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and now...bedrest


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I am fifteen weeks pregnant with a surprise baby who showed up, despite contraception and twelve years  of diagnosed infertility.  I had a partial uterine rupture with my second child, and we were told to never get pregnant again.

Well, we didn't mean to.


Besides the partial uterine rupture, I also have a very large window(a very thin part of the uterus).  The good part was that the placenta attached to the only strong and thick part so my chances of a placental abruption went way down.

Until Wednesday, when I went into the ER with severe abdominal pain.  Turns out I have a subchorionic hemorrhage underneath the placenta and it has partially detached.  This was new from my ultrasound a week previous.


I was admitted for two days and released home on bedrest for at least a week.

Then this morning my husband threw his back out and can't get off the couch.


Please prays/send good thought for my little family today.  The stress just seems to keep piling on.  Tips on surviving bedrest is much appreciated too.


(I started a FB site to keep people updated on the baby's progress.  I am honestly emotionally drained and not up to posting each new development.  But if you would like to follow, it is

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I will pray for you and baby and your husband! I'm so sorry you're having complications and that your dh hurt his back, but a big CONGRATS on the baby. I was on bedrest with our oldest MANY years ago and played my guitar propped up in bed, read a lot, did cross stitch.


If it were today, I'd have a TV and DVD player or Netflix for movies, a big stack of books, a journal, my knitting, and my cell phone. I didn't have other kids at the time but if I did, they'd crawl onto my bed for read alouds.



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:grouphug: I hope you have people IRL that can actively and practically help you right now.

Yes, let other people bring meals and help watch your little ones. Don't be shy about telling people, especially if they ask what they can do to help. Help with laundry and general cleaning would be good, too.

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My mom, mother in law, grandmother and aunt are all helping with childcare and cleaning; and we have a lot of food being brought in.

We are very fortunate that way.


Unfortunately I am finding that the hours of lying here are leading my mind to think of worst-case scenarios.  I am trying to keep my mind occupied with books and movies instead, and my kids are happily enjoying the extra screen time and Mommy snuggle time.

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So sorry!  I had a subchorionic hemorrhage with my last four children, after losing the one before that. It really makes being positive difficult. But mine all did end up resolving on their own.  


Try to stay away from google, and find something completely ridiculous to distract you. A cheesy tv series or some good mystery novels. Wishing you the very best!

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Sorry to hear your news, but glad to hear you have help around there!  May everything go well for all of you.  You're in my prayers!


I'm of no help in the bedrest/mental exercise dept.  I've found I get antsy with anything beyond a day.


Perhaps starting a controversial thread on here that will go on for 10 - 12 pages would help?  What's your opinion about ______?  We've already done crockpots, cupcakes, sunscreen, terrorism, shopping carts, ebola, shoes in the house... and more that aren't coming to mind right away.  There have to be more topics out there.  ;)

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When I was on bed rest my 3yo and I made a wall mural in my room--she cut shapes out of construction paper and also told me what shapes to cut out (a tree, a sun, a rabbit, a bird…), then she taped them on the wall.  We worked on it for weeks, and kept it up for a long time.  The bright colors and sense of building something together were fun for both of us.


We were planning to repaint so I didn't care about the tape, but if you're concerned about your walls maybe a mural on poster board, or the door?


So glad you have good help!  Blessings to you and the babe.







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I am fifteen weeks pregnant with a surprise baby who showed up, despite contraception and twelve years of diagnosed infertility. I had a partial uterine rupture with my second child, and we were told to never get pregnant again.

Well, we didn't mean to.


Besides the partial uterine rupture, I also have a very large window(a very thin part of the uterus). The good part was that the placenta attached to the only strong and thick part so my chances of a placental abruption went way down.

Until Wednesday, when I went into the ER with severe abdominal pain. Turns out I have a subchorionic hemorrhage underneath the placenta and it has partially detached. This was new from my ultrasound a week previous.


I was admitted for two days and released home on bedrest for at least a week.

Then this morning my husband threw his back out and can't get off the couch.


Please prays/send good thought for my little family today. The stress just seems to keep piling on. Tips on surviving bedrest is much appreciated too.


(I started a FB site to keep people updated on the baby's progress. I am honestly emotionally drained and not up to posting each new development. But if you would like to follow, it is


I'm so sorry you're going through this. Best of luck to you and the peanut.

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I went on bed rest at about 20 weeks. It can be done! As you know you are the only one who can do anything for your baby now. Let everyone else do any  and everything! You can be bored and insane on the couch or bed. Have the coffee table set up so you can roll on your side to eat. Count the days, count the minutes of insanity. It does go by. I had a friend who learned a new language while on bed rest. That was a haha for me since the meds they put me on kept me so wired. i watched comedies and looked at magazines and waited for company to distract me. Praying all goes well.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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My mom, mother in law, grandmother and aunt are all helping with childcare and cleaning; and we have a lot of food being brought in.

We are very fortunate that way.


Unfortunately I am finding that the hours of lying here are leading my mind to think of worst-case scenarios.  I am trying to keep my mind occupied with books and movies instead, and my kids are happily enjoying the extra screen time and Mommy snuggle time.

I was on bedrest with 3 of my four kids. It is hard. Especially when you have other children that need your attention. BUT you must keep reminding yourself that it is temporary and helping this new life helps the whole family.


Please have your helpers take the children out of your home - give you a needed break - it is stressful to lay and listen to what is going on/not going on. DO invite friends to come see you several times a week, if possible. I had a friend that came once a week who really didn't know me all that well in the beginning (she had heard I was on bedrest and had been on it herself so she had a heart for my situation) - now she is one of my dearest friends.  But do tell them not to bring kiddos that are sick at all - even a runny nose! One gal brought a bunch of her kids and shared how they had been throwing up the night before! I asked her to leave right on the spot - I had to look out for my baby and family. You don't need that extra complication. Do ask friends who offer to help to come get your kids for a playdate (if they have kids same ages.) My kids got lonely and bored. We didn't have family near by to help though. I paid for every minute of help that I got.



I did read and watched a lot of movies. After my last baby, I could not read a book (other than those pertaining to my kids school) for YEARS. Except my Bible. There are great podcasts too...sometimes positioning to watch or read was tough, but you can lay and listen. Watching home movies of your kids or your own from your growing up years with your kids is  a nice way to spend some time with your kids.


Do NOT read horror stories or any stories about pregnancy. I did that and suffered from a lot of extra anxiety. Don't. Reach for a magazine instead. 


I did stay awake during the day so that I was able to sleep most nights - as much as one can pregnant! And I just kept my mouth shut about running the house...I am such a nit picker at times...that was a challenge. But it was a big help to my hubby.


I will be praying over you and yours. If I lived closer, I would come visit and start a friendship!



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I had five bedrest pregnancies, including a couple of hospital bedrests. I dealt with chronic placental abruption and some other super serious issues.


My advice:

1. Call everybody you know and ask for help. Most of them want to, but are afraid to step in or don't know how to offer help in a practical manner. Turn "let me know if I can do anything for you" into, "I'd really love it if you could help clean my bathrooms sometime this week" or "My children desperately need to get out and have a play date some afternoon this week" or "I have a grocery list, would you mind buying stuff for me when you go this week?"  You will have many opportunities to pay the blessings forward; don't feel guilty for asking for help when your life and the baby's is on the line.

2. Have someone coordinate meals for you using mealtrain.com. Where you have gaps, utilize your crockpot.  We would have cereal/yogurt/fruit for breakfast, my children ages 3+ made sandwiches/chips/baby carrots for lunch, and we had crockpot meals for supper. I would use a potty break for my time up, and most crockpot meals can be thrown together in <5 min.  My kids used a plastic tablecloth on the floor to eat in front of me.

3. Live on the couch or bed. Keep everyone with you. I kept a stack of books on one end of the couch, and my laptop and telephone with me. We had a rough routine for our day.

4. Get a netflix subscription if you don't already.  Amazon prime (with shipping!) can be your friend too.

5. Keep packed bags in a corner of your room or in the front hall closet, including packed bags for your kids, and any medicines they might take. I kept a laminated list in the bag of those, as often there was no time to handoff. Family & friends met us in the ER. I'd also keep a list of friends likely to be home (although in this case your dh likely is home) who can be there in 5 min in case you get taken out by ambulance. The most traumatic thing that happened to me was when I went off by ambulance and there was a 5 min gap before family got there. The kids weren't alone, but *I* wasn't prepared for the separation.

6. Don't think about trying to make it to week 40. Make your first goal to make it to week 24. When you make it to viability, then try to make it to week 28. 33 weeks is another milestone moment.  

7. Savor what you can. I regret that I didn't get pregnancy photos done this last go around, and that I didn't get to do much shopping. If there is something that is meaningful for you, plan to do it, regardless of the outcome.  casting keepsakes.com is a wonderful website where you can do arm or leg casts that are in amazing 3D detail. Sometimes skin is too fragile to do those, but there are a number of things out there.  Prenatal hospice exists, and if you need to go looking for that, know that it exists.  Everyone handles things differently, and for me, having a plan in place helped me manage my anxiety.


Huge hugs!

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