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Quite an eventful wake up call


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We are on vacation in Florida. 


My 10 year old woke up at 4:45am to find a scorpion in his shirt and bites all over his shoulder/upper arm area.


I had no idea there were scorpions in Florida!  


He killed it and we have pictures to prove it.   Thankfully FL scorpions are not poisonous.  But the creature did leave welts/bites.


Poor kid.  






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I have an irrational fear of scorpions. We had them in the Atlanta area and I learned to be careful folding clothes left in a basket or putting my foot in shoes. Our cat was stung on the nose. 


I hope it's the last one you see on this trip and that your son is not afraid to go to bed tonight. I'm 53 and I'd probably be afraid. Kids are more resilient than this set-in-her-ways  old lady. 

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That's horrifying.


I'm glad he's not suffering any effects from the bites, but wow--I don't think I could get back into bed. I still check under my pillows every night 25 years after leaving home because occasionally as a kid I'd find a spider hiding there. DH knows I won't get into bed without doing "the check". **Shudder**

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I never saw one when I lived in Orlando or Naples, but we had them all the time in Jacksonville. Good news is that they tend to be solitary. I freak out when I see one, and beat it to death with a shoe. They like water/dampness and wood chips.


I actually decided not to go to grad school in AZ because of the students' talking about emptying out their shoes to check for scorpions each morning.  Little did I know that I was living in a state with scorpions!

Sorry for your DS. :(

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I never saw one when I lived in Orlando or Naples, but we had them all the time in Jacksonville. Good news is that they tend to be solitary. I freak out when I see one, and beat it to death with a shoe. They like water/dampness and wood chips.


Sorry for your DS. :(

I have never seen one, either! But I know they exist - our landscaper once told me to avoid a certain kind of mulch because they like it best - now I can't remember which kind.


So glad your son isn't reacting to the bites [i meant stings. I've heard the stings of these scorpions described as wasp-like.]. With that many, I'd pick up some Benadryl just to have on hand. Poor guy!

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Yikes! I knew we have them and that they aren't poisonous, but I've lived here 45 years (nearly all of my life) and never encountered one. You come here on vacation and your poor kid meets one. :svengo:


I'm glad he's okay. 


that's what I was thinking...I've lived here my whole life and NEVER seen one, or known anyone that has seen one. And he's here a few days and finds one? Crazy!


I actually didn't realize the ones we have are not dangerous...good to know. 

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We lived in FL for ten years and I never saw one. But several of my rural friends said they would have to be careful getting their mail because they liked going into mail boxes.

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They are creepy, aren't they? One of my fingers is recovering from a scorpion bite from a couple of weeks ago -- it still hasn't fully regained sensation. Unfortunately, most of the Arizona scorpions are the "bad" kind. I'm glad your wasn't!

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How terrifying!  My daughter woke up with a scorpion in her sleeping bag once, while staying at a hostel in Turkey.  Another time she woke up with a big rat in her bed, when on a semester abroad in Senegal.


Luckily she is pretty thick-skinned.  I think I'd be afraid to ever sleep again after that!



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Much as I'd hate the scorpion, I have to say waking to a rat in my bed would do me in.


Hope your guy is feeling better today, and I wonder if I am the only one wishing I could be a fly on the wall when he tells his friends about this. Certainly he will achieve some sort of mythic hero status for surviving his scorpion attack...

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We went to the parks today and he seems to be fine.  


However, he is sleeping in a diff. bed tonight.   :laugh:


I don 't think the place is infested.  We are in a townhouse rental and my guess is that he somehow wandered in.


We saw several when we lived in SoCal, but I had no idea they were even close to FL or NC.  I have now been educated in the fact that they are in both states.  YIKES.

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We find them frequently in our house. I do not put clothes on the floor because they love to hide in them. I turn on the bathroom light at night if I have to go because I am paranoid of stepping on one. My poor younger ds stepped on one several years back which stung him. In fact, he screamed and when I turned to look at him I saw the thing hanging from his toe where the stinger was stuck. Horrifying! There are no dangerous ones in Texas, either. They freak me out, though.

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Now I am grateful for our freakishly cold weather....no scorpions, and no rats in alberta (so they say, and yet I know of a family behind us that found a dead rat under their couch that the cat killed), and no poisonous spiders in my area, and yeah.  I'll take cold over arachnids anyday (though my house is "infested" with spiders right now at least they are not poisonous, just icky)

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I hate scorpions. We have all been stung by them. One time I got dressed (jeans), drove 25 minutes to Walmart, walked to the back of the store and felt a sting on my thigh. I starting jumping around and hitting my leg and then I got stung on my calf. More jumping around and a scorpion fell out of my pant leg into the floor. Needless to say, I squashed him. I expected to hear crazy lady on aisle 4 over the loud speaker!


I am sorry that you son went through that, but glad he is ok!

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I hate scorpions. We have all been stung by them. One time I got dressed (jeans), drove 25 minutes to Walmart, walked to the back of the store and felt a sting on my thigh. I starting jumping around and hitting my leg and then I got stung on my calf. More jumping around and a scorpion fell out of my pant leg into the floor. Needless to say, I squashed him. I expected to hear crazy lady on aisle 4 over the loud speaker!


I am sorry that you son went through that, but glad he is ok!

"Stripper in aisle 4!"

I don't know if I could keep my pants on when I know something is stinging or biting me. :lol:


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Ouch.  Sorry he got stung.  We had them all the time growing up in North Central Florida, but I never saw any when I lived in South Florida.  If you want to google something cool we also had these things we called "cow killers" which looked like gigantic fluorescent orange ants but are actually some sort of wingless wasps.


Fire ants- now those are the worst thing in the history of ever.

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:svengo:I think they move into buildings because of drought.  My parents had a big influx in Tx two summers ago.  There were dead scorpions in the light fixtures. 


Also, I think scorpions are the scariest looking bugs in the world!  Worse than spiders!  That's part of the horror - they look so, so bad!

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Maybe the Benadryl calmed down the allergic reaction but when it wore off, it returned.  Ds had very minimal affects after his sting.


I don't like the way scorpions move.  When they are freaked out, they run in circles with their tails up!  Ewwww.  One time I looked into our bathroom because little dd was on the toilet.  She was about 3-4 and her feet didn't touch the ground.  There was a scorpion beside the toilet running in circles trying to sting whoever was bothering it (poor little dd on the toilet).  I ran in there and snatched her off the toilet as soon as she was finished and then the scorpion went wherever the toilet water goes!

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Maybe the Benadryl calmed down the allergic reaction but when it wore off, it returned.  Ds had very minimal affects after his sting.


I don't like the way scorpions move.  When they are freaked out, they run in circles with their tails up!  Ewwww.  One time I looked into our bathroom because little dd was on the toilet.  She was about 3-4 and her feet didn't touch the ground.  There was a scorpion beside the toilet running in circles trying to sting whoever was bothering it (poor little dd on the toilet).  I ran in there and snatched her off the toilet as soon as she was finished and then the scorpion went wherever the toilet water goes!

OK - in the highly unlikely event I ever go somewhere they have scorpions, I'm never ever going to pee.  At least not without a baseball bat.  

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