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For fun: What is the most unusual compliment you have received?


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Last week a stranger came up to us at the gym and said we're such a sweet family because we come to the gym together.  Um..ok.  What was funny was just as she was saying that to dh, I smacked ds upside the head (in jest) because I thought he'd been slacking on the treadmill. 

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I was getting my son out of the bike trailer when this woman who didn't know me at all walked up and said I was a great, fun mom. I guess because I biked the boys to the library?


Another time a couple approached me in the lobby of the SF opera and told me that I was amazing and that "men must walk up to me and propose marriage". I think they were enamored with the awesome heels I was wearing and how tall I am in them. I had on a little black dress. I dunno. It was a weird but nice compliment.

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I was riding my bike to meet up with a friend.  It happened to be around the time of day when the nearby high school is dismissed.  I stopped at a red light and the crossing guard asked me, "Did school let out early?"  This happened when I was a few years past 40.  Needless to say, I had a spring in my step the rest of the day.

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In her 50s, my mom was told by her gyno that her "uterus was just beautiful!"   :lol:  :lol:


It was followed up with advice at the end of her appointment to be VERY CAREFUL because she could still get pregnant.  But still, not something you hear every day!

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At school, a girl asked me what I'd eaten that had made me "smart". That baffled me a bit.


And last year I was complimented on the way I parented DS through a very big meltdown at the library. I was super self-conscious because I was in my wheelchair, and so had to really talk him through it, rather than just throw him over my shoulder and zip on out. So, it was really nice to be encouraged, but the way this woman went about it was to wait around until it was over, then come and tell me that she used to be a bus driver, and she can tell when kids are cared for and when they're not [insert knowing smile]. The intention was really very lovely, and I did so appreciate the gesture. The delivery was just a little, um... Well I was already feeling a little shell-shocked, so I probably just gave her a funny look and tried to smile.

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I have told this story before but it still makes me laugh 25 years later. I was putting my make up on when I heard a loud crash next door. I ran outside and discovered my elderly neighbor lady had driven her car into her garage door. I ran up to her door and open it and said, "are you ok?!". She looked up at me sweetly and said, "you have the most beautiful complexion."

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I pride myself on my excellent parallel parking skills.  But once I parallel parked my car in a *very* tight city spot.  As I was walking away from it, a man in a pickup truck said "MA'AM???" I kept my distance but acknowledged him. "I just want to tell you, that was beautiful.  That was a beautiful parking job." 


And so it was. I chuckled for hours after that!!!

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I was informed by a fellow classmate my junior year of high school that I had great birthing hips. He said that since he worked with his dad on their hog farm that he was trained to look for these things and if I'd been a sow, I'd be one of their best breeders. Just what every girl wants to hear in high school!


When I was in college a friend told me I had beautiful collarbones. 

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What about weird unintended compliments?


I had a college classmate who had a crush on me; I alternately intrigued and infuriated him. I found him to be a bit of a slacker and kind of full of himself. He also was constantly in competition with me (of his own making). One day I " showed him up" during a class discussion; I did nothing wrong, I was just right! He was red-faced and fuming and said, "You're just a...a...too-smart obnoxious punk!". I laughed and said, "Why, thank you!" to the roaring laughter of the class. I went back to my dorm room and changed my boring, vanilla AOL name (remember instant messenger?) to toosmrtobnoxpnk as I chuckled to myself.

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I am a doctor.  Many years ago when I was the tired mother of three little boys, I was working in my office and examining someone I had just seen for the first time.  I was looking into her ears...and she turned to me and said, "Do you have a lot of boys in your house?  You seem to be so calm...like someone who is used to a lot of chaos."


I was stunned by her insight and then wondered just how bad I looked.  LOL.

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When I was on my honeymoon, a lady came up to me in the drugstore and gushed about my hair's perfect color that she had been attempting unsuccessfully to dye hers for years. She told me to never dye my hair because it was perfect. Apparently I have the perfect natural shade of medium brown.


Now I do like my hair, but brown is a common color and at the time my hair was thick, healthy, and past my waist, so compliments were not uncommon, but she is the only person who ever commented specifically on my color.

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When DS was born I breastfed him and he never lost a single ounce of his birth weight. His 60-year-old cowgirl pediatrician swaggered in in her Wranglers, boots, and giant belt buckle and compared me to a Jersey cow since I had such rich milk.

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When DS8 was 6 months old, I took him to the ER in the middle of the night (he ended up having a serious case of RSV). When the nurse took down his diaper for a temp, she told me with much appreciation and approval, "You keep your baby so clean!" I was (and still am) very disturbed by that compliment. I feel bad for all the messy babies. :(

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A male coworker and I were discussing workplace issues and I told him something I'd said to my boss.  He said, "wow, you've got bigger balls than I have."  Not that I was actually trying for that particular distinction ....

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A friend of mine is often told that she has a sexy voice over the phone.  Several men have fallen in love with her over conference calls concerning finance.  :P  Weird.  If only they knew what a single-minded workaholic she is ....

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The strangest compliment is that I am good at receiving gifts. That cracked me up. I mean, who doesn't like to receive gifts? Who knew that receiving gifts was a talent, lol.

I don't like to receive gifts. :) Or compliments, really, strange or otherwise.


I know I've received some weird ones, but I can't think of any right now.

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Once my then-boss told me, "I've figured out what you are.  You're a mack truck!  You take forever to get going, but once you are on a roll you never stop!"  I am not sure that counts as a compliment, but it was rather unusual.  :P

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all 4 of us (dh, girls and I) always get complimented about our eyes and how young we look. Dh and the girls have long, thick dark eyes lashes (though dd2's has a hint of red to them) and we all have blue eyes.

I've actually have had people ask if I put fake lashes on the girls.

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Oldest dd gets compliments often on her red hair but one woman actually asked for a lock of it to take to her hairdresser so they could match the color. It was awkward (and, no, we didn't give her a lock of hair).

So weird! If you'd said yes would she have whipped scissors or a knife out of her purse? Or made you wait while she bought scissors? Did she have a Ziplock bag ready? I'm laughing trying to figure out how she planned to pull that off!

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I had not one, but three! really old guys tell me how much they liked my red hair. This was on Halloween and I was wearing a fluffy, cheap, obviously-fake-if-you-aren't-a-creepy-old-guy wig in imitation of Ms. Frizzle. I can only hope their eyesight was really bad.

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As evidenced by the fact that this is my 5th post on this thread, you can see that I like to talk and tell stories in particular. My college dorm mates dubbed me The Bard my freshman year and enjoyed hearing my stories. My best friend was a bit jealous of the attention and told me, "Your life is no more interesting than anyone else's--you just tell it more interestingly!"

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When DH and I were dating in college, the security/crossing guard/seminary student commented on how sweet it was to see a brother and sister walk to classes together all the time. We asked what made him think we were siblings and he said, "You know, you're always together and you look alike!"


A) We don't look alike (except that we are both human, I suppose).

B) Apparently if you're the one couple on campus that actually obeys the no PDA rules you must actually be spending so much time together because you're related.


We had a good laugh over that one.

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When I was 18 or 19, I worked in a small retail store. I answered the phone when my boss's husband called one day.  When she got off the phone, she told me he said I have a 900-number voice.  :mellow:


I still get self-conscious on the phone 20 years later.  I mean, maybe that's a sexy thing, but I don't want to go around giving the wrong impression, lol!

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One day at church a couple years ago, another woman told me I had nice legs.  Somehow from a woman (heterosexual at that) it meant more.


My daughters have told me I have nice legs.  One of them even said she wished she had my legs.  Must be all that running.



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I had someone track me down at the airport luggage carousel to tell me what a great job I had done of entertaining my boys on the twelve hour flight.  It was sweet, but I was left wondering what the alternative was....


My cousin once ran out of conversation with a girl he was dancing with.  He came up with, 'You have nice warm ears.'

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One day at church a couple years ago, another woman told me I had nice legs.  Somehow from a woman (heterosexual at that) it meant more.


My daughters have told me I have nice legs.  One of them even said she wished she had my legs.  Must be all that running.


Ooh, I almost forgot that one!

Mine was from the (female) ultrasound tech when I went to the hospital, convinced I had a clot in my leg.  She was so sweet and genuine in her compliment that I wish I had taken a moment to shave first, lol.

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