoes, and makeup.


We are moving soon, and I keep telling everyone I'm going to be "brutal" when dejunking. I'm scared. :)

Good luck!!! Decluttering can be a freeing experience. I had to get rid of more than half of my scrapbooking supplies when my scrapbooking room became a school room...and I still have a ton! :(
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