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What do you call your glove box?


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I am referring to the little storage compartment above the passengers' knees in a car.


I have always said 'glove box'. I used the term with a friend and she looked at me like I had two heads. So what do you call it ?

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Wow, I haven't head the term jockey box since I was little.  My dad used to call it that.  :0)  He was from Wisconsin and they had a dairy farm, so maybe it was a regional or farm term? 


ETA: I found reference to the term Jockey box in a dictionary from the late 1800s, describing it as a box under the seat of a wagon used to hold small things.  That makes sense, since my dad was born in 1925 and remembers when they got their first car.  

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Glove box.  Is there another name?


NB: I grew up in the Midwest.  Maybe it's a regional thing like pop vs. soda?


Glove box here in the mid-atlantic too.   I've also heard Glove compartment - and maybe some in my extended family call it that.  Don't really know.  It's not the kind of thing we discuss when  gathering for weddings and funerals. :lol:


Besides those two - is there another option?

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I don't know if anyone outside of my group of friends says it, but it's always been "glovey". That looks weird. I've only said it, never written it.

This is a common term in my circle, too.


Glove box, glove compartment, glovey, just open the damn door in front of your knees and hand me _________. I use them all. :-)

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I call it The Thingy,

The mad pointing motions are silent.

Mostly silent.


We really only pay attention to it when we have an immediate need for something.

Napkins for a messy sneeze, insurance and registration for the cop that pulled me over ...

Same goes for the kids. If I'm distracted, everyone is YOU. No, not you - the OTHER you!

Those mad pointing motions are much less silent.

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