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Pet Poll


What class of pet do you have?  

187 members have voted

  1. 1. What class of animal do you keep as a pet?

    • Mammal
    • Reptile
    • Fish
    • Bird
    • Insect
    • Amphibian
  2. 2. Do you think its ok for animals to have "people" names?

    • Yes
    • No

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We had fish in the past, so I will answer that, but we don't currently have any pets and I plan to keep it that way.


DD16 used people names

DD8 gave the fish food-names like Blueberry.

I think it is funny when pets have people names, so I vote that it is ok to name them that way.

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We have four aging predatory mammals, plus one who only checks in with us every few months. The four we named have names inspired by the names of characters in television shows, movies, and books. The fifth, Otis, came with his name. So all "people" names but mostly off-beat ones or ones from other languages and cultures.

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Currently we have 1 dog and 1 cat. We have had love birds, 1 cockatiel, parakeets, goldfish, tree frogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, anoles, some other type of small lizard, crickets, lady bug, and resident fuzzy jumper spiders that we do not kill or catch.

We generally do not name reptiles, amphibians and insects.


We name them people names sometimes, sometimes not.

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I've never heard of people who object to an animal having a "people" name. Is that a real thing?


Hi, nice to meet ya! 


I do not care for the critters to have people names. It's just weird to me. So when we inherited Sally the dog, I changed her name to Salem. She didn't seem to care.


One of my favorite pets was a gorgeous German Shepherd I named Shelby--long before Steel Magnolias made Shelby a popular name. I named her for Shelby county, TN....because I thought it was a pretty word. And, yes, I do get that Shelby was a good ole southern name before SM, but I'd never heard it before.


I did have a horse named Amy, short for Raj Amiek. I would not change her name so I just thought of it as a variation of the French word for friend. She was one of my very best friends.


We've had an assortment of dogs, cats, birds, and fish...I prefer all their names be non-human type names. Admittedly it's a challenge.



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Dogs (over a span of several years): Ben, Casey, Kylie, Penny and Ted

Cats: Minki, Hobbes and Oreo

Horse: Jovi

Rabbit: Binky (formally Jar Jar Binks)

Guinea Pig: Snuggles


Birds / Poultry: Olivia, Betsy, Lucy Lou, Little Lou (Lucy Lou's daughter), Hetty or Henrietta, Rosie, Jingle Bing (don't ask), Reuben, Martha, Josie - there were more but I forgot a few. We used to put names in a hat and draw them to name our flock.


Reptile: Iggy, the Green Iguana


After living in the zoo for many years, we are down to one dog, albeit a very large dog...

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I've never heard of people who object to an animal having a "people" name. Is that a real thing?



I don't know, but it sounds a bit silly to me.  If I give my cat a name, it is a cat's name, n'est-ce pas? Calling it Jenny or calling it Peanut makes it neither a person nor a legume.  

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We have a fish.


I did vote "no" to people names, but would have voted "other" if it was an option. I don't really like peopel names for pets, but I truly don't care all that much. I think naming a dog "Robert" or "Miranda" is weird, but if it;s not my circus, they aren't my monkeys. :coolgleamA:

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On lionhead rabbit, one turtle, one gecko, one tree frog, one cat, one dog, and if middle ds had his way, a partridge in a pear tree, but I put the hammer down on getting anymore animals.


Many of our animals were named after composers, though the dog is, sad to say, Clives Staples Lewis whom we call Lewis, and sad for Mr. C.S., this dog is not particularly smart so it's a bit of an insult. Sniff, sniff...we really like CS Lewis! LOL


The dog is good natured at least, Stupid, but happy and loveable.

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We have 2 dogs and one cat with people names (named from Star Trek characters).


Our hermit crabs (courtesy of the WTM's Ellie many years ago) have Star Wars names (youngest dd named them).


Older dd's are bearded dragon owners-- they have had a mix people and fantasy names (Drako-- my avatar, Lizard-Bella, Bob, Tobey and Sam/Samantha--too young to tell which).


My 'grand-kitties' are Daniel and Vala (from Stargate).



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I much prefer people names for pets.


Currently we have a dog named Paisley. And two, part-time cats(they are my dad's, we live close, they visit a lot) named Simon and Gemma.


Past pet names are more scattered. The dog I grew up with came to up already named Prince. Also another dog named Romeo. And my first cat, I named MC, for Melissa's cat. Other cats have been: RC, Domino, Sophia, Pearl, Alice, Squeaker.


ETA, I forgot my Bearded Dragon! He is named Toothless, after How to Train Your Dragon.

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Our cat's name is Paul. Our dog's name is Miami because we pulled her out of the Little Miami River, but due to toddlerness she's now called Whammy.


Previous animals:

Daisy and Dolla were our rabbit and guinea pig. 

Marley was our cat who loved the sound of Bob Marley.

Sh*ts, Giggles, Cakes and Pies were our mice. My husband named the first 2.

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Our cat's name is Paul. Our dog's name is Miami because we pulled her out of the Little Miami River, but due to toddlerness she's now called Whammy.


Previous animals:

Daisy and Dolla were our rabbit and guinea pig. 

Marley was our cat who loved the sound of Bob Marley.

Sh*ts, Giggles, Cakes and Pies were our mice. My husband named the first 2.


Someone watches Family guy   :laugh:

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We got ds a puppy for his 7th birthday, and since it was his dog he could name it. One of his choices was going to be Kevin. I have no idea where he even heard the name. While I didn't tell ds not to pick that name, I told him when people give their dogs human names, it's usually something like Sam, Max, Jake. He did end up picking a different, not-people name but that was his choice. Five years later when Up came out, we had a good laugh when Russell named the bird Kevin.

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It's not really my cat, but it lives here.


It used to drive me nuts that my mom named her dog "Brianna", but I've lightened up in my old age or else it just isn't as annoying as it was when 90% of the cute little girls in the world were named Brianna. Maybe it will annoy me if she names her next dog "Agnes".


I don't know if my older son's cat is named after FDR of Benjamin Franklin, but it's still a people name.


My younger son has a hyphenated first name and my sister already used the second part after the hyphen for a dog. It's still a great name. I could imagine my parents looking aghast and asking, "WHY did you name your child after your sister's dog?" but they didn't and my sister died 16 years before my kid was born so nobody else remembers the dog.



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