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When all of your kiddos graduate, what is your plan?


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I will be 41 when ds is 18. I have given this a good deal of thought, but I just don't know.


Dh seems to have plans though. He says there will be a dedicated naked time :lol: post work hours every day. I told him the flaw in his plan is assuming that just because they are 18 and 19 doesn't mean they won't still live with us.  But just in case, I suggest anyone who wants to visit me, should probably call first. :lol:

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 Of course, if I need to I will, but...we're talking ideal plans here, so....no job.  


Ooooh, I didn't realize we were playing what if!


If I didn't have to worry about paying for the kids' college (the expenses not covered by my son's scholarships and the loans we took out to pay for our daughter's degree) and try and make up for some of the financial hit we've taken keeping me home for the last 19 years, I would probably do some combination of buckling down and trying to finish one or more of the many, many novels I've started and abandoned over the years and volunteering to teach or tutor struggling students. I would also pick up and move my husband and pets to an adorable apartment in Manhattan, where we could be close to our daughter and (probably) son, as well as all of my favorite things to do for fun.


Unfortunately, I seem to have lost my key to my home in the World of Fantasy. So, I'm starting a new job this week.

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Based on watching what my empty nest parents and in-laws were doing then, I suppose I'll be taking care of my dad, step-dad, mom and in laws-all of whom are local. I'll be 48 if my youngest takes the community college early option or 50 if she doesn't. All the other siblings and their spouses work full time, so it will make more sense for me to do that.


I hope to do some volunteer work with the underprivileged.

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I will be turning 50 when that happens.  I will likely continue to work for the hospital where I work now part-time.  I will likely stay part-time but I don't want to work every weekend anymore.  I would like to be more on my dh's schedule so we can spend more time together.  

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The DC are going to school this coming year so this has become a subject near and dear. Within a day of signing them up, at least a half dozen random people asked, "So what are you going to do with yourself now?" (Because apparently the cook, maid, laundress, and chauffeur  will be taking care of the meals, cleaning, laundry, and shuttling. :glare:)


I told DH about this. His reply? "I think you should take 6 months and just read all those grownup books you've collected for 8 years and haven't had a chance to get to."


While I love the sentiment, I'd go crazy. I'll read a little, do the projects that have piled up for 8 years, and do some work for a service organization that I have only been involved in peripherally before.

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This thread is timely for me.  I've been thinking and reflecting on this very issue.  We had wanted several kids and are blessed to have one 15 yo dd.   She is s.n. and will be with us a while longer before she is launched, so to speak.  She'll be 17 or 18 before she has her "full" license.  She'll probably be 20 when entering college.  So, she'll be with us for longer than other kids who head off at 18. 

But, I don't want her to leave.  Oh, I do want her to grow up, get married, work if she so desires, have child/ren.  But, there is a part of me that wishes kids could stay young for longer!  :)   


Based on the above, I've given thought as to what I will do.  I'm contemplating part-time work now and later to add classes and volunteer work. 



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After my brief but glorious world acclaimed stint in the circus McGurkus, I'll settle into work as a financial officer for a non-profit or public agency, aided by my having studied and worked PT before my sons are graduated to get my CPA. At some point I may run for local office. But I'll keep the flying trapeze and the fabulous glitter circus costumes.

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Well it happened to me last year when my youngest graduated!  I never really had any idea what I'd do;  I only knew that I loved to write and hoped I'd have a chance to do more.  Things have happened a little differently due to a very unexpected turn of events.  But, I am still starting a novel and doing some freelance writing on the side. 

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I have no idea. Read. Relax. Use my dining room as a dining room instead of a schoolroom/dining room.
To hear my mother tell it I am champing at the bit to get out of the house and go back to work so I can feel valued and enjoy adult interaction because my life is so hard taking care of my disabled husband and homeschooling. Whenever she makes these comments I champ at he bit to end the conversation.

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Do you mean what my dreams are or what my dh's are?  We are only two years away from the end of our homeschool journey.  I see myself working part time at a very flexible, low stress job which means little $$ but allows time to be available when kids are home, need to be picked up from college, time to visit with my Mom.  I also want to have time to give to young Mom's so they can have a break and I also want to have time to pursue my interests which have been put on hold the last many years. I would also love to see my home rise again from all the clutter that has accumulated over the last 17 years while I have been busy being a Mom 


Dh's idea is that I find a full time job that pays big bucks.  Not sure where it is going to come from after being out of the work force a good fifteen years.  I suppose I could go back to school but I am not sure how we help two kids pay for tuition plus myself.  I will also be 55 when the kids are done with high school so I am not sure if the investment would be worth the amount of years I could work after I am done. I would love to do something in Geriatrics. And, if I did work full time does he realize he will then be responsible for 50% of the house work.  I think that would only be fair! It should be an interesting ride for the next couple of years but hopefully a clear picture of what direction to take will appear that is if I can find my way out of the house through all the clutter.



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I could take a college course now, but I really have no desire to do it. I can't imagine having MORE motivation when I'm 10 years older and more forgetful. ;)


I think I'd enjoy having the time to play more tennis, travel, kayak, visit the dc and granddc and do fun activities. If dh and I need some additional funds, I'd work part-time in something where I don't need more specialized school. My uni degrees and previous work experience are pretty versatile. 

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I love hearing all of the different plans.  DH and I prefer for me to stay home, garden, support our children, etc.  I am just not sure that will be practical? We have no retirement savings.  DH simply plans to work as long as he physically can and not retire.  If Social Security even exists, I have *heard* that DH can't fully collect until I hit retirement age and I am 8 years younger.  Because of that scenario, me staying home might not be practical but it truly is what we prefer :( 

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I have 4 years to go. I work part time right now at a couple of things... I clean an office, (which I love, because it is flexible to the utmost... I never have to miss a thing!) and I teach trumpet ... mostly summer beginner stuff for the local school district. I have looked into what it would take to get recertified in music and decided it's too expensive and too risky--- there are just way too many music teachers out there. So for these last four years while my son is still home I am going to clep every math class possible and take the rest at CC for 30 credit hours and try to get certified in adolescent math. Then I can start work and do my masters simultaneously... as a challenge to myself. :) And if that doesn't work out, I'd like to get some kind of job at one of the local colleges (don't care what.... food service is fine as long as I get free classes as a benefit!) and take classes and participate in every campus activity until I die. :) Maybe I'll just haunt the place after, too.

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I'm nearly there. Youngest dd is a Junior this year. I used to think about going back to school since I was there 4 years ago, but I don't think I can handle the studying anymore. I've been working with ds18 on his high school work and so much of it is over my head. Then sometimes I think I'd like to work with little kids in a daycare center, but would anyone hire a 48 yr. old when  their applications probably are more with young 20s. So I'll probably end up staying where I am, being a housewife. DH doesn't know when he'll retire, but he's only 57 so he has time to think. I hate the idea of losing all the benefits he gets when he quits. I'm hoping we don't reach a point where I have to get a job. I'd rather get one because I want one and not feel obligated to stay if it doesn't work out. Now I'm rambling. :)

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I love hearing all of the different plans.  DH and I prefer for me to stay home, garden, support our children, etc.  I am just not sure that will be practical? We have no retirement savings.  DH simply plans to work as long as he physically can and not retire.  If Social Security even exists, I have *heard* that DH can't fully collect until I hit retirement age and I am 8 years younger.  Because of that scenario, me staying home might not be practical but it truly is what we prefer :(


Can you tell me where you read that? I'm 11 years younger than DH. We assumed he'd draw full SS and I'd just be out of luck until I become of age.

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I'll be 55 when Hobbes is 18.  I'm already working almost full time and will carry on.  I won't get my state pension until I'm 67, so I'm unlikely to retire before then.  That's fine - I did a lot of travelling when I was young, so I had that time.


I do like the idea of building my own house - initially to rent out to tourists; later to move into ourselves.  I don't know if we will get planning permission to build, however.



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Based on watching what my empty nest parents and in-laws were doing then, I suppose I'll be taking care of my dad, step-dad, mom and in laws-all of whom are local. I'll be 48 if my youngest takes the community college early option or 50 if she doesn't. All the other siblings and their spouses work full time, so it will make more sense for me to do that.



We have big generation gaps on both sides of the family.  My mother is the only grandparent left and she is ninety this year; my stepmother has two daughters of her own to care for her.



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Assuming no more kids, IĂ„Âºl be 56. At this point I dont know if we will homeschool forever. I'm feeling a bit restless right now but I do enjoy hs'ing and don't feel ps is the best option. I would like to figure out something to do on the side part time in the near future when my youngest is a bit older and less demanding so I have something to delve into more when that time comes. I have yet to think of anything that seems worthwhile at this point. I thought about returning to school to earn my Masters so I could do counselling but tbh I don't feel like doing school right now. So, I'm looking for something fun/enjoyable that doesnt require much if any training that pays decently, seems like a pipe dream :)


eta I have a fantasy about opening rockclimbing gym. But I'm not much of a business person and I fear it would fail and would cause financial hardship.


I'm interested in cooking, nutrition and fitness, not sure how to monetize those things within the realm that I am interested in our smallish town.

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I love hearing all of the different plans.  DH and I prefer for me to stay home, garden, support our children, etc.  I am just not sure that will be practical? We have no retirement savings.  DH simply plans to work as long as he physically can and not retire.  If Social Security even exists, I have *heard* that DH can't fully collect until I hit retirement age and I am 8 years younger.  Because of that scenario, me staying home might not be practical but it truly is what we prefer :(


That is totally false.

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I love hearing all of the different plans. DH and I prefer for me to stay home, garden, support our children, etc. I am just not sure that will be practical? We have no retirement savings. DH simply plans to work as long as he physically can and not retire. If Social Security even exists, I have *heard* that DH can't fully collect until I hit retirement age and I am 8 years younger. Because of that scenario, me staying home might not be practical but it truly is what we prefer :(

You might want to start here http://www.ssa.gov/retire2/index.htm :)


I know things can and may change before your retirement age, but it's always helpful to know the current regulations.

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If I homeschool until the end, I will still be pretty young - probably under 40.  If my DH is making enough, I may just stay home and putter around - keep stuff clean, cook and travel with him.  Otherwise I'll head back to university in about 4 years and either brush up my degree or get another and attempt to enter the job market.  Not sure how well that would out.  My cats will also be gone by then, so I'd be free to travel for longer periods.


I'm actually kinda scared about this part in my life.  I don't really know what to do.  

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Sleep in every day, work on my garden and get re-addicted to all the soap operas I used to watch BH (Before Homeschooling). No, not really. I do have sort of a plan. I want to enroll in the Master Gardener program at the UC Extension and become a Master Gardener and then do education and volunteer work through them. If I'm still able to get around. I'm 46 now and my baby is only 3. Even though the "penciled in plan" is to homeschool through 8th grade and then send them to the local Christian High School, I'll probably have to be getting a job for pay to afford tuition.

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Can you tell me where you read that? I'm 11 years younger than DH. We assumed he'd draw full SS and I'd just be out of luck until I become of age.



That is totally false.



You might want to start here http://www.ssa.gov/retire2/index.htm :)


I know things can and may change before your retirement age, but it's always helpful to know the current regulations.



What country are you assuming she lives in? It might be true, or it might not.




She said Social Security.  I'm unaware of any other country besides the U.S. that refers to their elderly pension type program with that same name.




I am in the US.  I have always "heard" this.  That we cannot collect full retirement until I hit retirement age?  Typically retirement for just DH is not sufficient to live on unless you have a retirement fund and we do not.  Maybe after the kids are raised we can really save but not now.

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We're there - or at least will be within 2 weeks.  Hubby and I talked about this a bit over our 26th Anniversary dinner this past Tuesday and finally nailed down plans (we've been theoretically talking about it for a year or so).  We're going to fix up some cosmetic parts of our house that we always planned on doing after the dog died (already happened) and the kids grew up... we started these last fall, but got stopped.  We're going to finish in Sept and Oct.  It will be nice having things stay cleaned after we go through it!


Then we've started our bucket list for travel.  Once per month (after Oct) we plan on going somewhere - usually small trips, but twice per year they will likely be larger trips.  This coming Feb we'll be in the Bahamas (already planned).  Other options include Italy, South America - esp the Amazon and Iguazu, more Caribbean Islands, South Pacific Islands, China, and we want to go back to Hawaii.  We both know we can add anything we want and we'll make a joint decision when we pull something out.


Then, of course, we'll be working.  We both love our jobs and they are flexible enough to allow for the travel - a GREAT plus!


So... now I'm looking forward to empty nesting - in a way.  I'm still going to miss my guys...



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This is my second time around to have this opportunity since my kiddos are 20 years apart.


The first time I worked.


The second time I plan to just work. My work is most of my identity. We already have parents who need us and live with us. That just takes up more time with each passing year. Our parents are spread out in ages so I am sure parental care will encompass a huge chunk of my life.


Now if we were really dreaming, I would sell everything and buy an RV that only holds one person.

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I am in the US.  I have always "heard" this.  That we cannot collect full retirement until I hit retirement age?  Typically retirement for just DH is not sufficient to live on unless you have a retirement fund and we do not.  Maybe after the kids are raised we can really save but not now.


I think you're changing horses midstream here.


In your first post you referred to when/how much your DH could collect.  And in this post you refer to "we."  Whether you're looking at things from an individual basis or a couple basis makes a difference.


Simplistically, your DH can collect his full SS benefit once he reaches the full retirement age.  Or he can collect a reduced benefit at an earlier age.  When he is eligible to start receiving SS benefits has nothing to do with your age.  The same scenario is true for you.


Now there are some options and strategies about how you can do things to maximize the combined benefits you receive as a couple.  The simplest of those options is that you can either receive the benefit you're entitled to, or you can receive half of his if it's more than yours.  There are other strategies that can be used, but it can get pretty complicated to figure out which works best.  There may be some online worksheets to help figure it out, or it may require the help of a financial adviser.

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I am in the US.  I have always "heard" this.  That we cannot collect full retirement until I hit retirement age?  Typically retirement for just DH is not sufficient to live on unless you have a retirement fund and we do not.  Maybe after the kids are raised we can really save but not now.


If your spouse dies, you can not collect his social security benefits until you are retirement age.  Maybe that's the confusion?

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I'll be 51 when the last one is done. Dh will be 50, and he has no intention of retiring before 70 or older. He loves his work. I figure I'll have a good 15-20+ years to work, so I don't think of myself moving toward retirement at that point. My pipe dream is to open a private school, loosely based on CM methods. I'm sure that dream will evolve over the next 18 years. ;) My other plan (like half the people in the world) is to write. I love writing, I've been doing it my whole life, but I am so blasted tired these days. I long for it.

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I think you're changing horses midstream here.


In your first post you referred to when/how much your DH could collect.  And in this post you refer to "we."  Whether you're looking at things from an individual basis or a couple basis makes a difference.


Simplistically, your DH can collect his full SS benefit once he reaches the full retirement age.  Or he can collect a reduced benefit at an earlier age.  When he is eligible to start receiving SS benefits has nothing to do with your age.  The same scenario is true for you.


Now there are some options and strategies about how you can do things to maximize the combined benefits you receive as a couple.  The simplest of those options is that you can either receive the benefit you're entitled to, or you can receive half of his if it's more than yours.  There are other strategies that can be used, but it can get pretty complicated to figure out which works best.  There may be some online worksheets to help figure it out, or it may require the help of a financial adviser.



Not changing horses.  I just meant to say *we* in the first post.  My mistake.  We cannot collect a full retirement until I am retirement age.  Most couples either have a savings or depend on a two person retirement.  We will have at least an 8 year gap between our retirement ages (they keep making it older so who knows).  Therefore, I am not sure me staying home is an option.  We'll see.  The only sure thing in life is change.  Who knows where we will be by then :)

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I'll be 53 when my youngest graduates high school. I believe I will spend the first year sleeping and deep cleaning my home.:D I had thought about working again, but I don't know. I have no desire to go back to school, nor could I imagine that it would be financially beneficial at that age. But the future is hard to tell. I also imagine, that by then I could have grandchildren, which could keep me occupied.

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I'm working now, and will continue the same type of work.  Only three years left of homeschooling, so this is more planning than dreaming.


I'm younger than DH with probably a decade or more of working left, and he's making noises about retiring. Yup, right when we have one or two in college.


It will be fine though. My work hours are largely self-directed, so that leaves plenty of time for everything else.  I'd like to do some volunteer work too, among other things.

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I'll be 43 and dh will be 47. I actually plan on trying to go back to work in two years when oldest dd is driving. Dds will be in high school together then so oldest can drive them both. In a perfect world, I will be working at the school across the street so I can walk and dds can take my SUV (so we won't have to buy a third car right away). Hopefully, I can get on with at least one of the schools so I can have the same time off as dds. I'm completing my AA degree next year and hope that will help with finding a job. I haven't worked at all outside the home since I was pregnant with oldest and everything here, even a receptionist, seems to require at least an Associate's.

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I'll only be 39! My husband will be 44. Maybe I'll go back to teaching, maybe I'll open my own school, maybe we'll foster teens, maybe we'll travel the country in an RV, but maybe I'll have one child who needs to live at home with is permanently- only time will tell.


We talk about all of those things.


Six more years!

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I am starting over with a new little one, and we plan on one more, so I will be retirement age by the time they launch lol. My original plan was to go to work, because we started early, and I would have been in my mid 40s when my last one left, but now I will be closer to late 50s, so maybe we will just have dh retire early and travel. :)

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