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Do you allow your pets on your furniture?

Just Kate

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We have a 12 year old lab that we never allowed on furniture. However, we just got a new puppy, and ds is adamant that he wants the pup to be able to hang out on the couch so they can cuddle. I'm trying to decide what I think and would love to hear what others do.


Also, how do you keep your house from smelling like dog? Now that we have two, I can't seem to get the dog odor to go away!

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We have cats, but yes, they are allowed on furniture. 


The best defense against pet odor is to clean regularly. For us, it's litter boxes and vacuuming the upholstery. We also wash the cats' bedding every couple of weeks. When it's raining I can smell the dry cat food - it drives me nuts! Febreeze is my friend on those days! Odors can also be worse in the winter when the heat is running, so I am extra diligent then. 


For you, you will most likely need to bathe the dog regularly. 


Another thing to consider is their food - different foods make animals smell differently. I have a cat that I refuse to give Purina food too. If you notice a strong odor coming off of the dog or in their poo, consider talking to the vet about making a food change. 



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No. The mastiff is simply huge and would take up the love seat or a good portion of the couch. Also, he would slobber all over the upholstery and shed hair copiously. We limit where he can go most of the time. He has a large room (our laundry room) where his bed and food/water bowls are. He goes out multiple times every day and has an outside area as well.


The laundry room is adjacent to the kitchen and we have the door open and a toddler gate keeps him in the laundry room while he can see me in the kitchen and hear what is going on in the house. I talk to him all the time and rub his head while I putter around. Occasionally, he comes out and wanders around briefly but usually goes "home" to his room.

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Yes to pets on furniture.  Looking around right now I see one dog on the couch, one on the loveseat, and a cat on the back of the couch.


To keep the house smelling nice -- The dogs get frequent baths.  All the pets are fed high quality food and all pet bedding is washed at least every other week.  Our couch and loveseat and recliners are all leather, so they don't hold any odors like upholstered furniture tends to do.

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Yes, my 85lb dog is allowed on one of the couches and the beds. I keep the couch covered with a sheet and dog blanket. I wash them weekly.

As for the dog smell, houses with dogs smell like houses with dogs. However, some things that minimize that doggy smell :

Deodorize carpets and upholstery with baking soda. More frequent vacuuming and mopping. Wash dog bedding regularly.

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Yes, all our animals are allowed on furniture.

Here's my setter: https://twitter.com/positivelydog/status/472107326057361408   :)

What breed is your puppy? Some breeds are smellier & need more bathing or a different food. My guys aren't smelly -  except when my malamute rolls in something dead.  That girl has the talent for finding dead thing, or goose poop, and rolling in it.... LOL

I prefer to treat the dog as much as possible through good nutrition, salmon oil supplement, ear & anal gland hygiene (if necessary).  Febreeze works too but I like Pure Ayre better because it actually gets rid of the odor.


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Yes, we allow our dog and 3 cats on the furniture but our dog is the same size as a cat and I'm sure that factors into our permission. I think if we had a large dog, I'd be against it. Can't swear to that though because I love hanging out with the dog while watching TV or snuggling with her in bed.


ETA: picture of our mutt on a different sort of furniture. Truly you can't keep her down. She loves her people too much.



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Yes, all our animals are allowed on furniture.


Here's my setter: https://twitter.com/positivelydog/status/472107326057361408 :)



What breed is your puppy? Some breeds are smellier & need more bathing or a different food. My guys aren't smelly - except when my malamute rolls in something dead. That girl has the talent for finding dead thing, or goose poop, and rolling in it.... LOL


I prefer to treat the dog as much as possible through good nutrition, salmon oil supplement, ear & anal gland hygiene (if necessary). Febreeze works too but I like Pure Ayre better because it actually gets rid of the odor.



He's beautiful!


Our old shepherd mix loved to roll in Dead Thing. I miss her dearly, but not the frantic baths!

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Nope. I don't like dog fur all over my clothes. Okay, so we do have one piece of furniture in a room we don't actually use that the dog has taken to. I keep a sheet over that sofa to catch the fur (for when we do want to use that room). She used to sneak in there and make herself at home on the sofa. If she heard us coming, she would quickly exit the sofa.

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Yes, all our animals are allowed on furniture.


Here's my setter: https://twitter.com/positivelydog/status/472107326057361408   :)



What breed is your puppy? Some breeds are smellier & need more bathing or a different food. My guys aren't smelly -  except when my malamute rolls in something dead.  That girl has the talent for finding dead thing, or goose poop, and rolling in it.... LOL


I prefer to treat the dog as much as possible through good nutrition, salmon oil supplement, ear & anal gland hygiene (if necessary).  Febreeze works too but I like Pure Ayre better because it actually gets rid of the odor.




What a beautiful dog! 



Yes, the dog is allowed, the cat never asked permission. ;) My dog sleeps on the bed and has her own pillow, ds tucks her in bed everynight. In the winter she has her own blanket. 

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Nope!  We have leather couches and her nails could do some serious damage.  We try to give her a bath every two weeks and I clean carpets at least every two weeks.  Otherwise our carpets smell like dog.


Depends on the type of leather and how well the pet's nails are kept clipped.  Our couch and loveseat are about twelve years old and have survived multiple pets with no issues.

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Kind of.

Not as chewing puppies, but when they are older, and assuming their nails are trimmed, yes we do.

So, our new GSD is a negative - not allowed on the furniture (still chewing things), but our 12 year old IG is allowed on the couch. 

Our late GSD was allowed on the couch once he was older. 


Our couch had to be repaired recently, courtesy the mixed breed that we had to rehome to a special needs rescue (the destruction had nothing to do with the rehoming - he was also aggressive). He tore, to shreds, one entire cushion on the leather sofa, and chewed straight through the cloth panel backing, and ripped up another cushion. Blessedly we were able to find a wonderful furniture repair place and they were able to repair most of the damage. 


We have hardwoods so cleaning up after the dogs is pretty easy and the house doesn't seem to retain any "dog smell" because I sweep and mop daily. Of course, we could just be used to it, lol. I'm mopping MUCH more than usual lately, because our new little GSD is in the middle of housebreaking, lol.

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What is this thing "big dogs don't fit on couch" you speak of? :lol:


(yeah, that's my non vegan white leather couch. Been a source of some ethical debates here about whether we should get rid of it now that we're all vegan or keep it till it becomes unusable....)


Well, since the dogs (I assume) are not vegan, can they have it?  I mean, officially. :001_tt2:

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Our 65 lb. border collie is allowed on the sofa and loves to cuddle with us.  But he knows that It's not his sofa, it's ours and we invite him to join us.  Being allowed up there is a privilege - he "asks" before getting on (at least most of the time) by standing and looking longingly at the sofa and then at you with his best puppy dog eyes.  And he gets down when asked.   

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Cats yes, dog no.  I wouldn't say the cats have permission, they just do whatever they want and I dare anyone to come here and change that!



LOL!  Same here.  I'm just grateful that the cats still allow ME on the furniture.

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I have 16 lb poodle bichon mix. He actually can't climb on the furniture. He gets on my bed and dd's bed when dd picks him up and puts him on either bed to cuddle. She does this on mine when she and I watch movies together. Seamus believes he's not supposed to do this and looks up to dh as the pack leader. So, when Seamus hears dh's footsteps in the hall, he scrambles and jumps from the bed, even when dd tries to hang on to him.

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Dogs, no. Cats, yes.


The dog has a great, comfy dog bed right beside the couch--he is with us and very content. He has a pillow in our bedroom and just sprawls beneath my feet when in the office with me.


The cat is allowed on the couch and beds. The dog totally doesn't get why the cat can get on the bed and he can't. We find the cat doesn't like our leather couches--he waits until a lap appears before getting on the couch.

No cat is allowed on the kitchen counters or tables...or the Christmas tree for that matter. I'm a good shot with a spray bottle.



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Originally, dogs were not allowed on the furniture. The lab obeyed this rule. (The lab has since passed away).Then we got a tiny, 5-week-old Schnauzer. He was so cute and didn't shed so why not? Then we got an 8-month-old Weimaraner who was extra needy and a bit neurotic. I tried to keep him off the couch, but every time I turned around, he was back up there. He sheds, but it's harder to see and I'm tired, so what the heck, I let him on the couch. Tried to keep him out of my bed, but the poor thing can't sleep unless he is touching me. I gave up that fight, too. Then I got a cat. Well, cats seem to do whatever they like, but I do spray her when she tries to get on the kitchen table. She hasn't tried to get on the kitchen counters yet, but I'll spray for that, too. She's free to go anywhere else. She would sleep on my bed at night I'm sure, but I put her in the laundry room at night, because I barely get sleep with the two dogs and hubby in the bed.


Short answer: yes.

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We had six kids running around. The pets certainly felt safer on the couch rather than the floor!    I really discourage cats on counters and tables, but our other furniture was selected because it was kid proof so I figure the pets won't hurt it either.

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:laugh:     Just yesterday, (I was pesting my son and) he told me if I didn't stop it, there was a water bottle with my name on it just waiting for me when I got home.



:laugh:  I poured a glass of ice water on a mouthy teenage son many years ago. I didn't really help, but it was satisfying.

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Our 65lb Golden Retriever? No. My mom's cute little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who visits on occasion? Sure. The cats? I have no illusions as to whether or not they care what I think. This time of year I'm lucky if I can get away with *not* personally being furniture for cats.


There are still plenty of opportunities for family members to cuddle with the dog. My four year old likes to lie on the floor and use the dog for a pillow. Also, the Golden often likes to stand and lay his head in your lap. He seems to survive just fine. He's only tried to sit on the furniture once, but since I asked him to get off he's never attempted it. He really hates for anyone to be cross with him.

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Yes, our dog is allowed on the furniture and sleeps in bed with my oldest son.  She's a little 10 pound Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix.  I don't know if I'd be okay with a large dog on furniture.  She gets bathed weekly.  We don't have an issue with the house smelling like a dog.  It might help that we don't have carpets except in bedrooms.

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Depends on the type of leather and how well the pet's nails are kept clipped. Our couch and loveseat are about twelve years old and have survived multiple pets with no issues.

Yes. Our couch, loveseat, and recliner are the same age. They've been through 2 golden retrievers, a chihuahua, and 2 cats and the only place they show any wear is in dh's spot.


We did choose a really high quality leather when we ordered this furniture. At this point, I'm sick of it but it's never going to wear out.

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You can't tell cats not to do something.  LOL


Yep they sit on the furniture and sleep on the beds.  Sometimes they sleep on top of me.


I don't like them on the counters though so I take them off.  Only one of my cats ever attempts it.


Sure you can!


Just don't expect them to listen.  :glare:

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It never occurred to me not to allowed the cat on the furniture. If it weren't for the fact that I saw that my father and his wife trained their cats to never get on the sofa, I never would have believed you could keep a cat off the sofa. On the other hand, they always have weird tape on their sofa, so I'm not totally sure if it's much of a sofa saver.

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We got a dog that was afraid to climb on the couch.  I have no real issues with pets on furniture in general although it does make it harder to keep the furniture clean.  I tend to try and discourage it with dogs, unless they can sit in my lap.  Never successfully discouraged a cat, though.  Laps are better.  I like them in my lap.  Easier to wash clothes than a couch and I tend to love cuddling with our animals.  I was honestly kind of relieved to have a dog that seemed strongly disinclined to leap up on the furniture.  Yeah!  But DH started TRAINING our new dog to climb on the couch.  He insisted it would be cool.   :confused1:  And she sheds something awful.  Thanks, hon.  So yes, we allow our pets on the furniture.   :)

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